video and question activity


Founded in 1887 in Nottingham, England, Raleigh Wheels became known as the original all-steel bicycle manufacturer. Eventually, ownership of a Raleigh bike became a status symbol. Raleigh’s product development has been significantly influenced by trends in the European market where biking had long been a lifestyle choice. Then, in the past 10 to 15 years, technological advances have fueled bikers’ desires for equipment that is lighter, faster, and better. All companies in the industry, including Raleigh, began incorporating these technological advances into their products. Sensing that it was getting lost as a company, Raleigh returned to what customers really expected. It returned to its roots as a steel bike producer for customers who are committed to bikes and biking as a lifestyle choice. Part of this impetus for returning to the all-steel bike came from the desire for messenger-style bikes by customers of Raleigh America. Customers who pursue biking as a lifestyle choice want durable equipment and a quality ride, both of which are provided by the all-steel bike. To ensure that Raleigh continues to satisfy its customers’ wants and needs, Raleigh America’s marketing manager constantly uses various venues to gather input from bike enthusiasts.

VIDEO DISCUSSION QUESTIONS you can login in my school thing to watch the video

How can market segmentation be useful for producers of bicycles?

On what factors does Raleigh Wheels base its market segmentation?

How can Raleigh Wheels benefit from the market segment that it pursues?

  1. Activities:

Activity I: Choose a product that you would like to introduce in the market. Create a profile of your target market and to discuss the reasons for choosing this market.

This activity/assignment will help students understand concept of positioning and its importance

Activity II: Find a company that is struggling. Where is it in the positioning matrix? Could the company be more successful if it changed any of its Ps (e.g., to head to the lo-lo-lo-lo or hi-hi-hi-hi cells)? Kohl’s, Game Stop, or JC Penney should not be used.



Course Learning Outcomes-Covered

  • Explain of the concepts, models for formulating strategies, defining the organizational strategic directions and crafting a deployment strategy. 

Reference Source: 


Schilling M.A (2020),Strategic Management of Technology Innovation (6th Edition). Mc-Graw Hill Education. Electronic Version: ISBN-13: 978-1260087956ISBN-10: 1260087956, Printed Version: ISBN-13: 978-1260087956 ISBN-10: 1260087956

Assignment 2Weight: 10 Marks

Students are requested to read chapter 8 “Collaboration strategies” from their book Strategic Management of Technological Innovation.

Based on the conceptual knowledge and understanding of the various collaboration strategies employed by technology organizations to foster innovation, improve efficiency, and maintain competitive advantage. Students are expected to analyse real-world examples, apply theoretical concepts, and critically evaluate the effectiveness of different collaboration approaches and write an essay by using the mentioned pointers.

Introduction to Collaboration in Technology Organizations (2 marks, 100-150 words):

  • Briefly explain the importance of collaboration in technology organizations. Highlight how collaboration contributes to innovation and competitive advantage.

Types of Collaborative Arrangements (3 marks, 150-200 words):

  • Describe at least three collaboration arrangements (discussed in your chapter 8) used by technology organizations, such as strategic alliances, joint ventures, licensing, outsourcing and collective research organisations. Provide an example of a technology organization for each strategy and explain how it is implemented.

Challenges and Solutions (3 marks, 150-200 words):

  • Discuss the challenges technology organizations might face when implementing collaboration strategies. Suggest practical solutions to overcome these challenges, referencing specific collaboration tools or methodologies that facilitate effective collaboration.

Case Study Analysis (2 marks, 150-250 words):

  • Select a technology organization known for its collaborative culture (e.g., Google, Apple, Microsoft). Analyse how this organization’s collaboration strategy has contributed to its success. Include key elements such as leadership, technology, and organizational culture in your analysis.

Note :-

  • Only reading the textbook will not be enough to score grades or answer the questions appropriately.
  • Do adhere to the word limit strictly, mere one or two sentence answers will not be entertained, they need to be supported with further explanation and facts.
  • It is mandatory to support each pointer with at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.



