unit 5 Project for Employment Law: MGT555 MGT555-2401B-02


Assignment Details

In Part 1 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, you completed the Separation of Employment and Noncompete Policy about the process and procedures for employees’ separation from the company and a QUESTION – QUESTION of the instances where employees would be subject to noncompete agreements.

In Part 2 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, you completed a Recruitment Policy, where you proposed rules and procedures for recruitment of employees and so forth.

In Part 3 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, your team created an Affirmative Action Plan and Religious Accommodation and Racial and Religious Discrimination Policy for your company.

In Part 4 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, you created a Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation and Misconduct Policy for your company.

In Part 5 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, you will show how collaborative leadership practices support an effective Privacy and Wages and Benefits Policy. Your Privacy and Wages and Benefits Policy must include the following:

Benefits information

Overtime compensation

  • Details regarding work breaks
  • Hours of work
  • Job classifications and pay ranges
  • Attendance
  • Sick leave
  • Vacation leave
  • Bereavement leave
  • Leave of absence with pay
  • Leave of absence without pay
  • Holiday schedule
  • Family and medical leave
  • Permitted uses of computers and phones

European Financial Market


Every country and region in the world faces its own financial and economic issues. Europe’s financial markets comprise of international bonds and equity markets. The Association for Financial Markets (AFME) in Europe is a trade association representing the world bond market. It is important for you to apply the concepts learned in this week to analyze some key issues faced by European financial markets.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,

  • Explore some of the key issues concerning financial markets in Europe on the following webpage: Key IssuesLinks to an external site..
    • Pick one key issue from the topics list on this webpage to explore further (e.g., Brexit, Digital Finance, Financial Crime, etc.).
    • Review the Overview section and a few of the key documents, studies, or resources included for your topic.
  • Find a webpage, website, or resource that provides information about the international bond market.

In your initial discussion forum post,

  • State which key issue you explored.
  • Summarize what you learned from exploring your key issue:
    • What is the key issue about?
    • What did you learn?
    • What did you find interesting?
  • Discuss how any one topic covered this week aligns with the key issue you read about.

UO Pause Method Case Study


For this Case Study assignment, you will be using your own personal conflict examples applying THE PAUSE approach. The PAUSE approach is not about ‘pausing’, be sure to use the model and instructions provided in the text. See the rubric for more guidance. Choose three past personal examples of conversations/conflicts.

Readings for this assignment are from our Course Textbook (pdf attached): The Mindful Guide to Conflict Resolution, by, Rosalie Puiman (2019), pp. 1-35 & pp. 139 – 156.

Detailed instructions for the process in this assignment are on Pg. 144, Puiman (2019).

1. Apply PAUSE to at least three Past Conversations/Conflicts to Practice. You will apply the PAUSE process to at least three past conversations/conflicts. After you complete the detailed step-by-step process for each, go back and reflect and share (minimum 200 words/maximum 400 words for each scenario) about any patterns or themes you noticed about each of the scenarios and more specifically. Consider what you have learned about your own conflict/EI styles, theories and methods of navigating conflict, etc., including connection with course resources and personal experience—share also about what parts of the PAUSE approach you feel confident in and how you need practice.

WMBA6990 WU Strategy Playbook for Exceptional Results Questions


continue to play the role of a consultant who has been brought in by the CEO of your selected organization to lead a tiger team.



continue to play the role of a consultant who has been brought in by the CEO of your selected organization to lead a tiger team.

Complete Section 1 of your playbook. Be sure to address the requirements for Part 3, and include specific examples (where appropriate) and relevant citations and other appropriate academic sources to support your work.

1: Organizational Purpose

Provides a thorough and detailed analysis of how organizational purpose can empower a business strategy.

2: A Purpose-Driven Organization

Give a thorough and detailed explanation of what a purpose-driven organization is.

3: Purpose and Competitive Business Strategy

Provides a thorough and detailed identification of how a purpose-driven organization can lead to a competitive business strategy.

4: Organizational Structure and Strategic Business Practices

Give a thorough and detailed analysis of how the structure of the organization they identified in Part 2 impacts the organization’s strategic business practices, including in what ways the organizational structure enables/enabled the organization to take advantage of strategic opportunities, have an impact, and/or achieve or maintain a competitive advantage.

Project 5 Report


Answer the five questions below. They focus entirely on the financing, risk/return, Cost of Capital and Budget Forecasting of Largo Global Inc. (LGI) based on the investing activities that took place in project 4. Base your analysis on the data provided and calculated in the Excel workbook.

Provide a detailed response below each question. Use 12-point font and double spacing. Maintain the existing margins in this document. Your final Word document, including the questions, should not exceed 5 pages. Include a title page in addition to the five pages. Be sure to include tables and graphs. Name your document as follows: P5_Final_lastname_Report_date.

You must address all five questions and make full use of the information on all tabs of project 5 as well as data in other Excel workbooks (e.g. from project 1: ratio, common-size, and cash flow analysis).

