Role Mentoring




In a world where continuous growth is not just valued but essential for success, the role of mentors and trusted advisors becomes increasingly significant. This chapter highlights the indispensable value of mentorship and trusted advisory relationships in facilitating personal, career, spiritual, and intellectual growth. It underscores the importance of both seeking guidance and providing it, illustrating how these relationships fulfill our basic human needs for connection, growth, and mutual success.


Reflect on a time when a mentor or trusted advisor had a profound impact on your personal or professional development. How did this relationship help you overcome challenges, clarify your vision, or achieve your goals? Contrast this with a time when you had to navigate your growth path alone. Based on your experiences and insights from the chapter, discuss the importance of mentorship and advisory relationships in achieving personal and professional success. Support your argument with research on the benefits of mentorship and the outcomes of effective mentoring relationships. How do you envision implementing these strategies to both seek and provide mentorship throughout your career and life?


Write a reflecting on the questions posed.

Support your argument with research, citing at least one academic source. This could be an article, book, or study that discusses the benefits and outcomes of mentorship and trusted advisory relationships.

  • Consider how the concept of mentorship and trusted advisors aligns with your own values, purpose, and career vision.
  • Reflect on how you can contribute to this cycle of growth and support by serving as a mentor or advisor to others in your professional or personal life.

Compose an email


Intra-Office Email for Supervisor Update

Scenario: Imagine you are an employee in a dynamic and collaborative office environment. Your supervisor, who values effective communication and regular updates, has requested that you provide them with an update on a project you have been working on. This project is a crucial part of the team’s efforts and requires close coordination and timely progress reports.

Task: Your task is to write an intra-office email to your supervisor, providing them with a comprehensive update on the project’s current status and any relevant developments. This email should demonstrate your ability to communicate clearly and concisely, while also conveying your understanding of the project’s goals, challenges, and progress.

Key Components to Include:

Introduction: Begin the email with a polite greeting and a brief reference to the project to remind the supervisor of its context.

Project Status: Provide a succinct overview of the project’s current status. Highlight any significant achievements, milestones reached, or tasks completed since the last update.

Progress Report: Detail the specific tasks you have been working on since the last update. Include information about the challenges you’ve encountered, how you’ve addressed them, and any assistance you might need from the supervisor moving forward.

Upcoming Steps: Outline the next steps and tasks that are on your agenda. Clearly articulate the timeline for these activities and any potential roadblocks you anticipate.

Collaboration and Support: Mention any team members you’ve collaborated with or resources you’ve utilized to make progress. If you require additional support or resources, politely request them and explain why they are necessary.

Closing: End the email with a positive note, expressing your commitment to the project’s success and your appreciation for the supervisor’s guidance.

mgt 4900 reflection 1



This assignment aims to encourage deep reflection on the topics covered during the week, foster critical thinking, and enable you to articulate questions and interests that may guide your learning journey further. This reflective exercise will help you understand and highlight areas for further exploration.


Your reflection should be organized into three main sections, as outlined below. Each section should be clearly labeled in your submission. Aim for clarity and depth in your reflection, providing specific examples and insights from the week’s learning materials and discussions.

Summary of Weekly Topics:

Begin by providing a concise overview of the topics covered during the week. Highlight key concepts, theories, or skills introduced, and briefly discuss their relevance to the course or your learning objectives. This section should be at most two paragraphs.

Questions Arising:

  1. Pose two questions that emerged for you based on the week’s topics. These questions are about something you found challenging to understand or reflect your curiosity to explore a topic in greater depth. Could you explain why each question is significant to you or the subject area? This is an opportunity to identify gaps in your understanding or areas for further learning.

Topic of Interest:

Select one topic from the week that you found particularly interesting or engaging. Describe the topic in detail and explain why it captured your attention. Discuss how this topic relates to the broader course themes or your personal or professional interests. Reflect on how this topic might influence your perspective, skills, or future learning goals. This section should be the most reflective and detailed part of your assignment, demonstrating your engagement with the course material.

Case Study on grievance processing


There are differences between employer, employee and union rights in grievance processing.  An employer cannot proceed with interrogation unless a union steward is present to advise its member.  Neither the union or nonunion employees are entitled to legal counsel during an employment investigation with the employer.  Employee is entitled individual rights and fair representation.

Individuals have a vested right to use the grievance procedure through arbitration if they choose

Individuals should be entitled to process grievances for discharge, seniority and compensation cases, and

  • The union as a collective body should have freedom to decide what constitutes a meritorious grievance and how far the grievance should be pursued.
  • A review of Supreme Court decisions on fair representation has extracted the following Six Principles:
  • Employees have the right to contract terms enforced to their benefit

An employee has no right to insist on his or her personal interpretation of a contract term

No individual can require a union to process a grievance to arbitration but each should have equal access to grievance procedures

  • Settlement on the basis of personal motives by union officials constitutes bad faith
  • The individual should have a grievance decided on its own merits, not traded for other grievance settlements
  • While the union is entitled to judge the relative merit of grievances, it must exercise diligence in investigating the situation that led to the grievance
  • This week you are to pick a Supreme Court decision on fair representation and discuss the Supreme Court case decision as it applies to fair representation. Include in your discussion some of the six principles. You may start your search for your case by going to: to an external site. 

