What is the format for the assignment?

Your executive summary should be no longer than 1,500 words, not including headings and references. Note
that figures, charts, tables or pictures are not usually included in an executive summary.
The headings below should be used. In-text citations are required for any statement that is not your original
Where can I find a startup?
You could try website for the DMZ, other zones at Toronto Metropolitan U., MarsDD, other GTA incubators,
google search, the list of supplemental sources in the course outline – any organization that supports
entrepreneurship. Note: do not directly contact the company. It is your responsibility to research and identify a
subject company.
What is the definition of a startup?
To be classified as a “startup” and thus be eligible for this assignment, a startup must not exceed any of the
1. The startup must have less than 30 full time employees;
2. The startup must be less than 7 years old; and
3. The startup must have less than $50,000,000 in revenue for the last 12 months.
Be aware that the subject you chose must also be arm’s length from you. Before settling on a subject for your
paper, ensure the company fits the criteria. Exceptions will not be granted for companies outside the restrictions
How do I get full marks?
Make sure you reference all your sources with in-test citations. Include a reference list and make sure you
properly identify and apply course concepts to your company. Be sure to refer to the course concepts in the
same terms as used in the course – reference the class slide (week and slide number) or page in the readings
where the concept is discussed.
How should my executive summary look?
Use the framework below, including the headings. There is a reason it’s standardized.
Should I write in first or third person?
Neither. An executive summary describes a company, so it should be referred to as ‘the company’, or ‘Company

X’. Occasionally, executive summaries and business plans are written in first person, singular or plural, as
though the founders are speaking. This is acceptable if you are the founder but you cannot be for this
Who is the audience for the executive summary?
Your executive summary should be written for potential investors. The tone should be positive but factual. Avoid
marketing ‘spin’. Limit the use of effusive, vague adjectives and adverbs, such as ground-breaking, awesome,
innovatively etc. You should show the reader what a great business has been created, not tell them. They will
want to decide for themselves if the business is great or not, based on the objective information provided.

Reply to The Nature of Change Discussion 2


Reply to The Nature of Change Discussion 2

Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.

Please provide the references you used.


Eastman Kodak’s transition from traditional photography to digital imaging provides a compelling case study in strategic management amid technological evolution and shifting market dynamics (Bartlett & Beamish, 2011). The photography industry’s evolution, shaped by technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, economic factors, and political influences, offers a complex narrative of adapting to disruptive change.

Primary drivers behind the industry’s evolution include the widespread adoption of digital technology, which fundamentally altered how images were captured, stored, and shared (Bower & Christensen, 1995). Kodak, renowned for its traditional photographic film, struggled to adjust as digital cameras supplanted film-based ones. This digital revolution was propelled by sensor advancements, data storage innovations, and the rise of the internet, enabling instant image sharing and manipulation. The increasing demand for convenience and decreasing costs of digital devices further propelled the industry towards digital solutions.

Kodak’s traditional business model heavily relied on film-based photography, encompassing film sales, chemicals, and paper for development. However, the shift towards digital imaging eroded this model, leading to declining revenues and market position (Bartlett & Beamish, 2011). Despite Kodak’s initial ventures into digital technology, including the development of the first digital camera, the company struggled to pivot away from its film-centric roots.

During Kodak’s digital transition, the photography industry entered a phase of renewal characterized by digital disruption (Christensen & Overdorf, 2000). New technologies redefined industry boundaries, presenting both challenges and opportunities for Kodak.

To adapt, Kodak pursued various strategies, including diversifying into digital cameras and online photo services (Bartlett & Beamish, 2011). However, these efforts yielded mixed results, failing to offset the decline in the traditional film business.

Looking back, Kodak could have pursued more aggressive divestiture of its traditional film assets, focused on software and online services, and sought strategic partnerships or acquisitions for quicker entry into emerging digital markets.

Kodak’s ability to navigate strategic change and respond to disruptive technologies was hindered by a lack of organizational ambidexterity (Henderson & Clark, 1990). Deeply entrenched in film-based photography, Kodak’s organizational culture hindered its pivot to new digital paradigms.

In conclusion, Kodak’s journey highlights the challenges of strategic management amidst technological disruption. The company’s struggle to transition from a film-based photography giant to a digital imaging player underscores the importance of agility, foresight, and the ability to realign business models in response to industry shifts.

