Employee Leadership Training Module


For your final assignment, you will be doing the leading on identifying a film that helps us understand leadership.  For this exercise, place yourself in the role of a manger interested in demonstrating aspects of leadership and its importance to your team. Your objective is not to tell them about why leadership is important or why they should respect you as a leader. Rather your objective is to train the team you lead as leaders.  You will be submitting a short introductory paper to your training program as well as the training material itself which could take the form of a narrated PowerPoint, a  short film, or even a series of guided conversation.  The training program might deconstruct specific scenes, the behaviors s of the characters or even how characters respond to circumstances.  All of these choices are yours.  

There are a few steps that are important. 

Step 1.  Select a film that you find interesting but is not one of the films we used in the course.  It should be a film that you enjoy or covers a topic that is important or even a person that you admire.   The film can be a documentary or a work of fiction. But it must be a film that we did not use in this course. 

Answer the following about the film:

What is the Name of the Film?

Who is the director of the film?

Briefly provide a synopsis of the film (about 300 words) describing what the film is about.  Use your own words.  Do not copy resources like IMDB. It is important you organize this synopsis from your point of view.

Step 2.  You have already done the readings from the chapters of the text for the course.  Select three theories/sections of the assigned chapters that compose the points you want to get across in your training . For example, you could choose The Ohio State Studies, PAth-Goal Theory and Trait Theory. What it important is that the combination can be taught in a short training session with a team of employees after they view the films. State in the introductory paper the sections your are covering and how they apply in the film.  Note:  This is not the training- it is more a summary. 

Step 3.  Describe briefly in your introductory paper how the film addresses or improves organizational culture?  What does the film help your team understand about organizational culture?  Again this is not the training just go right the point in about 150 words.  For example, you could write about Lincoln, the film helps the team understand not only the role of the leader on the team but the importance of individuals honoring one another respectfully.  Lincoln builds a culture of respect among his staff and shows teams how respect is a powerful means to accomplish their objectives in the longer term . 

Step 4.   Select a specific scene of the film you select and provide a detailed analysis (include this in the introductory paper but this becomes the introduction to your training program.  Make sure you cover the following:

Why is the scene important for understanding leadership?

  1. How does the scene invite a team member to become a better leader.
  2. Guidance: It really doesn’t matter what the film is.  This is about putting together a training intervention for your team. Remember that you are using the film to help the team understand that main point of leadership you want to communicate in Step 2.  You are also using the film to help model behavior for employees. If you can locate a copy of the relevant scene on a platform like YouTube, include the link. It will make your analysis easier to place in context.  
  3. Instructions:
    Insert rationale, set-up, background, or general instructions for this assignment. Complete and submit the assignment by 23:59 CST Sunday.

