Analysis and discussion


Answer the following questions based on the review and practice guide:

Discuss the concepts that were most challenging for you in the readings and review material. How did the practice exercises help clarify these?

What did you learn that will help you analyze LGI’s cost structure to increase its productivity and put the company on a path to a sustainable future?

  1. This one is the excel workbook
  2. Your team has provided you with an Excel workbook containing LGI’s financials. You will use the workbook to

Determine how LGI can strengthen EBITDA

Discover ways for LGI to increase productivity

Perform cost calculations in the worksheets 

  • Complete the analysis calculation for the project:
  • Download the Project 3 Excel Workbook, click the Instructions tab, and read the instructions.
  • Calculate and evaluate costs using the worksheets.

If you would like instructor feedback on this step, follow the instructions in the box below to submit your Excel file to the Assignments folder as a milestone by the end of Week 5. This is optional. If you choose to submit the milestone, you will receive instructor feedback you may use to make corrections before submitting your final Project 3. To distinguish the milestone submission from the file you will submit in Step 5, label your file as follows: P3_milestone_lastname_Calculation_date

You have developed an in-depth understanding of LGI’s operating efficiency related to costing and the impact on EBITDA. You feel confident that your target revenue combined with a better mix of fixed and variable costs will positively boost LGI’s productivity, providing the company with a competitive edge. LGI will finally be on a path toward a sustainable future. Answer the questions in the Project 3 Questions Report Template document. Prepare your analysis report including recommendations for how the company can improve its financial situation.

  • Complete the analysis report for the project:

Download the Project 3 Questions Report Template

  • Read the instructions.
  • Answer all the questions.

Include your recommendations.

CT M9 MGT 510


Scope of the Modern Company 

In this module, we looked at technology-based industries and the management of innovation. For this week’s assignment, review Case 12: Tesla: Eni SpA: The Corporate Strategy of an International Energy Major, p. 503 (in your textbook). Remember: A case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific case study questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:

Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course module, which apply to the situation described in the case study.

Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the module. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current course module. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.

Describe in some detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.

Consider how you would support your solution with examples from experience or current real-life examples or cases from textbooks.

Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.

Case Study Questions:

How has Eni SpA leveraged innovation to gain a competitive advantage in the global energy market?

What are the determinants of the profitability of Eni SpA’s innovation strategy?

How has Tesla’s innovation strategy contributed to its competitive advantage in the auto industry?

  1. How can Tesla exploit its innovation in electric vehicle technology to expand into new markets?
  2. What key success factors have changed in the auto industry due to the rapid evolution of technology, and how has Tesla adapted to these changes?

Week 4 Assignmment


Mr. Lee operates a green grocery in a building he owns in one of the outer boroughs of New York City. Recently, a large chemical firm offered him a position as a senior engineer designing plants for its Asian operations. (Mr. Lee has a master’s degree in chemical engineering.) His salary plus benefits would be $95,000 per year. A recent annual financial statement of his store’s operations indicates the following:

Revenue $625,000

Cost of goods sold 325,000

Wages of workers 75,000

Taxes, insurance, maintenance, 


?and depreciation on building 

Interest on business loan (10%) 5,000

Other miscellaneous expenses 15,000

Profit before taxes $175,000

If Mr. Lee decides to take the job, he knows that he can sell the store for $350,000 because of the goodwill built with a steady clientele of neighborhood customers and the excellent location of the building. He would still hold on to the building, however, and he knows he could earn a rent of $50,000 on this asset. If he did sell the business, assume he would use some of the proceeds from the sale to pay off his business loan of $50,000. He could then invest the difference of $300,000 (i.e., $350,000 ? $50,000) and expect to receive an annual return of 9 percent. Should Mr. Lee sell his business and go to work for the chemical company?

In answering this question, also consider the following information:

In his own business, Mr. Lee works between 16 and 18 hours a day, 6 days a week. He can expect to work between 10 and 12 hours a day, 5 days a week, in the chemical company.

Currently, Mr. Lee is assisted by his wife and his brother, both of whom receive no salary but share in the profits of the business.

Mr. Lee expects his salary and the profits of his business to increase at roughly the same rate over the next 5 years. 

Crtical thinking


Performance Management 

A central factor that can determine the effectiveness of a performance management system, of course, is whether an employee’s performance is raised, thereby raising the overall performance (and profitability) of the organization. This is accomplished by ensuring that the performance of an employee is directly tied to the organization’s overall strategic goals/objectives.

In this critical thinking assignment, choose any Saudi Arabian company in which you are familiar (it does not need to be one that you have worked for). Research the specific goals or objectives of the organization over the next 5 years, along with the main principles of a performance management system, and then address the following questions:

Give a brief review of the organization you have chosen.

State the 2-3 most important goals/objectives for the organization over the next five years.