Communicating and Linking


answer to the following discussion questions. 

Discussion Question #1: Kaplan and Norton describe the second step of the strategic management process as “Communicating and Linking.” This step allows managers to communicate their strategy up and down the organization while linking that strategy to departmental and individual objectives. Discuss the three activities that balanced scorecard users generally engage in to align employees’ individual performances with the organization’s overall strategy. Do you feel that individual performance metrics in most organizations focus on short-term more than long-term goals? If so, does this have a negative or positive impact on the overall organization? Explain your answer and provide a real-world example.

Discussion Question #2: The authors discuss a disconnect between most firm’s vision for the future and the execution of day-to-day actions of both employees and executives. To address this issue, the 25 executives at Metro Bank had to “clarify the meaning of the strategy statement.” Clarifying the strategy statement was the groundwork for creating a balanced scorecard. Do you think that your company’s mission is clear and that it is being executed in an efficient way? Discuss in what way(s) your company would benefit from clarifying the mission statement. If you feel it is clear already, have executives balanced the focus on strategic as well as financial objectives?   

Discussion Question #3:  Kaplan and Norton explain that in order to create a successful strategic management system, it is important that companies engage in strategic learning. What do they mean by “strategic learning?” Use a real-world example in your explanation. Explain the difference between “single-loop” learning and “double-loop” learning. The article discusses how budget reviews and other financially-based tools do not facilitate double-loop learning because they generally only use a single perspective. Can you think of ways management can use double-loop learning to manage the performance of the firm’s strategic objectives? The authors warn against managers not taking disconfirming evidence seriously. What is disconfirming evidence and why is it important? Give a real-world example. 

Discussion Question #4: The article discusses the differences between “intangible” and “tangible” assets. Is one more important than the other? Is one more likely to give a firm a sustainable competitive advantage? What recent social, economic, or political changes have led to this? Discuss and provide the rationale for your answer, and in doing so, be sure to provide some real-world examples of how firms have used their tangible and/or intangible assets to develop a sustainable competitive advantage.

Videolink: Balanced Scorecard (youtube.com)

homework week 7


Focus on Positive & Negative Messaging, Organizing Information and Research

4 Tasks

Portfolios are a series of tasks or communications compiled into one file. Please complete the following assignments in the exact order listed. Each assignment should be at least one page in length, but all should be submitted in ONE document. Click on Portfolio Part 2 under Week 7 to attach your assignment.

1. Write a Formal Letter: Use Format on Page 543.

NEGATIVE LETTER: Sending negative messages to real audiences (page 303, Exercise 10.20)

Choose one of the four options outlined in the exercise. Remember to include:

main points


negatives (address any resistance)

reader benefits


You should also take the time to look up or create names and addresses for the person/people/organization to whom you are writing your letter.

2. Write a Memo: Use Format here

REPORTING A PROBLEM: Consult pages 277-286 for guidance on how to contruct a ‘bad news’ message.

In any organization, things sometimes go wrong. Write a memo reporting a problem (use your imagination!) and recommending a solution. Be sure to be objective in your QUESTION – QUESTION. For this portfolio item, address a superior. You can find specific advice on the best way to deliver bad news to superiors on page 277.

  1. Describe the problem
  2. Tell how it happened
  3. Offer options for fixing it
  4. Recommend solution and ask for action
  5. 3. Write a Email: Use Format on Page 547

REQUESTING YOUR FIRM USE SOCIAL NETWORKING:   Your small but prestigious firm has a web page that increasingly gets traffic and now you, the communications director, want to convince upper management to branch out to use Facebook and Twitter (recently rebranded as ‘X’). Several of the senior partners think that social networking sites are trendy and informal and don’t accurately reflect the firm’s conservative image.  You know that convincing some of the partners to adopt more modern strategies may be difficult,  but you also know the firm stands to lose its competitive edge in a rapidly changing world. Send an email message requesting the firm use social media. Remember to acknowledge the senior partners’ concerns, be positive and optimistic and use YOU-attitude.

4. Write a Short Report in Memo Form:  Use Format from Item 2


Consult pages 72-82 from Ch 3 of our textbook. Evaluate five websites related to your potential Formal Report topic. For each source provide:

Author and  URL link

Summary of source

Reliability Assessment: Is the site objective? Reliable? Current?