Discussion Post reply


Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is a term for the personality of a company. Numerous Western companies enjoy a laid-back, family-oriented culture. Employees may dress casually; workstations may have decorations representing the inhabitants’ personalities or hobbies; pets may even occupy a space within the office. Other Western companies will have an atmosphere of professionalism where business attire is required, individual expressions are minimal, and a work-life balance may be imbalanced. Some companies may employ a mixture of the two or be completely remote so that an organizational culture may be non-existent. Successful managers will learn the company’s culture that employs them and their team dynamic to keep negative conflict to a minimum.
Evolutionists use the term culture to refer to: first, information or behavior developed through social learning; second, one or more social behaviors common to the group; or third, socially learned behaviors that have improved over consecutive episodes of societal instruction (Heyes, 2020). The company, from the case study, has a culture of competition and distrust. Due to high levels of competition, distrust has become a learned behavior. Employees will work hard to gain the advantage of the win and claim work that is not theirs, withhold information from others, or do other unethical deeds to gain the victory. In addition to employees’ characteristics, organizational culture plays a crucial role in influencing unethical actions (Kuenzi et al., 2020).
Managers will influence the attitude of their subordinates, either directly or indirectly. The negative effect is one of the ways that managers may influence their subordinates. A manager who is highly critical of those under them will provide negative affectivity to the team (Jones & George, 2023), and the team will see this as part of the culture and reflect that attitude, especially to newcomers. This vicious cycle will continue until it becomes commonplace. Mistrust, apathy, dysfunction, and reduced internal customer service will become traits of the office. New management will have a rough, uphill battle to change the culture when it becomes the standard for all involved. Senior employees will fight any policy changes because they will be under the impression that a newcomer does not understand the office dynamic and is trying to implement unnecessary changes.
Management has fostered a combative, dysfunctional culture within their workplace, and a change needs to happen immediately, primarily because of their inability to control the climate when issues were first known. Management has withheld correcting their employees, bringing chaos (King James Bible, 1995, Proverbs 23:13a), creating dysfunction that may not be resolved to stop an implosion in the workforce. The whole attitude of the team must change and change quickly. Acknowledging the dysfunction and addressing the competitiveness that has spawned such a mess must be done quickly. Suspending the reward system that allows unethical behavior will help send the message that each project is a team effort and that competing with each other is no longer allowed. Negative attitudes and talks must not be allowed within the business office, and attitudes must have appropriate penalties.  The reward and punishment system must be refurbished, employees who violate ethical standards must be disciplined, and individuals must be rewarded for ethical behavior and decisions (Kuenzi et al., 2020).
Just as the Father wants His children to live a turmoil-free life, management must change their perspective on how they view their subordinates. Christ’s love changes our mindset to see the positive and work peacefully with others. Dysfunction should birth a zeal to do better, to make life worth living. An attitude of positive affectivity needs to be set in stone and followed wholeheartedly. Dysfunction cannot be changed overnight, but recognizing the issues that have caused the dysfunction is the first step in fixing the issues.

Week 2 Discussion and responses


This week we will be discussing the ethical dilemma between street crime and white-collar crime. First, you should read about the Ford Pinto case. Familiarize yourself with the facts of the case, and the outcome.

Use Google – the search words Ford Pinto Lawsuit should bring up a ton of information

Then, you should read Section 3 of Chapter 10.

1. You are to draft arguments that Lee Iacocca should have been prosecuted criminally.

2. Choose opposing posts and defend your position.

Please respond to the Posts Below


In the Ford Pinto case, Lee Iacocca’s criminal prosecution would probably be unnecessary due to the absence of concrete evidence linking him to deliberate misconduct. It is possible that Iacocca was more concerned with making strategic decisions as an executive in charge of a big company like Ford than he was with the specifics of the Pinto’s design. Even if it was a morally dubious choice, Iacocca may not have had a direct influence on the decision to put money above safety (Rossow, 2015). Moreover, compared to today, the regulatory climate governing automobile safety standards was less strict in the 1970s, which made it difficult to prove that Iacocca had committed certain legal crimes. Given the complexity of business decision-making and the absence of defined legal norms at the time, it could be challenging to show his direct involvement and intent to hurt customers in order to pursue criminal charges against him.  

If there was any misconduct connected to the Pinto case, civil remedies like fines or settlements could be a more suitable course of action than criminal prosecution. In civil action, it is not necessary to establish unlawful intent without a reasonable doubt in order to resolve disputes and compensate damages (Rossow, 2015). It is also critical to take into account the larger ethical framework that surrounded business decision-making in that time period. despite the fact that Ford’s cost-benefit analysis of the Pinto’s safety problems is heavily criticized, it is essential to acknowledge the moral inconsistencies and conflicting interests at play (Rossow, 2015). Given the facts, seeking civil instead of criminal action against Iacocca seems to be a more appropriate course of action, reflecting the complexity of the case while providing for responsibility and justice. 


Rossow, M. (2015). Ethics: An Alternative Account of the Ford Pinto Case.