Student Advocacy and “Sweatshop” Labor: The Case of Russell Athletics


Using the Six Steps of Decision-Making framework from this week’s content, please develop an essay responding to the following questions related to the case study Student Advocacy and “Sweatshop” Labor: The Case of Russell Athletic (p. 109).

Recognize decision requirement: What are the factors to consider in a corporation when deciding to outsource labor to developing countries? Include the following:

Diagnosis and analysis of causes: If labor outsourcing to developing countries is a legitimate business strategy, how can it be handled without risk of running into a sweatshop scandal?

Development of alternatives: What are other countries doing to avoid, reduce or eliminate sweatshops?

Selection of desired alternative: Decide on alternatives for outsourcing for companies in developed      countries, including whether or not to maintain or implement the same high labor standards and regulations as in the home countries.

Implementation of alternatives: Which alternatives would be best for outsourcing for companies in the United States?

  1. Evaluation and feedback: Have your recommendations been implemented in other countries? Are they working? What has been the outcome? 

In this course, you will have six Critical Thinking assignments where you will respond to assignment questions to develop an essay. Essays have an introduction (to the topic of the assignment), a body (where you will integrate your responses), and a conclusion (your thoughts on the assignment). Please do not just answer the questions as is. It is best to use APA (7th ed) headings to capture the essence of the questions as a way to make sure you have integrated all of the responses in your essay. Also, make sure you are using an APA (7th ed) paper template as a starting point. 

Policy Brief


Hey Francis, my prof added these comments to the policy brief you helped me with, please take these into account when making your revisions, I want all points to be fixed accordingly :

“This would be 85%. See comments below as you work on submission 2.

Title page should be completed or removed.

Policy brief is a little long, so as you revise work to ensure that your points are as concise as possible.

More in-text citations are needed. A number of key points remain uncited. One example is that population growth is a cause of lack of access to clean drinking water. Correlation does not mean causation, so find a source to use as evidence.

There are also some sections with few citations.

Add date (2024) for source of charts based on the WB database. Give charts a chart number. Chart on p. 5 lacks source.

How has access to clean water changed over time (longer period) in Uganda?

.You discuss consequences of the issue in the beginning and end of the background section;

I recommend reorganizing so consequences are together. You may find it interesting to differentiate access to basic vs. safely managed drinking water, since the WDI database provides both for Uganda.

In terms of background information, where are people getting their drinking water from?

What does infrastructure have to do with the issue?

For all programs: when was the social enterprise founded?

Program 1: Are the sales exclusively for drinking water and the other facilities are free? Is the water only by ATM or are there more delivery systems? Or is everything pay-per-use? Any information re: cost? Is this a for-profit social enterprise?

Program 2: we need Uganda-specific data.

UMC Joe and Jessies Taxable income Questions


Joe and Jessie are married and have one dependent child, Lizzie. Lizzie is currently in college at State University. Joe works as a design engineer for a manufacturing firm, while Jessie runs a craft business from their home. Jessie’s craft business consists of making craft items for sale at craft shows that are held periodically at various locations. Jessie spends considerable time and effort on her craft business, and it has been consistently profitable over the years. Joe and Jessie own a home and pay interest on their home loan (balance of $220,000) and a personal loan to pay for Lizzie’s college expenses (balance of $35,000).

Neither Joe nor Jessie is blind or over age 65, and they plan to file as married joint. Assume that the employer portion of the self-employment tax on Jessie’s income is $666. Joe and Jessie have summarized the income and expenses they expect to report this year as follows:

Joe’s salary $ 146,200
Jessie’s craft sales 18,610
Interest from certificate of deposit 1,860
Interest from Treasury bond funds 758
Interest from municipal bond funds 962
Federal income tax withheld from Joe’s wages $ 13,700
State income tax withheld from Joe’s wages 6,820
Social Security tax withheld from Joe’s wages 7,566
Real estate taxes on residence 6,620
Automobile licenses (based on weight) 352
State sales tax paid 1,360
Home mortgage interest 28,100
Interest on Masterdebt credit card 2,720
Medical expenses (unreimbursed) 1,900
Joe’s employee expenses (unreimbursed) 2,820
Cost of Jessie’s craft supplies 6,570
Postage for mailing crafts 170
Travel and lodging for craft shows 2,440
Self-employment tax on Jessie’s craft income 1,332
College tuition paid for Lizzie 6,200
Interest on loans to pay Lizzie’s tuition 3,620
Lizzie’s room and board at college 13,040
Cash contributions to the Red Cross 630

a. Determine Joe and Jessie’s AGI and taxable income for the year.