As mentioned above, the key to an effective performance management system is to directly tie organizational goals with an employee’s specific goals. If that employee accomplishes those goals, then the organization has an opportunity (collectively) to reach its overall goals/objectives. Given that statement, choose any position you are familiar with in that organization. They develop 3 goals that the person in that position must accomplish over the next years in order to be successful in their position and, as a result, that would allow the organization to be successful. Below is an example:
EXAMPLE: The goal of the Riyad Bank is to increase its profit margins by 5 percent over the next two years. Therefore, one of the performance goals for the Chief Financial Officer is to develop a strategy that, when implemented, will reduce expenses a minimum of 2 percent in each of the subsequent 3 years.If addressed correctly, students will learn, via the performance management system, to create performance standards that directly tie employee performance to organizational performance.

DB – Strategic Planning Process


Strategic Planning Process

In this module, you will explore the relationship between strategic planning and the components of the organization’s internal and external environments. You will learn that strategic planning involves the organization’s present and future and also that it provides a guide for organizational activities. In order to analyze a strategic plan, you will need to examine the components of the internal and external environments. You will also explore the importance of developing an organization’s mission and vision statements, and then you will learn how both are utilized to develop the strategic plan and goals.

Discussion Question

Question Requirements:

For this discussion forum, consider a circumstance where poor employee performance was observed in the workplace (or you are familiar, via research, where this occurred in an organization). An example could be the poor performance of a co-worker, excessive absenteeism in the workplace, or disrespect exhibited between/among employees.. 

Briefly discuss the situation you experienced above and present 2 strategies a manager should use to address the poor performance of the employee.

Discuss how you would specifically evaluate the success and/or failure of these recommendations. What tools or models to determine the success/failure of these strategies.


Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate. 

Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 600-word limit.

Learning Outcomes

Evaluate the key elements of internal and external environments affecting strategic planning.

Analyze the components of the strategic planning process in the development of the mission, vision, and the strategic plan and goals.



Chapter 3 in Performance Management: Performance Management and Strategic Planning p. 71-83

Emmanuel, N., & Nwuzor, J. (2021). Employee and organizational performance: Employees perception of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards system. Applied Journal of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, 2(1), 26–32.

ITMG221: Project Planning & Estimating and Scheduling.


Project Planning & Estimating and Scheduling

Project plan is produced during the planning phase. Although planning starts much earlier – even during the concept phase and requirements definition, the plan cannot be finalized until reasonable estimates of schedule and costs are made. The project plan is the formal document that guides execution of a project. Planning occurs through a project, that is, the planning process is dynamic and ongoing and many planning processes will be repeated during the design and execution phases as changes are made in the project.

Many problems can occur in a project if insufficient time is spent planning; the purpose of planning is to prevent those problems from occurring. causes of poor planning may include estimates that are poorly done, exception handling that is grossly misunderstood; requirements that are incomplete, changing or not understood; technical complexity that is misunderstood; old code content that is not known; new requirements that are added or sneaked into the plan; dictated constraints; and inadequate time to do a project job.

Estimating is the bridge from the work break down structure to planning schedules, costs and resources. The basic process of estimating applies to the wide variety of estimates needed in projects, including time estimates for scheduling, cost estimates for budgeting and personnel and equipment estimates for planning resources.

Scheduling a project requires both a scientific and an artistic touch. It requires a scientific touch because the schedule has to reflect the work breakdown structure tasks in a logical and interrelated way to optimize resources across the organization. Scheduling requires an artistic touch because tasks not only are technically dependent ot interrelated but are often politically driven, thus requiring finesse and interpersonal skill.

Discussion Points:

  • What are are some key steps in developing a project schedule?
  • Why is project plan important in a project?
  • Discuss two types of Estimation techniques.

Business Accounting/Workplace Conflict


(Original Content Only) (3-page paper) (APA citations) (APA in-text citations only)

Create a 3-page paper that discusses what workplace conflict looks like and how it differs from interpersonal or family conflict. What contribution do the players, leadership, or executive board play in the development of conflict? How might the workplace’s goals play a role in organizational tensions?  Provide one example of conflict in an organization. 

(Original Content Only) (650 Word Post) (APA citations) (In-text citations are a must) (Use the sources listed for citations) (Must include Biblical integration of scripture relating to accounting topic) (Opinion is worth little unless it is supported by quotes and/or paraphrases from the textbooks and professional journals)

Select a well-known company with which you have some familiarity (specify the type of industry). Then, select 1 of the contemporary management techniques listed in Chapter 1 of the Blocher, Juras, & Smith textbook. Why and how do you feel that the contemporary management technique selected would be a positive force in helping the company achieve its critical success factors?

Contemporary management technique: Benchmarking

Sources to be cited: Blocher, E. J., Juras, P. E., & Smith, S. D. (2021). Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, (9th edition). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. 

Use to find journal articles

Submit a thread of 650 words directly addressing the discussion prompt. You MUST upload a proper APA Word document as an attachment. 

