MGT560 Module 09 Discussion


Culture and Leadership

You have been selected to open two subsidiaries of organization XYZ. The headquarters of the organization is in the KSA. The organization is dedicated to the production of mobile devices. One of these new subsidiaries will be located in Mexico and the other one will be located in Denmark. 

As you can see in the image below, which is from Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory, there are differences and similarities among the countries. Leaders should attempt to understand these differences to create effective organizational strategies. Specifically, these cultural dimensions can help leaders determine business approaches, how to address negotiations, and can aid in creating strong management and leadership styles.


Source: Hofstede Insights. (2021). Country comparison.,mexico,saudi-arabia/ 

In addition to Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory, the GLOBE research has identified six global leadership behaviors that are considered important in different cultures. These leadership behaviors are as follows:

  • Charismatic/ Value-Based
  • Team-Oriented
  • Participative
  • Humane-Oriented
  • Autonomous
  • Self-Protective
  1. Based on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, briefly describe the similarities and differences between the dimensions in Denmark, the KSA, and Mexico.
  2. Analyze how the cultural dimensions of the three countries (i.e., Denmark, the KSA, and Mexico) impact leadership styles, leadership behaviors, and the decision-making process of leaders. What factors most greatly impact leadership qualities?


  • Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 

MGT 560 Discussion


Culture and Leadership

You have been selected to open two subsidiaries of organization XYZ. The headquarters of the organization is in the KSA. The organization is dedicated to the production of mobile devices. One of these new subsidiaries will be located in Mexico and the other one will be located in Denmark. 

As you can see in the image below, which is from Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory, there are differences and similarities among the countries. Leaders should attempt to understand these differences to create effective organizational strategies. Specifically, these cultural dimensions can help leaders determine business approaches, how to address negotiations, and can aid in creating strong management and leadership styles.

Source: Hofstede Insights. (2021). Country comparison.,mexico,saudi-arabia/ 

In addition to Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory, the GLOBE research has identified six global leadership behaviors that are considered important in different cultures. These leadership behaviors are as follows:

  • Charismatic/ Value-Based
  • Team-Oriented
  • Participative
  • Humane-Oriented
  • Autonomous
  • Self-Protective
  1. Based on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, briefly describe the similarities and differences between the dimensions in Denmark, the KSA, and Mexico.
  2. Analyze how the cultural dimensions of the three countries (i.e., Denmark, the KSA, and Mexico) impact leadership styles, leadership behaviors, and the decision-making process of leaders. What factors most greatly impact leadership qualities?


  • Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 

Leadership management



Understanding our leadership styles will help us maximize our skills. This will also help us evaluate our effectiveness in specific leadership situations.
As part of this assignment, you are asked to take the following self-assessment from MindTools website ( to determine your leadership style.

**I have already done the assessment, and the style of leadership is a democratic or participative style of leadership.

Once you have completed the self-assessment, please answer the following questions:
?    Based on the self-assessment, what is your leadership style; Do you agree or disagree with the results presented? Explain.
?    Based on the readings you did this week on Leadership Styles, describe three characteristics and skills associated with your leadership style (provide in-text citations)
?    How can your leadership style create a stronger workplace environment?

?    Which of John Maxwell’s  21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership most resonates with you and why; please provide an example of why.
?    Describe a KSA leader that embodies one of the 21 Laws and describe why (provide at least two sources)

In the article by Nitin Nhria assigned this week, the author states that “as the world shifts, so should leaders”
?    In what ways have you, or will you, shift as a leader?
?    Describe how SaudiVision2030 is shifting KSA. How is the leader enabling this shift?

Organizational Structures & Culture


The exercise is comprised of analyzing different types of organizational structure and workflow.  Select three different organizations from different industries, the first being an organization you work or have worked for. Research the organizations to understand their organizational structure and answer the questions in the table. One way to research is to contact management (via phone/email, etc.) and explain that you are a graduate student conducting a study on organizational structure and that you would like to find out how the company works and decision-making flows. Ensure that your questions will only be used in class.  You may need to explain some of these items or ask more questions to have the correct category or answer. 

Name of Business & Industry

1 An organization you work or have worked for



Employee contacted

job title

Org Goals/Mission

Type of technology using

Organization structure

Team vs individual


Tasks: Routine vs non-routine

Specialization of tasks by employee

Standardization of products/services

Decision making

Does your company culture support the mission? Can you give examples?

Type of market focus

What surprised you about the responses and why?


Next, post your finished table to the discussion area along with;

an evaluation of common areas and findings/conclusions

how organizational structure supports goals/mission

how organizational culture supports goals/mission

recommendations that would improve performance or employee satisfaction

Support your work with at least one scholarly source and with information from this session’s readings

Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Leveraging Technology for Improved Patient Care and Operational Efficiency



In essence, the research of digital transformation in healthcare holds considerable interest from a business perspective, drawing attention from stakeholders focused on strategic and operational aspects. The potential for improved patient outcomes serves as a pivotal attraction, as businesses aim to align technological advancements with better health results, ultimately enhancing their market positioning and reputation. Researching digital transformation in healthcare offers a comprehensive understanding of how technological advancements can be strategically leveraged to improve patient care, and achieve cost efficiencies


A. Definition of digital transformation in healthcare

B. Purpose of the outline

II. Current State of Healthcare

A. Overview of traditional healthcare systems

B. Challenges faced by healthcare providers

C. Need for transformation in healthcare

III. Key Technologies Driving Digital Transformation

A. Electronic Health Records (EHR)

B. Telemedicine and Telehealth

IV. Impact of Digital Transformation on Patient Care

A. Improved Access to Healthcare Services

B. Enhanced Patient Engagement and Empowerment

C. Personalized Medicine and Treatment Plans

D. Preventive Healthcare Measures

VI. Challenges and Barriers to Digital Transformation

A. Data Privacy and Security Concerns

B. Integration of Legacy Systems with New Technologies

C. Workforce Training and Change Management

D. Regulatory and Compliance Issues

VII. Case Studies and Success Stories

A. Examples of healthcare organizations successfully implementing digital transformation


IX. Conclusion

A. Recap of the importance of digital transformation in healthcare

B. Call to action for healthcare organizations to embrace technology for improved patient care

and operational efficiency.

