Horizontal Analysis of Balance Sheet


For this case, you will be responsible for setting up an excel document, performing horizontal analysis, and evaluating the results of the Fortune 500 (Verizon) company you selected in module 1 discussion forum. You will have 3 documents to upload (excel for your analysis, word for your evaluation of the results, and the company annual report.)In excel, perform horizontal analysis of the balance sheet. Be sure to include the name of the company, your name, and the assignment name as a header. 

In a word document, summarize the balance sheet results of the horizontal analysis. Simply select some of the higher or lower %s to discuss. Focus on items you feel are more relevant and telling of the company operations. For example, you could write one paragraph on each section of the balance sheet i.e. assets, liabilities, equity.

Please provide a header to indicate which assignment you are completing. For example, an appropriate header for your first written case would be Module 7: Assignment 1 — Written Case Horizontal Analysis. Include your name under the header. You will be graded based on following instructions, critical thinking, well-developed response, clear and concise, and mechanics such as grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Please see the enclosed rubric for more details. Save your document as Module 7:  Assignment 1 Case Name Your Name. It is acceptable to abbreviate the file name.

Tourism Question


This assignment is an opportunity to look inward and reflect on HOW YOUR BACKGROUND AND VALUES may impact the decisions you make and the way you approach and prioritize different pillars of sustainability. ( I will give more information about me after accepting)

For example, my mother is Austrian and I spent much of my childhood there. The social system and HEAVY prioritization on environmental issues meant I too had a tendency to prioritize environmental issues over others when analyzing policies and projects. It was not until my time and work in Guatemala and Mexico where I saw the first hand the role tourism plays in social issues (from poverty alleviation to social disruption) that I began to rebalance my approach to ensure that I was addressing social issues as well. 

I recognize, that on some level, this will be a superficial activity, barely skimming the surface of the normative nature of sustainable development, but this exercise of reflection which must refer to and derive its main context from the paper titled “A systemic framework for sustainability assessment” is an opportunity to begin to recognize our personal perspectives and how they affect what we come to the table with. Let’s avoid a naval-gazing approach, and dig as deep as we can with limited experience in this exercise in order to become at the very least more aware of our individual perspectives!

Marketing Management (MGT 201)


Learning Outcomes:

1.Recognize an understanding of the overall marketing concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organizations goals and strategies. (CLO-1)

2.Demonstrate the ability to formulate marketing strategies that incorporate psychological and sociological factors which influence consumer’s decision.. (CLO-3)

3.Use effective and collaborative interpersonal skills to carry out scientific analysis of consumers’ needs and wants to formulate a marketing Plan. (CLO-5)

Critical ThinkingMax Marks-10

Reading required: – Read Chapter 1, 2, and 5 carefully and then answer the following questions based on your understanding.

1.Based on the discussion made in Chapter-1 regarding the value creation concept, explain how a SR100 Timex watch and a SR20000 Rolex watch deliver value to their respective target markets? Which factors account for this dramatic difference in watch prices? Critically examine and provide your answer.

                                                                Chapter-1 (4 Marks) (Minimum 200 words)

2.Lexus brand is owned by the Toyota Motor Corporation. In many ways Lexus the luxury vehicle brand, operates independently from the Toyota Motor Corporation. Visit their websites (Lexus https://www.lexus.com.sa , Toyota https://www.toyota.com.sa)    and identify what markets each brand targets and how the two companies use the marketing mix (4P’s) differently to target their unique target markets?

Chapter-2 (3 Marks) (Minimum 150 words)

3.Being a student of marketing management, critically examine how the technological advances such as artificial intelligence is influencing marketers in the current scenario? Critically examine and provide your answer with suitable examples.

TIM685 Current Performance of First Solar


Company: First Solar (FLSR)

A. Current Performance

How did the corporation perform in the past year overall in terms of return on investment, market share, and profitability?

B. Strategic Posture

What are the corporation’s current mission, objectives, strategies, and policies?Are they clearly stated, or are they merely implied from performance?

–Mission: What business(es) is the corporation in? Why?

–Objectives: What are the corporate, business, and functional objectives? Are they consistent with each other, with the mission, and with the internal and external environments?