In your threads synthesize course material and demonstrate critical thinking, graduate-level writing skills, and reflection.

*Cite the textbooks and scholarly articles from professional accounting and business


*Use at least 3 journal articles for the Discussion: Cost Management, Strategy,

Technique, and at least 2 for the Discussion: Cost Estimation and Profit Planning.

* In your presentation, place the primary focus on the management accounting technique

with a secondary emphasis on the chosen company.

*Include Biblical integration in response to each question posed and within your peer

Association Rules


Association Rules


In this project, you will apply the concepts of association rules to the given dataset. The primary objective is to uncover interesting and meaningful patterns and interpret their significance in a practical context.


Data file: Chapter05DataSet.csv

Instruction Video: An instructional video that guides you through the concepts and methodologies relevant to this project is available in Chapter 5 (MyEducator 5.5).



In this project, you will apply the concepts of association rules to the given dataset. The primary objective is to uncover interesting and meaningful patterns and interpret their significance in a practical context.

  • Resources Data file: Chapter05DataSet.csv
  • Instruction Video: An instructional video that guides you through the concepts and methodologies relevant to this project is available in Chapter 5 (MyEducator 5.5).

Associated Slides: Accompanying slides that provide additional information and context for the project are available (Chapter5 – Association Rules.pptActions).

Download and Review Project 1 Document:

Before starting, download and thoroughly review the ‘Project 1 – Association Rules.docxActions‘ document. This document contains detailed instructions and guidelines.

Data Preparation:

Import the dataset into RapidMiner.

Perform any necessary data cleaning and preparation to facilitate the analysis.

Make sure to select the same attributes as instructed in the video.

Association Rule Mining:

Apply association rule mining techniques to the dataset following instructions in the Word document (You need to experiment with different measures to determine rules).

Generate a list of association rules that you find interesting and potentially useful.

Analysis and Interpretation:

For two tested models, provide an analysis and interpretation. Discuss why you think these rules are interesting and how they might be useful in a practical scenario.

Compare the results of the two model runs. What differences are observed?

PSY211- Module Two Milestone



When we refer to the Module One Milestone assignment, there’s no doubt that the contrast between April’s and Judi’s lives seems dramatic. However, although we might feel some degree of sadness for Judi and her daughter, there is still hope that they can rise above the challenges and lead more adaptive lives. Despite the unknowns, one thing is certain: April’s story paints a very bright picture of what we can do to bridge the gap between our biological (nature) and psychosocial (nurture) outcomes.

In this milestone, you will explore how you apply a growth mindset when considering yourself and the nature versus nurture debate. How much agency do you have over your life? How do emotional intelligence and resilience factors affect your well-being? Maybe more than you think.


The following resources support your work on the milestone:

Module Two Milestone Template Word Document

Meet the 6 Dimensions of Wellness

  • After reviewing the article on the six dimensions of wellness, answer each question in the Module Two Milestone Template with a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences. Support your answers with credible sources when appropriate. You must address the rubric criteria listed below:

Choose one of the wellness dimensions and explain whether you feel it is guided more by nature or nurture. Explain your response.

  • Explain how one dimension of wellness influences cognitive well-being during a specific stage of development.

Identify the wellness dimension that you feel most in control of. Explain your response.

Identify the wellness dimension that you feel least in control of. Explain your response.

Choose one dimension that you believe to be predominant in development. Explain your response.

  • Explain how emotional intelligence and resilience factors affect your well-being.

Consider how you can apply the dimensions of wellness to support your own well-being in your response.

Module 07: Industry Evolution and Change – Discussion Question


Module 07: Industry Evolution and Change

In this module, you will consider the systemic nature of change and change management in strategic planning. As we know, creating the strategic plan is just the beginning. Implementing the plan determines the strength of the plan’s ability to generate competitive advantage. Change is a feature of life and business and it’s also an inherent part of strategy and strategy implementation. It has a systemic nature that permeates all avenues of business and industry. Understanding the influences that drive industry evolution can assist with strategy planning, formulation, and implementation.

Discussion Question

Question Requirements:

The Nature of Change

In this module, we learned that everything is in a state of constant change. This is a challenge of strategic management, as the industry environment is driven by technology, consumer needs, politics, economic conditions, and many other influences.

Read Case 8 Eastman Kodak’s Quest for a Digital Future. Please see attached.

Discuss the key factors that drove the evolution of the photography industry, and how did these factors impact Kodak’s business model?

Based on your understanding of the industry life cycle, discuss the stage the photography industry was in during Kodak’s quest for a digital future.

Discuss the strategies that Kodak employed to adapt to the changing industry environment, and how effective were these strategies?

Discuss what strategies would have been most appropriate for Kodak to pursue at that stage?

How did Kodak’s organizational ambidexterity, or lack thereof, impact its ability to manage strategic change and respond to disruptive technologies?


Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources.

Write the discuss that includes an introduction paragraph, the body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions.

Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 600 word limit.