Group Interaction


Project Overview

For this project, you will analyze artifacts—physical objects made by societies for use by the people who live in them—and describe how the artifacts relate to your workplace culture. Then, you will present your findings in a report.


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

Analyze the relationship between cultural artifacts and societal norms


In this project, you will be choosing objects used in a workplace and looking at them as cultural artifacts. These objects can be from your actual workplace, one you are familiar with, or a one where you might like to work in the future. You will analyze how well these artifacts reflect the culture of the workplace they come from and write a report on your findings.


  • Your task is to describe and analyze workplace artifacts to show the importance of aligning them to company culture. Artifacts are real, physical objects made by people that embody the ideas of the creators, users, and the culture in which they were made.

Choose two objects that fit the QUESTION of artifacts above. Examples of artifacts include training materials, a piece of equipment, a decoration, a business card, a newsletter, or something else.

Analyze the artifacts. Use the questions in the Artifact Analysis Guide to help you do this.

Write a report. In your report:

Identify the type of organization or workplace you used.

Briefly explain why artifact analysis is relevant to workplace culture.

Explain the importance of analyzing artifacts for understanding culture. 

Provide specific examples of ways your workplace could improve its culture based on the results of the analysis.

  1. Describe your chosen artifacts in detail. 

If possible, include a picture of them.

Be sure to identify who created them and who uses them.

  1. Explain the purpose of your chosen artifacts. 

State whether you think the creator(s) succeeded in achieving that purpose.

How do different people interact with the artifacts?

Discuss how the artifacts reflect the norms, beliefs, and values of the organizational culture. 

To do this, compare your artifacts with specific workplace culture statements. These might include a mission statement, motto, vision document, slogan, and so on. Do the artifacts reflect the workplace culture in which they are found?

Your report can be in the format you consider most appropriate. You could create a visual presentation (slides) or a written report. If you choose to create a presentation, you should provide comprehensive speaker notes. Remember to cite any sources you use.

Company blog that is posted on the Internet No AI Generator, Grade must above 85


1: Complete all four required postings in the blog template as per below.

Background: You are the Director of Communications for a large Canadian-based corporation, and it is your responsibility to write the company blog that is posted on the Internet for all stakeholders and the general public to read. You can select the name of the company and its type of business in line with the scenarios. The Blog Worksheet outlines four scenarios (situations) for which you must make a blog post.

Click here to use the Communication Blog Template to write and organize your four blog entries and submit it by the assignment due date.

Step 2: Prior to beginning this exercise, complete the unit readings and conduct some basic research on what constitutes a blog (short for web log), and how blogs differ from other types of more formal writing styles.

Step 3: When writing your blog posts, consider the following:

The subject matter and whether it is good news or bad news.

  • The appropriate tone for your message to ensure consistency.

The audience for your message. Note the background information below states that it is a public blog. Consider who will read a public blog and who will be the primary audience.

The length and the importance of being succinct (Though the average blog length is between 600-1,000 words, for the purposes of this assignment, keep each of your postings to a maximum of 250 words).

Submission Details

  • Your overall submission should include:

Title page (include title, name, date, course code/title, instructor name)

Completed Communication Blog template, which includes 4 blog postings. Each blog posting should be a maximum of 250 words

References Page (if applicable, full references for all work cited in body)

Helpful Hints

Papers should be written with double-spacing to allow easier review and editing (and to be in correct APA format).

Use APA referencing guidelines for citation and references.

  • Write in first person (I, we, our) because you are writing from the point of view of the company’s Communication Director.
  • Ensure all references are academic sources. If an article is found in an academic journal in one of the library databases, then you can assume it has been peer reviewed and thus acceptable. Many articles found readily online may not have been exposed to any editorial vetting process, and thus should not be used as a resource.

