IS 242 Computer Hardware

Question Description

Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length.

Computer Hardware

List 3 types of computer hardware that you take for granted and use on a daily basis. Explain in two or three complete sentences what you have thought about each one. Please provide original work. No plagiarizing.

Principle of management . article summery.

Question Description

hello , I need help with the article summery for the management class , I have posted this this question more than two times but the the professor I have invited did not responded its due tomarrow morning. please help me to finish it .

Corporate life cycle phases

Question Description

Companies go through different phases of the life cycle. Corporate life cycle includes introductory, growth, maturity, and decline phases.

  • Discuss each phase of corporate life cycle.
  • Describe the effects of each phase on the amounts reported in a statement of cash flows. Be sure to support your position.

First, read the assigned chapters SSR and RMP chapters about experimental designs, nonexperimental designs, survey designs, and single-subject designs and the notes on experimental design. Then, generate a document of 2 1/2 single-spaced pages (minimum)

Question Description

First, read the assigned chapters SSR and RMP chapters about experimental designs, nonexperimental designs, survey designs, and single-subject designs and the notes on experimental design. Then, generate a document of 2 1/2 single-spaced pages (minimum) in length about the research designs, not including a reference list.

business proposal

Question Description

Team Boston. write the last section of the proposal( which is section 7), gonna upload the information into the files. the before 6 sections are completed by other members. Only do section 7! more information will give after accept this work. about 2 pages of summary.

Finish the form

Question Description

Look for any hotel restaurant company that you have worked part-time, or if you don’t have an internship, look for a hotel company or restaurant that you are familiar with. Analyze according to the problem. No words limit.

I will provide 8 pictures that include all questions.

Team Work at a Distance

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Project organizational behavior is also applicable to global and virtual team projects.

Discuss your own experiences working in teams separated by distance and other barriers. How could you adapt project management styles for virtual teams?

follow the instructions sport management

Question Description

Assignment Guideline;

1. Use the document in the attachment,

2. Choose two subjects in the discussion questions

3. Open up a blank word document

4. write your responses for each subject area question and explain your point why / or why not in 1-2 paragraph for each (not 1-2 sentences)

​A project related to management subject specifically in leadership course

Question Description

All what it needs written down on the attachment below. brief explain , is that I just have to pretend that I am interviewing a leadership person and ask about the questions written on the paper and at the end as needed one brief paragraph accordingly

answer the question in details please

Question Description

Identify a need or want that you have that is not currently satisfied by an offering in the marketplace. No more than two paragraphs of written content expressing why there is a need for the product and what value this product would bring to consumers.