​Economic analysis of China – 700 words

Question Description

Economic analysis of China

The economic analysis should contain the following information:

  • Population total

Distribution of population:

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Geographic area (urban, rural density)

Economic statistics and activity:

  • Gross national product
  • Personal income per capita
  • Average family income
  • Distribution of wealth
  • Communication system
  • Working conditions
  • International trade statistics
  • Trade restrictions
  • Labor force

APA format, one reference

Why is Accounting Needed and the Basic Accounting Equation

Question Description

Review the Basic Accounting Equation. #action=share

Why is this equation key tounderstanding the balance sheet, which is one of the foundationalfinancial statements? How would healthcare companies operate withoutaccounting? Review the information contained on the balance sheet andincome statement. Explain the importance of this information to theoperations of the organization.

Write a 525- to 700-word paper

Question Description

Examine one of the following companies:

  • Taco Bell
  • Hershey’s
  • Huggies
  • Papa John’s

Write a 525- to 700-word paper and answer the following questions:

  • What types of promotions are available?
  • What are the objectives of the various consumer promotions?
  • Do the promotions on the websites match the company’s advertising and consumer promotions at retail outlets

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

Read the Following and write an Implications and Reflections In depth and Details (Single Space)

Question Description

Topic of the Week: Federal Emergency Planning Mandates

Reading Materials:

1- Sylves chapters 3, 4 (both attached)

2- PPD 8 Overview – https://www.fema.gov/learn-about-presidential-policy-directive-8 3- ICS/NIMS – https://www.fema.gov/national-incident-management-system

4- See attached article on Unified Command during Katrina

*** At least 2 pages single space + Reference page

*** APA Style

*** Include your thoughts

I need response for the discussion post in APA format

Question Description


attached word document has 3 discussion post.
I need response to them in about 200 words for each post separately.

Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads, evaluating the pros and cons of that student’s recommendations. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread.

Legal Application Assignment 1

Question Description

How will you learn the legal terms that are necessary in the legal field? What study aids will you use? What are some of the terms that are hard for you to remember? Create five sentences using five terms in the book. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) page.

Throughout the term you have explored an examined numerous topics around management and leadership. Successful organizations require an environment of support, sustainability, and life-long learning. As an emerging leader share two lessons learned and h

Question Description

Throughout the term you have explored an examined numerous topics around management and leadership. Successful organizations require and environment of support, sustainability, and life-long learning. As an emerging leader share two lessons learned and how you

will implement them within your current role and organization.

My Current Role : Quality Assurance Analyst

ACCT-301: Cost Accounting

Question Description

Assignment Question(s):

Q 1 Give numerical example explaining the concept of Equivalent number of units. Discuss the advantages of using equivalent number f units?

Q 2 Give example related to ABC costing and find the overhead allocation rate for this example using ABC Costing? Discuss the advantages of using ABC Costing?

Challenge Yourself 8.4 Excel Project

Question Description

Need to follow the instructions on the instructions page to complete the file in excel. Follow the instructions on the instructions sheet, and execute on the excel file itself. Does not require a textbook or other source material. Need to get a high grade on this assignment.

Thank you for your time.

​Identify a country that has used a flexible exchange rate

Question Description

Identify a country that has used a flexible exchange rate and a country that has used a fixed exchange rate. Compare the theorized performance of the exchange rate systems and evaluate how these exchange rate systems worked in practice for the countries you selected.

Your response should cite at least two credible sources.