PowerPoint Presentation


I need you to transfer the slide notes to the attached PowerPoint slide deck.  Attached  images if possible that coordinate with the slide information provide should be able to accomplish with 45minutes or less.

###Terminal Learning Objective 1: Understanding the Role of Armed Contracted Security Officers (ACSO) also known as

Protective Security Officers (PSO)

**Objective:** Participants will comprehend the primary responsibilities and importance of Armed

Contracted Security Officers as the first line of security in federal buildings.

**Example Slide:**

Understanding the Role of ACSOs](image1.jpg),o[,

* Bullet Points:

 – ACSOs serve as the initial point of contact for individuals entering federal buildings.

 – Vigilance and support provided by ACSOs are highly valued by the Environmental Protection Agency


 – ACSOs answer to their respective companies but are monitored by government representatives to

ensure contractual compliance.

### TLO 2: Functions and Tasks of an ACSO

**Objective:** Participants will learn the six basic functions and tasks performed by ACSOs to enhance

security measures.

**Example Slide:**

[Functions and Tasks of an ACSO](image2.jpg)

* Bullet Points:

 – Access Control

 – Screening

 – Visitor Processing

 – Patrol and Response

 – Control Center Operations

 – Other Duties and Responsibilities

### TLO 3: Security Posts and their Roles

**Objective:** Participants will understand the different types of security posts and their specific duties.

**Example Slide:**

[Security Posts and their Roles](image3.jpg)

* Bullet Points:

 – Access Control Post

 – Control Center Operations Post

 – Patrol and Response Post

 – Screening Post

 – Visitor Processing Post

### TLO 4: Access and Egress Control

**Objective:** Participants will grasp the importance of controlling access and egress to federal

facilities and the procedures involved.

**Example Slide:**

[Access and Egress Control](image4.jpg)

* Bullet Points:

 – Authorization, restriction, or denial of entrance/exit.

 – Adherence to established security procedures.

### TLO 5: Patrol and Response

**Objective:** Participants will understand the significance of ACSO patrols and their role in identifying

and reporting security issues.

**Example Slide:**

[Patrol and Response](image5.jpg)

* Bullet Points:

 -Interior Rover 

Exterior Rover

Mobile Rover

    Identifying security violations and hazardous situations.

 – Reporting criminal activity, suspicious persons, and circumstances.

### TLO 6: Traffic Control

**Objective:** Participants will learn the responsibilities associated with regulating vehicular and

pedestrian traffic on federally controlled property.

**Example Slide:**

[Traffic Control](image6.jpg)

* Bullet Points:

 – Regulation of entering and exiting vehicular traffic.

 – Possible involvement in regulating pedestrian traffic.

### TLO 7: Monitoring Security and Fire Alarms

**Objective:** Participants will understand the role of ACSOs in monitoring security and fire alarm


**Example Slide:**

[Monitoring Security and Fire Alarms](image7.jpg)

* Bullet Points:

 – Monitoring alarm systems.

 – Responding or dispatching ACSOs based on notifications.

 – Notifying relevant authorities of alarm activations.

Changing the Organizational Structure for Effectiveness


This is a class discussion. These are two different student posts. Please respond to each of the statements whether you agree or disagree. Explain why. 50 words for each response.

1)Consider a hypothetical software development company called Sprint. Currently, Tech Sprint follows a traditional functional organizational structure, where employees are grouped based on their specialized functions such as engineering, design, marketing, and sales. However, considering the dynamic nature of the technology industry and the need for rapid innovation, Tech Sprint might benefit from adopting a more agile organizational structure, such as a product team structure. In a product team structure, employees from different functional areas collaborate within cross-functional teams dedicated to specific products or projects. Each team is responsible for end-to-end delivery, from ideation to deployment, thereby fostering quicker decision-making and adaptability. This structure encourages innovation and customer-centricity, as teams have a deeper understanding of user needs and can iterate rapidly based on feedback. By transitioning to a product team structure, Tech Sprint could enhance its responsiveness to market demands, streamline communication and decision-making processes, and foster a culture of collaboration and accountability across functional boundaries. This could ultimately lead to greater efficiency and effectiveness in delivering high-quality products to customers.


What kind of organizational structure does the organization use?

The Department of Corrections uses a hierarchical organizational structure. This is a well-designed system that ensures smooth and efficient functioning. It is headed by the Executive Director, who is responsible for overseeing the entire department. The department is divided into several divisions, such as the Division of Adult Parole, Community Corrections, and Youthful Offender System. Each division is headed by a Director who reports directly to the Executive Director. The Director is responsible for overseeing the operations of their respective division, including budgeting, staffing, and program development. This results in efficient decision-making processes, which are essential for the department’s success. The hierarchical organizational structure of the Department of Corrections is a well-thought-out system that allows for efficient management and accountability at all levels.

