You will continue in the role of a consultant who has been hired by the CEO of your selected company to lead a tiger team tasked with addressing issues the organization is facing.

Continue to compile Section 3 of the playbook. Be sure to address the requirements for Part 2, and include specific examples (where appropriate) and relevant citations from the Learning Resources, the Walden Library, and/or other appropriate academic sources to support your work.

Part 2: Validating the Strategy

  • Explain how strategic planning can provide a sense of direction and help in the development of measurable goals.
  • Analyze your strategy using the following validation tools. (Provide the notes for each analysis in the Appendix of your document.)
    • Strategy map for your selected organization
    • PEST analysis
    • Five forces analysis
    • Key success factor analysis
    • Stakeholder analysis
  • Synthesize the results of the analyses you performed using the validation tools in the narrative section of your playbook.


1: Benefits of Strategic Planning

Providesa thorough and detailed explanation of how strategic planning can provide a sense of direction and help in the development of measurable goals. (body text authority)

2: Validation Tools and Strategy

Give a thorough and detailed analysis of their strategy using validation tools (strategy map, PEST analysis, five forces analysis, key success factor analysis, and stakeholder analysis), providing the notes for each analysis in the Appendix of their document. (body Text Authority)

3: Analysis Results

Provide a thorough and detailed synthesis of the results of the analyses they performed using the validation tools in the narrative section of their playbook. (Body Text Authority)

Discussion 5


Assignment Overview

After having completed the assigned reading and reviewed the Canvas content for this week, please use the AU Libraries databases to find an article to summarize about a particular program model being used for workforce development programs in your future career field. *Please be sure to review the summary of the program models on the M5: Instructional Resources Canvas page before selecting your article.

If you need assistance searching, feel free to contact the Education Librarian, Todd Shipman.

NO TWO STUDENTS CAN REVIEW THE SAME ARTICLE, so please review other student submissions before posting your own.


Post your article summary no later than Wednesday (week 1 of this module).

Your summary should include:

a brief overview of the article

a QUESTION of the program model and how it is being implemented

what was most interesting to you about this program

Your summary should be thorough and supported by the readings and instructional materials presented.

This is a graded assignment and therefore you should use professional writing standards. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization will all be counted as a part of your final grade on this assignment.

Respond to three (3) of your classmates’ posts by Sunday at 10pm Central (week 1 of this module).

  • Your responses should be more than “I agree” or “I disagree.” You should provide an in-depth reason for your statements that further the conversation by either expounding on the topic with additional information from the materials or your own research or providing specific examples explaining how they connect to the discussion at hand. 

Module 5


Solve the following questions:  

(1) On January 2, 2015 Gillette Co. purchases and installs a new  machine costing $300,000 with a five-year life and an estimated $50,000  salvage value.  Management estimates the machine will produce 190,000  units of product during its life.  Actual production of units is as  follows: year 2015 – 34,000 units; year 2016 – 46,000 units; year 2017 – 56,000 units; year 2018 – 28,000 units; year 2019 – 26,000 units, etc. 

Compute depreciation expense, accumulate depreciation, and book value  for the first four years using the following depreciation methods:

(a) the straight-line method,

(b) the units-of-production method, and

(c) the declining-balance method also known as the double-declining-balance method.

2.    Equipment purchased at the beginning of the fiscal year for  $360,000 is expected to have a useful life of 5 years, or 14,000  operating hours, and a residual value of $10,000.  Compute the  depreciation for the first and second years of use by each of the  following methods:

(a)    straight-line
(b)    units-of-production (1,200 hours first year; 2,250 hours second year)
(c)    declining-balance at twice the straight-line rate

(Round the answer to the nearest dollar.)

3.    Machinery is purchased on July 1 of the current fiscal year  for $240,000.  It is expected to have a useful life of 4 years, or  25,000 operating hours, and a residual value of $15,000. Compute the  depreciation for the last six months of the current fiscal year ending  December 31 by each of the following methods:

(a)    straight-line
(b)    declining-balance at twice the straight-line rate
(c)    units-of-production (used for 1,600 hours during the current year)

