Complete 300 word Discussion Post (COKE)

Question Description

Describe the positive effects of public healthcare in our country and how it relates to both socialized healthcare and universal healthcare in other countries. Be creative and make some suggestions for a new form of healthcare in our nation. What is the best practice for healthcare in the world today? There is no right or wrong answer, just your analysis and observations of what might work in our country.

Human Resource

Question Description

Please write 750 words per question with 4 scholarly references

Case Study: How Would You Coach?

Read Case Study 9-1 in text on page 256 in book

1.Based on the description please describe Bob’s coaching skills. Provide a detailed explanation of what he could have done better?

2.Describe what behaviors and strategies you would engage in, while coaching in this situation?Describe how this could motivate an uptick in productivity?

Need help with Milestones

Question Description

QSO 355 Milestone One Guidelines and RubricIn the first part of this assessment, students will analyze the case study, A&D High Tech (A): Managing Projects for Success, which includes a scenario along with awork breakdown structure and other pertinent project requirements. Students will write a report assessing the company’s resources and then develop a high level budget and schedule for the project discussed in the case study.

Please respond to the following MAT 510 Business Statistics Homework Assignment 3 Week 3

Question Description

MAT 510 Business Statistics Homework Assignment 3 Week 3

Homework Assignment 3

Touring a Process. Select a place of your choice (e.g. supermarket, doctor’s office, library, Post Office, department store, etc.) and observe one or more key processes, the associated suppliers, inputs, process steps, outputs, customers, the measurement systems, and how the measurements are used to manage and improve the process. Include these items:

  1. Company visited
  2. Process observed
  3. SIPOC elements
  4. Process measurements
  5. Process management systems used

BSG game year 13 need help

Question Description

BSG game need help BSG game need helpBSG game need helpBSG game need helpBSG game need helpBSG game need helpBSG game need helpBSG game need helpBSG game need helpBSG game need helpBSG game need helpBSG game need helpBSG game need helpBSG game need helpBSG game need helpBSG game need helpBSG game need help

Management In Action

Question Description

Please read the Management In Action Case on p. 371 and answer the following questions:

  1. What’s the overall problem from a Human Resources Management perspective?
  2. What could hiring managers do to create a realistic job preview during the interview process? Describe how you think it will help with retention.
  3. How could training be used to help reduce turnover of nurses? Explain.
  4. How could hospitals work to reduce work related injuries among nurses? Explain.

firms would care about allocating

Question Description

Explain at least three reasons why firms would care about allocating support/service department costs and provide examples.

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (requiresupporting citations) along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewedreference in supporting your answer. Keep in mind that these scholarlyreferences can be found in the Saudi Electronic Library by conducting anadvanced search specific to scholarly references.


4-6 paragraphs

APA Style

2-3 refrences and refrence inside the text.

Apply: Development Plan

Question Description

e a 700- to 1,050-word development plan that includes the following:

  • Assess the legalities of training.
  • Determine whether the plan could offend any of the protected classes.
  • Evaluate whether you will use the plan as the sole weighting for promoting and determining the eligibility of employees for the opportunity to move forward at work.
  • Conduct a cultural assessment of your terminology.
  • Consider the various aspects of EEOC.

Cite any sources according to APA formatting guidelines.

Find an argument against a position you hold. This can be in the realm of politics, religion, art, etc. Identify the form of the argument and state whether it is valid or invalid. Then, provide a response.

Question Description

Discussion Question: Find an argument against a position you hold. This can be in the realm of politics, religion, art, etc. Identify the form of the argument and state whether it is valid or invalid. Then, provide a response.

150-250 words or at least8-12 comprehensive sentences.

Pleaseprovide at least 1 in-text citation and reference.

Thisis an argumentation and advocacy course. Please have a high level of knowledgein regards to this topic.

how banks create money/excel

Question Description

How Banks Create Money

In one page or less, explain how banks create money through the use of the Legal Reserve Requirement.

What effect does raising or lowering the Requirement have on the amount of money that can be created? What is the formula?

Using Excel, illustrate the effects of creating money using a seven percent (7.00%) reserve on One Million Dollars versus a three percent (3.00%) reserve.