reporting ip5

Question Description

Now that you have identified the revenue-related internal control that relates to the five assertions (existence, completeness, accuracy or valuation, rights and obligations, and presentation and disclosure), the test of controls will need to be identified for each assertion and internal control.

For this assignment, you will write and submit 400–500 words that set specific tests of internal controls for the 5 internal controls related to management assertions that you identified for the Unit 4 IP.

Unit 8 Final Writing Assignment

Question Description

****Leadership Development Paper Assignment {{The purpose of this paper is to articulate your development as a leader from a Christian worldview. Your paper must be 2,500-2,750 words and be APA-compliant. Include a title page, references page, and a minimum of 5 SCHOLARLY sources. Include the following content in your paper as you integrate the material covered in all lectures.}}

Characteristics of communication

Assessment of current leadership condition or status

Description of future leadership development goals and state

Effective Project Management

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

The ability to make effective decisions is an essential skill for effective project management. An individual must use the information available to make informed decisions in a timely manner. The project manager must be ready to deal with situations that arise.

Discuss the techniques and processes for effective project decision making. How does organizational structure determine the decision-making process?

APA reference if needed

How Come This Is NOT a Vulnerability

Question Description

A cybersecurity professional named Salvador Mendoza posted a video showing he was able to successfully conduct a Replay attack against Google Wallet. The “vulnerability” was reported to Google. However, Google’s response is “Won’t Fix (Intended Behavior)”?!?!?


  1. Watch the video and his detailed blog post (Links to an external site.)
  2. Answer the two questions
    • What is replay attack? (2-3 sentences)
    • Can you help Google justify why this is “intended behavior”? (5-6 sentences)

    No more!

​Course Conclusion” Please respond to the following:

Question Description

Course Conclusion” Please respond to the following:

You have just completed 10 weeks of a CIS course. Imagine you have been asked to create five 1-hour modules highlighting the most important topics you have learned in this course.

  • List the topics for each of your five 1-hour modules.
  • Give a detailed rationale as to why you chose each of the topics for your five 1-hour modules.
  • Explain what order you would place the modules in, and why.

400 words essay

Question Description

Minimum 400 words in which you should answer the questions above


The. question is:

managers assess the degree of uncertainty in the external environment by examining two dimensions.

1) draw the environmental uncertainty matrix developed by Robert Duncan using examples for each cell.

2) why might this be a helpful tool for managers.

3) In this climate of ever increasing uncertainty, is this still a relevant?

acc work book 2

Question Description

Assume you are the new cost accountant at SRS. In this new position, you have been asked to perform a few tasks for the company’s leadership team.The company has four main managers: sales manager, purchasing manager, operations manager, and finance manager. Each manager has general informationabout the company as a whole, as well as information about their own department—private information known only by this departmental manager—that ismore accurate than the general corporate information.

How new is new media? Does new media have the tendency to fall into the same traps of old Media? A case study of how we watch Television

Question Description

Communications and Media

Type of service:
Research Paper

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of sources:
60 sources

Paper detalis:


Write chapter 6 from scratch and edit the other parts without altering the word count. See messages for clarification.


Summary of Results for Research Questions

Summary of Results for Hypotheses


Theoretical Implication

Practical Implication

Limitation and Suggestion for Future Research

Acc 304 help?

Question Description

“Inventory Management & Valuation”

All manufacturing, merchandising, and some service businesses carry inventory. These include retail stores, restaurants, construction companies, hospitals, and many others. Think of an industry that you work in, have worked in, or are interested in. Discuss the challenges of managing and valuing the inventory.

  • How quickly does the inventory become obsolete?
  • How does obsolescence impact valuation?
  • How quickly does the inventory turnover?
  • What happens if the turnover is too fast or too slow?

Virtual Team Successes and Stresses A Case Study 8/8/2016 As widespread as diverse and dispersed teaming is these days, leading a virtual team can be a challenge. This case study offers ideas on making the best of diverse and dispersed team structures. Vi

Question Description

Guidelines for the project assignment:

  • This is an individual project, which is part from your course score. It requires effort and critical thinking.
  • Your project report length should be between 400 to 600 words.

üUse font Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial.

üUse 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs.

üUse the footer function to insert page number.

üEnsure that you follow the APA style in your project.