Dawn Jenkins

   Lee Iacocca was part of a large team at Ford. Many people were involved in making decisions about the Pinto, not just him. It’s hard to blame just one person for these team choices.  To charge someone with a crime, you require strong proof that they did something wrong on purpose. Finding evidence that Mr. Iacocca ignored safety on purpose would be very difficult because so many factors and people were involved.  Back in 1971 when the Pinto was built, the rules about car safety were not as strict as they are now. It is not fair to judge past actions by today’s standards.  Lee Iacocca did many good things for the car industry and for  Ford. It is important to recognize his positive contributions, not just focus on the Pinto issue.

     Government agencies that check if cars are safe had no problem with the Pinto being sold. This suggests that the Pinto met the safety standards of that time, which makes it difficult to blaming  Mr. Iacocca alone.

    In essence, arguing against criminal prosecution for Lee Iacocca in the context of the Ford Pinto saga requires an appreciation for the complexities of corporate decision-making, the stringent requirements for proving criminal negligence, the historical context of automotive safety standards, and the broader implications of regulatory compliance and individual contributions to industry practices.



SEU Evaluating Leadership in Vision 2030 Mohammed Abdullah AI Jadaan Discussion


Reply to Introduction to Leadership Discussion 1

Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion post with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.


Introduction to Leadership

The KSA leader that I selected is Mohammed Abdullah Al Jadaan who is the Chairman of the Financial Sustainability Program, Minister of Finance and Member of Council for Economic & Development in Saudi Arabia. I chose him because he wears a cap of a leader who reflect Saudi Vision 2030. The Saudi Vision 2030 is an all-inclusive approach to turn Saudi Arabia into a global wall of investment. Al-Jadaan’s contribution to the Fiscal Sustainability Program corresponds with some of the economic objectives in Saudi Vision 2030 which is to decries subsidies, create sovereign wealth fund and open Saudi Aramco to private investment through partial IPO.

         The aim of the Fiscal Sustainability Program is to keep public finances stable and achieve fiscal balance in the Kingdom. Saudi Vision 2030’s aspiration for economic sustainability is reflected through Al-Jadaan’s work as Structural Fiscal Reforms and reduction of the Kingdom Net Deficit Ratio of 15.8% in year 2015 to 2.3% by 2021 (Saudi Vision 2030). The program’s attempts to enhance financial accountability, develop public finances through the formation of institutions such as Government Expenditure & Projects Efficiency Authority, National Debt Management Center and Non-Oil Revenue Development Centre are consistent with vision for diversification of economy and reduction in dependence on oil.

        With regards to the imperial bases of power identified by French and Raven’s, Al-Jadaan makes use both expert power and legitimate authority (Feriors, 2021). Expert power comes from his knowledge of finance and economics that is essential for running the Fiscal Sustainability Program. From his position as the Minister of Finance, he has legitimate power that enables him to influence and take decisions. As a result, his authority serves as the impetus for promoting fiscal reforms that are specifically listed in Saudi Vision 2030.

         Al-Jadaan stand as a leader who can be emulated by others in leadership and governance. On the other hand, he is also a transformational leader as he leads Kingdom through an momentous shift in its economy. As illustrated by Kotter (1990), transformational leaders strive to create an environment that facilitate their performance of some great deeds which allows them to inspire and motivate people and Al-Jadaan uses kind of approach which is visible in his efforts towards effective structural reform.

        Additionally, he implements a participative style of leadership through openness and disclosure in financial planning. Al-Jadaan ensures that there is the formulation of a culture for collaboration and evidence base decision making through creating annually budgeted in sustainable way designing it to fit on conditions at macroeconomics level over next few years. This participative approach does not only develop trust and confidence between the citizens but it also correlates with modern leadership theories that entail a process of shared-decisions.

        The successes achieved by the Fiscal Sustainability Program under Al Jadaan’s leadership indicate that a new era has arrived in Saudi Arabia. This determination to achieve both medium- and long-term aims is strengthened by increasing non-oil revenues, and improving of financial management that are also redirecting goals of Saudi Vision 2030. Therefore, Al-Jadaan’s leadership is crucial in steering the Kingdom into economic diversification, stability and credibility on public finance thus reflecting one of the aspirations for a prosperous future.


Feriors. (2021, January 26). Bases of power in leadership by French and Raven.

