Reply to Performance Management Discussion 1


Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.


Performance management is known as aligning a team or individual with company goals and helping them increase their performance to reach targets. It offers a standard for monitoring advancement and draws attention to operational deviations from predetermined business objectives. Effective performance management evaluates and reinforces good conduct, while poor performance is eliminated (Aguinis, 2023). Planning, monitoring, developing, rating, and rewarding are the five component operations that come together to make natural, efficient performance management.

What aspects of the performance management process need revision?

Amal should have thoroughly addressed a few crucial aspects in her job preparation, which would have ensured her strong performance (Pinto, 2019). First, management did not adequately communicate the company’s overarching objective, long-term vision, and core values to Amal. She was a new hire; therefore, it was inevitable that her performance would stray from the corporate plan. Effective performance management must communicate to the workers the value they bring to the company. In Amal’s situation, this distinctly absent was lacking. Second, Amal’s work Question needed to be more specific to acquaint her with the expected duties and responsibilities (Aguinis, 2023). It needed to give her a clear plan for tackling upcoming chores. Even though she was a model employee, her performance did not meet the expected standards at work.

How can future performance management aspects be successfully addressed?

Management should concentrate on providing Amal with the necessary tools, such as training and skills, to enhance his performance. Amal should have access to further training on carrying out her responsibilities to fill in any knowledge gaps the prior instruction leaves. Given the deficiency of her onboarding training, an endeavor ought to be undertaken to elucidate her anticipated responsibilities and the overarching objectives of the firm (Pinto, 2019). Maintaining a high degree of interaction with the employee during this period is necessary to ensure that all ambiguities are adequately resolved. Also, management must regularly assess how well she achieves her objectives. This needs to be stated regarding incremental goals that will be evaluated regularly. This should help her gain self-awareness and pinpoint areas for improvement that she can focus on. An efficient evaluation system ought to be implemented to encourage her to perform better and recognize her exceptional accomplishments in enhancing her job performance (Aguinis, 2023). Feedback should be given concurrently with performance evaluation about predetermined goals. However, providing feedback is a difficult task most managers need help with when conducting performance reviews. It is essential not to alienate the employee by expressing unfavorable criticisms that come off as judgments or verdicts that make them uneasy. Instead, the strategy should be to accept change and look toward the future. This guarantees that the entire procedure is fruitful and produces the required or desired response.

Publishing Question


In this assignment, you will be imagining a fictional new application of emerging technology within your problem space.  Using the knowledge and analysis from your digital curation, how might your chosen technology be used in a new way alone or in combination with other existing or emerging technologies within your chosen business or societal context.  Instead of creating a prototype product, service, process, or experience, you will be communicating a fictitious (i.e. not currently existent) but possible future use case in a manner that accomplishes the following objectives:

Help managerial decision makers and other stakeholders with limited technical knowledge imagine how a specific technology or the convergence of multiple technologies might be used in the future within a specific context

Provide the means to consider implications of design decisions

  1. Part 1:  Design Fiction
  2. Select a year from 1-15 years in the future.  Be sure to state this at the beginning.  From the rest of Part 1, your point of view should be from that time in the future.  

Select a perspective: Optimistic, neutral, pessimistic

Select a format for conveying your imagined future. Options include:

Narrative story conveyed by essay, storyboard, comic, podcast, or video

  • Artifact from the future such as an advertisement, press release, quick start guide, Instagram story, Twitter feed, Video blog, YouTube unboxing video, user testimonial, etc.
  • Stretch your imagination and get creative within your problem space and design fiction format. If you want to use visuals, please don’t worry about artistic skill – stick figures, boxes, arrows, etc. are fine.Part 2:  Reflection on Design Decisions
    Identify 3 positive and 3 negative implications related to your design fiction in Part 1
  • Implications of design decisions include risks and benefits associated with intended usage as well as unintended consequences if technology is misused (e.g. Farhad Manjoo’s “gadget’s worst nightmare” – )

In addition to economic implications, please consider environmental and socio-cultural impacts, especially on minority, marginalized or disadvantaged populations (e.g. EthicalOS Risks -)

  • In addition to your personal perception of implications, share your design fiction with others and capture their reactions, both positive and negative. You can cite people by their initials to maintain anonymity.  
  • Submission
    You can submit your Design Fiction (Part 1) and Implications (Part 2) as one or multiple file uploads depending on your format decisions
  • Text submissions can be uploaded as Word, PowerPoint, PDF, Google Doc, etc. 