What other organizational structures discussed in this week’s textbook readings might allow the organization to operate more effectively? For example, would moving to a product team structure lead to greater efficiency or effectiveness? Why or why not?

Advertising and Public Relations: MKTG320


Assignment Details

There is a difference between public relations, known today as earned media, and advertising, also known as paid media. Both disciplines are important in the overall marketing campaign of a brand, whether it is a product, business, company, service, person, idea, or place. Social media has also become an important way to advertise and publicize anything.

Key Concept Snapshot: Advertising is paid media, meaning the marketer crafts and pays for the message that they want to present to the audience. The marketer controls the published or presented message.

Key Concept Snapshot: Public relations is earned media, meaning the information being marketed through persuasive messaging is earned and the public develops its own opinions about the product, service, idea, and business and beyond. The marketer does not control the published or presented message.

There are several advantages to using both disciplines in crafting and marketing a message to sell products and services. To prepare for this assignment, do the following:

Create your assignment.


Suppose you want to start an online business part-time. Include the following 3 main ideas in your 3–5-page assignment:

  • What’s the difference between public relations and advertising? First, write about the differences between advertising (paid media) and public relations (earned media). Provide examples.
  • How would you advertise and publicize the business? Write about how you might approach advertising and public relations for a product of your choice. Explain your interpretation of the differences.
  • Market, message, and media: Now that you have considered, reviewed, and analyzed public relations and advertising, think about your market, message and media. Explain your different ideas about messages to advertise and publicize a product or business.


Media Maven. (2019, May 23). What is public relations (and why is it important) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNUyZAKtnFs

Meylan, C. [Chris Meylan]. (2018, January 24). Owned – Paid – Earned (OPE) media [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RiPrhAbPDc

Platten, J. [Jordan Platten]. (2020, January 5). How to start a social media marketing agency (SMMA 2022) – Digital marketing tutorial for beginners [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=754pSl_wm1E

Improving Provider Adoption


4 Tips for Improving Clinician Adoption of New Healthcare TechnologyLinks to an external site.

Increased Health Information Technology Adoption and Use Among Small Primary Care Physician Practices Over Time: A National Cohort StudyLinks to an external site.

Role Played and Strategies Employed by Managers to Support Point-of-Care Nurses’ Use and Adoption of Health Information Technology: A Scoping ReviewLinks to an external site.


Telehealth Webinar: Influencing Patient and Physician Behavior to Increase AdoptionLinks to an external site.


The success of health information technology solutions does not solely rely on successful implementation. It also relies on successful provider adoption of the technologies. Without provider adoption, the technology tools may be present, but the full benefits of the technology will likely not be recognized. Health care organization are investing a significant amount of capital into health information technology with the expectation of a return on their investments. The informaticist can play an important role in fostering the necessary provider adoption by bridging the gap between the providers and the IT department. For this assignment you will create a paper to represent your position on provider adoption.


In your paper,

  • Evaluate the importance of provider adoption of technology.

Discuss reasons why providers resist technology adoption.

Elaborate on two to three techniques to improve provider adoption.

Discuss the value the informaticist brings to provider adoption.

As you prepare your final presentation, you will want to incorporate provider adoption techniques into your presentation. You will not have an actual slide entitled Provider Adoption since the techniques are more about delivery and interaction with the providers. However, you are presenting to stakeholders, and since the scenario involves provider workflow, providers are key stakeholders. You should keep this in mind as you plan out the delivery of your presentation. This paper will allow you to explore and research provider adoption and key stakeholder to help incorporate these concepts into your final presentation.

Leadership Style


Dr. Wassmiah is a leader in a local hospital and works well in the environment. The hospital’s environment is characterized by well-defined individual roles where each employee knows what is expected of him or her. Employee conflicts are minimized as everyone understands his or her responsibility, and the coordination of all activities leads to goal attainment. There is no duplication of work. Dr. Wassmiah encourages people to perform well and rewards positive behavior to boost productivity. Most goals Dr. Wassmiah sets are short-term, making them easier to fulfill, less intimidating to achieve, and as a result, employees are interested in obtaining the various rewards. When a problem arises, Dr. Wassmiah directs the employees in what to do and is quick to point out if the employee does not deliver results. However, Dr. Wassmiah suspects that employees are not working when there is no supervision.

What style of leadership is most likely described in this case and why have you reached that conclusion? What are the advantages of this type of leadership and what examples from the case support your position? What are the disadvantages of this type of leadership and what examples from the case support your position? What are the implications for employee motivation with this type of leadership? What other styles of leadership might be complementary to that described in the case and why?


Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question-and-answer format. 

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Current articles are those published in the last five years.
  • It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check–Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.
  • Before submission, review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

AMU Public Education Campaigns Discussion


This week’s discussion will help you prepare for the week 4 assignment, which will have you creating a public education visual or video.

More than likely, you have come across public health or public safety campaigns without even realizing it. You may have seen anti-smoking campaigns, campaigns encouraging exercise, or proper nutrition. There have been multiple public health campaigns aimed at food safety and safe food handling over the years.

Typically, September is National Food Safety Education Month, when the CDC focuses concerted efforts on educating the public about food safety and foodborne illnesses.

Do you recall ever seeing public education campaigns in the past, such as the one featured here?

Or maybe you saw this on a billboard or saw a tweet from @USDAFoodSafety.

Maybe this ad popped up while you were scrolling through social media…

There are many different sources of public safety education tools, including infographics, fact sheets, videos, and even games aimed at educating the public about food safety and how to handle food safely.

You can find a wide variety of food safety educational materials on the CDC’s webpage here: https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/communication/index.html

You can find videos aimed at educating the public about food safety on the USDA’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@USDAFoodSafety

You can also find educational resources for different ages at various other websites, including Fight Bac – Partnership for Food Safety Education: https://www.fightbac.org/nfsem/

As you explore these sites, you will see a variety of media used to attempt to educate the public and share information about food safety. Focus on the infographics and videos, as you will choose one of those for your week 4 assignment.

For this discussion, find and post a link to a food safety education asset, such as an infographic, fact sheet, video, or social media post. Comment on the content of the media piece and discuss its message and effectiveness.

5CO03 Professional behaviours & valuing people



Your evidence must consist of:

§Written responses to each of the 6 instructions above.

§(Approximately 2250 words in total, refer to CIPD word count policy)

§Please Follow the word count for each question.

Task one Questions

Appraise what it means to be a people professional. (AC 1.1) Word count: Approximately 400 words

Type here…

Recognise how personal and ethical values can be applied in the context of people practice. (AC 1.2)

Word count: Approximately 300 words

Type here…

Consider the importance of people professionals contributing to discussions in an informed, clear and confident way to influence others. (AC 1.3) Word count: Approximately 350 words

Type here…

Recognise when and how you would raise matters which conflict with ethical values or legislation. (AC1.4)

a) where you consider something to be unethical (whether or not it is illegal), 

b) where you believe something contravenes legislation

Word count: Approximately 350 words

Type here…

Argue the human and business benefits of people feeling included, valued, and fairly treated at work linking to (two) related theory. (AC2.1)  Word count: Approximately 400 words

Type here…

Discuss (two) strategies for designing and ensuring inclusive people practices. (AC 2.2)

. Word count: Approximately 450 words

Type here…


Please provide your full long reference list here. The Harvard method is preferable. Please refer to the guidance on the Learner HUB.


Your evidence must consist of:

§Written responses to questions 1-4,

(Approximately 1000 words in total, refer to CIPD word count policy)


-An own-format CPD record, edited to include just the three selected activities, or

-a report (or reports) covering the three selected activities, from the CIPD My CPD Reflections tool.

(Not included in word count.)

Task Two Professional Review Questions

Reflect on your own approach to working inclusively and building positive working relationships with others. (AC2.3) Word count: Approximately 200 words

Type here…

Explore how the role of a people professional is evolving and the implications this has for continuing professional development. (AC 3.1) Word count: Approximately 250 words

Type here…

Assess your strengths, weaknesses and development areas based on self-assessment and feedback from others. (AC 3.2) Word count: Approximately 250 words

Type here…

Formulate a range of formal and/or informal continuing professional development (CPD) activities to support your learning journey. (AC 3.3). Word count: Approximately 300 words

Type here…

Current Event #1 Topic


Current Event Assignment 

The world around us is changing every day, and the decisions we make significantly affect our lives and the lives of those around us. We need to be aware of the events that are going on around us locally, nationally, and globally. This semester you are responsible for completing four current event assignments that will be submitted in class. The professor will select current event submissions for students to summarize in class to engage in class discussions. 

The article you choose must have been published in the last three months and be a minimum of five paragraphs (25 + sentences). You may choose your article from newspapers, magazines, or professional news sources from a hard copy source or located on the internet (no blog posts or YouTube videos). Acceptable news sources include, but are not limited to: 

ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, Fox News, Atlanta-Journal Constitution, LA Times, NY Times, USA Today, Marietta Journal, National Geographic News, Associated Press, and Wall Street Journal. 