Kotter, J (1990). Leadership versus management and emerged leadership, John Kotter’s Approach. Creative Commons. New York, NY.

Saudi Vision 2030. (n.d.). Fiscal Sustainability Program. Www.vision2030.Gov.sa. https://www.vision2030.gov.sa/en/vision-2030/vrp/fiscal-sustainability-program/

Reply to Understanding Gender’s Role in Leadership Discussion 2


Reply to Understanding Gender’s Role in Leadership Discussion 2

Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.

Regarding how gender plays a role in leadership style and effectiveness

Gender has long been discussed and studied in leadership because it affects leadership style and effectiveness. Leadership skills are not gendered, but societal traditions, expectations, and biases may influence men’s and women’s leadership approaches, which is a major factor in gender norms and preconceptions. Women leaders face a challenge when expected to be both agentic (aggressive, competitive) and communal (nurturing, assisting). This careful balance must be maintained to avoid unwanted views or retaliation from affected parties. Due to increased scrutiny and pressure, women may choose a democratic, participative, and transformational leadership style to meet societal expectations because of the spotlight on them.

Research also shows that men and women in decision-making roles communicate differently. Women are more inclusive, collaborative, and relationship-focused than men, who are more directive and task-oriented (Mashele & Alagidede, 2022). These differences may affect how leaders are regarded and their capacity to motivate and involve others. Balance between work and personal life is another important aspect of a leader’s strategy, especially for women. Female executives may find it harder to balance work and life. This may inspire them to prioritize team members’ needs, including adaptation, understanding, and support, resulting in a more empathic and insightful leadership style. Additionally, mentorship and influential networks can improve leadership abilities and effectiveness. Women in leadership roles may need more mentorship and influential networks, which may limit their career advancement and expose them to more leadership tactics and approaches.

In conclusion, gender equality has improved, but many companies still discriminate against women. This complicates things for female executives. These stereotypes include underestimating women’s talents, preventing women from holding authority, and unfairly criticizing and inspecting women.

Regarding best practices for leading virtual teams with considerations for female leaders in KSA

Women leaders in Saudi Arabia (KSA) face cultural hurdles in addition to virtual team management. Due to this situation, many best practices must be implemented to ensure effective leadership. Establishing effective communication channels is vital. Regular virtual team meetings, collaboration technology, and open communication can boost engagement and teamwork in a virtual environment. Saudi Arabian women leaders must use technology to share documents and communicate internationally (Alhassan & Al Doghan, 2022). Promoting empowerment and inclusivity is also crucial. The capacity of Saudi female executives to understand cultural norms and create an environment where team members can speak freely is crucial. To attain this goal, actively seek input, encourage diverse opinions, and provide equal participation opportunities.

Virtual teams need to build trust and accountability due to less face-to-face interactions. Female leaders should be open, set clear objectives, and provide regular feedback to keep the team united and productive. There may be fewer misunderstandings or arguments due to communication or cultural difficulties. Prioritizing work-life integration is crucial, especially for female leaders and team members juggling work and family. Flexibility and assistance can help women balance these tasks, which are unique to them. This attentive and empathetic attitude could create a helpful and welcoming team environment.

Effective virtual team leaders must foster a culture of continual learning and adaptability. Saudi female executives must be abreast of new technology, best practices, and cultural issues. This will keep their leadership style relevant in a changing virtual world. Female leaders can manage remote teams and foster cooperation, productivity, and inclusivity across national and cultural barriers by applying these best practices and considering the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s cultural context. 

Discussion post reply 2


Discussion Thread: Organizational Culture

      The assigned case study this week delves into the need for immediate action rather than lengthy assessment and slow calculated moves. The restructure process will change the dynamic of the assumed organizational situations and systems and require harsher decisions of those in leadership roles (Li & Wang, 2023, p. 3).

      Under normal circumstances Theory Y could be applied to ensure staff feel valued and appreciated due to their contribution to the organization (Schmitz & Gunderman, 2019, p. 1), however, due to the urgent need as per instruction a more stringent approach is needed. Theory X states managers will take more authority over workers and although it can create negative outcomes over the long term, it is a necessity in the short term (Senarathne, 2020, p. 11-12).