Hand-drawn or other non-digital visuals can be photographed or scanned.  If you want them to be viewed in sequence, I encourage you to paste your images into PowerPoint file (or similar)

Video is fairly easy to share using Panopto in Canvas, though you can also upload to another video platform and simply share a URL

Zoom is a useful tool for recording a podcast either with audio only or a simple visual (e.g. title) on screen as you record audio. You can upload an audio file or share a URL to your podcast.  




You work for a global health and beauty company that has decided to move to a strategic focus on the triple bottom line (TBL). TBL means it will measure its success based on people, planet, and profit rather than profit alone. This strategic decision is based on a desire to be true to the company’s mission and vision and because engaging in corporate social responsibility (CSR) will make the company more successful.

The company objective is to transition from its current business model to CSR and TBL in three years. If the company successfully makes this transition, it would be the first in its industry to do so. This would create a first-mover advantage. As part of the TBL focus, the company CEO has asked each departmental manager to conduct a SWOT analysis of how transitioning to TBL will affect their departments.

You work in a rewards/membership product line that offers discounts, special services, and other benefits to customers for maintaining a fee-based membership in the company’s membership rewards program. Now that the CEO has collected the SWOT analyses from all company departments, she has asked you to focus on how the TBL project will impact two cross-functional departments for your product line: marketing and sales.

To allow you to do the analysis she requires, your CEO has provided you with the following documents:

Her letter outlining the company’s commitment to CSR and its plans for using TBL

The company’s vision, mission, and values statements

  • The company’s triple bottom line strategies document
  • Two SWOT analyses: one for marketing, one for sales
  • The CEO wants you to use this information to create key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure your product line’s progress on meeting the company’s CSR goals.
  • Directions

Your CEO has requested that you develop a memo that outlines the strategic KPIs for TBL in sales and marketing. She has asked that each of the following tasks be clearly communicated in the memo, and that they be addressed in the order given.

Develop one strategic question for each element of TBL: people, planet, and profit. These questions should give insights on how to measure the sales and marketing departments’ success in achieving the company’s goals. As you develop your strategic questions, follow these guidelines:

Consider how each question relates to your interpretation of the provided SWOT analyses.

Consider how each question will help achieve the CSR goals outlined in the CEO’s letter.

  • For your strategic questions, identify key performance indicators (KPIs) of successful strategy development and implementation.

Identify at least one KPI for each strategic question you provided.

Explain how the KPIs will be measured.

  • How will your KPIs help the company achieve its goals?
  • Identify functional considerations related to TBL.
  • How does the interconnectedness of the sales and marketing departments impact the measurement of TBL?

This memo will be shared with your CEO and other stakeholders. So, please check the memo for spelling and grammar.

MAN3504CBE Section 01CBE Operations Management


Course Scenario

Presently, your multinational organization uses steel at locations across the U.S. and globally with operations in Mexico, Russia, India, and China. Your boss is tasked with developing a global Request for Proposal (RFP) for gathering and comparing steel suppliers. In preparation for the RFP, he has tasked you with building an internal data collection tool to identify key questions to include within the RFP. The purpose of your survey is to identify all key information that is needed for the RFP, and the data collection tool will be sent to managers across the U.S. and globe. The data collection tool is a survey administered through email. Furthermore, the tool must contain a maximum of 10 questions and include the following:




  • Safety
  • Instructions
  • Your job is to complete the RFP template for the execution of the data collection tool. The RFP needs to include milestones, key events associated with creating data collection tool, and corresponding dates. You will also need to create templates supporting the project plan, including an action list, meeting minutes, and a risk management tool with strong supporting evidence. The time allotment from start to finish for this project by your boss is three months. 
  • Project Phases and Milestones:

Project Initiation (Week 1 – Week 2)

Define project scope, objectives, and stakeholders.

Identify project team members and their roles.

Develop a project charter.

Requirement Gathering (Week 3 – Week 4)

  1. Work with stakeholders to identify specific questions for the data collection tool.

Determine the data format and structure for efficient analysis.

Create a draft of the data collection tool questions.

  • Survey Development (Week 5 – Week 6)
  • Finalize the list of questions to be included in the survey (maximum of 10).
  • Design the survey layout and format.
  1. Develop and test the survey tool.

Template Creation (Week 7 – Week 8)

Create standard templates for project management, including:

  • Action list template
  • Meeting minutes template
  • Risk management tool template
  1. Internal Testing and Review (Week 9 – Week 10)

Conduct internal testing of the data collection tool and templates.

Gather feedback from stakeholders and make necessary adjustments.

