i needs someone to make me a word and PowerPoint , my business idea is an outsourcing engineering company


This week you are putting together your first report in a chain of reports that will be parts of your final report. This aspect of the capstone will continue developing for five consecutive weeks until the final draft report of week 6. You have to adhere to APA 7.0 and cover the sections as required for a particular week. Now that the makeup of your team has been finalized and you have organized your team to manage the work ahead, for week two your report should contain (30 points- note the breakdown):

Cover Page (2 points)

Table of Contents (2 points)

  1. IS strategy and alignment with company objectives (5 points – 150 words)
  2. Capability and Maturity Analysis (11 points)
  3. IS Overview (Describe the Market You Are In) (5 points) 
  4. Relevant applications (5 points)
  5. You must have a presentation of each week’s progress report using a video PowerPoint Presentation to the project owner—Use zoom to record the presentation and ensure a proper setting, appropriate dress, and professional presentation (10 points).
  6. Review a peer student progress report. In your evaluation, rate the oral presentation, and review the content, APA format, citations, spelling, and grammar (18 points). Use the Peer evaluation form for your rating.

Upload your presentation. Review the tips included in the following link for preparing your presentation:

Cairo University Inventory Valuation and Cost of Goods Sold


1. Inventory Valuation and Cost of Goods Sold:

ABC Corp. uses the FIFO method for inventory valuation. At the beginning of the year, the company had 1,000 units of a product with a cost of $10 per unit. During the year, the company made the following purchases:

– Purchase 1: 2,000 units at $12 per unit

– Purchase 2: 1,500 units at $15 per unit

At the end of the year, 1,500 units are still in inventory. Calculate the cost of goods sold (COGS) for the year.

2. Bond Amortization Schedule:

XYZ Corp. issued a 5-year bond with a face value of $1,000,000, a stated interest rate of 8%, and interest paid annually. The market rate for similar bonds is 6%. Create an amortization schedule for the first two years, showing the interest expense, amortization of premium or discount, and carrying value of the bond at the end of each year.

3. Cash Flow Statement Analysis:

The following information is extracted from the financial statements of LMN Inc.:

– Net Income: $1,200,000

– Depreciation Expense: $300,000

– Increase in Accounts Receivable: $150,000

– Increase in Inventory: $200,000

– Decrease in Accounts Payable: $100,000

– Purchase of Property, Plant, and Equipment: $500,000

– Sale of Investments: $200,000

– Dividends Paid: $100,000

real estate ry



Please write a 2 page paper on…..the past practices of predatory lending: what are predatory lending practices, why did it happen, who were the victims, what is being done to stop this practice.  Please Note:   Once your assignment is submitted and graded, the grade will be final, no re-submissions will be allowed.


Some guidance on your written assignment regarding Predatory Lending.

2 full pages with 1 inch margins on all 4 sides, no large typeface, use the standard 12 pt type.

Definition: Predatory Lending is defined as intentionally placing consumers in loan products with significantly unfavorable terms and/ or higher costs than loans offered to similarly qualified customers in the region for the primary purpose of enriching the loan originator along with little or no regard for the costs to the borrower.

Caution: Just because a loan carries a perceived high interest rate or is identified as a ‘sub-prime’ loan, it does not necessarily indicate it is predatory.

For your paper, please include the following:

Define predatory lending in your OWN words.

Identify tactics that Predators use

Discuss examples of prohibited behavior (one is: loan flipping)

Identify who the ‘targets’ are for Predators

Discuss solutions for consumers to avoid falling victim to Predators

What steps the authorities are taking to stop this unfair practice

Research and Presentation on Foundation of Book Chapter



Research and Presentation on Foundation of Book Chapter

Objective: To deepen understanding of the foundational research behind a book chapter by exploring related literature, summarizing key findings, and presenting on a relevant paper.


Research on Google Scholar:

??Use the author of the book chapter and the bibliography in the back of the book to perform a Google Scholar search on the foundation of your assigned book chapter.

??Compile a table that includes bibliographic data (author, title, journal, publication year, etc.) of ten papers that either cite the original work or are related to it.

Paper Summaries:

??Choose five papers from the compiled list.

??Provide a summary of the findings in each paper, including key points, methods, results, and implications. Write a paragraph for each summary.


??Choose the most interesting paper from the compiled list.

??Prepare a 10-minute presentation on the chosen paper, using PowerPoint slides to illustrate key points.

??The presentation should include an overview of the original foundational paper, context on the related research, and a discussion of the chosen paper’s findings and significance.

Written Paper:

??Write a five-page paper that summarizes the original foundational paper and provides context to the related research.

??Include an introduction, literature review, summary of the chosen paper, and conclusion.

??Properly cite all sources using a consistent citation style?(APA, MLA, etc.).

In Chapter 4 of your Creswell textbook, the authors’ state


PSY-536 – Assignment 7

In Chapter 4 of your Creswell textbook, the authors’ state: 

The ethnographer moves into a theme analysis of patters or topics that signifies how the cultural groups works and lives, and ends with an “overall picture of how a system works” (Fetterman, 2010, p. 10). Fetterman describes the function of thick QUESTION – QUESTION for the reader, stating “ideally the ethnographer shares the participant’s understanding of the situation with the reader. Thick QUESTION – QUESTION is a written record of cultural interpretation. This QUESTION – QUESTION includes verbatim quotes reflective of cultural concepts such as the social structure, kinship, political structure, and the social relations or functions among members incorporating the views of the participants (emic) as well as the views of the researcher (etic). 

