Problem statement identified: Twitter is under increasing pressure to maintain its service’s reliability and integrity while promoting open dialogue and safeguarding users from harm. As it continues to navigate these complex issues, it must strike a balance between protecting the free exchange of ideas and preventing the spread of harmful content.

1. Problem identification and analysis:  

What is the major challenge, problem, opportunity, or decision to be made?

[In case of more than one, must identify the most pressing issue and explain why]

Explain the problem(s). Support your explanation with facts, relevant theory, and course concepts. Also, in explaining, be explicit about the performance needs, business needs, and root causes.

In writing this section, consider the following:

Circumstances leading to the problem/issue

Important stakeholders

Analyzing problems using relevant HCM tools (e.g., systems thinking, performance gap analysis, root cause analysis, capability audit).

(This is the second section of your team project. This section of the paper should be three to four [3-4] pages.)


Identify in detail three strategic alternatives to address the problem.

Alternatives should be mutually exclusive, realistic, creative, and feasible, given the constraints of the situation. Doing nothing or delaying the decision to a later date is not considered acceptable alternatives.

In writing this section, consider the following:

Provide three distinct alternative solutions to the major problem you identified in Section 2.

Briefly outline each alternative solution and evaluate its advantages, disadvantages, and possible effects on the stakeholders. (Ask yourself, do these alternatives solve the most pressing issue you identified in the earlier section)

Lab 2 : Regression | Automotive MPG excel


This exercise is based on your assigned MindTap homework: Chapter 7 Assignment, Question# 4, Problem 07-15 Part (e) and (f). Since you need to launch Excel to work the problem, this lab’s effort leverages work that you are already doing. It will validate your Excel competency with basic spreadsheet design and use of regression tools.

1. Launch the worksheet associated with the problem in MindTap and work down to part (e).

2. Use Excel functions with appropriate row & col addressing modes ($) to translate the non-numeric categorical variables to the 3 auxiliary variables with 1’s and 0’s in new table, where the columns are arranged correctly to address the question. (DO NOT hand translate the data into the 900 cells!)

3. Run the regression tool on the worksheet that you will be turning in and specify the output location on the same worksheet. DO NOT run it on another worksheet or workbook and copy it into your submission file. (No credit given if it cannot be verified that the regression tool was launched on the data in the reorganized table.)

4. Organize both the table (input) and the regression report (output) so they are presentable. Remember best practices covered in the prior lab (Refer to its instructions), the assigned reading, and the lectures.

5. Use YELLOW to highlight all the cells of the regression report that you referenced to answer parts (e) and (f) of the MindTap exercise.

AI-Driven Startup Concept Ideation


In this assignment, you will develop a visionary startup concept centered around the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI). Your objective is to conceive a groundbreaking idea that showcases your entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking.

Problem Identification: Identify a real-world problem or challenge that can be addressed or improved using AI technology. This problem should represent a genuine pain point that potential customers or users experience. 

Innovative AI Solution: Propose a unique and innovative solution that leverages AI to solve the identified problem. This solution should demonstrate how AI brings added value or efficiency compared to traditional methods. 

Value Proposition: Clearly articulate the value your AI-driven startup concept provides. Explain how your solution meets the needs of your target audience, making their lives easier, more productive, or more enjoyable.

Market Opportunity: Conduct initial market research to assess the demand and potential size of the market for your AI-driven solution. Consider the target audience, demographics, and existing competition. 

Differentiation and Uniqueness: Highlight the factors that set your AI startup concept apart from existing solutions in the market. Emphasize the novel approaches or features that make your idea stand out. 

Impact and Vision: Elaborate on the potential impact your AI-driven startup could have on the broader ecosystem or industry. Share your long-term vision for how your concept could evolve and scale.

Presentation of Concept: Compile your startup concept into a concise and visually engaging presentation. Use graphics, diagrams, and well-structured content to convey your idea effectively. 

4-1 Consulting Report: Analysis of Financial Performance


MBA 500 Module Four Consulting Report Guidelines and Rubric


Analyzing the financial performance of a company is crucial for any business at any given point of time, but especially when the company is heading in a new direction.