  • Documentation and Training (Week 11 – Week 12)
  • Prepare detailed documentation on how to administer the data collection tool.
  • Provide training to managers on using the tool effectively.
  1. Finalize all project deliverables.

Key Events:

Project Kickoff Meeting (End of Week 1)

  • Introduce the project to the team.

Discuss roles and responsibilities.

  • Set expectations for the project.
  • Question Review Workshop (End of Week 4)
  • Review and finalize the survey questions with stakeholders.
  1. Template Review Meeting (End of Week 8)

Review and finalize the project templates with relevant team members.

Internal Testing and Review Session (End of Week 10)

  • Conduct a review session to identify and address any issues with the data collection tool and templates.
  • Training Session (End of Week 12)
  1. Conduct training sessions for managers on how to use the data collection tool and project templates.



  • Corresponding Dates:
  • Project Start Date: [ any prefrable  Start Date]
  • Project End Date: [any prefrable  End Date]

MKT 265- Final Project Milestone Two



The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing, and companies must be nimble and able to develop, evaluate, and change their digital marketing strategies in a short amount of time. Traditional marketing allowed marketers to create brand messaging and control how it was shared with an audience. But now more than ever, control over what is said about a brand or product has been put into the hands of consumers. The internet, social media, and mobile platforms have given rise to the voice of customers, and marketers have had to adapt.


For this assignment, you will examine the social media platforms used by the brand you selected. You will discuss how these platforms are used to support the brand’s digital marketing strategy. Before recommending changes to a brand’s digital presence, it is important to review and analyze its current state. This will help inform changes and improvements in the new media campaign.

Specifically, the following critical elements from Final Project I must be addressed:

Social Media Platforms: In this section, examine the social media platforms used by the brand you selected. Discuss how these platforms are used to support the brand’s digital marketing strategy.

Identify the social media platforms the brand uses and explain how they align to the brand’s target market.

Describe how the brand uses each social media platform. Consider what the brand’s social media posts consist of or look like.

  1. Describe how the brand must modify posts in order to accommodate the differing functionalities of social media platforms. In other words, how does a brand need to change a post between various social media platforms in order to communicate the same message?

Evaluating Digital Marketing Campaigns: Before recommending changes to a brand’s digital presence, review and analyze its current state. This analysis will help inform changes and improvements in the new media campaign.


  1. Determine which digital platforms would be most effective for the brand to use. Consider the overall brand, messaging strategy, and other marketing activities. Be sure to cite examples.

Describe what the brand is doing well on digital media. Support your response with examples.

  1. Weaknesses

Identify a platform that the brand is currently using for marketing and could be improved or utilized more effectively. Support your response with examples.

  1. Determine what the brand could improve on regarding its digital activity. Support your response with examples.

Describe how the brand could use research to better focus its digital activity.

  1. Note: The Legal and Ethical Considerations section of Final Project I (section III.B) has been intentionally omitted from this milestone. That section will be addressed when submitting the complete final project in Module Seven.

What to Submit

Your paper should be a 2- to 4-page (excluding the title and references pages) Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-pt. Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.

Mapping questions


Here is 15 interview questions 

What does CSR mean to a small business in Western Kentucky? 

What are your thoughts on the role of CSR on small businesses in Western Kentucky? Do you have permission to make any CSR decisions in your business? If Yes, please explain what kind of decision you make as a leader or owner.

Does your business currently have any CSR commitments? If Yes, which CSR practices is your businesses interested in and how do the practices contribute to the overall performance of the business?please explain. 

How do you align your business’ CSR goals and the economic goals? Please describe how your business’ CSR practice contribute to or advocate for social justice policy reform and to the growth of the business.

How many employees do you have in your business and what are their perceptions about the business’ engagement in CSR practices?

  • How do you think the business benefits from its engagement in CSR? Do the benefits extend to all the stakeholders including the employees and the customers? 
  • From your perspective, what are the best leadership approaches and practices that encourage the business’ engagement in CSR?
  • In your opinion, how does your business compete with other small businesses in Western Kentucky that are not involved with corporate social responsibility? 
  • What obstacles have you faced during the implementation and integration of corporate social responsibility activities in your small business? 
  • How do you incorporate CSR practices especially those tailored to advocate for social justice policy reform in your business’ daily routines?

Comparing the period when your business had no CSR engagement and now that CSR drive your business operations, would you say your business has become more profitable with the CSR practices integration?

What would you say are the benefits of your business engagement in CSR to the customers and to you as the business owner? Please provide the answer below.

