​Compare the effects of sanctions on the global economies of North Korea and Cuba.

Question Description

Compare the effects of sanctions on the global economies of North Korea and Cuba. Choose a time frame and determine how policies, currencies, tariffs, trade arrangements, and other variables not only impact a country, but a region and the global economy, as well. Examine the monetary aspects of international trade. Explain two monetary effects for balance of payments, foreign exchange, and exchange rate determination of these two countries. Be sure to include in your response the effect of recently reduced sanctions on Cuba.

help with 4 questions

Question Description

1Why might it be in a firm’s best interest to centralize the management of some risks but not others?
2Describe why the organizational status quo might lead to resistance to ERM implementation. How can this potential resistance be overcome?
3What are the key financial risk factors that a company could encounter?
4For which risk factors would it be advisable to use Monte Carlo simulation to quantify the distribution of outcome?

Here is the link to the book, the case is on chapter 4

400-600 words, only cite the book

REVIEW the article linked to below: https://www.netspar.nl/assets/uploads/026_Gaudecker_-_revised_version.pdf

Question Description

Create a 1-2 page review of the article. The review should summarize the article’s key findings as well as the authors’ methodology. Each article review should then briefly describe the strengths and weaknesses of the article authors’ methodology.

Your paper should contain the following sections:

1. Key Findings (what did the authors find?)

2. Methodology Review (what research methods did the authors use to reach their conclusions?)

3. Application (what are some ways in which the authors’ findings are relevant to a finance practitioner?)




Take a look at the Excel file to answer the following two.

Question Description

1.Did you notice any income differences by gender, race/ethnicity, or type of family? Pick one category, and explain what could be the reasons for such differences

2.Did you notice any difference in income between “One Race – White” and “White alone, not Hispanic or Latino”? Why is that?

Note: white is a race, and Hispanic/Latino is an ethnicity. The majority of Hispanic/Latino are considered to be the white race by the Census. In other words, “One race – White” includes the majority of the Hispanic/Latino populations.)

Current event

Question Description

Hello, I need help writing not more than 3 pages and half “double spaced” reports about current event this week in Management, please do not chose TheAmerican-China Trade War event because I wrote about this event before. the page should

1) summarize the article selected, 2) evaluate its significance.

current event articles must be from one of the following periodicals: Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times.

also please do not forget the reference.

Thank you.

​Conflict – Apply What You’ve Learned

Question Description

As we learn in chapter 13, working in a team often involves recognizing and resolving conflict. In this assignment, you’ll recall a situation and analyze it in terms of what we know about conflict.


  1. Identify and describe a situation where group conflict occurred. It can be work, social, or academic in nature.
  2. Identify – was it functional or dysfunctional? Explain your decision.
  3. How would you have gone about resolving it?

Submit a response of no less than 500 words.


Management 9E : A Practical Introduction, Kinicki, Williams.

: Business Law: home work

Question Description

hi everyone i need the Diefinition and Example for the word for the word i”m listing

chapter 25p:



-lndependent Contractor

Chapter 26 Page 507:

-apparent authority 494

-disclosed principal 496

-equal dignity rule 491

-implied authority 493

-partially disclosed principal 496

-power of attorney491

-ratification 495

respondeat superior 500

-undisclosed principal 496

Chapter 29 :




-Sole Proprietorship

the number in the frount are the page number you can find the Diefinition and Example …..

you have to get everything from the book

the book is : Business Law: Text and Cases – The First Course (MindTap Course List) 13th Edition

managing people

Question Description

read the attached below and answer the questions:

1- why do you think “parental discrimination” was the grounds for this complaint instead of federally protected class? could you make a case for discrimination on the basis of sex? why or why not?

2- imagine that the company has called you in to help it hold down human resources cost, including cost of lawsuits such as this one. what advise would you give? how can the company avoid discrimination and still build an efficient workforce?

Writing an financial management paper

Question Description

Financial Management Paper

Search the Internet to find out about the availability and price of activity-based accounting software.
Imagine your boss has asked you to prepare a small paper on using factoring as an option in their auto parts business.

Search the Internet to find out about the economics of factoring.

Prepare a report (memo) on accounting and finance software packages available through cloud computing.

Discuss the pros, cons, and pricing structures in your paper.

2 Scholar Sources Needed; MLA Style; 750-1,000 words

Conflicts and Negotiations

Question Description

1. Describe a time when task conflict led to relationship conflict in your experience. What happened and how was it resolved?

APA, 500 words, 2 references

2. Team members are in conflict as soon as “one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party”. This involves team members becoming aware of diverging interests and incompatible preferences. How does your boss handle this to ensure the conflict remains constructive for improved outcomes?

APA, 500 words, 2 references