You are strongly encouraged to exceed the requirements by refining your analysis. Consider other tools and techniques that were discussed in the required and recommended reading for Project 5. This means adding an in-depth explanation of what happened in that year for which data was provided to make precise recommendations to LGI.

The Performance Management Planning & Execution – Discussion Question


The Performance Management Planning & Execution

Discussion Question

Question Requirements:

In your textbook, in Chapter 2, Figure 2-1, provides an overview of the performance management process and its associated components. There are many critical factors that contribute to the successful implementation of a performance management system. Failure to understand these factors can result in issues for organizations, leaders, and employees. 

Consider the scenario below and explain how each aspect of the performance management process, as noted in figure 2-1, can be altered/addressed to ensure employees success.


When Amal was hired on for her role as an Administrative Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer, she was thrilled about the opportunity to work for Organization ABC. Unfortunately, the information provided in her job Question was limited. After a month on the job, despite receiving two days of training from the person Amal replaced, Amal’s supervisor noticed that her performance was inadequate. Amal’s current supervisor knows that she is a phenomenal worker, based upon past employer references. 

Response Items to Address

To ensure Amal’s success, and the success of future employees, what aspects of the performance management process need revision? Also, how can future performance management aspects be successfully addressed?

Needing help with a project in healthcare / community health managment


in this project, you will conduct your own research and then create and evaluate a health promotion program that targets one of the following issues:

tobacco use cessation,

type 2 diabetes,

  • mental health disorders,
  • increased physical activity (either childhood, adult, or elderly), or
  • early childhood nutrition.
  • After reviewing the resources in  Study Guide and conducting your own research, create and evaluate a health promotion program to address your chosen issue.
  • Your project must accomplish the following objectives:

Provide detailed information on how you will use MATCH (Multilevel Approach To Community Health): a five-step planning model (selection of health and behavioral goals, intervention planning, program development, program implementation, and evaluation) introduced on page 173 of your eTextbook to create a community health intervention program.

Provide detailed information on how you will use each of the five major steps of programming (program planning) to create a community health intervention program.

Propose a minimum of three specific and realistic objectives for your health promotion program.

  • Demonstrate critical thinking by providing detailed information on how you will use each of the six steps of evaluation to evaluate your program.
  • Discuss the performance improvement approaches that are most relevant to your program.

Journal — Analysis of Professional/Academic Writing


Provide the titles of these documents in a short introduction to this 2-page analysis.

You don’t need to post the samples.  

  1. The main assignment: please write a 2-page, double-spaced analysis of how these authors establish credibility as seen in the writing and use of language, syntax, and other features of academic/professional writing.  I want you to focus on the sentence-level writing (syntax, active voice, etc.) but identify and comment on other conventions authors use to establish their ethos or credibility with their audience.  
  2. Please refer to the documents I discuss in the weekly lecture: “Teaching the Conventions of Academic Discourse” and the website from Lumen Learning.  These two sources are found under our Writing Unit Readings.  
  3. This assignment you are writing is a 2-page analysis incorporating BOTH samples and BOTH sources.  You can provide a short introduction for the reader but then discuss the ethos and academic nature of the samples via the writing strategies used in these documents. 
  4. Include at least 4 specific references (note the reference, cite it in your writing) to the two sources (“Teaching the Conventions . . .” and Lumen Learning).

Doctoral Writing


Topical Introduction Draft and Revisions
This assignment has three distinct parts. Carefully follow the instructions for all parts and submit each as separate documents.

Part I: Appealing to Readers First Draft
For part one, you will write the first draft of an introduction to a topic in your discipline/domain using one of the approaches described by Greene and Lidinsky (2021, pp. 364–373).

Part II: Second Draft Revisions and Annotations
Copy and paste your Part I submission into a new document, and review and revise the introduction, indicating in annotations why the revisions are being made. Note the differences between revising and editing from the textbook (editing will be done in the next part). Submit this Part II revised document as a second draft.

Part III: Editing and Final Draft
Run your second draft from Part II through the free version of the software tool Grammarly. After you upload your document, you can see the details of your overall score and download a PDF report of the initial score.
Edit your document based on the recommendations provided. You must include the PDF report from Grammarly as Appendix A of your submitted final draft.

BUSN120: Lease


For this week’s discussion, please review the following scenario & then answer the corresponding questions:


Invitation Homes rented a house in Chicago, IL to Rebecca for $3,000 per month. Rebecca paid the first six months’ rent (January through June), but then her furnace broke. She called and put in a service request at the end of June. After two more months of paying her rent (July and August), Invitation Homes has still not repaired it. It is now September and the weather is starting to get a bit cooler. She was not concerned at first, but has decided to refuse to pay rent for September in protest. 


1.  What are the rights and responsibilities of each party? 

2.  What is the Warranty of Habitability in Illinois or more specifically Chicago? Research state and/or local leasing laws. Is there any law that requires a residential home that is leased to have working heat?

3.  Is it permissible for Rebecca to withhold her rent until the furnace is fixed? Why or why not?

4.  If this situation occurred in your state, what does the law state on the matter? Research state and/or local leasing laws.