  • In your experience, what barriers or obstacles have hindered you as a small business leader or owner from fully embracing CSR? 
  • According to recent studies on CRS, a lot of businesses have experienced a growth in their profits after engaging in CSR. Do you think engagement in CSR alone is important for achieving success or should business owners invest in good leadership to drive their CSR goals further?
  • Please write any comment or suggestion you want to add in this survey.
  • Survey Item#   or Interview question
  • Research   Question
  • Theory/article   citation


RQ 1: How does the private and franchise owned small   businesses in Western Kentucky apply CSR in advocating for social justice   policy reform? 


RQ 2: How   well are CSR movements integrated into daily routines and operations of   privately owned and franchise-operated small businesses in Western Kentucky?


RQ 3: What are the perceptions of owners and professional   executives on CSR and its related leadership approaches and practices in   private and franchise-owned small businesses in Western Kentucky?

Reply to Performance Management Discussion 2


Reply to Performance Management Discussion 2

Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.



Job Analysis and Design: A more thorough job analysis could have resulted in a more comprehensive job Question outlining the specific duties, responsibilities, and required skills for the Administrative Assistant role.This would have provided Amal with clearer expectations and helped her understand her performance better.

Workforce Planning: Considering future talent needs and potential skill gaps during workforce planning could have identified the need for more in-depth training for the Administrative Assistant position, ensuring Amal had the necessary skills from the outset.

Performance Planning:

Goal Setting: Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals collaboratively with Amal during the onboarding process would have provided her with a clear understanding of performance expectations and enabled her to track her progress effectively.

Performance Expectations: Clearly outlining specific performance expectations through a detailed job Question, along with regular feedback discussions, would have helped Amal understand how her contributions align with organizational goals.

Performance Execution:

Training and Development: Providing Amal with more comprehensive training beyond the two days she received could have equipped her with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in her role. This could include on-the-job training, mentoring programs, or external training opportunities.

Performance Coaching and Feedback: Regular performance coaching sessions, along with constructive and timely feedback, would have allowed Amal to identify areas for improvement and course-correct early on.

Performance Assessment:

Performance Measurement: Utilizing multiple assessment methods, such as self-assessment, peer review, and 360-degree feedback, could provide a more holistic view of Amal’s performance and identify areas where she excels or needs support.

Calibration: Regular calibration sessions among managers can ensure consistent performance evaluation standards across the organization, preventing any biases in Amal’s assessment.

Performance Review:

  • Development-Oriented Discussions: Shifting the focus of performance reviews from solely evaluating past performance to a more development-oriented approach could create a collaborative space for Amal and her supervisor to discuss her strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth.

Action Planning: Setting clear action plans with specific and measurable goals following the performance review would provide Amal with a roadmap for improvement and ensure accountability for both her and her supervisor.

  • Additional Considerations:

Organizational Culture: Fostering a culture of open communication, feedback, and continuous learning can create a supportive environment where Amal feels comfortable asking questions, seeking help, and taking ownership of her development.

Managerial Support: Proactive and supportive managers who provide regular feedback, coaching, and opportunities for growth play a crucial role in employee success.

By addressing these aspects of the performance management process, organizations can create a system that supports employee success and development. It’s important to note that this is not an exhaustive list, and the specific changes needed will vary depending on the organization and the individual employee.

TIM685 First Solar Additional Section


Company: First Solar (FLSR) Please include any relevant data and references

A. Corporate Structure

1. How is the corporation structured at present?

a. Is the decision-making authority centralized around one group or decentralized to many units?

b. Is the corporation organized on the basis of functions, projects, geography, or some combination of these?

2. Is the structure clearly understood by everyone in the corporation?

3. Is the present structure consistent with current corporate objectives, strategies, policies, and programs, as well as with the firm’s international operations?

4. In what ways does this structure compare with those of similar corporations?

B. Corporate Culture

1. Is there a well-defined or emerging culture composed of shared beliefs, expectations, and values?

2. Is the culture consistent with the current objectives, strategies, policies, and programs?

3. What is the culture’s position on environmental sustainability?

4. What is the culture’s position on other important issues facing the corporation (that is, on productivity, quality of performance, adaptability to changing conditions, and internationalization)?

5. Is the culture compatible with the employees’ diversity of backgrounds?

6. Does the company take into consideration the values of the culture of each nation in which the firm operates?

Corporate Resources – Marketing

1. What are the corporation’s current marketing objectives, strategies, policies, and programs?

a. Are they clearly stated or merely implied from performance and/or budgets?

b. Are they consistent with the corporation’s mission, objectives, strategies, and policies, and with internal and external environments?