Assignment Question(s):(Marks 15)

Q1. Explain the role of accounting information in strategic management. How does accounting information assist in the formulation and implementation of organizational strategies? Support your answer by providing an example of one Saudi Company in this regard. (2 Marks)

Note: Your answer must include a suitable example showing the role of accounting information in strategic management of an organization. (Chapter 1, Week 1)


Q2. What do you mean by cost function and for what purpose does it serve for? What are the various methods used to estimate cost functions? Explain each method with suitable numerical examples.(3 Marks) (Chapter 2, Week 2)


Q3. TTL Corporation is in the manufacturer of several plastic products. TTL sells its one of the plastic product for SAR 500. The variable costs per unit are SAR 200, and the total fixed costs are SAR 510,000. Based on cost-volume profit analysis, calculate:(4 Marks)

Contribution margin per unit and contribution margin ratio.

Break-even point in units and sales SAR.

Pretax profit if the company sells 2,200 units.

Profit/loss if the company sells 1,500 units.

Units needed to reach target pretax profit of SAR 180,000.

Sales SAR needed to reach the target pretax profit of SAR 180,000.(Chapter 3, Week 3)


Q4. “Job costing is a method of cost accounting used by companies to find out the cost of specific jobs or projects.” Comment on this statement and examine how actual allocation rates and estimated allocation rates are analyzed by the companies? Support your answer with an example of one Saudi company that use job costing.  (2 Marks) (Chapter 5, week 4)


Q5. A company uses a process costing system for its sole processing department. There were 4,000 units in beginning WIP inventory for June and 36,000 units were started in June. The beginning WIP units were 60% complete and the 3,250 units in ending WIP were 40% complete. All materials are added at the start of processing. (4 Marks) (Chapter 6 Part 1, Week 5)

Media power and privilege discussion



review video and materials below, and follow the discussion assignment instructions below.

Then reflect here on any or all of the following questions:

What surprised you most about the Power Privilege Checklist and why?

How have the various forms of power/privilege and/or the lack thereof, impacted you personally in life?

The phrase “white privilege,” can sometimes be heard/processed as a personal attack – even when that is not the intention of the speaker. It is common to hear relatively-non-racist people say something along the lines of, “What do you mean ‘white privilege?’ Nobody gave me anything. I worked hard for everything I’ve ever gotten in life.” The defensive reaction is so common, that scholars have coined the term, ‘white fragility’ to describe it.

Full disclosure: I personally identify as Caucasian, and this was my first gut-reaction upon hearing the phrase for the first time as well. I get it now, but didn’t then. The first time I heard it, it sounded to my subconscious mind like, “Everything you have was given to you because you are white. You have done something terrible to all people who are not white and are enjoying the advantages of that terrible thing you did.”

So my question is – Does the phrase, “white privilege” get the job done? Is it the best and most effective way to communicate the concept? It certainly seems accurate once one has taken some time to get past that initial, defensive gut reaction – but doesn’t it cause far more people to put up a defensive wall and “fight back” as opposed to listen further? Can you think of a better way to communicate the concept of systemic advantages? Perhaps one that might not be so instantly processed as a direct and personal attack? Or is that, “slap in the face,” a necessary and valuable part of waking people up to the ways that other people experience the world?



Assignment Question(s):

Q1. Explain the role of accounting information in strategic management. How does accounting information assist in the formulation and implementation of organizational strategies? Support your answer by providing an example of one Saudi Company in this regard. (2 Marks)

Note: Your answer must include a suitable example showing the role of accounting information in strategic management of an organization. (Chapter 1, Week 1)


Q2. What do you mean by cost function and for what purpose does it serve for? What are the various methods used to estimate cost functions? Explain each method with suitable numerical examples.(3 Marks) (Chapter 2, Week 2)


Q3. TTL Corporation is in the manufacturer of several plastic products. TTL sells its one of the plastic product for SAR 500. The variable costs per unit are SAR 200, and the total fixed costs are SAR 510,000. Based on cost-volume profit analysis, calculate:(4 Marks)

Contribution margin per unit and contribution margin ratio.