Please solve this


Bread Ltd. acquired Biscuit Ltd. on July 1, 20X1. The pre-combination statements of financial position for the two companies and the fair values of their assets and liabilities are presented attached. the deferred development costs are unamortized and related to products that will be on the market in early 20X2. Both companies expect that the deferred development costs to be fully recovered in future years Bread Ltd  Biscuit Ltd.  Carrying Value  Fair value  Carrying Value  Fair value Asset    Current Asset    Cash      2,115,000.00      2,115,000.00            900,000.00           900,000.00 Account Receivable      1,800,000.00      1,800,000.00       1,800,000.00      1,800,000.00       3,915,000.00        2,700,000.00  Noncurrent assets    Land      4,500,000.00      7,650,000.00   Equipment   12,150,000.00      9,900,000.00       7,560,000.00      9,900,000.00 Deferred development cost           540,000.00           675,000.00       2,790,000.00      3,600,000.00    17,190,000.00     10,350,000.00  Total assets   21,105,000.00     13,050,000.00  Liabilities and shareholder’s Equity    Current Liabilities    Accounts Pyable           585,000.00           585,000.00            990,000.00           990,000.00 Noncurrent Liabilities                                  –                                    –                                     –                                    –   Notes Payable      1,800,000.00      1,800,000.00            900,000.00           810,000.00 Total Liabilities      2,385,000.00        1,890,000.00  Shareholder’s Equity    Common shares   13,500,000.00        6,255,000.00  Retained Earnings      5,220,000.00        4,905,000.00     18,720,000.00     11,160,000.00     21,105,000.00     13,050,000.00  Bread: 1,000,000 common shares OutstandingBiscuit: 312750 common shares OutstandingA.Assume that Bread purchased the assets of Biscuit and assumed it’s liabilities by paying $1,800,000 in cash and issuing a note payable for $16,200,000. Calculate thr following balances:iGoodwilliiDeferred Development costsB.Assume that Bread acquired Biscuit by purchasing all of Biscuit’s outstanding shares. Bread made the acquisition by paying the shareholders cash of $900,000 and giving them new shares worth $12,150,000. Calculate the following balances that would appear on Bread’s consolidated statement of financial position immediately after the purchase: iGoodwilliiRetained Earnings  

Database part 2


Database  Part 2Implementation

Examine the Relational Schema that was created during the Phase I of the project.

  • Based on that schema, create a set of tables for an MS Access database. Name the database and its tables appropriately.  Make sure to specify primary keys for all tables.  Make sure all referential integrity constraints are enforced. 
  • Create all the necessary relationships between the tables.
  • Populate the tables with initial data (no less than two no more than ten records per table).
  • Create at least three queries for this database.
  • Create at least three forms for this database. (You can base your forms on tables, queries, or both).
  • Create at least three reports for this database. (You can base your reports on tables, queries, or both).
  • Create a Navigation Form that will present the forms and reports created in previous steps to novice users of your application. Create an AutoExec macro, which invokes the Navigation Form you created in Step 7 (simply create a macro named AutoExec which opens the main Navigation Form and maximizes the form this macro will automatically execute as soon as your Access file is open).

Summarization:  You will deliver MS Access file containing your finished application.

Note: reference Module 6 Assignment for instructions on completing all above items

Option 2: Complete the course that has been assigned to you on Data Camp

[i] Instead of MS Access, you can use any other RDBMS to create the back-end (i.e. the database) and create the front-end application using any technology you are familiar with.

Crtical thinking MGT560


Leadership and Teams

It may sound intuitive, or commonplace, that the promotion of teams should be a prominent component of an organization’s strategic plan. However, when created and managed ineffectively, the utilization of teams can be met with indecision, incessant delays, conflict, dissention and eventually a dramatic loss in productivity. Compose an essay that address the following in relation to the formation and utilization of teams within an organization. Assume you have been appointed as the Plant Manager of a new 5,000 employee production facility to be opened in Saudi Arabia by a long-established European firm:

First, as there are cultural, societal, and economic differences between European and Saudi Arabian firms, briefly summarize the key differences between operating a business/organization in Europe and Saudi Arabia.

Second, the formation and utilization of teams is seen as central to the operational success of this new production facility in Saudi Arabia. As the leader of the endeavor, suggest a team model/theory you would implement to create and sustain a team-oriented culture in the production facility. Briefly define/describe the model/theory and its particular relevance in this endeavor.

Finally, assess—in particular—how the use of this model will result in a more efficient and effective production facility (for instance, identify cites/sources that showcase how the use of teams results in a more efficient and effective operation).

  • Directions:
  • Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question-and-answer format. 