2. How well is the corporation performing in terms of analysis of market position and marketing mix (that is, product, price, place, and promotion) in both domestic and international markets? How dependent is the corporation on a few customers? How big is its market? Where is it gaining or losing market share? What percentage of sales comes from developed versus developing regions? Where are current products in the product life cycle?

a. What trends emerge from this analysis?

b. What impact have these trends had on past performance and how might these trends affect future performance?

c. Does this analysis support the corporation’s past and pending strategic decisions?

d. Does marketing provide the company with a competitive advantage

3. How well does the corporation’s marketing performance compare with that of similar corporations?

4. Are marketing managers using accepted marketing concepts and techniques to evaluate and improve product performance? (Consider product life cycle, market segmentation, market research, and product portfolios.)

5. Does marketing adjust to the conditions in each country in which it operates?

6. Does marketing consider environmental sustainability when making decisions?

7. What is the role of the marketing manager in the strategic management process?

SEU Fostering STEM Leadership and Gender Diversity Discussion


Reply to Introduction to Leadership Discussion 2

Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.


Introduction to Leadership

Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 has some exciting plans for the future. One of the key goals is to create a thriving economy by focusing on STEM education and entrepreneurship. This will not only help in achieving economic diversification but also empower women through education and entrepreneurship. Another important aspect is developing a skilled and educated workforce that is ready for the future, which will help in achieving the goals of Vision 2030 (Saudi Vision 2030, “Vision 2030” section). 

In this discussion, I have chosen Nouf Al-Gosaibi as a leader who shows an excellent leadership identity.

It’s fascinating to see how Nouf Al-Gosaibi, the CEO of Al-Khaleej Training & Education Company (KTEC), has been a driving force behind the company’s success and its alignment with SV2030’s goals. The transformational leadership style that she follows, as described by Bass & Avolio in 1994, has played a crucial role in KTEC’s empowerment of women through STEM education and entrepreneurship (Bass & Avolio, 1994).

Al-Gosaibi’s leadership concept aligns perfectly with SV2030’s vision of a thriving economy, ambitious nation, and vibrant society. By empowering women through STEM education and entrepreneurship, KTEC is contributing towards workforce diversification and economic growth. Al-Gosaibi’s advocacy for innovation and knowledge-based development is also in line with SV2030’s drive for a competitive and future-oriented economy. Moreover, KTEC’s focus on social impact, promoting inclusivity, and empowering women is contributing to a vibrant and diverse society.

Al-Gosaibi’s leadership style is also reflected in the French and Raven’s Base(s) of Power. As a recognized expert in education and entrepreneurship, she holds expert power and influences others through her specialized knowledge and skills. Additionally, she serves as a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs and women leaders, inspiring others through her achievements and charisma (French & Raven, 1959).

What sets Al-Gosaibi apart is her embodiment of leadership over management. Her visionary approach has set a clear and inspiring vision for KTEC and beyond, where Saudi women drive innovation and economic success. She actively challenges the status quo by advocating for educational reform and fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem, demonstrating proactiveness and a commitment to positive change. Overall, Al-Gosaibi’s transformational leadership style and embodiment of leadership over management have played a crucial role in KTEC’s success and its alignment with SV2030’s goals.


Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1994). Improving organizational effectiveness through transformational leadership. Sage Publications.

French, J. R. P., & Raven, B. H. (1959). The bases of social power. Psychology Review, 66(3), 133-145.

Saudi Vision 2030. (2024). Retrieved January 21, 2024, from

BUS 307 Operations Management and Quantitative Techniques


Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 7: Supply Management.

Operations and supply chain managers as well as professionals in purchasing engage in strategic sourcing processes, and they demonstrate how spend analysis, total cost analysis, portfolio analysis, and weighted-point evaluation models can be used to support strategic sourcing efforts. Purchasing managers, for example, spend more time on strategic sourcing activities, such as spend analysis, supplier evaluation and selection, and make-or-buy decisions. All of these activities require individuals with a solid mix of quantitative and interpersonal skills. This assignment will enhance your skills in these important areas.

In your paper,

Explain in detail why data analysis skills are so important to spend analysis.

Describe how a structured process such as Six Sigma methodology (Chapter 4) can be useful to identify spending patterns and opportunities for improvement.

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper in bold font

  • Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.

Student’s name

Name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Due date

Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.

Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

For assistance on writing Introductions & ConclusionsLinks to an external site. and Writing a Thesis StatementLinks to an external site., refer to the Writing Center resources.

  • Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source.