Team Assignment : Trust Building Exercises

Question Description

Team Exercise:

Research and discuss among yourselves various team building exercises such as “The Trust Fall” mentioned in the textbook. Present at least three different exercises designed to build team trust and discuss the merits of each of them. *You may try them with team members at work or with your family and discuss those experience since you are not located in proximity to each other to try them together.

This is a team discussion:

Choose a favorite team-building strategy. Choose one and discuss the benefits of the choice.

The first part of your assignment this week

Question Description

The first part of your assignment this week is to develop a clearer theoretical and practical understanding of what Innovation Management involves.

Using the NCU library, conduct some research on the topic of innovation and innovation management.

Part 1:

Write a paper that synthesizes your findings. Be sure to address the following:

  1. What does the discipline of Innovation Management involve?
  2. How is Innovation Management related to technology?
  3. Are there recurring theories found in research related to Innovation Management?
  4. How do the article’s concepts demonstrate visionary leadership?

Length: 3 pages minimum, not including title page or references

Research Paper!

Question Description

  • From the internet research the Balance of Payment of the country of Rwanda and do the following:

– Discuss the current, capital and official reserve accounts

– what are the debits and credits items in each account?

– which account has a deficit balance?

– which account has a surplus balance?

– what is the overall balance of payment situation of your country?

– what should your country policy makers do to fix the negative or positive BOP?

Please include the references!

Do the following assignment using the eight phases of the communication process 2-3 pages

Question Description

Assignment #1 – Use the eight phases of the communication process to analyze a miscommunication you’ve recently had with a co-worker, supervisor, classmate, teacher, friend, or family member. What idea were you trying to share? How did you encode and transmit it? Did the receiver get the message? Did the receiver correctly decode the message? How do you know? Based on your analysis, identify and explain the barriers that prevented your successful communication in this instance. You should be able to complete this assignment in two-three pages.

Create a Strategic Compensation Plan

Question Description

Create a strategic compensation plan overview to include the use of direct and indirect compensation, pay philosophy (where the organization wants to position itself in the market regarding compensation), incentives, differentials, competency and/or skill-based pay, etc., in order to make the best use of the organization’s compensation budget. Use the results of your interview from Week 4 to aid with this assignment. The report should be an overview only, not an in-depth budget.

Length: 2 pages

References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources

Marketing ( final discussion)

Question Description

After all you have read, studied, and produced, think about this.

The body oif knowledge we have reviewed concerning marketing has been broad, and we have covered it in a short time.

What is the ONE idea or concept that resonated with you the most? Why ? How has that changed your perspective on the purchases you will make as a consumer and the decisions you might make on a business were you to start one?

Write a 200-word post and respond to as many others as you can.

Wk6&7 Group – 3 Questions

Question Description

Please Create Visuals (At least one Visual for either question 1&2) & ( One Visual/Chart for question #3) Please put Url or reference for visual if have one too.

Please see rubric for best results.

Once complete questions 1&2 please upload before starting question 3.

USE ATTACHED (2)group proj ex.docx for your reference


1. Strategies to build constructive behaviors and how they help to increase collaboration and understanding.

2. Troubleshooting techniques when technologies are not used correctly.


3.Ways to communicate and enumerate the benefits of the implementation of this framework to global employees.

Individual Behavior & Motivation

Question Description

How Motivated are You?

Please read the Managing U Feature at the beginning of Chapter 12 (Pg. 457) and answer the following questions in your initial post:

  1. Identify a “Wildly-Important” goal that you currently have (remember, it should be stated in terms of SMART!)
  2. Describe your current level of motivation – would you describe it as high, medium or low? Explain.
  3. Take a look at the strategies listed – are any of them instrumental in keeping your motivation high; or, could you adopt one (or two) to increase your motivation?

Wk 4 – Strategic Plan, Part 3: Strategic Evaluation [due Mon]

Question Description

Assignment Content

  1. Resource: Strategic Plan Part 3: Strategic Evaluation and Recommendation Grading Guide
    In this section, you will be evaluating various strategies and making recommendations for the organization.
    Write a 1,050-word minimum strategic evaluation in which you include the following:

    • Evaluate potential business level strategies for the organization.
    • Assess potential corporate level strategies for the organization.
    • Assess potential global strategies for the organization.
    • Recommend a strategy or combination of strategies the organization should implement, and include a rationale for that recommendation.

    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Key Questions During the Buying Decision Process

Question Description

Why would it be important for a salesperson to ask the buyer each of the following questions? In other words, what is the salesperson’s goal in asking the question?

  1. Who, besides you, will be making the decision to buy?
  2. What problems do you foresee in changing suppliers?
  3. What do we need to do to win the support of others?
  4. When would you plan to make the purchase decision?
  5. What sense of urgency do you feel about this buying decision?
  6. Other important questions?

Answers should related to chapter concepts. Please find attachment of the chapter