      The bible speaks of dropping dead weight in the book of Isaiah and applies that meaning to thoughts that disobey the will of God, and items not of God (New International Version). In a company setting owners and managers at times have to remove staff that are not effective in their positions. Verse 1-2 in the book of John states “God cuts off the branches that bear no fruit”, which is direct instruction for humans lives in the current world (New International Version). When an impending closure or failure looms tough calls such as realignment of management staff, elimination of key roles, cost cutting of extra and non-essential expenses might be utilized. Changes in leadership can cause confusion to stakeholders however it can be unavoidable in a restructure process (Li & Wang, 2023, p.8).

      Utilizing a basic re-structuring process initially by cutting all non-essential expenses immediately, which could be deactivating all company cards staff hold and stemming all raises and bonuses thus stopping the flow from unauthorized sources. Advising staff in low producing departments, they were furloughed or temporarily laid off providing the influx of their salaries back into the system. Closing locations pending the size of the business is another way to cut expenses, however there is not enough information to list that as a must do.

      Staff unity would be beneficial, however, at this point given the situation, the main focus must be ensuring each staff member knows their particular job and is providing their best effort in the process. Negative speech will only lead to discord (Merida et al., 2015, p. 151). Narrowing latitude of managers and instructing a management style more structured and authoritative will assist as well, while cross training and ensuring more staff are able to complete assorted tasks under the new structure (Jones & George, 2022, 55). Managers will need to assess quickly and downsize their departments to the absolutes therefore eliminating staff overhead and in essence ensure each department head maintains control over the specific objectives set for the short-term situation (Senarathne, 2020, p. 14).

       Last minute efforts for company salvage could be filing Chapter 11 to protect assets and ensure creditors are kept at bay (Hotchkiss, et al., 2023, p. 2), however it is unclear if this situation would warrant this step.

      Cost cutting is first and foremost then the shuffle of key personnel into new roles that create the opening for eliminating unessential higher and middle management positions is next (Li & Wang, 2023, p.10). This is followed closely by utilizing Theory X for closer supervision while the company gains its footing in the market and financially (Jones & George 2022, 50-51). Once all departments are running efficiently and the financial situation is fully under control, only then can staff retention plans be instituted to provide longevity to the organization.




Adw 1 reply to discussion

The Cardiovascular System Quiz to Start Us Off

I am thinking that at the beginning of each section, we could start off with a quiz and see where the discussion takes us. Ok, here we go and remember, all of the questions will be either true or false and you MUST include an explanation to earn full credit:

  • The main function of the cardiovascular system is to maintain the function of the heart.
  • The aorta is the largest artery in the body.
  • The major portion of the heart is called the pericardium, a thick, membrane sac that supports and protects the heart.
  • In one day, the heart pushes the body’s supply of 6 quarts or so of blood through the blood vessels over 1000 times meaning that is actually pumps about 6000 quarts of blood in a single day.
  • The heart is a double pump and pumps in two different areas of the body.

Adw 2 reply to discussion

Lymphatic System Quiz to Start Us Off

I am thinking that at the beginning of each section, we could start off with a quiz and see where the discussion takes us. Ok, here we go and remember, all of the questions will be either true or false and you MUST include an explanation to earn full credit:

  • The body has three lines of defense against pathogen invasion.
  • The lymphatic system is comparable to the cardiovascular system.
  • They lymphatic organs system are divided into 3 categories.
  • Allergies, which are fought by the immune and lymphatic systems are genetic reactions to specific substances.




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Using the Starbucks website and Robbins et al. (2017), go to the Starbucks website

Links to an external site.. locate the “For Business” section, and access the “Suppliers” link. Evaluate how the requirements and standards to become a Starbucks’ supplier.

Using the transformation process (Ferrell et al., Chapter 8), explain how Starbucks serves its customers, from inputs to outputs. Conduct additional research as needed.


