Module 6 critical thinking

Question Description

In a 2-3 page paper, address the following:

  • Describe how to use standards in developing a DRP
  • Assess how to use ISO/IEC27000, 27001 and 27002 for security and how they can be used to combat cyberterrorism and cyberwarfare

Your paper should conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.). Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.


Question Description

1. Can non-Christians adhere to a Christian Ethical perspective?

2. Are you familiar with any of the ethical teachings of Jesus Christ? Explain how this could apply in a business environment.

3. How valuable do you think work is to an individual?

4. Do you welcome accountability (examining your work efforts) in your work?

5. Discuss the advantages of bringing a cooperative spirit to the workplace

6. What is your opinion of the Protestant Work Ethic?

Requirement: please answer each question in one or two sentences

Networking E-mailAssignment

Question Description

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to provide students the opportunity to practice writing a follow-up e-mail to an industry professional.

Task:Imagine you met Kathy Smith yesterday afternoon at the Hospitality College Career Mixer. Your task is to write a typed e-mail thanking her for her time and expressing your interest in the Hyatt organization.

Criteria for Success:This e-mail is similar to the thank you card, but longer. Write 2 or 3 short paragraphs rather than 1 block of sentences.

Acct 3 assignment

Question Description

Companies often use leverage to augment profits. Based on what you learned this week, please explain the following in detail:

  • With regards to Operating Leverage, please explain why a company with HIGH Operating Leverage faces greater financial risk in a declining sales period compared to a company with LOW Operating Leverage. (HINT: The key here is the relation between fixed costs and variable costs.)
  • What does a business’s Contribution Margin represent? What does the Contribution Margin have to do with Operating Leverage?

Bsg game need helpBsg game need help Bsg game need help

Question Description

Bsg game need help Bsg game need help Bsg game need help Bsg game need help Bsg game need help Bsg game need help Bsg game need help Bsg game need help Bsg game need help Bsg game need help Bsg game need help Bsg game need help Bsg game need help Bsg game need help Bsg game need help Bsg game need help

Please respond to the following MAT 510 Business Statistics Homework Assignment 1 Week 1

Question Description

MAT 510 Business Statistics Homework Assignment 1 Week 1

Homework Assignment 1

Describe a work task, a hobby, or another activity that you regularly do, and sequentially list the various actions you take in order to complete this activity. Consider the complexity of your list and the amount of steps required to complete the activity.

Answer the following questions in the space provided below:

  1. Differentiate the main actions between doing and improving your activities.
  2. Determine the overall manner in which variation has affected your activities.

Costing Systems

Question Description

Product costing systems are methods used to manage inventories. Accounting systems primarily engage one of three costing systems at a time: job order costing, process-based costing, or activity-based costing.

Respond to one or more of the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Briefly explain each of the three costing systems in accounting. Discuss the situations in which each system would be best employed by a business.
  • Distinguish between under- and over- applied manufacturing overhead.
  • Distinguish between direct and indirect materials.

Case study for Managerial Finance

Question Description

Case Study #1:

For this assignment, following APA style, answer as comprehensively as possible the questions after each case summary.

If you were to invest in a bond, which type of bond would you choose?

Explain your reasoning, then further discuss the CURRENT bond market that is associated with your choice, including the particular details in buying and selling, pricing, liquidity, risk, etc. The more explanation the better…..

DO NOT CUT AND PASTE responses from the internet

750 -1,000 words minimum.

10 to 11 pages


Question Description

1. Can non-Christians adhere to a Christian Ethical perspective?

2. Are you familiar with any of the ethical teachings of Jesus Christ? Explain how this could apply in a business environment.

3. How valuable do you think work is to an individual?

4. Do you welcome accountability (examining your work efforts) in your work?

5. Discuss the advantages of bringing a cooperative spirit to the workplace

6. What is your opinion of the Protestant Work Ethic?

Requirement: please answer each question in one or two sentences

Answer each question thoroughly

Question Description

Answer the five common interview questions listed below.

  1. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  2. What do you consider to be your greatest weakness?
  3. What do you consider to be your greatest strength?
  4. Why should we hire you?
  5. Tell us about a challenge or conflict you faced and how you handled it.

Remember when answering these questions to focus on positive responses and to elaborate. Do not just give one word or one sentence responses.

I don’t care what you answer just follow the directions.