the big five of self assessment 11.1

Question Description

The Big Five

Chapter 11 describes personality as the first major driver of an individuals behavior. Personality is complex, but we can simplify it using categories of characteristics.

answer all of of the following questions on p. 411.

Formulate a complete (no less than 500 words) and original response.


Kinicki, A.,& Williams, B. K. (2006). Management:A Practical Introduction.New York, NY: McGraw-Hill College.

Leadership theories

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

As the corporate world changes, so do leadership theories, styles, and practices. Understanding an organization’s vision and the team goals will help a manager select the best practices to motivate and support the team to reach success.

Discuss different leadership theories. How do they compare?

APA Format references

Need answer to the below question

Question Description

Select a large or mid-size enterprise from business or government and describe the following: 

a. What structural and cultural aspects should be captured by EA?

b. Who are the potential stakeholders in an EA program?

c. What strategies for gaining stakeholder buy-in could be used?

d. Relate strategies for managing change to various stakeholders.

Please provide a detailed answer to the following question

Question Description

What are the principal risk factors in an information system project and how can they be managed? Research or select an information system project in which you have been involved and discuss what you think the risk factors were? A good source is a search on Failed IT Projects.

MLA Format / 3 pages /Cite All Sources

​Current Events Assignments

Question Description

Current Events Assignments

Hello, i need help with one page reports that include 1) summarize the article selected, 2) evaluate its significance. It must select current event articles from the following periodicals: Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times. A copy of the article must be submitted with the analysis.

Help with ACC 306 discussion?

Question Description

Assessments” Please respond to the following:

  • Based on your experiences over the last few weeks with Excel and QuickBooks, examine the primary ways the course will help you with your future career aspirations. Include the features of the course that were helpful.
  • Also, discuss the features that were not helpful and explain why. Your constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome!

in your own words, describe what critical thinking involves

Question Description

  • in your own words, describe what critical thinking involves.
  • Discuss a time in your work life when you needed to use critical thinking. How would you show a potential employer that you have solid critical thinking skills?
  • Find a resource online that helps people increase critical thinking skills, share it here, and give a brief description for your classmates.

writing a current event from this week

Question Description

Hello, I need help writing one-page and half reports about current event in Management . the one page and half should 1) summarize the article selected, 2) evaluate its significance.

current event articles must be from one of the following periodicals: Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times

BA3101 2-3 Pages Memorandum Re: Fox Stakeholders

Question Description

Who are the Fox School’s stakeholders and what are theirstakes?
2) What attributes do these various stakeholders hold?


3) What economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibilities does the Fox School have to these various stakeholders?
4) What actions should the Fox School take?
5) How should decisions be taken? schools-credit-crunch intelligent-investing-rankings.html

INSS360 Assignment: Unit 4 Problem-Solving Exercises

Question Description

Do research to compare the costs and features as well as the pros and cons of using Microsoft Office versus Office 365. Summarize your results using a spreadsheet. Which choice is the best solution for you? Why? Using presentation software, outline your thought process and key points in three or four slides. Submit the assignment to Dropbox.