Discussion question response to peer


Provide a response, comparing their analysis of the challenges with your own, share your research, experiences, and expand on the topics. Attached will be a copy of my post initial post and the proceeding instructions for this assignment. Below you find my classmate’s initial discussion.

Over the last several weeks we have researched various organizational structures and cultures. Business is in constant change with many forces that influence these changes such as global, local, legislative, cultural, etc. This week we consider how these forces impact the organization along with what managers can do when confronted with these forces.

In this discussion, address how internal and external factors impact organizations. the following create both challenges and new opportunities for business:

  • Pick one of the companies that your profiled in Discussion 3-4 and one of your recent employers.
  • What broad external factors are impacting both of these organizations and their industries? What differences do you see?
  • In this discussion response, address how the following create both challenges and new opportunities for both of these organizations.
    • Global economic trends
    • Regulatory changes
    • Demographic shifts
    • Geographic shifts
    • Social perspectives
    • Technological developments
  • Based on your understanding of the structure and culture of both organizations (yours and the one you profiled), which one do you think is best positioned to succeed in the coming 10 years? What are the most pressing external concerns that need to be addressed immediately? Use the online library for research-based support and include citations and reference list as required.
  • Class, Surprisingly, I found several similarities when comapring the business aspects of both ExxonMobil and the Baltimore MEPS. *Please note, for the Baltimore MEPS comparison I used Army recruitment statistics as a whole as they directly impact the Baltimore MEPS.*
    1. Global Economic Trends: Externally, the most impactful global impacts for both included inflation, resource availablity and unemployment rates. In both, the economic trends have forced each company to adapt and become innovative in their future engagements. The shift in trends forces Exxon Mobil to meet societys evolving need/demand for energy and the reduction of greenhouse gas. The Army is forced to examine its failed recritment initiatives and brainstorm how to incintivize new recruits.
    2. Regulatory Changes: Changes in regulations or policies stem from political,societal, and internal perspectives that impact each business organization structure. For Exxon Mobil, global demand for the reduction of gas emmission and promotion to avoid economic hardships and market disruption have prompted the company to incentivize stakeholders. Investments in lower-emmission projects and enhance funding for technological development and implementation. For the military, policy changes directly effect recrutiment tactics and expectations. The Army has implemented reforms on specific jobs, enacted a panel that performs data analytics based on feedback from current recruiters and new recruites.
    3. Demographic Shifts: Both express the important of diversity, equity and inclusion. Each have initiatives that promote the support and celebration of the different demographics that make up the organization.
    4. Geographical Shifts: Exxon Mobil operates on six continents and continues to expand yearly. The Army is also a global organization but its primary recruitment stems from the United States. There is a vast discrepancy when analyzing the recruitment statisitics overseas.
    5. Social Perspective: Both organizations are impacted by societal perspective and reputations. Exxon Mobil’s initiative for sustainability and a “cleaner future” is seen as retroactive and not proactive. This ideal stems from Exxon Mobil’s previous stance downplaying the effects on climate change. The Army is being both proactive and retroactive. Its proactivity is in place trying to ensure that retention standards are upheld to protect the nation but its efforts can be seen as futile and retroactive as many feel there should have been programs or initiatives in place to maintain and grow the retention rates. Now, the Army is finding ways to intice new recuites by offering more enlistment bonuses, location preferences and educational benefits.
    6. Technological Developments: Both companies are centered around the innovation and collaboration provided by technological developments. The technological developments enable both to have a competitive advantage based on recruitments, progression and sustainability.

    Overall, Exxon Mobil would be the company that has a better chance of surviving based on its prioritization of competitive advantage, understanding of supply and demand and value-accretive investments. Of course, the Army is not going anywhere but to fix its recruitment issue the Army must adapt to the demographic of today. The Army should revamp its commercials to be more realistic and showcase what it has to offer that would appeal to a technological centered demographic. Having commercials that incorporate “normal jobs” would help intice potential recruits and aid in the realism that is the Army as a whole. This in turn would also help retention rates after the recuit has completed basic training.-MarjaniBeynon, S. (2024, January 11). Army Sees Sharp Decline in White Recruits. Military.com. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/01/10/army-sees-sharp-decline-white-recruits.htmlHurd, C. (2023, October 13). Digital Transformation: Laying the Foundation. www.army.mil. https://www.army.mil/article/270788/digital_transformation_laying_the_foundationOur Approach. ExxonMobil. (n.d.). https://corporate.exxonmobil.com/who-we-are/our-approachWinkie, D. (2023, December 27). Army Recruiting Reform Rolling Along Into 2024. Army Times. https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2023/12/22/army-recruiting-reform-rolling-along-into-2024/

Reply to question received from my professor in my discussion on Gender and Leadership


Reply to a question received from my professor in my discussion on Gender and Leadership.

Q1- Thank you for sharing your thoughts on how gender plays a role in leadership style and effectiveness.

You have mentioned some significant issues that can impact the effectiveness of such leaders.

Here is a question to consider.