From what I gather, Starbucks utilizes a set of standards for its suppliers and its operations in order to ensure proper service to their customers. The transformation process used to ensure this service starts with standards which range from supplier code of conduct, to supply chain security standards, to responsible sourcing standards, and operational standards to name a few.

The inputs in this process would be coffee beans, other food items that are needed to produce pastries sold by Starbucks, the needed finances to operate the organization, as well as the human capital necessary.

The transformation begins as the raw materials such as coffee beans are ground for use or for sale in packaging at Starbucks physical locations. The locations themselves are an integral part of the process because of the equipment used for preparing the products to be sold, as well as the ambiance it provides as a comfortable place for coffee and conversation.

The output of these processes ultimately are the teas, coffees, cakes and other pastries served to the customers on a daily basis.

Starbucks could not be as successful as they are without the standards they set forth for themselves and their suppliers in my opinion.

AIIB to world bank


respond to these statements

1. I think you’re correct in suggesting that the impact of the AIIB on U.S. businesses will be complex. The opportunities for U.S. businesses to leverage AIIB-funded projects for revenue is clear, given that the U.S. is a technological leader, including sustainable technologies. For businesses that were seeking an entry point to Asian markets, the AIIB would appear to be a resources to help bridge that process. Conversely, domestic activity in the U.S. as it relates to infrastructure development, will likely have greater competition as the AIIB invests almost exclusively in Asia. The U.S. is already a global leader in green technology development and implementation, as reflected through the negotiation and involvement in the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse emissions. If U.S. companies can engage in projects funded by the AIIB, perhaps this could also provide valuable experience for projects that could be replicated domestically in the U.S. by those same infrastructure companies who completed work abroad in Asia.
2. The missions of both institutions, the AIIB and the World Bank are commendable as they strive towards the betterment of humanity and the planet. However, as we move forward, global poverty and pollution remain the most pressing concerns. China, being the largest contributor to pollution, needs to take significant steps towards sustainability to tackle the environmental crisis. The AIIB, along with political leaders in the region, must encourage large organizations to restructure their infrastructure for sustainable development. This will not only help reduce the carbon footprint but also pave the way for a cleaner and healthier future.

It is crucial for both the AIIB and the World Bank to collaborate with major corporations to uplift the economies of underdeveloped nations. By investing in sustainable infrastructure and renewable energy sources, these institutions can help create job opportunities and increase economic growth in these countries.

However, to ensure outside support, poor countries need to take a stand against corrupt leadership and reclaim their countries for progress. It is important to promote transparency and accountability in governance and create a conducive environment for private investment. Together, the AIIB, the World Bank, and the political leaders of these countries can work towards achieving sustainable development goals and improving the lives of millions of people around the world.
3. Great post! You provided good insight of the Asian infrastructure investment bank and the potential impact on US based businesses. The Asian infrastructure investment bank does serve adjacent to the world bank, specifically focusing on infrastructure in Asia. Your emphasis on the infrastructure and its development was appreciated. With these projects, the potential for increased demand is present from the US. Secondly, these projects can lead to expanded markets leading to more international trade. This is good for the consumer because the goods and services diversify leaving two new products on the market as well as new investment opportunities. With these new investment opportunities, it poses collaboration and competition challenges among the two organizations. It’s crucial to understand these regulations, cultural differences, and economic landscape to further push negotiation and other types of projects. Overall, I appreciated your insight on the impact the AIIB would have on businesses stationed in the United States. However, it’s important to understand the both potential negatives and positives of if we cooperate on the infrastructure and development of Asia and the rest of the world.

perform a series of calculations.


Q8. [5points] As apreviewexercise to Module IV’s group term paper,choose oneof the

following scenarios to perform a series of calculations. Please be explicit about the
assumptions and please be specific about the thinking/reasoning process.

