make a power point follow the instruction

Question Description

  1. What were your goals for this Practice Round?
  2. What market conditions you considered to make what decisions?
  3. How did you reach these decisions, individually and as a team?
  4. What were the market-results of your team decisions?
  5. Compare your results with one another team of your choice.
  6. What would be your goals for Round 1?
  7. What did you learn?

I will provide all the info once you take it, its not hard.

Case study 2 -: Legal considerations

Question Description

Business Structures:

Sole Proprietorship = one owner (self-employed), unlimited liability, simple structure.

Partnership = two or more owners, unlimited liability, share costs/profits, contract/legal agreement advised.

Corporation = shares determine ownership, limited liability, requires proper legal documents, registration with government.


What kind of business structure will you use?

Why did you choose this type of business structure?

Watch “Caplanski’s Deli” – do you think he was right or wrong? Why?

Complete Short Business Disc (AIU)

Question Description

This DB has three parts.

  1. What do you believe are the top five characteristics of a good leader? What are the top five for a good manager? Discuss the similarities and differences between a manager and a leader.
  2. In what ways would transactional and laissez-faire leadership styles be ineffective in encouraging organizational commitment?
  3. How might leadership style need to change with an organization’s environment?

enron and payroll

Question Description

Use the Ashford Online Library to research Enron accountingprocedures. Apply what you have learned from the textbook and the Enroncase and explain how this case can be used as a training tool in thehealthcare environment.. In your post, discuss how falsified accountingprocedures affect companies and stockholders. You must respond to atleast two of your classmates’ posts to receive full credit.

Complete Short Disc for HRM (STUBS)

Question Description

Perceptions of Human Resources

Do the HR talent management practices at your organization put people first? Answer the questions below:

  • In your view, do the HR talent management practices at your organization reflect this idea?
  • Ask one co-worker for their opinion of HR practices at your organization, and report their answer.
  • Name one other organization that values people particularly well; explain what you admire about their approach.

Answering the question below

Question Description

Hello, I need one page answering the question below

Managers assess the degree of uncertainty in the external environment by examining two dimensions. A) Draw the environmental uncertainty matrix developed by Robert Duncan using example for each cell. B) Why might this be a helpful tool for managers? C) in this climate of ever increasing uncertainty , is this still a relevant.

Students are required to answer all questions below and write at least 300 words

Question Description

A. What are the facts relevant to deciding the case?

B. What court issued this opinion (trial court/appeal/Supreme Court)?

C. Did the court decide in favor of the plaintiff or the defendant? Did the court affirm the lower court’s decision, reverse it in whole or in part?

D. What is the legal issue that must be resolved in the case?

E. What are the arguments on each side?

OPS400 Pearson Lab Mastery Excercises

Question Description

I have been assigned 7 mastery exercises (all relating to Operations Management) that are located inside the Pearson Lab website.

There are normally 10 questions per mastery exercise, although I am unable to open the quiz without beginning it: reflecting an attempt.

Once selected as a tutor I will give detailed instructions on how to access the Labs Website and the quiz’s.

Read the attached case study and answer the questions below.

Question Description

1.Why is this story more about change management than software implementation?

2.What, in your opinion, was the key factor in Santa Cruz Bicycles’ successful process redesign? Why was that factor the key?

3.Would you consider this transformation to be incremental or radical? Why?

4.What outside factors had to come together for Santa Cruz Bicycles to be able to make the changes they did?

provide PPT on below topic

Question Description

The subjects for the residency weekend include:

  • Current State of IoT Security
    • Introduce how IoT has penetrated the market
    • Research 2 – 3 IoT security breaches
      • Present the history of the attacks and affected devices
      • Talk about how they could have been prevented
      • Discuss any reputation loss or business loss by the company(s) of these hacks
    • Present the security outlook for these company(s) or for IoT as a whole