San Diego State University Exploring Professional Writing Styles through AI A Comprehensive Analysis


Overview: In this project, you will engage in AI prompt engineering, using your insights from Project #1 to craft prompts aimed at generating specific types of responses from an AI language model. These prompts should be related to writing in your field. 


To apply an understanding of professional writing styles in crafting AI prompts.

To explore and evaluate the capabilities of AI in replicating various professional writing styles.

Assignment Requirements:

Prompt Creation:

  • Develop 10 unique prompts that are designed to elicit responses in the style of the professional writing analyzed in the previous project.
  • Each prompt should be clear and concise, typically no more than 2-3 sentences in length.

AI Interaction and Response Recording:

Test each prompt with an AI language model.

Record the AI’s responses, ensuring they are of sufficient length to evaluate the model’s performance, typically around 100-150 words per response.

  1. Analysis of AI Responses:

For each AI-generated response, provide an analysis of its effectiveness in mimicking the intended writing style.

Each analysis should be approximately 200-300 words, focusing on aspects such as accuracy, relevance to the prompt, style emulation, and coherence.

  • Comparative Evaluation:
  • Conclude with a comparative evaluation (500-700 words) of all the prompts and responses, discussing the overall performance of the AI in replicating professional writing styles.
  1. Reflect on the strengths and limitations of using AI for this purpose.

Ethical and Practical Considerations:

Include a section discussing the ethical implications and practical applications of using AI in professional writing contexts.

  • Deliverables:
  • A comprehensive report detailing the prompts, AI responses, individual analyses, comparative evaluation, and a section on ethical and practical considerations

Networks, collaborative technology, and the internet of things.


Case 4.2 Business Case:   Carnival Seeks to Keep Passengers Happier at Sea with IoT, NFC and Edge Computing

A case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and discussing the specific case questions below, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module which apply to the situation described in the case study.

Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the module. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current course module. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.

Describe in some detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.

Complete this initial analysis and then read the case study questions that follow here. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.

Case Study Questions:

Why did Carnival Cruise Line think the OceanMedallion would help increase their cruise sales?

What is the services component of the OceanMedallion called and what technologies does it use?

  • On how many Carnival cruise ships is the OceanMedallion used?
  • What services does the OceanMedallion Class offer to passengers?
  • What benefits do passengers enjoy from using an OceanMedallion?

BUS100 Week 9 SWOT Analysis


For this assignment, you will complete a basic SWOT analysis for Alikay Naturals using information you have learned throughout this course. You do not need to do additional research on Alikay Naturals to complete this assignment. You will use information from the videos and your course reading. Be sure to include specific examples from the videos and your readings as you identify the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Strengths: Identify two things that the business does well. What does it have going for it? This section relates to the internal traits of the business.

Weaknesses: Identify two things that the business could improve. What could it do better? This question also relates to the internal characteristics of the business.

  1. Opportunities: Identify two opportunities that are available to the business. What could it do to grow in the future? These are external factors.

Threats: Identify two potential problems looming for the business. What competitive challenges could impact the company’s success? Potential threats are external factors.

  1. Once you have identified two items for each category, write one paragraph summarizing what the SWOT analysis shows about Alikay and the company’s competitiveness. Then, explain how the company could use this information to be more competitive.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) when applicable. The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

  1. Aligned to course outcome:

WORKPLACE DILEMMA Group Project, Topic : Seniority in the Workplace


Topic: Seniority in the Workplace ( Pro team )


You are part of the management team for CVS Health, a Fortune 500 Company, and have been tasked to advise the CEO, Karen Lynch, on how to handle a current issue or dilemma facing the company. In teams of four, you will be conferencing into our Woonsocket, Rhode Island HQ office to advise on the pros and cons of an assigned current issue.

How it Works

A team of four will be tasked with a dilemma to consider for CVS Health. Each team of four will be split into a PRO team (2 people) and a CON team (2 people). Pro and Con teams will face off against each other to convince the CEO to accept their recommendation on the subject. The CEO will make a decisionby the end of the call and the team that provides better factual evidence, reason, and overall argument will win.


Each team of four will schedule a conference call with me (CEO, Karen Lynch) to present on the issue. Two people will present on the PRO side and two people will present on the CON side. I am a very busy CEO so will allow 20 minutes max for this issue and will then make my decision on how our company should proceed.

Each team of two will be responsible for the following:

• Outline (follow below format) with works cited (4 sources minimum 2 per team member)

• 5-minute presentation via Zoom (+ counterarguments and questions)