5CO01 – Organisational performance and culture in practice


Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the organisation structure in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar) and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of one other organisation structure. Within the evaluation, you should include the reasons underpinning the structure. (AC 1.1)

Analyse connections between your organisation’s strategy (or an organisation with which you are familiar) and its products or services, and customers. (AC 1.2)

  • Analyse three external factors or trends currently impacting your organisation (or one with which you are familiar). The impact of these factors or trends could be positive, neutral or negative, some are short-lived whilst others are long-lasting. Identify organisational priorities arising from the factors or trends analysed. (AC 1.3)
  • When setting out its view on automation, AI and technology, the CIPD states, ‘Automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and other workplace technologies are bringing major changes to work and employment.’Assess the scale of technology within organisations and how it impacts work. (AC 1.4)
  • Explain Edgar Schein’s model of organisational culture and explain one theory or model which examines human behaviour. (AC 2.1) 
  • Assess how people practices in your organisation (or one with which you are familiar) impact both on organisational culture and behaviour, drawing on examples to support your arguments. (AC 2.2)
  • Peter Cheese, current CEO of CIPD asserts, ‘People professionals are a vital function in supporting businesses to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. Explain two different models or theories to managing change. (AC 2.3)
  • A variety of models have been developed to explain how change is experienced. Discuss one model that explains how change is experienced. (AC 2.4)
  • The CIPD’s Health and wellbeing at work survey 2022 found, ‘There is less management focus on health and wellbeing compared with the first year of the pandemic’ and goes on to remark that this is disappointing. Assess the importance of wellbeing at work and factors which impact wellbeing. (AC 2.5)
  • The CIPD Profession Map states ‘People practices are the processes and approaches that we use across the employee lifecycle’. Discuss the links between the employee lifecycle and different people practice roles. (AC 3.1)
  • Analyse how people practice connects with other areas of an organisation and supports wider people and organisational strategies. (AC 3.2)
  • Discuss processes you have, or could use, for consulting and engaging with internal customers of the people function in order to understand their needs. (AC 3.3)



Go through the given case scenario

Choose an organization operating in any part of the globe (preferably a super market, hyper market chain (or) a fast-food industry or an electronics equipment manufacturer/distributor, automobile manufacturer or automotive parts or retail products / services.

  • The organization that you choose should either manufacture or market or distribute some products / services.   The competition in these businesses majorly depends upon price, quality, timely delivery and service (which are core aspects of Supply Chain Management). Hence there is immense pressure on all the organizations in these businesses to keep the four aspects mentioned to their supreme best.
  • As these businesses are the most emerged industries in the recent past, the supply chain has seen huge transformations. These businesses are getting to the maturing stage and so as the transformations in the supply chain management of these business become more and more competitive, the customer gets only the best products / service.
  • Note:  In case your chosen organization is operating in many countries and deals with many products, it is enough you consider the operations in any one country and indicate some materials that are part of the business and select 2 or 3 materials out of them for providing answers to the questions given below.
  • Students can make use of graphs, tables, illustrations, maps, pictures, images to add clarity to your answers.

Examine and evaluate your chosen organization’s Supply Chain, describe its basic working, strategy used by them, key drivers for achieving an integrated supply chain. What is the SCM model used?(2MM)

Go through the typical Working of the chosen Organization’s logistics process, Is there a role for reverse logistics for your chosen organization’s products / services ? If there is a role, explain the process that is applicable.(2MM)

Analyse and understand the different modes of transportation employed by your chosen organization. Indicate whether the current arrangements are effective. Suggest improvements for making the transportation sustainable and new modes of transportation. (2MM)

What is the Warehouse design used by the chosen organization and provide your idea on the appropriate warehouse design that will be suitable for the future. Justify your choice with proper reason. (2MM)

Given the nature of the products that you have selected for your chosen organization, what is the type of Inventory management control that your chosen organization should adopt? Give reasons. (2MM)

fit Making outline Extraordinary Women Amelia Earhart,


Do not take the assignment unless the links open with you please

sentences. (CHATGPT or AI generated outlines may result in course failure.)