Revision date

Relevancy to your report

Effective communication


Given the following information, brainstorm potential new strategies:

  • Senior leadership is concerned about the company’s ability to effectively communicate a new value proposition to potential customers and other stakeholders.
  • Shareholders are asking tough questions about the likely changes in projected cost estimates, revenue, profit, and cash flow.
  • A number of employees have expressed worry that a disruptive shift in REvolt’s business model may negatively impact their positions with the company.

Be sure to maintain your disciplinary perspective when discussing the above (see Discussion 01 for the list of disciplines).

Create a mind map (a.k.a. brainstorming diagram) to identify and summarize the primary features of commonly used applications software. Your diagram should address personal application software, workgroup application software, and enterprise application software. Related information can be found in Chapter 2 of the classroom textbook. Your mind map should be visually coherent; the content should be easy to understand and follow also be consistent with fonts and capitalization.

The following is an example of a mind map flow for a specific personal application software (Microsoft Word):

Application Software -> Personal Application Software -> Word Processor -> Save, Edit and Print documents

In your mind map, show us at least 2 more Personal Application Software mind map flows and at least 3 mind map flows each for the workgroup application software and enterprise application software.

  • Option 1: Go to Coggle (https://coggle.it) and click on the Tutorial Video in the center of the screen. You can use the Coggle website to create your mind map and then save the document to your computer as a PDF. You will need to click on “Sign Up Now” below the Tutorial Video and create a free account before you use Coggle, but it is very quick and easy.
  • Option 2: You may also draw your mind map by hand and scan your drawing into your computer and save as a PDF. If you choose this option, be sure it is clear and easy to read.
  • Option 3: You can choose to create a your mind map in Microsoft Word using shapes and symbols. (If you aren’t familiar with using symbols and shapes in Microsoft Word, the NAU Online Library’s Learning Express video tutorials can help, or you can view “Creating a Simple Flowchart in Microsoft Word,” a YouTube video hosted by Floyd Jay Winters, for a very quick introduction – be sure to create a mind map, not a process-based flowchart.)
  • 4-1 Excel Workbook: Perform Bivariate Regression


    MBA 504 Module Four Excel Workbook Guidelines and Rubric


    Bivariate regression analysis is an excellent tool to help you answer questions about a business. When you use bivariate analysis, you can discover whether there is a strong correlation between a dependent and an independent variable.

    In this scenario, you will continue to work as a business consultant trainee with TC Ice Cream. The TC Ice Cream management team would like to know which key attributes have an impact on the Quantity Sold variable. The team would like you to perform two bivariate regressions to analyze the data. Remember that TC Ice Cream is interested in whether specific trends are identified that can help grow its business through improved operations and sales. Then you will create a PowerPoint presentation for the TC Ice Cream management team in which you describe the regression models, the variables, and the testing conducted.

    As a reminder, the WEST NORTH CENTRAL division cannot be used for your assignment. Use the division and the two flavors you selected for Milestone One.


    Your task is to create two bivariate regressions using Excel. You will also create a presentation that describes the regression model you used and why you chose to analyze your selected independent variables.

    For all bivariate regression models and calculations, use the same division and flavors you selected for Milestone One. It is recommended that you use the scatter plot chart (visualization) in Excel and display the trendline, equation, and R2 value on the visualization.

    Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

    1. Create two bivariate regressions using Excel. 

    Bivariate Regression for Flavor One: 

    • Use the “Flavor One Bivariate Regression” sheet to create and place your bivariate regression models.
    • Create a bivariate regression model: the dependent variable is Quantity Sold and the independent variable is Advertising Expenses.

    Bivariate Regression for Flavor Two: 

    • Use the “Flavor Two Bivariate Regression” sheet to create and place your bivariate regression models.
    • Create a Bivariate regression model: the dependent variable is Quantity Sold and the independent variable is Advertising Expenses.
    1. Use the Module Four PowerPoint Template to create a presentation explaining the results of the bivariate regressions. This should include key visualizations and analysis to support your answers. The template includes specific questions to answer. Use the bivariate regression models from the “Flavor One Bivariate Regression” and “Flavor Two Bivariate Regression” sheets to support your analysis.

    The goal of this project is to process and analyze real-world business data using Python and Tableau.


