Discussion Question 2

Question Description

Post a response of 200-250 words that addresses the following questions:

  1. Which part of the marketing mix do you think has changed the most in recent years and why?
  2. Which of the elements do you believe presents the biggest challenges to modern day marketers?
    Your answers should contain citation(s) from the text or another source(s) supporting your assertions.
  3. Give examples of successful marketing strategies and explain why they work.

N.11 Why are Google, Apple, Tesla, Fitbit, Dyson, and Intel considered innovative?

Question Description

Why are Google, Apple, Tesla, Fitbit, Dyson, and Intel considered innovative? Be sure to specifically address each one. How did branding play a role in that perception? For which brands do you think it played the biggest role? Be sure to explain. What other brands would you nominate as most innovative today? Why? What role did branding play in your judgment for those brands?

Help in discussion questions – Each discussion question must be a 100-150 words

Question Description

Discussion Question 1

If the United States could produce five televisions per hour of labor and China could produce three televisions per hour of labor, would it necessarily follow that the United States should specialize in television production? Why or why not?

Discussion Question 2

Discuss the difference between absolute advantage and comparative advantage. Which is more important in determining trade patterns? Justify your answer.

Labor Relations Presentation [due Mon]

Question Description

esearch a non-union company on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® list.

Describe at least three of the following items in a 15- to 20-slide presentation that includes speaker notes:

  • Hiring and selection practices
  • Training and Development
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Performance Feedback
  • Employee engagement

Analyze these practices to determine if they help to create an environment that does not need a union.

Cite any outside sources according to APA formatting guidelines.

Marketing Strategy Discussion (STRAYER)

Question Description

This course has provided you with an understanding of marketing at your organization and beyond.

  • Discuss how this knowledge has changed your understanding of marketing in the digital age
  • Comment on the process of designing a marketing campaign. What aspects of this process were particularly useful to you?
  • Reflect on how your new skills in marketing and leadership might be helpful for your career trajectory


Question Description

Choose an issue within the topic of globalization that interests you and fits within your concentration or research area of interest. Please refer attachment.

Write a short paper that provides the following:

1.A brief overview of the topic

2.Current Trends

3.Recommendations for Future Research

-Use the APA paper template

-When discussing current trends, use recent articles

-No direct quotes unless defining a term

-2 pages min, 3 pages max

Hawkeye Pierce and BJ Hunnicutt built years of unethical situations

Question Description

Hawkeye Pierce and BJ Hunnicutt built years of unethicalsituations on the popular show MASH. Through their comical depiction of thesesituations, the viewer might have been left with the impression that theunethical behavior was actually appropriate. Share your thoughts about what canhappen to a business if ethical standards are not taken seriously.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. please cite references

Pentagon Sports Leadership Forum Notes and Reactions

Question Description

Watch this video


Part 1:

Please type up the notes you took while watching the Pentagon Sports Leadership Forum in this space.

Part 2:

Having watched the Pentagon Leadership Forum, please answer the following questions:

  • What were the three most important things you heard from the moderator and speakers on the panel?
  • Why did you select these leadership tips and how can you integrate them into your leadership style?

Business analysis

Question Description

hope you are doing well.
can you please help me develop plans for the following company “Etsy” I have the information you need.
I’m working on this case, and I would like to see different views. So can you please analyze the case and give 1 page of recommendations for each and reasons.
sub-points and advice will be helpful no need to write much. 24hour time limit

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:Imagine that a large super-center grocery store has the ultimate database for 80% of their shopping customers. They track purchasing behavior through their customer appreciation program that captures basic demographic, address, and contact information as well as all purchasing behavior. Discuss how this database might be used to support personal selling and direct response marketing.