Your outline summaries should have parts as follows:

1. Topic introduction and brief video clip

2. An illustrated timeline of events

3. What did you learn about this woman?

4. Create a map of where this woman lived or traveled to regularly.

5. Further recommended documentaries/films on this topic

Explain how your piece relates to this topic, using in text citations (at least two per person in APA format), and providing a reference list at the end of the outline in APA format. One electronic copy will be turned in here per group via turnitin dropbox.


Group Outline: Extraordinary Women Documentary Reviews

1. Topic Introduction and Brief Video Clip (First speaker introduces self)

Introduction to the Prime Video series Extraordinary Women (BBC)

Explanation of the assignment: Each group chooses a documentary segment from the series to review individually

Brief overview of the selected documentary segments by each group

Attention getter: Introduction of the chosen segment with a brief video clip (cite source)

Transition sentence to next speaker

2. Illustrated Timeline of Events

Timeline of significant events in the life of the woman featured in the chosen documentary segment

Key dates and milestones presented visually for better understanding (attributions for visuals)

Transition to next speaker

3. What Did You Learn About This Woman?

Individual summaries of the insights gained from watching the documentary segment

Analysis of the woman’s achievements, challenges faced, and impact on society

Personal reflections on the significance of her story (cite source)

Transition to next speaker

4. Create a Map of Where This Woman Lived or Traveled to Regularly

Map illustrating the geographical locations relevant to the life of the woman portrayed in the documentary segment

Highlighting places of residence, significant events, and travels (cite sources)

Transition to next speaker

5. Further Recommended Documentaries/Films on This Topic

Recommendations for additional documentaries or films related to the woman’s life or the broader topic addressed in the chosen segment

Explanation of how these recommendations complement the understanding gained from the documentary segment (Cite sources)

Provide ending statement

Reference List

List of all sources cited in the outline, presented in APA format

Please note that the content and formatting of this outline are designed to meet the requirements of the assignment while adhering to the guidelines provided.

This is the first link…

this is the second link…

unit 3 305 HR


What were your greatest takeaways and discoveries from completing the “Social Network: Most Trusted Ten” assignment?  What changes can be made to recalibrate your social network to enhance diversity and inclusivity?

In response to at least two of your peers, provide confirmation and additional insight on their plan of action to recalibrate their social network to enhance diversity and inclusivity. Include at least one scholarly source.

Unit 3 Assignment: Social Network – My Most Trusted Top Ten make sure you read all the instructions carefully. This assignment has 4 parts Overview: Diversity Consciousness can provide a foundation for building social networks that can  best tap into and leverage diversity and build social capital that can be utilized to  maximize outcomes for individuals, organizations, and society. In this assignment, you  will have the opportunity to examine your existing social network and through selfanalysis determine how you might enhance and adapt this network for even more  powerful outcomes.  Instructions:  Complete the following three parts of this assignment-Part A, Part B, and Part C as  follows BEFORE completing Part D (the Response Paper): Step 1: • Complete the worksheet titled “Most Trusted Ten” — (Part A) Note: This should be complete BEFORE advancing to Part B and the next worksheet Step 2: • After you have completed writing down your 10 most trusted individuals in your  personal/professional network: • Complete the worksheet titled “Trust Matrix-My Most Trusted Ten Profile”– (Part B) Step 3: • Following the completion of both of these worksheets, watch the following two  videos before preparing the self-analysis response paper:  © 2022 Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED o Watch the video Unconscious Bias Exercise from Diversity Consultant Scott  Horton ?  o Watch the video Unconscious Bias Speech–Fun with the Unconscious Mind  from Diversity Consultant Scott Horton  ?   (Part C) Step 4: Using your completed “Most Trusted Ten” and “Trust Matrix-My Most Trusted Ten  Profile,” your learnings derived from the videos, and your own conducted research  related to the posed questions, prepare responses to the following questions:  1. In what ways is your network diverse? In what ways does it lack diversity? 2. What interpersonal resources, or social capital, do you derive from this network? 3. How might you enhance the diversity of your network? (Part D) 

Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities



Knowing the expectations involved with maintaining operational sustainability and who is responsible for meeting these expectations is an important part of being an effective practitioner. In this assignment, you will create a guide that can be used throughout this course and in the future to help you better understand the roles, influences, and responsibilities of internal and external stakeholders involved in maintaining ethical business practices related to the triple bottom line (TBL). This assignment will also support you in completing your course project, which is due in Module Seven.


You are working on a collaborative project regarding sustainability initiatives. During recent meetings, the group has realized there is a lot of confusion surrounding who is responsible for what regarding regulations, governance, and responsibilities surrounding the new initiatives that are being planned. To help everyone understand the roles and responsibilities of both internal and external stakeholders, you have volunteered to create a brief guide.


Use course and external resources to complete the Module Three Assignment Template Word Document, making sure to clearly and concisely identify key stakeholders and their roles, responsibilities, and level of influence in upholding sustainable business operations regarding each aspect of the TBL.

For the purposes of this assignment, you can select one of the following industries to help contextualize your response:

Food service

Office supply

Accounting and finance

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Identification: Identify key internal and external stakeholders, groups, and organizations involved in enforcing and maintaining operational sustainability regarding each aspect of the TBL.
  • Roles: Briefly describe the role of identified internal and external stakeholders, groups, and organizations involved in enforcing and maintaining operational sustainability.
  • Responsibilities: Briefly describe the responsibilities of identified internal and external stakeholders, groups, and organizations involved in enforcing and maintaining operational sustainability regarding each aspect of the TBL, specifically in regard to their level of responsibility and accountability in the following:

Evaluating or enforcing sustainable operations

Determining which aspects of the TBL framework they support most strongly

  • Explaining how their responsibilities can help justify prioritizing the TBL
  • Influence: Briefly describe the level of influence of the identified internal and external stakeholders, groups, and organizations involved in enforcing and maintaining operational sustainability regarding each aspect of the TBL. Make sure to note their ability to make decisions, enforce requirements, and justify prioritizing the TBL for an organization.

Conduct Research and write a memo



Retailers are becoming increasingly aware of how charitable contributions to local communities and non-profit organizations can impact customer buy-in and brand loyalty to the company. Your general manager has asked you to research a possible community service opportunity for your workplace. Some examples include reading to children at a school, sponsoring a blood drive with the Red Cross, or a local wildlife volunteer event, or a local volunteer litter clean-up event etc.

Your task for this assignment is to write a three-paragraph (minimum) memo addressed to the general manager and team leads at your store. In your memo, recommend one charitable organization you wish to partner or volunteer with that you found via a web search. This memo will briefly discuss the rationale and benefits of partnering with a non-profit, and propose a date for a meeting for your team and members of the charitable organization.

Part 1: Research

How many non-profit or charitable organizations are in Los Angeles?

How many non-profit or charitable organizations are within a 5, 10, 15, and 20 mile radius of downtown LA?

  1. Find the five best rated non-profit or charitable organizations within a 5, 10, 15, and 20 mile radius of the school downtown LA?
  2. Part 2: Analysis
  3. After searching and collecting the information for the questions in Part 1, you will analyze this data to decide which charitable organizations would be the best match with your team. Use the chart located under this assignment in Week 4 to compare your data from Part 1, Question 3.

You’ll rank the charities, provide their names and answer the following two questions: 1) What is the organization’s mission and what do they do? 2) How does this match the school or company’s goals?

