Weekly Communications

Question Description

Week 6:
Assignment Topic: Build basic Power Point format. Submit introduction slide and one content slide for approved by the CEO. A good example is in your text page 247 figure 9-13.
Format: Power Point slide in PDF format
Submit: PDF draft via CANVAS to CEO Bud Rose for approval
4. Company: Northern Arizona Lumber
5. Specialization: global fine lumber distributions company specializing in ancient wood products.
6. Company Location: Flagstaff, AZ

Exam week 4

Question Description

Complete the Week 4 Exam in McGraw-Hill Connect.

Note: You have 2 attempts to complete this assignment in Connect. You do not need to submit an attachment for this assignment. Your grade for this assignment will display once your instructor has reviewed your work. No need to worry, this might happen after the due date. If you have completed your homework before the due date, disregard any late notices.

Edit existing paper- Rewrite

Question Description

The paper needs to be at a high level phd level. Need to be well written. Many paragraphs need to be fixed and re-written.

Page 18 to 27- need to be 100% not plagarised and modified.

The paper will not be accepted if the modfication does not meet a high academic standards “PHD Level”

This section is the literature review of a research paper which is around 30 to 35 pages.

Minimum 500 word article review…Article is provided

Question Description

conduct an article review of this chapter, using the format below:

  • Summary: The reading should be summarized (using your own words) in two to three paragraphs and focus on the authors’ main points.
  • Critique: In two or three paragraphs, explain how the reading influenced your understanding of the topic.
  • Application: In two or three paragraphs, discuss how you will apply what you have learned from the reading.

Strategic marketing discussion questions

Question Description

APA style, answering the questions below,

1.Discuss the importance of market power in a related diversification strategy.

2.Describe the reasons why firms pursue unrelated diversification

3.Discuss the importance of synergy in organizations. Provide examples.

4.Distinguish between merger, acquisition, and takeover. Provide an example of each.

5.Give examples of why mergers might fail.

6.Describe the three basic benefits of an international strategy.

7.Describe the major political and economic risks associated with an international strategy.

References included

What are the importance of information security and assurance?

Question Description

Case Study

Explain the reason why you selected your case and discuss the following questions:

1) What are the key strengths and weaknesses of your case?

2) What main threat category would the case case fall into ( Information and Human Error or failure Categories)?

3) What is the main contribution of the case to your learning?

Please make sure all answers are justified and supported by external research.

You’re the sales manager of Commerce Cars, an expensive sports car dealership. A young executive who has just received a promotion comes in and wants to buy a car that you know is out of her price range. Do you encourage the executive to buy it so you ca

Question Description

You’re the sales manager of Commerce Cars, an expensive sports car dealership. A young executive who has just received a promotion comes in and wants to buy a car that you know is out of her price range.

Do you encourage the executive to buy it so you can receive a big commission on the sale? Explain, and determine the ethical foundation on which your decision is based .

Base on the pdf finish the require assignment

Question Description

What you need to do?1) Out of the 8 situations mentioned below, choose 4 among these to work on.2) Follow steps #1, #2, #3 and apply to each of the 4 situations chosen by you. (Typed in blue)3) Each situation carries 10 points i.e. (4 X 10=40) and 10 points will be devoted to thepresentation.4) The rubric for the assignment is mentioned at the end of this handout.

Age Discrimination Discussion

Question Description

In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (recommended minimum 300 words). After you have reviewed the Assignment Details below:

Assignment Details

Please discuss the following in your main post:
What is the history of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)?
Given the average life span of Americans and current retirement trends, do you think the ADEA needs to be revisited? Why or why not?

writing 2 pages about nonverbal communication by describe people’s behavior as you see and analyze the meaning.

Question Description

2 pages about family or couple you see them in any place you choose and describe their behavior, clothes. mood, body language. In other words, all nonverbal communication. How you read their body language without listening to their speaking. Below is the teacher’s direction:

You are to watch aperson or persons to reflect on their nonverbal behavior, Describe their behawior. What do you see happenin