Break-even point in units and sales SAR.

Pretax profit if the company sells 2,200 units.

Profit/loss if the company sells 1,500 units.

Units needed to reach target pretax profit of SAR 180,000.

Sales SAR needed to reach the target pretax profit of SAR 180,000.(Chapter 3, Week 3)


Q4. “Job costing is a method of cost accounting used by companies to find out the cost of specific jobs or projects.” Comment on this statement and examine how actual allocation rates and estimated allocation rates are analyzed by the companies? Support your answer with an example of one Saudi company that use job costing.  (2 Marks) (Chapter 5, week 4)


Q5. A company uses a process costing system for its sole processing department. There were 4,000 units in beginning WIP inventory for June and 36,000 units were started in June. The beginning WIP units were 60% complete and the 3,250 units in ending WIP were 40% complete. All materials are added at the start of processing. (4 Marks) (Chapter 6 Part 1, Week 5)



Background: Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems enable businesses to design and manufacture unique products to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. Supply chain management (SCM) systems can improve efficiency and reduce costs if a business has many suppliers and products. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems enable businesses to manage customer information better to develop deeper relationships. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems help to manage resources (e.g., finance, inventory, human resources) to improve the efficiency of business operations.

Assignment: This assignment aims to demonstrate how upgrading a system can contribute to the value chain and influence the business strategy.

Given your company and its generic business strategy from Week 1, if that organization can afford only one major system upgrade at this time, describe how one of the following types of systems could contribute to the value chain of your company and influence its business strategy—choose either: a computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system, a supply chain management (SCM) system, a customer relationship management (CRM) system, or an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Even though your company may use many types of systems, focus on the one (CAD/CAM, SCM, CRM, or ERP) that is most important for its business strategy.

Create a professional PowerPoint presentation for the business team in your company recommending a system upgrade. Make sure you remind your business team of the generic strategy and how the proposed system will enhance that strategy.

Describe how the new type of system will work.

Use the Porter value chain model to identify the areas impacted. 

Present what business improvements your company could make with the new system.

  1. Identify the types of people in the company who would use or be impacted by the software you are proposing.
  2. Use the Porter five forces model to show how the new system could impact your company’s competitive advantage. Although a cost/benefit analysis would typically be included in this type of presentation, that is not required for this assignment.

Recruitment and Selection Plan


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Recruitment & Selection Plan

In this assignment you will prepare a recruitment plan for a project associate position at State University.  You will use the attached job QUESTION – QUESTION and recruitment plan template as a guide.


You are a Consulting Recruiter with XYZ Recruitment, Inc. You have been contracted by “State University” to assist them with the recruitment and selection of a Project Associate for the university. A job QUESTION – QUESTION for this position is attached to assist you with the development of your recruitment plan. 

For this assignment, create a recruitment grid (see attached template) and a PowerPoint presentation for the HR team of the university that details your recruitment strategy, QUESTION – QUESTION, and tactics. Your presentation must be a minimum of 12 slides, and no more than 15 substantive slides.

Review the article below for examples of information you may wish to include in your grid or presentation:

Maurer, R. (2015). Assessing Your Recruiting Function for Compliance and Best Practices.

Submission Instructions: Submit your work in the attached template, including a recruitment grid and a separate PPT presentation of the plan (include supporting references and at least one citation for each reference). Use the Notes section of the presentation.

Use the attached excel sheet as a guide for the recruitment grid portion of your assignment.  You should submit something similar detailing a tool that could be used in the selection of an employee to fill the role of the job QUESTION – QUESTION attached.  You will need to fill in the highlighted areas (essential and desirable qualifications of the job).  You can include more that 4 requirements in each area if you like.  You can adjust the tool to best fit the role to be filled.