You are aware that your company has made the strategic decision to move to a triple bottom line (TBL)-focused business model. You have already collaborated with various departments within your organization to understand their perspectives.

Now you will review the current financial performance of your organization and evaluate whether the operational plan aligns with key performance indicators of the finance department.


Using the financial records of the health and beauty company that you work for, as well as the financial records of the company you chose in Module One, create a consulting report outlining the following criteria:

Explain key financial performance indicators that various stakeholders would be most interested in. Support your rationale and include the following stakeholders in your response:


  1. Shareholders

Community groups

  1. Explain additional key financial line items related to triple bottom line that are required to measure cost. Support your rationale.
  2. Supporting Material
  3. Financial records of the health and beauty company you work at
  4. Consolidated balance sheet

Consolidated cash flow statement

Consolidated income statement

Financial records of the company you chose in Module One

  1. Balance sheet of your chosen company

Cash flow statement of your chosen company

Income statement of your chosen company

  1. List of global companies provided in Module One

List of Companies

week 6 podcast


Topic: “Biden hopes sustainable aviation fuel production could take flight soon”

Podcast link:…

After the ten minute timer goes off, you are allowed to stop writing. You can stop in mid-sentence if

you want to. Or you can complete your thought. That is up to you. Because you will not be pausing to
think about what you are writing, your free-write should end up being 

The rules for free writing are very specific. Once you start writing, you must
keep writing without stopping for the full ten minutes. Your hands must keep writing/typing the entire
time. You are not allowed to pause to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it.
You are not allowed to cross out, delete, or correct anything you have written. Do not worry about
spelling or grammar or typos. Do not worry about whether what you are saying is interesting or correct
or accurate or clever. Your job is to write where your brain takes you in response to the news you
listened to, regardless of whether what you write is academic, related to something you learned in class,
connected to a memory, an opinion, an experience you’ve had with the company, etc. Your job is to just
keep spilling out words that have some connection to the stories just heard. The only constraint is that
you should set an intention that your writing should be a response to the program, not a summary.

Accounting discussion question


1. Foreign Currency Transactions and Translation:

  ABC Corp. operates internationally and has transactions denominated in various currencies. During the year, the company had the following transactions:

  – Purchased goods from a foreign supplier for 100,000 euros when the exchange rate was $1.15 per euro.

  – Paid a foreign contractor 50,000 British pounds when the exchange rate was $1.30 per pound.

  At the end of the year, the exchange rates are $1.10 per euro and $1.25 per pound. Calculate the gain or loss on foreign currency transactions and the cumulative translation adjustment for the year.

2. Budgeting and Variance Analysis:

  XYZ Corp. prepared a budget for the production of 10,000 units. The budgeted cost per unit is $50 for direct materials, $30 for direct labor, and $20 for variable overhead. Actual production for the month was 12,000 units, and the actual costs were $55 for direct materials, $35 for direct labor, and $25 for variable overhead.

  Calculate the following variances:

  – Direct Materials Price Variance and Quantity Variance

  – Direct Labor Rate Variance and Efficiency Variance

  – Variable Overhead Spending Variance and Efficiency Variance

3. Lease Accounting under IFRS 16:

  A company enters into a lease agreement for equipment with an annual lease payment of $50,000 for 5 years. The implicit rate in the lease is 6%, and the incremental borrowing rate is 8%. Calculate the present value of lease payments, the interest expense for the first year, and the lease liability at the end of the first year. 

Your relationship with brands



Contemplate your bond with your cherished brands and respond to the following inquiries (refer to Part-1 of Individual Assignment):

Delve into your perception, connection, and relationship with each of your favored brands.

Envision potential actions brand managers of both brands could take based on your insights from Question 1. Your responses should offer invaluable insights for brand managers to enhance customer engagement and strengthen brand loyalty.

CLOs being assessed: Following course learning outcomes will be assessed through this assessment:

Create key elements of brand architecture including the brand promise, brand purpose, brand identity, and brand reputation

Work-ready deliverables:

Prepare actionable deliverables: Customer Brand Relationship strategies tailored to enhance consumer engagement and loyalty.

