Read the casestudy on zipcar that is attached and answer the following questions.

Question Description

1.Apply the resource‐based view to Zipcar ’ s business model to show how information resources may be used to gain and sustain competitive advantage.

2. Discuss the synergy between the business strategy of Zipcar and information technology.

3. What network effects are part of Zipca r ’ s strategy? How do they add value?

4. A s the CEO of Zipcar , what is your most threatening competition? What would you do to sustain a competitive advantage?

homework 2 bussnes law 2

Question Description

Hi everyone

i need the defintion and example for each word from the book ;

The book is :

The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases | 11th Edition

What Is Affirmative Defense?

What Is An Answer?

What Is A Compliant?

performed Default Judgment?

What Is Discovery?

What Is Hearsay?

fWhat Is An Interrogatory?

What Is the Commerce Clause?

What Is Due Process Clause?

What Is Police Power?

What Is Probable Cause?

What Is An Assault?




Dram Shop Act

Intentional Tort

Punitive Damages

Transferred Intent

Article Review: Flexibility planning in global inbound logistics

Question Description

Locate a peer-reviewed article (related to the course content) published within the last 60 days in a peer-reviewed journal from the online library, then present a 2-3 page assessment comprising of a precise and critical evaluation. Do not summarize the article. Evaluate the information presented in the article.

Follow APA formatting and style guidelines (6th edition)

·Follow all instructions for each assignment

·12 inch standard font such as Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri

·1 inch margins


·Submitted on time

·Represent your best work

i want a PowerPoint for 3D printing lav

Question Description

i have a lab report about 3D printing and i have the lab manual , and i want you to use them and create a PowerPoint . please follow the requirements in the lab Manual. in the report it is not clear what are the different between 3D and 4D so please make it clear with clear defination for both . please do it well and you can use explanations from the report but just try to rephrase them

Torts 11 Assignment

Question Description

Read the fact pattern below

  • Prepare a memorandum of no less than three, but no more than five, pages that:
    • Summarizes the relevant facts necessary to analyze the issues listed below
    • Identifies and analyzes each possible theory of product liability available to the client based upon the fact pattern
    • Identifies and analyzes the damages that may be available for each tort claim identified
    • Identifies and analyzes relevant defenses that may be available and determine if they have probable merit based upon the facts

Module 11 Fact Pattern

employer’s compliance practices

Question Description

For your discussion, you will need to become more aware of your current (or former) employer’s compliance practices. What do you now see that might be a result of OSHA compliance? For your discussion comment on the following:

  • Discuss how the company employs initiatives to ensure OSHA compliance. Provide at least three different examples, one each as health, safety, and security.
  • Explain the positive effect each initiative has on your workplace.
  • Explain any potential “red tape” that has occurred due to these initiatives.

150 words on unions no title page

Question Description

150 words What are other considerations that may influence employees to join a union? With unionization on the downturn, why should an organization be concerned about labor relations?

150 words APA format (no title page needed)

Mello elaborates on why employees join unions. Unions were a major topic in the most recent Democratic Primary debates. What are other considerations that may influence employees to join a union? With unionization on the downturn, why should an organization be concerned about labor relations?


Question Description

1. What did the team leader notice during the team meeting (calls) and what did she tried todo to enhance the situation? (1 mark)2. What should Rebeca had to do for each virtual worker and why? (1 mark)3. What were the special situations with the Korean and the Japanese workers? (1 mark)4. What the virtual leaders and the virtual members need to exercise? (1 mark)5. How can the virtual teams be as effective and productive as their traditional equivalents?(1 mark)

Answer my assignment questions

Question Description

Guidelines for the assignment:

– This is an individual project, which is part from your course score. It requires effort and critical thinking.

– Your assignment should be between 400 to 600 words.

– Use font Times New Roman, size 12

– Use 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs.

– Use the footer function to insert page number.

– Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project.

– include referencing, but not more than 25%

Module 6 critical thinking

Question Description

In a 2-3 page paper, address the following:

  • Describe how to use standards in developing a DRP
  • Assess how to use ISO/IEC27000, 27001 and 27002 for security and how they can be used to combat cyberterrorism and cyberwarfare

Your paper should conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.). Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.