–Strategies: What strategy or mix of strategies is the corporation following? Are they consistent with each other, with the mission and objectives, and with the internal and external environments?

–Policies: What are the corporation’s policies? Are they consistent with each other, with the mission, objectives, and strategies, and with the internal and external environments?

–Do the current mission, objectives, strategies, and policies reflect the corporation’s international operations, whether global or multidomestic?

Need soemone to do make a powerpoint for a project



AML / Transaction Monitoring Knowledge, Data Analysis, Understanding of Operational KPIs, English Grammar & Writing, Presentation Skills

Work Trial Type:

Operational Metric Business Review




Operations Manager, Compliance – Work Trial

You have been assigned the task of creating a slide deck to present the operational performance of the transaction monitoring team within ABC Crypto Exchange’s Compliance Operations department. The purpose of this exercise is to assess your understanding of transaction monitoring and your ability to analyze and present operational data effectively. Your slide deck should include no more than 3 slides. You should approach this exercise as if you were presenting your team’s performance to senior management at a Weekly Business Review.

Please follow these guidelines when creating your slide deck:


Create a title slide introducing the compliance transaction monitoring team. Provide a brief overview of the team’s objectives and responsibilities.

Operational Performance Overview

Present an overview of the team’s operational performance across the following productivity and quality KPIs (data provided below); supplement the data provided with any additional charts or graphs you deem appropriate.

Analysis and Insights

Analyze the data and provide insights into the team’s performance. 

Identify any trends, patterns, or areas of concern based on the KPIs. 

Formulate hypotheses for potential problems or challenges that may have contributed to the observed trends. 

List the specific data or questions you would need to gather or ask in order to identify the correct hypothesis.

MKT 607 GCU Global Marketing Discussion


RE: DQ 1: Global Marketing; Case study 2 of 4: WorldTravel BTI

Participation Post, optional but gives Participation Points.

Hey Beena / Class:

Beena:  Thanks for your feedback in our Global Marketing discussion.  Yes, it takes a concerted effort to understand markets for your companies products in other countries.

Class:  This is post 2 of 4 of the Case Studies from my time in Global Marketing with these worldwide organizations: United Parcel Service;  WorldTravel BTI;Siemens Energy & Automation;  and ASHRAE / Elsevier engineering eLearning.  See the rest of the series in my 3 other DQ 1 posts.

WorldTravel BTI

In another global role from my experience:  I served as the VP of Marketing for WorldTravel BTI, a $2B business-travel management firm that was second to AmEx Travel in global sales.

Launching Global Products

Our team’s focus was to help launch digital travel-management products to serve our customers, who were Travel Managers for Fortune 500 companies (like UPS).  We did extensive research before launching new products, including our Customer Advisory Board which we used to collect qualitative data (“How do you feel about your experience with the features / benefits of this product?).

One of the largest challenges of working with large global organizations is the translation of product benefits from one language/culture to another.  More on this later.


If you’ve worked for / with a global organization, what do you think the biggest challenge was?

Project Three Guideline



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Utilize information from industry and scholarly sources to inform problem solving and decision making

Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to solve problems and make decisions that impact organizations and their

  • Communicate professionally to diverse internal and external audiences
  • Scenario

Your presentation to the leadership panel of your company was well received. Now you must create a presentation for a wider audience—stakeholders from inside and outside the company—and include your decisions and recommendations, which were approved by the leadership panel. Remember that your presentation must convey professionalism and be visually appealing as well as informative.

  • Directions

Create a presentation of your research and data findings from Project Two including your decision and rationale.

Construct a professional business presentation for internal and external stakeholders.

Identify your key message to both internal and external stakeholders.

Illustrate your key points using visualizations.

Tell your story.

  1. Specifically include the following in your presentation:

Communicate your decision about diversification based on your analysis of the data and research.

Use visualizations to tell the story of the (quantitative and qualitative) data.

  1. Determine the likelihood of success based on the data and research collected.
  2. Discuss the impact that moving to the new industry will have on the organization and its internal and external stakeholders.
  3. Detail your recommendations for moving forward.
  4. Summarize findings of the research performed.
  5. Include research conclusions and reasoning.