This is the previous story that we developped

Personal brand story:

In the modern world filled with rhythm and innovations, Pepsi and B&O created an extraordinary part of it. Our life is suppose to made up of happiness and exploration, and these two brands provide these two essential things and make a perfect combination. The vibrant energy offered by Pepsi and the immersive experience from B&O transferred my lives from moments of celebration into enjoyable concerts. These brands amplify our diverse emotions and guide me toward the passion of my life in all chapters.

Pepsi brand story:

  1. Pepsi, the epitome of youth, sparks joy in every bottle, and vibrant energy at all moments. Pepsi has a legacy spanning generations that transcends culture. It sparks laughter, camaraderie, and unforgettable memories. 
  2. B&O brand story:

The Statue of Limitations



Determining the Statute of Limitations: While the statute of limitations for examination is
generally three years from the date a return is filed, the statue can be automatically extended, can
be voluntarily extended, or tolled under various provisions provided in the code, regulations,
rulings and court cases. Your job is to advise your clients as to the applicable statute of
limitations based on the fact pattern to be provided to you below. Remember: the date a return is
deemed filed is a question of both fact and law.
It is October 1, 2021. The clients have not filed their joint current year’s tax return. No
extension has been filed. Your clients have filed timely in the past and there is no reason to
suspect that there is unreported income (once the return is filed). They live in Florida and have
been unaffected by a hurricane or other severe weather event. Your team must write a
memorandum to the client explaining when a tax return filing will be deemed sufficient to start
the statute of limitations for both examination and assessment purposes. In addition, the clients
have asked if they should file a joint tax return under the facts above. You should cite, as
appropriate, the code, regulations, rulings, court cases… etc. Make sure that the memo addresses
all the following questions for both types of returns: When is the statutes of limitations tolled from running? For how long?

MIT Management Based on the scenario and with the help of additional readings


Saleema and Salama are good friends studying at a college. After completing their master’s in business management, took up a job at a managerial level in different organizations base on their interests. Saleema took up a marketing job in a retail company and strives to increase sales whereas Salama joins an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization and works diligently to realize its objectives related to providing employment to differently abled people. Both of them have to perform a series of continuous, composite but separate functions. On some days, Saleema may spend more time in planning a future display layout and on another days, she may spend time in sorting out an employee’s problem.

Both Saleema and Salama make conscious efforts to build a feeling of team spirit and coordination among diverse individuals with different needs who work under them. The effect of their management is noticeable in their respective departments as the targets are met according to plans, employees are happy and satisfied, and there is orderliness in its functioning rather than chaos.

Based on the above scenario and with the help of additional readings, you are required to submit a report based on the following tasks:

1) Discuss in detail the various management functions exhibited by Saleema and Salama that enabled them to manage their work efficiently. Illustrate your discussion using relevant examples.

2) Explain in detail the management challenges that could be encountered by Saleema and Salama.

MGT560 Critical Thinking Module #03


Leadership Practice

The Vice President of operations  recently promoted you to branch manager and moved you to a new branch  office where the morale among employees is low and performance is poor.  Of the five employees, Amani has the most tenure with six years. Amani  seems to have the lowest morale and is not motivated to do the work,  although he is quite capable of doing it successfully. Bassmah has been  with the company for four years but has not mastered the new software  and is performing at a low level even three months after being trained  on the software. Hadeel also has four years with the company and Rawan  has two years. Hadeel and Rawan are responsible for client contact, and  while in the past they worked well together on reaching out to clients,  now there are conflicts and low morale. Samah has been with the company  just three months and does not understand what is expected on the job  and is contemplating leaving the company.

Approach the case as the branch manager well versed in situational leadership. 

  • Explain situational leadership to your Vice President.
  • Determine the readiness level of each employee and explain your reasoning.
  • Determine the appropriate leader behavior to match the employee level and explain your reasoning.
  • Develop a plan of action as to how you will lead each person to  higher performance and morale and explain it to your Vice President.