Current Event #1 Topic “Regulatory Issues” Chapter 3

For the article you choose, type your summary in the following format: 

1) Proper Titles (5 points):

a. APA title page

b. No abstract

c. What is the name of the article? The exact wording in bold type is centered on the page. 

2) Subject-matter topic is clearly identified (5 points).  Each current event assignment must have a different focus. 

3) Article source (5 points)

a. Using the APA style of citation (reference page and in-text citations), where did you get this article? Cite reference at the end of the paper on a separate Reference page 

4) Summary (10 points)

a. In YOUR words, briefly summarize the content of the article. 

b. Minimum 4 sentences 

5) Analysis (10 points):

           a. What are the positions held by the people mentioned in the article?

           b. How do you feel about this event/issue?

c. How does the content in this article relate to the corresponding subject-matter topic?

           d. Minimum 4 sentences 

6) Impact (15 points)

           a. Why is this event significant? (Why should you or I care?)

           b. Could this event be part of a larger issue? Explain how. 

           c. Minimum 4 sentences. 

Response to peer 2


In the book, we learned that a corporate-level strategy, specifies actions a firm takes to gain a competitive advantage by selecting and managing a group of different businesses competing in different product markets (Hitt et al, 2020).

In my opinion, there are four main strategies that  I believe can be the most effective for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage globally 

For a company, it is essential to have a strong focus on the customer’s needs.  When a brand focuses on the customer experience, customers become more engaged and build loyalty toward the brand (Wooden, 2023)..

Companies can also differentiate themselves from their competitors by constantly creating, innovating, and updating their products and services.

  1. New and continuous growth in advanced technologies can also attract new customers or retain them.
  2. For a well-established company, entering new markets, growing and expanding globally can bring great benefits such as brand recognition and economic growth.
  3. An example of a company that has achieved a sustainable competitive advantage is Amazon.  Amazon strongly focuses on the user experience and uses a customer-centric approach that differentiates it from its competitors. It also provides an easy and personalized online shopping experience, fast shipping times, and great deals for its users.
  4. To stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in a global industry/market it is important to invest in research and development and regularly conduct market research to identify the latest trends in the industry. According to the Expert panel of Forbes Magazine (2022), a few strategies that can be used are understanding where customers are and what they need, following up with customers, monitoring industry trends, networking, leveraging social media, taking a multichannel approach and attending industry events are great ways to stay up to date with the latest trends. If companies use these strategies and they adapt to market changes and continue to learn about the market and current and future trends, the company will stay ahead of the competition.  Amazon is a great example since it went from an online bookstore to one of the biggest and most popular e-commerce websites today.

Software project decision


Title: Project Management

Subtitle: https://opentextbc.ca/projectmanagement/

ISBN: 978-1-77420-013-1

Authors: Adrienne Watt

Publisher: BCcampus

Publication Date: August 14, 2014

Edition: 2nd Edition

Minimum of 7 outside references plus the book refernce 

Software project decision point.

You need to determine an interest rate to use—select an interest rate and explain why you think this number should be used. Use it in your calculations in item 1.2.

Given the information below on options 1 and 2, carry out three forms of analysis: breakeven, ROI, and NPV.

Make a recommendation on which way to proceed, based on the TCO for each option.

Option 1: Purchase the FunSoft package: Cost $200,000 for software and $85,000 for hardware in year one; with $50,000 to customize it and a $40,000 annual licensing fee for the life of the contract. There will be an annual saving of $61,000 due to the layoff of a clerk.

Option 2: Purchase the SoftComm package, which will operate on the vendor’s hardware: Cost $250,000 for a five-year license, payable half up front and half during the first year of implementation. The maintenance contract, at $75,000 a year, includes all currently identified modifications to the software for the first three years. The clerk’s hours will be cut by half, for a saving of $25,000 a year.

In both cases, sales are expected to increase from the current $1 million a year, by 10% per year each year (over each year’s previous year’s sales) after full implementation.

Assume a five-year life for the software.

For a Good work,

Use the integration of content and external material on Project Initiation, Overview of Project Planning, for the calculations of Returns on Investment, Net Present Value, and Total Cost of Ownership to compare projects.

Assignment Requirements

1. Good Main heading

2. Good introduction paragraph

3. Good Subheadings

4. State the formula distinctively.

5. Calculate for Option 1-FunnSoft Venture and The annual saving of $61,000 to Year 5

6. Calculate for Option 2-SoftComm Venture and The annual saving of $25,000 to Year 5

7. Define all acronyms from the onset

8. Label all Tables and Diagrams

9. Explain all Tables/diagrams in the text.

10. Good Conclusion

11. Fair in-text citations and References