    BUSI 650 – Final Project

    Business Analytics Data Processing 

    The goal of this project is to process and analyze real-world business data using Python and Tableau.

    Step 1: Data Loading and Analysis

    Download the ” finalproject_dataset_group#” dataset provided on Moodle.

    Examine the data structure and contents. Plot the data points on a graph and examine the trend over time. For your plot, consider Xlable, Ylable, and title. (10 points)

    Identify and handle missing values by imputing them with an appropriate technique. Present ‘before’ and ‘after’ plots of the dataset to demonstrate the effectiveness of your technique. Explain how many missing values you have and describe the technique you used to handle missing values. (10 points)

    Identify and describe the outliers on the cleaned dataset.  (10 points)

    Perform correlation analysis on the cleaned dataset. Identify relevant variables and calculate their correlation coefficients. Interpret the correlation coefficients to understand the relationships between variables.  (10 points)

    Import the cleaned dataset into Tableau. 

    Create a scatter plot of each feature in Tableau. Scatter plots typically involve two variables (x and y) to visualize the relationship between them. However, in order to create a scatter plot of each single feature in this part, you can create a calculated field by a constant. In the Data pane, right-click on “cleaned_dataset.csv” and select “Create Calculated Field.” Name the calculated field (e.g., “Time”). (15 points)

    For each feature, apply appropriate filter to remove the outliers and present ‘before’ and ‘after’ plots of the features to demonstrate the effectiveness of your technique. (10 points)

    Summarize key project steps, highlighting the results and techniques in data exploration, cleaning, regression, and Tableau visualization. Provide clear and concise explanations for each step during the presentation with a total presentation time of under 3 minutes. Record your video using PowerPoint of Teams’ recording feature. Ensure your face is clear and visible during the presentation. (20 points)

    Step 2: Data Visualization and Cleaning 

    • Step 3: Regression Modeling
    • What would be the appropriate variables for regression analysis? Define the dependent and independent variables and provide your rationale. (use the results of correlation analysis) (10 points)
    • Export the cleaned dataset to an Excel file using the following code in colab: (5 points)
    • Download your Python code in .ipynb format, as well as your cleaned dataset in a CSV file.
    • df.to_excel(‘/content/cleaned_dataset.csv’, index=False)
    • Step 4: Interactive Visualizations by Tableau
    • Replace the formula with the following number: 1.
    • Now, you can create a scatter plot:
    • Drag each feature to the Columns shelf.

    Drag the “Time” calculated field to the Rows shelf.

    Step 5: Presentation

    Finance Homework on Excel


    • ABC has issued a $1000 par bond with 25 years to maturity, 7% coupon rate, and semi-annual payments. Calculate the present value if the bond if the YTM is 7%.
    • How would the answer to #1 change if the YTM is 9%? 
    • How would the answer to #1 change if the YTM is 5%?
    • What bond relationship are Problems 1-3 discussing?
    1. ABC issued 12-year bonds at a coupon rate of 8%      with semi-annual payments. If the bond currently sells for $1050 of par      value, what is the YTM? What is the current yield?


    2. ABC issued 12-year bonds 2 years ago at a coupon      rate of 8% with semi-annual payments. If the bond currently sells for 105%      of par value, what is the YTM? What is the current yield?
    3. A bond has a quoted price of $1,080.42. It has a      face value of $1000, a semi-annual coupon of $30, and a maturity of five      years. What is the yield to maturity? What is the current yield?
    4. A bond has a quoted price of 90.52% of par value.      It has a face value of $1000, a semi-annual coupon of $30, and a maturity      of five years. What is the yield to maturity? What is the current yield?
    5. ABC issued 15-year bonds at a coupon rate of 3%      with semi-annual payments. If the bond currently sells for 112.5 percent      of par value, what is the YTM? What is the current yield?
    • ABC’s bonds have a 5.5% coupon and pay interest semi-annually. The bonds are currently selling for $1,150. The bonds mature in 20 years. The bonds can be called in 8 year for $1,100.
      • What is the yield to maturity?
      • What is the yield to call?
      • What is the current yield?
    1. ABC has $1,000 face value bonds outstanding. These      bonds pay interest semi-annually, mature in 10 years, and have a 7.5      percent coupon. The current price is quoted at 99.59 percent of par value.      What is the yield to maturity? What is the current yield?
    2. Refer to #1 above. Suppose the bonds are callable      in 5 years at 105 percent of par value, what is the yield-to-call?
    3. ABC’s bonds have a 9.5 percent coupon and pay      interest semi-annually. Currently, the bonds are quoted at 106.315 percent      of par value. The bonds mature in 12 years. What is the yield to      maturity? What is the current yield?
    4. Refer to #3 above. Suppose the bonds are callable      in 5 years at 110 percent of par value, what is the yield-to-call?