Using your field observation that you completed during Week 4 (or conducting a completely new observational study if preferred), write a thick QUESTION – QUESTION that summarizes your observations. Depending on the nature of your observational study, you may not have emic perspectives to formally summarize, although you may be able to infer cues from your observations (especially if you observed people). Under any observational condition, you will have an etic perspective to report from as well. 

CTA – Strategy and Value Creation


Critical Thinking Assignment

Strategy and Value Creation

Question Requirements:

Review SV2030 and relate the strategic plan to the four common elements in successful strategy planning. For each element, analyze if the element meets the criteria. 

Clear, consistent long-term goals

Profound understanding of the competitive environment

Objective appraisal of resources

Effective Implementation

After analyzing SV2030 consider how to measure success. Which two of the six performance measures do you think are the most useful indicators of how the transformation is measured? Is the transformation successful?


Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 5 to 6 pages in length which does not include the required title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements. 

Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

  1. Learning Outcomes
  2. Explain the evolution of strategy and its role in organizational success.
  3. Apply the basic framework for strategy analysis.
  4. Differentiate between shareholders’ goals versus stakeholders’ goals.

Demonstrate the ability to link organizational goals to measures of value.

Assess a firm’s performance and diagnose the sources of good or bad performance.

BUS 390 Benchmark Executive Summary


You are an employee at a multinational corporation (MNC). Your goal is to convince the executives in the MNC to start selling a product or service to a country to help them solve a problem. Provide an executive summary (350-500 words) to explain the current problem in the country and propose a solution using your company’s product or service. Provide research and evidence that supports your summary. Use the following format:

Introduction and Problem Identification

Select one of the three countries you used in Topic 2 globalization presentation assignment. Provide an overview of a current problem in the country and the impact the problem is having on the country.

Propose a Solution

As an employee at an MNC, you are trying to convince the executives at the MNC to start selling a product or service to the country to resolve their current problem.

Highlight potential obstacles the MNC could face when starting to sell the product or service to the country (e.g., economic, legal, and cultural factors).

Identify a local business within the country that could partner with the MNC to sell the product or service.

Identify how selling the product or service to the country would benefit the MNC (e.g., return on investment, market expansion, corporate image).

Case Study Using Kaltura


Turnitin™ enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.

Part I: The Case Study link below is for the Case Study 3. Read and study the case and address each of the questions at the end of the study. In addressing each of the questions, create a Power Point presentation to include the following:

– Problem

– Identify and describe alternative solutions

– Justify your recommendations for EACH question

Part II: In addition to the Power Point presentation, a 10-15 minute video will be required using Kaltura. In this video you will summarize your findings from your Powerpoint. This part of the assignment will provide the visual presentation of the case study.

Instructions: Attach two files to the Case Study #3 assignment: 1) Power Point presentation (.ppt or .pptx file) and 2) Kaltura video. To access Kaltura, click on the “Insert Stuff” icon on the toolbar of the Comments Box at the bottom of this screen.

Now, if you have trouble with Kaltura, you can use Youtube of any other video method. The point is to show you presenting your slides to the class. And just don’t read the words on the slides. Talk about what each slide means.https://myclassroom.apus.edu/shared/commonfolder/management-common/TLMT/TLMT313/Case%20Study%203%20Managing%20Supply%20Chain%20Complexity%20in%20a%20Tea%20Manufacturing%20Company.pdfCriteria

QSO 320 H3236 SNHU Improving Performance Through Analysis Excel


Finding out about organizational inefficiencies is the first step to improving performance. To determine what inefficiencies exist, you need to perform a data analysis. A good place to start is with sales. You have to know what data to study and how to use specific tools for data analysis. It’s important to use the IF function, pivot tables, pie charts, bar charts, and histograms. These can help you isolate specific data and organize it in a way that makes it easier to read. Studying measures of central tendency also helps you find out important information. First, you find where inefficiencies in sales exist. Then, you need to be able to talk about the effect this has on the organization.


For this assignment, you’ll use the Vinho Winery Scenario, linked in Supporting Materials, and other course resources to look at raw data sets. These data sets will explain the production, sales, and distribution of wine. You’ll need to study the different types of wine and distribution centers to figure out their financial effects on the organization’s total profits. All your analyses need to be submitted in an annotated Excel file, and each analysis needs to include your reasons for using the appropriate Excel functions. 

academic research of international service brand of Singapore air line


Assignment: 1500-Word Individual Report on Brand Identity of an International Service Industry Brand


This assessment is designed to evaluate your understanding of the principles of branding and your ability to apply those principles to analyze the brand identity of an international service industry brand.


• Define and explain the key elements of brand identity, including core values, mission statement, visual identity, and messaging.

  • Analyze the brand identity of an international service industry brand, identifying the brand’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of coherence, consistency, and effectiveness.
  • Evaluate the brand’s effectiveness in communicating its brand identity across different marketing channels.
  • Recommend strategies for enhancing the brand’s brand identity and achieving greater brand equity.


• A 1500-word report on the brand identity of an international service industry brand.

  • The report should be structured as follows:

1. Introduction: Provide an overview of the brand and its industry.

2. Brand Identity Analysis: Analyze the brand’s core values, mission statement, visual identity, and messaging.

3. Brand Coherence and Consistency: Evaluate the brand’s overall coherence and consistency in terms of its messaging and visual identity.

4. Effectiveness of Brand Communication: Evaluate the effectiveness of the brand’s communication efforts in conveying its brand identity across different marketing channels.

5. Recommendations: Recommend strategies for enhancing the brand’s identity and achieving greater brand equity.