Part 3: Writing

After you decide on one organization that best aligns with the goals and mission of your company write a memo or email message analyzing your findings. Make it clear in this memo which organization is your first recommendation that you wish to partner with and propose a date for a meeting on the organization to work with. This memo should briefly discuss the rationale and benefits of partnering with a non-profit, explain your recommendation for a non-profit foundation found during your research, and propose a date for a meeting with the charitable organization.


memo sample:…

4-2 SPT 350



In preparation for any pitch or proposal, sports sponsorship sales professionals conduct thorough research on their prospective partner and how the sports organization might deliver value to the partner. In this milestone assignment, you will create an overview of your sports organization, including its current market position, sales, audience, and areas for improvement. You will also research your prospective partner and its market position, key stakeholders, and business objectives. This assignment, combined with your SWOT analysis, will help inform your final project proposal.

  1. Organizational Overview: In this section, you will research your chosen sport organization and its current standing in the market. This information will be used to determine potential sponsors and inform your pitch deck.
    1. Briefly describe the sport organization that you have selected for your pitch deck.
    2. Explain the organization’s current position in the market. Support your response with research.
    3. Describe the current state of the sport organization’s sales. Sales can include ticket sales, examples of existing sponsors, and viewership for broadcast media if applicable. Support your response with research.
    4. Identify an area within the sport organization that needs improvement and may prevent a prospective sponsor from being interested in your pitch. Examples could be weaknesses or threats from your SWOT analysis. Support your response with research.
    5. Describe the organization’s audience, including demographics like age, gender, geography, household income, and race. Support your response with research.
  2. Potential Sponsor: In this section, you will expand upon the prospective sponsorship partner you identified in Module One.
    1. Identify a potential sponsor that you will make a pitch to, and explain why this sponsor is a good fit for your sport organization. Support your response with specific examples, including but not limited to analyzing how the organization’s audience aligns with the prospective sponsor’s target consumer.
    2. Describe what your prospective sponsorship partner’s business objectives are. Support your response with research. Examples could be increasing brand awareness, promoting a new product, or entering into a new market.
    3. Determine how this partnership will strengthen your sport organization’s position in the market.
    4. Determine the key stakeholders who will be involved in this sponsorship and describe the role of each. Utilize your sports organization’s website and prospective sponsors’ website or LinkedIn to identify the titles and names if available of these stakeholders. Titles will typically include “corporate sponsorships,” “corporate partnerships,” or “brand marketing.”

CTA – Transactional, Charismatic, and Transformational Approaches to Leadership


Critical Thinking Assignment

Module 05: Transactional, Charismatic, and Transformational Approaches to Leadership

In this module, you will examine the transactional, charismatic, and transformational approaches to leadership. These three leadership theories are influential and popular with both academics and practitioners. The module interactive lecture builds on the foundations of these theories by the original researchers and explains how the approaches are still in use today. You will also learn about the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory. LMX addresses the leader regarding in-group and out-group relationships. The in-group are people with whom the leader has a positive relationship, while the out-group refers to those with whom the leader only consults about the specific jobs and tasks required. . 

Question Requirements:

Leadership Style

Dr. Wassmiah is a leader in a local hospital and works well in the environment. The hospital’s environment is characterized by well-defined individual roles where each employee knows what is expected of him or her. Employee conflicts are minimized as everyone understands his or her responsibility, and the coordination of all activities leads to goal attainment. There is no duplication of work. Dr. Wassmiah encourages people to perform well and rewards positive behavior to boost productivity. Most goals Dr. Wassmiah sets are short-term, making them easier to fulfill, less intimidating to achieve, and as a result, employees are interested in obtaining the various rewards. When a problem arises, Dr. Wassmiah directs the employees in what to do and is quick to point out if the employee does not deliver results. However, Dr. Wassmiah suspects that employees are not working when there is no supervision.

What style of leadership is most likely described in this case and why have you reached that conclusion? What are the advantages of this type of leadership and what examples from the case support your position? What are the disadvantages of this type of leadership and what examples from the case support your position? What are the implications for employee motivation with this type of leadership? What other styles of leadership might be complementary to that described in the case and why?


Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address the questions using a question-and-answer format.