Describe the rationale behind your recommendations.

MKT 265- Milestone One



The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing, and companies must be nimble and able to develop, evaluate, and change their digital marketing strategies in a short amount of time. Traditional marketing allowed marketers to create brand messaging and control how it was shared with an audience. But now more than ever, control over what is said about a brand or product has been put into the hands of consumers. The internet, social media, and mobile platforms have given rise to the voice of customers, and marketers have had to adapt.


For this assignment, you will select a brand from the provided list and analyze its current digital marketing strategy. Begin by selecting a brand, doing your analysis, and then answering the questions in the critical elements below:



  • TED Talks
  • Doritos
  • Burberry
  • Nike
  • Oreos
  • Denny’s
  • Pampers
  • Netflix
  • Dove
  • Honest Tea
  • ADT
  • Taco Bell
  • Beats by Dre
  • Reese’s
  • Krylon Spray Paint
  • MasterCard
  • Prudential
  • Target
  • IKEA
  • Lego
  • Harley-Davidson
  • Specifically, the following critical elements from Final Project I must be addressed:
  • The Brand’s Use of Digital Marketing: In this section, you will examine the current marketing strategies used by the brand you selected.

Describe the strategy the brand is using to position itself in digital media (social, mobile, and online). Support your QUESTION with examples.

Describe how the brand’s digital media strategy relates to its overall marketing campaign seen in print, television, and online. Support your QUESTION with examples.

Examine whether the digital marketing activity aligns with the organization’s overall brand. Support your response with examples.

MGT560 Discussion Module#09


respond following question:

You have been selected to open two  subsidiaries of organization XYZ. The headquarters of the organization  is in the KSA. The organization is dedicated to the production of mobile  devices. One of these new subsidiaries will be located in Mexico and  the other one will be located in Denmark. 

As you can see in the image below, which  is from Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory, there are differences and  similarities among the countries. Leaders should attempt to understand  these differences to create effective organizational strategies.  Specifically, these cultural dimensions can help leaders determine  business approaches, how to address negotiations, and can aid in  creating strong management and leadership styles.


Source: Hofstede Insights. (2021). Country comparison.  https://www.hofstede-insights.com/country-comparison/denmark,mexico,saudi-arabia/ 

In addition to Hofstede’s Cultural  Dimension Theory, the GLOBE research has identified six global  leadership behaviors that are considered important in different  cultures. These leadership behaviors are as follows:
?    Charismatic/ Value-Based
?    Team-Oriented
?    Participative
?    Humane-Oriented
?    Autonomous
?    Self-Protective

1.    Based on Hofstede’s cultural  dimensions, briefly describe the similarities and differences between  the dimensions in Denmark, the KSA, and Mexico.
2.    Analyze how the  cultural dimensions of the three countries (i.e., Denmark, the KSA, and  Mexico) impact leadership styles, leadership behaviors, and the  decision-making process of leaders. What factors most greatly impact  leadership qualities?


Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook.  Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 

Acker Wines Case Study



Acker Wines is the oldest wine merchant in the US and the world’s largest wine auction house.

A family-run business that was founded in 1880 

Offices all over the world, including New York, Hong Kong, London

Acker Wines and the more prominent wine industry are notorious for being slow to adapt to new technologies

  • Acker has a proprietary customer database, but it’s not connected to any external communications platforms, such as an email service provider.  Its customers include customers who live in the neighborhood of the store and Billionaires.
  • The sales team captures their customer data (name, phone number address, email) on their personal cell phones, excel sheets, and written notepads and post-it notes
  • Situation:

You are a new Acker employee in the marketing department with full support from your CMO.  While Acker demonstrates traits that show that the 200-year-old firm is customer-centric, they have never invested in a CRM system. 

Based on what you’ve learned thus far, how do you convince the CEO that Acker needs to implement a CRM system?  Please answer this question thoughtfully and incorporate what you’ve learned thus far.  As such, consider the following:

What are the benefits of implementing a CRM system?

Who are the stakeholders that you’ll need to involve?

How will you calculate the ROI of this CRM project?

What are the significant issues to be considered in this calculation? 

How can the CRM implementation be successful?