A. A student proposed a summer basketball camp project in Kobe with an interesting twist.
As a former professional basketball player in Germany, he wanted to bring his former
trainers, a ‘hall of a fame’ basketball coach and three assistant coaches, to the students’
hometown during Japan’s summer break. Assuming a fourweek period and a summer
camp running 5 days a week, what are the expected sales, costs, breakeven points, return
on investment, etc to put on a summer basketball camp for local junior highschoolers and
B. An animal loving student who also volunteers at an animal shelter proposed a cat
sanctuary on an island off of Ehime Prefecture to take in abandoned cats from all over
Japan. Assuming an initial operation with three fulltime staff members and five
volunteers, calculate the expected sales, costs, breakeven points, return on investment,
C. An outdoor enthusiast proposed a solocamping operation in Nagano Prefecture.
Assuming that you are leasing just one camping van, calculate the expected sales, costs,
breakeven points, return on investment, etc.

Q9. [20 points] A typical deductive structure in a corporate setting is a new market entry.
Imagine that you have a new product X that you want to sell in Japan. This product X can be
anything but you should think about a specific product (e.g. a specific brand of energy drink,
men’s shampoo or premium icecream to name a few potential products).
a. Come up with a tree diagram to at least the 5th level on how you would market and sell
this product X in Japan. You may need to do some ‘desk’ research to get some appropriate
context and data points.
b. Using about 1000 words, write a memo to top management. At its core should be your
recommendations for the new market entry launch based upon your own structure for
what you think is appropriate for top management to know about your investigation.
Hint on part a: You need several trees. One tree could be a marketing plan. Another tree could
be a sales operation plan. The point is to craft several trees that will allow the executives to
understand your new market entry plan. You will need to clearly state your assumptions.

Hint on part b: The worst memo just describes your process. That is not what the top management is looking for.

Real Estate Question


The reflections should consider one or more of the readings in the designated period.

TITLE. They should be in a reasonably sized font (no more than 11 or 12 point), with

one-inch margins. They will be graded for title, style (grammar, etc.) as well as content.

Proper citations are a must. Citations are essential because they represent the work

that you have done to prepare the paper, and the way that you are integrating other

ideas into your argument. Sources need to be provided for every direct quote, nonpublic information, or idea. If direct quotes are used, they should be brief and no more

than two sentences in length. Note that the citation comes before the sentence’s

period. Any doubts about how to cite a source or whether a citation, feel free to ask. In

the body of the paper, provide the author’s name, year and page number.

At the end of the paper, provide a bibliography in alphabetical order with a full citation

for each source: author’s name (alphabetically by author’s last name), full book title,

publishing information, and the page number. Note that the bibliography does not

count toward your 3 page limit.

What is a Reflection paper? Please, do not write a summary of the reading or a set of

disconnected thoughts or a question. Media cst (cst.edu/wpcontent/uploads/2016/07/wc-writing-reflection-papers.pdf) have provided the

following suggestions (edited for length, and some language altered to make it

germane to our class):

In 1 or 2 sentences, summarize the main idea(s) in the reading in your own words using

precise descriptive language. After that, consider some of the following questions:

1. Does the reading challenge your thinking in any way? Does it provide information

that changes the way you think about planning and development history? Be specific in your answer

2. Is there an important question that arises as you read this chapter/article?

3. Is there something that you want to criticize or disagree with? Does anything make

you uncomfortable or contradict your ideas about planning and development?

4. How do the ideas connect with other readings, lectures, other classes or life

experiences you’ve had? How would you integrate these ideas with what you already

know or think about this subject? How could you apply what you learned?

5. Is there anything in your past and/or present experiences that resonate with or

clashes with this reading?

You need to write your essay, not just answer the questions. You should be asking

yourself how does this reading add to my knowledge of planning and real estate

development? How does it challenge my presumptions about the fields? How does it

challenge my own beliefs about the city and its development patterns and history?

How does it tie to other things I have been reading in other classes?

One way to show that you have accumulated knowledge during the class is to make

intelligent connections between the reading/s from the current week with ones from

previous weeks. This course has a series of threads that flow through it, and the later

readings do build on earlier ones. Using those thoughts, organize your reflection paper

to express those ideas, emotions, concerns, and understandings. You can include