Include instructions in the matrix on how to use the tool (revise instruction on the sample template).

Media10 Media Consumption Reflection


Write three or more paragraphs for a news item you have recently consumed.

Choose a news item you have recently consumed

1. 1 st Paragraph: Tell us about the item you’re discussing. Describe it. (ie: name, title, what it is, etc.)

a. If it’s an image or a video, embed the item into your QUESTION.Working Link to artifact (or related) included

b. Describe the circumstances under which you consumed the media artifact. In a movie theater with friends? Alone at home on television?While driving, or reading your class homework? Etc.

2. 2 nd, 3rd and more Paragraphs: Write at least two paragraphs (beyond the QUESTION) discussing your media item.

a. Use at least two of the terms, ideas, and concepts we are exploring inclass (one term per paragraph) and underline them when you mention them. see the concepts from the vocabulary full list below.

i. Underline one class vocab term per paragraph and discuss it fully.

ii. The underlined terms must be within your analysis/reflection paragraphs, not within your QUESTION paragraph.

iii. You must discuss each term you underline. So you may NOT simply say something like: “This is clearly an example of racism and objectification,” and then leave it at that. You have to say why you feel that way. What about that piece of media specifically makes you draw those conclusions?

b. Critically analyze how your term applies, and comment upon what is being communicated about race, gender, sexuality, social class, etc. Your analysis must relate to the class themes of race, gender, sex, class, etc.

c. Let me know why you chose this particular item to write about, how it relates to our class discussion or readings, and what you personally think/feel about it. d. I will be looking for personal experiences, insights, and critical thinking as

you share your experiences.

e. If you’re analyzing an advertisement ,be sure to use the 4 step MEF method learned in class (and described below) for analyzing an ad.

Strayer University: Week 10 – Marketing Plan Part C



For this assignment, you will conclude your marketing plan by developing your hypothetical company’s integrated marketing communications strategy. The categories for the communications strategy include traditional, digital, social media, and cause-related marketing. You will also create a video to advertise your product or service as a social media influencer.

Note: You should make all assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.


Complete this assignment using the Week 10 Assignment Template Marketing Plan Part C Download Week 10 Assignment Template Marketing Plan Part C[DOCX].

Step 1: Download the template, and save it as  Lastname_Firstname_MKT500_Week10_Assignment.

Step 2: Follow the instructions carefully as you complete the template. Be sure to utilize the resources provided and incorporate the required number of additional resources using Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).

Use at least two quality sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least once within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review the library guide.

Step 3: Review the assignment rubric to ensure you have met all requirements and submit the completed template using the assignment link in your course. Note: create and submit the video portion of the assignment in addition to the assignment template. Instructions are provided in both PDF and video format in the Required Resources section below.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.


Course Textbook

How to Record Video or Audio Using My Media Download How to Record Video or Audio Using My Media[PDF]

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Develop marketing strategies and plans related to a given product or service and target market.

Business Information Systems Discussion


Complete this discussion by following the instructions in MIS for Life under Learn it from Module 2 in MindTap

From the book: MIS for Life: Module 2 Alternatives to OOP

The Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm is as much of a way looking at a problem as it is constructing a solution. In much of your coursework, OOP will likely be the primary way to view software and even systems. This is quite rational since it is reflective of the way we often perceive things. To be “object oriented” is, as it says, to have a tendency of seeing the world as objects. The objects have characteristics (attributes) and actions (methods). With that perspective, the notion of an action performed without an object seems odd or even invalid. This has been described as a kingdom of nouns where the verbs are second class citizens. But what if the kingdom had primarily verbs as citizens? Is that even possible? Yes, and the kingdom is called Functional Programming (FP). The aim of this activity is not to cement the idea that OOP is superior or even to rationalize why FP is better. The aim is solely to introduce a different way of solving problems with software. Why? The more ways we have to solve a problem, the better the solution will often be!