Strategy Planning


Strategy Planning 

Review SV2030 and relate the strategic plan to the four common elements in successful strategy planning. For each element, analyze if the element meets the criteria. 

Clear, consistent long-term goals

Profound understanding of the competitive environment

Objective appraisal of resources

Effective Implementation

  1. After analyzing SV2030 consider how to measure success. Which two of the six performance measures do you think are the most useful indicators of how the transformation is measured? Is the transformation successful?
  2. —————
  3. I have already answered the question, but I require assistance with references and in-text citations. I will provide the course book and a website that needs to be sourced, and I need you to find at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
  4. – Please you this PDF document for any citation or referee related to the Saudi Vision 20230 (… ) or please use this site ( )

I have attached the book. The topic for the assignment can be found in chapter two.

Additional sources that are recommended, in addition to peer-reviewed articles:

– Richard P. Rumelt. (2022). Getting strategy wrong—and how to do it right instead. Retrieved from McKinsey Quarterly.

– Bernard Marr. (2022, August 16). 13 Easy Steps To Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills. Retrieved from Bernard Marr & Co. (seminal)



Read Christensen’s article, “Know Your Customer’s Job to be Done”, and watch the video about disruptive innovation explained. Alternatively, you can use any alternate resource (provided it doesn’t violate academic policies) to address the discussion prompt.

Discuss what “job” means in the context of design thinking. Why is it important we “get” this concept? What happens to the new product development process when we misunderstand the job to be done?  What keeps customers from making buying decisions, and what can marketers do to move customers forward?  

Next, analyze a job that needs to be done, at work or in your professional life.  What do marketers need to know about this job, and why?

Students may perform supplemental external research to inform their discussion posts. Do not cut and paste content from the book or other readings, and cite your posts with references that support your comments. See the checklist for specifics.

So this assignment is a discussion post based on the file and the video link attached below. Since its a discussion post, it doesn’t have to be too long. Please follow the Professor’s instructions above. And please kindly let me know if you have any further questions. 

Video | Disruptive Innovation ExplainedLinks to an external site. 

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1.  Go to the ‘Syllabus’ tab and tell me what the syllabus says about ‘late’ homework assignments. Are you allowed to turn in late work?  If so, why, if not, why not?  What is the penalty for late work? How many percentage points do you lose for turning in late work? What is the deadline for turning in late work?

2.  Also, regarding the syllabus, what are the attendance requirements for this course?  What does the syllabus say about logging in every week? What is considered excessive absence?  What is the very last day, per the syllabus, to complete the online final exam for this class ?

3.  Please define Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy, which U.S. government agency is in charge of Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy?  (Do not respond by simply saying the government or executive branch).  You need to name an actual government agency who oversees Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy, they are different agencies.

4.  What are the 3 policy tools the Federal Reserve uses to control the supply of money ?

5.  What are the three (3) specific policies that increase the supply of money?   What are the three (3)  specific policies  that decrease the supply of money?  Respond to these questions separately, do not lump your answers together.

Intro to Film Studies


Part 1 (Grand Budapest Hotel)

Describe how camera movement is used in a particular scene to increase the feeling of energy or tension within the scene.

In your analysis, be sure to describe the action and camera movements as clearly as possible, including the specific movements used. (ex. pan, tilt, dolly, etc.)

The climax of The Grand Budapest Hotel includes a black and white scene of Zero, Agatha and Gustave travelling on a train.

  1. Why do you think this scene is shown in black & white, rather than color? What meaning does the use of black & white convey?

Are there other moments in the film that led you to your answer?

  1. Part 2 (Good Fellas)
  2. Identify one editing technique used Goodfellas (1990) that breaks from continuity editing?Describe an exact moment in the film, then analyze why it is used. How does breaking the illusion of continuous time and space fit with the story the film is telling at that exact moment?

In scenes when Henry is hopped up on drugs and feeling anxious about the drug deal, the editing rhythm changes. A quicker paced editing rhythm,along with moving camera shots, convey Henry’s speedy, anxious state of mind. Pick one of those scenes and do a shot-by-shot analysis of the dramatic impact of the editing and camera movements.

Create a Cover Letter


Create a Cover Letter
PURPOSE: Cover Letters allow you an opportunity to  convey to an employer why you are the best candidate for a position.   Unlike your resume, they allow you to use persuasive writing to tell  your story.  Cover letters are especially helpful if you are a newer  professional as you can explain your excitement and willingness to learn  in a way you can not do in a resume alone.   KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS:  After doing this assignment  you will better understand how to create, update, and modify your cover  letter for specific job postings.  You will also have a better  understanding of business writing styles.   TASK:  Create a professional cover letter that can be used when applying for an open job posting.  

Use the information from lecture to be sure to include the basic components and correct formatting as discussed in class. 

  • If helpful, you can use a job posting from Handshake to create your targeted cover letter for this assignment. 

Use these resources to help you with your Cover Letter: Cover Letter Outline 

 Download Cover Letter Outline, Cover Letter Example 1.docx   Download Cover Letter Example 1.docx, Cover Letter Example 2.pdf 

 Download Cover Letter Example 2.pdf