Q1 Globalization demands a single set of high-quality international accounting standards. List the elements of High Quality Standards and explain the two major boards that sets standards. 

Answer: 3 Marks

Q2. Q2. What do you understand by deferrals and accruals in adjusting entries? Give numerical examples on how such adjusting entries are made.

(4 Marks)


Q3. Fill in the blanks (1 Mark)

Sales Revenue – Cost of goods sold   = Gross Profit – Operating expenses =Net Profit

500,000                              ?                                       175,000 ? 76,500

? 305,800 ? 115,750 65,250


Sales Revenue – Cost of goods sold   = Gross Profit – Operating expenses =Net Profit

500,000                       175,00076,500

305,800115,750 65,250

Q4.  a. What do you understand by allocation to non-controlling interest and discontinued operations? Explain how they are reported in the income statement. (2 Marks)


Q4b. Intraperiod Tax Allocation. 

XYZ Co. has income before income tax of SR 50,000. XYZ Co. has a gain of SR 10,000 from a discontinued operation. Assuming a 35 percent income tax rate, how would  XYZ Co. present the  information on the income statement, and if it had a loss of SR 10,000 from a discontinued operation. Assuming a 35 percent income tax rate, show the changes in Income on the income statement

(2 Marks)


1. Changes in Income on the income statement when Loss made from discontinued operations

2. Changes in Income on the income statement when Gain made on discontinued operations



The following information in SAR. Prepare a Cash Flow Statement:- (3 Marks)

Opening Cash Balance 15,000

Closing Cash Balance 23,000  

Increase in current liabilities 13,000  

Decrease in current assets 17,000

Fixed assets purchase 30,000

Redemption of 12% bonds 14,000

Profit for the year 18,000

Depreciation  4000 

PRM 337 UAGC PRM 337



Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read the Work Breakdown StructurLinks to an external site. webpage, Chapter 4: Defining the Project from your course textbook, Chapter 5.4: Create WBS from the book A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMOK Guide) and watch Project Management | Work Breakdown StructurLinks to an external site..

In your discussion, post images and expound on your Project Scope Statement Overview and work breakdown structure (WBS) from PRM300: Introduction to Project Management. If appropriate, a process breakdown structure (PBS) should be used. If you either did not take PRM 300 or do not have your WBS, contact your instructor for the option of receiving a substitute WBS or for using a WBS from a previous course.

In your discussion post, address the following:

  • Be sure to identify the deliverables and organization units (people) responsible.
  • Discuss how you coded your system.
  • Give an example of at least one work package in each of your cost accounts.
  • Develop a corresponding organizational breakdown structure (OBS) that identifies who is responsible for what.
  • Make sure you post the WBS as an image
  • #2
  • Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 5: Estimating Project Times and Costs from your course textbook and Chapter 5.4: Create WBS and Chapter Bottom-Up Estimating from the book, PMBOK Guide.In your initial discussion post, address these questions:
    • What are the differences between bottom-up and top-down estimating approaches?
    • Under what conditions would you prefer one over the other?
    • Which strategy are you using in your project? Explain the reasoning behind your choice.

Presentation / case study


Rising from the Ashes: A Case Study on Fire Insurance and Resilience for Hawaiian Electric Industries during Maui Wildfires.


This case delves into the challenges faced by Hawaiian Electric Industries (HEI), a critical energy provider in Hawaii, amidst the Maui wildfires of 2023. The study explores how HEI strategically approached fire insurance and implemented robust risk management measures to minimize financial losses, protect crucial infrastructure, and ensure the continuous supply of electricity during a natural disaster.


Hawaiian Electric Industries, encompassing Hawaiian Electric Company, Maui Electric Company, and Hawaii Electric Light Company, found itself at the forefront of challenges during the Maui wildfires of 2023. This case study aims to shed light on HEI’s resilience and preparedness, emphasizing the strategic role of fire insurance and risk management in safeguarding essential infrastructure


Examine the impact of the Maui wildfires on Hawaiian Electric Industries’ power generation and distribution assets.

Analyze the specific components of HEI’s fire insurance policy designed to mitigate financial losses and protect infrastructure.

Explore the risk management measures implemented by HEI to ensure the continuous and reliable supply of electricity.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of HEI’s response in terms of financial stability and community support during the wildfire crisis.Outcomes:Through the lens of Hawaiian Electric Industries’ experience, this case study aims to provide insights into the critical role of fire insurance and proactive risk management in ensuring resilience for essential infrastructure providers during natural disasters. HEI’s ability to rise from the ashes serves as a valuable
  • example for utility companies facing similar challenges, showcasing the importance of preparedness and strategic decision-making in times of crisis.