    American Public University System discussion


    Bottom of Form Tracing Your Email

    Most email today is spam, unwanted commercial email, or phishing, fake email designed to separate you from your money. Criminals routinely send fake emails that try to get you to tell them your log-in information for your bank or your PayPal account, so they can steal the information, log-in as you, and steal your money. It is very easy to fake a return address on an email, so simply looking to make sure that an email has a valid sender is not sufficient to ensure that the email was actually sent by the person or company that claims to have sent it.

    The objective of this Activity is for you to trace an email you have received to see if the sending address on the email is actually the organization that sent it. There are many tools you can use to trace your email. For this exercise we will use a tool called eMail Tracker Pro, which has a free version that lasts 15 days. Go to www.emailtrackerpro.com and download and install eMail Tracker Pro. When you’re ready, follow the detail instructions for this activity located on page 53 in your textbook


    Create a Word document that contains the following information:

    Note: This activity must be completed prior to starting Discussion 2.

  • Discussion 2
  • Discussion Topic Top of Form Bottom of Form In order to complete this discussion, you need to have completed Exercise 2. Post your deliverables (files and results) as attachments to this discussion post.

    Read and respond to at least two other students’ submissions for this topic providing meaningful feedback to their posting by analyzing their SMTP mail trace results. Address the following points when reviewing student results:

  • After reviewing the student’s trace results, make your own assessment and determine whether you consider the email message to be legitimate, SPAM, or a phishing attempt.
  • What information did you consider when you made your determination?
  • Were there any obvious tell tail signs within the email message body that hinted at its legitimacy? (i.e. spelling and/or grammar errors, links that do not point to the stated host name, poorly worded pleas for money or help, or if legitimate, was the message absent of anything you would consider abnormal)
  • mgt301


    2.2 Action Required: (Knowledge Application-Apply)

    This activity is important because as a manager, you should understand the factors that affect a firm’s profitability and long-term survival. According to the resource-based view, a company can gain competitive advantage from resources that are inimitable and rare.

    The goal of this exercise is to demonstrate your understanding of the resource-based view by writing a conclusion in your words after reading a case study.

    Case Analysis (The Resource-Based View in Sports)

    Strategy and sports met in the movie Moneyball. The Oakland Athletics applied statistical analysis to the evaluation of players and surged in performance. The team’s analysis method, called sabermatics, was unique in how it applied objective data to predict future player performance. The Athletics were able to recruit players at a lower cost due to their proprietary knowledge. Even after competitors started using statistical analysis, the Athletics benefited from their early knowledge, capable staff, and history of decision making. All of this, of course, translated into profit for the team owners.

    Competitive advantage comes from unlikely places in other sports as well. Researchers found that NCAA football programs benefit from staff diversity. Racial diversity among coaches and varied past experiences predict success. NBA basketball teams are more successful as they gain shared experiences. After years together on a team, just like after years together in a workplace, players/coworkers have a shared understanding of how work is done.

    Financial resources are of huge benefit to the few universities with successful sports programs. Paying top coaches, building impressive athletic facilities, and fan support, all contribute to intangible gains such as reputation, stronger shared feelings of winning history, and motivation.

    But what happens with a team suddenly loses its competitive advantages? In 1986, Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, was dealt what is called the “death penalty” in college sports. After years of paying players and their families, among other serious violations of NCAA rules, the team was punished with the cancelling its entire 1987 season. This damaged recruiting efforts, fundraising, reputation, and shared experiences among staff and coaches to that point. It was 20 years before SMU was in another bowl game.

    2.3 Test your knowledge:(Question)

    Read the case about the resource-based view in sports and write the conclusion of this case in your words. Create a discussion board thread and upload your answers. (Min words recommended 100-150)

    2.4 Instructions:

    Read the case about The Resource-Based View in Sports & demonstrate your understanding.