Help in Discussions – Discussion question must 100 word count.

Question Description

Discussion Question 1

The idea of “servant leadership” may be considered a paradox. Describe this paradox in the context of leadership.

Discussion Question 2

Refer to the various leadership/personality assessments within the Topic 1 Study Materials. Choose three assessments to complete. After completing them, explain your findings by providing 2-3 sentences for each assessment. Reflect on what the results say about you and how they describe how you function on teams.

Imagine you have completed your bachelor’s degree

Question Description

imagine you have completed your bachelor’s degree at Strayer and you are searching for a job in finance, accounting or business. Using various employment websites (i.e.,, find three (3) careers in finance you are interested in applying. Be sure to specifically address why you are interested in the career, what qualifications you have or may need to get this position, and where you see yourself in this career long-term

Finance Investments

Question Description

You are a portfolio manager, and you are trying to put together a portfolio that is designed to beat the market (represented here by the S&P 500 index). To do this you will first pick ten stocks, and then you will figure out how much of each of them to buy, using monthly data from the last five years to make your decisions. You have 100 million dollars to play with.

plan for information security

Question Description

Write a 3-5 page report focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of Business Continuity Planning in a financial organization under the Incident Command System. Make sure you include the following:

  • a summary paragraph/abstract at the beginning of the report
  • a conclusion at the end of the report
  • at least 3-5 professional references
  • all references (books, web sites, etc.) where you collected your information


Recognizing and Identifying Ethical Leadership Failures

Question Description

Prior to beginning your discussion, read Understanding (and preventing) ethical leadership failures (Links to an external site.). After reading the article, give an example of one or more leadership failures that you are familiar with. You may use an organization, group, or political figure for your discussion. Describe the failure(s) in detail. Analyze how the failure(s) could have been mitigated.

Your response must be a minimum of 300 words.

What is the impact of rapid environmental changes on organizations?

Question Description

  • If you do not have the required amount of words, you will lose 10% of the value from the missing words. Example: you initial post is 200 words and you submit a 150-word post. You are 50 words short. 50 words x 10% = a 5 point deduction for your discussion grade.
  • If you copy and paste or plagiarize in any way, you will receive a “0”. Do not ask to repost

Marketing ( Final assignment)

Question Description

Final Assignment 4

During the class we have talked about the four P’s of marketing: product, pricing, promotion, and placement.

Think about a product that you are aware of or use. If you were the marketing manager for that product, what changes would you want to investigate for each of the four P’s and why would you recommend those changes.

Write a 3-4page paper that in your own words discusses these recommendations.

Ethical and Legal Considerations in Disasters Discussion Board response

Question Description

It’s a response to this assignment:

I need to provide a substantive response to my co-students and support my idea. In the attachments, you will find 2 classmates that I want a separate file for each one.

Reference to appropriate authoritative resources and official websites. Must be accessible online. Use New Times Roman 12 font with 1” margins and APA style.

Each response should be at least 150 words.

Dussion, Business policy and strategy

Question Description

1. Porter’s five force model is a great tool for determining the nature of competition in any industry. Name, and discuss, each of the five forces.

2.What is the role of competitive intelligence in strategic analysis?

3. What does it mean to have a “global” mindset?

4.Distinguish between tangible and intangible resources. Provide examples.

5.Describe each of the four criteria of sustainable competitive advantage.

6.How do value chain activities relate to the above criteria?

Discussion Bored Response.

Question Description

International and Humanitarian Disaster Management (Food Insecurity).

– Look at three of my classmate’s posts. I need you to respond to each one separately. Don’t write about how good their posts or how bad. All you need to do is to choose one point of the post and explore it a little bit with one source support for each response. In attachment you will find all the classmates posts.

– APA Style.