How can leaders effectively navigate the unique challenges of leading a virtual team, especially when considering the specific factors that females should focus on when leading virtual teams in Saudi Arabia?

Please read the discussion below and make a reply to these questions.

Please separate the answer into a separate file.

Word limit: 300.


Please note that it is important to include sufficient references in the work and ensure zero plagiarism.


Roles of gender in leadership style and effectiveness

Leadership can be articulated in different styles and approaches regarding the person in charge. Gender role  is one concept that defines leadership styles and job effectiveness at workplace. Men and women have different perceptions of leadership styles, and it is essential to note that these perceptions affect their daily work activities (Northouse, 2021). Gender significantly defines leadership styles through different responsibilities like negotiation and resolution, communication, diversity decision-making and influence.

According to Northouse (2021), women are more collaborative and inclusive, mainly focusing on building better relationships and being empathetic. This is one way to create a supportive and inclusive work environment for effective teamwork. Men are considered to be more assertive and direct in their communication, which is an essential trait in situations that require decisive action. Leaders understand the importance of balancing the two skills based on the situation presented to them at the workplace.

Decision making processes entirely depend on a person’s approach, which is highly influenced by gender (Tuschner et al., 2022). Women ensure that they participate in making decisions and remain consensus-driven when asking the team members for advice and opinions; the diversity from other members helps them have new perspectives before coming up with a solution (Northouse, 2021). Elsewhere, male leaders mainly focus on a directive approach which prioritizes swift action and efficiency. The two approaches have unique effects, and leaders must ensure that they effectively use their style to fit the organizational culture and safety of the team members.

Time management is a critical issue in leadership responsibility; men and women have different perceptions about time. Timely completion of tasks promotes the systematic accomplishment of individual or group objectives. It seems that meeting deadlines prevents conflict, reduces work-related stress, and ensures efficient operations (Tuschner et al., 2022). Both male and female leaders demonstrate strong organizational, planning, and administrative abilities, which are some of the critical elements that drive organizational development in the intended direction (West Chester University, 2020). The ability to observe time is an important issue that ensures job satisfaction and better outcomes for the team members.

Men and women have unique and different attitudes when it comes to managing others. Feminine values are adopted in government institutions and most businesses. Women’s attitudes defy competitive approaches and authoritative approaches when handling leadership responsibilities (Proctor, 2022). Feminine values exempt consensual relations that make them different from masculine values. Males must balance women’s traits to ensure effectiveness and successful leadership.

Finally, Gender differences can also manifest in negotiation and conflict resolution. Women are more engaged and collaborative when they resolve conflicts than men. They are more dedicated to ensuring a win-win situation for the teams involved. On the other hand, men are more focused on distributive or competitive negotiation to ensure that they achieve their goals without regard for the relationship’s expense (Tuschner et al., 2022). Leaders should ensure they weigh the conflict at hand and ensure that both involved parties are satisfied with the decision. 

Leading a Virtual Team

Female leaders can effectively lead a virtual team. A female leading a virtual team in KSA must ensure that they consider and respect the cultural norms. The first practice is developing clear communication channels like instant messaging and video conferencing to help in effective communication. Female leaders should mind their tone and observe interaction levels to ensure cultural observation (Nagraj, 2022). Secondly, it is vital to set clear goals and objectives for the team while remaining assertive for accountability and performance in the organization. In addition, leaders should ensure that they offer support and recognition to their members; this is done by encouraging women on the team and creating mentorship programs for their development (Nagraj, 2022). Female leaders should also ensure flexibility and trust among the virtual team members, which includes open communication and transparency. They should be aware of privacy and gender segregation as part of cultural norms in KSA; the interactions should promote teamwork and collaboration (Al-Jaweini and Netti, 2022). Finally, the leaders should be more attentive to empowering the team members and allowing them to develop ideas that go beyond cultural barriers; this is the best way of creating a supportive work environment.

finc 330- Please use rubric to present best answer possible


Individual Research Project Part 2

Ratio Analysis

Due at the end of week 5.Choose one of the following companies for your assignments this semester. Familiar companies have been selected to assist with the research process.



Bershire Hathaway



Based on the course materials studied during week 1 > Chapter 6

This project is closely aligned with the Course Outcomes and Finance Program Objectives. Completion of this project can be used as part of a portfolio to show potential employers the student is skilled at performing company valuations and financial statement analysis and can be included on the student’s resume.


Specifically, the primary question to answer is: will THE COMPANY be financially viable over the next two to three years, and which steps should be taken to improve its financial stability?

The project will be completed as an Individual Assignment. THE COMPANY to be analyzed for this project is selected by the instructor.


Please note that you don’t need to sign up for any premiums or to pay for any information for the project.

Using the information from the websites the students will develop ratio analysis of the financial performance for THE COMPANY (selected by instructor). (The evaluation portion will total 85% of the assignment grade)

-1—Introduction (5% of the project grade)- The paper should begin with a short introduction, explains the purpose of the paper, and provides an overview of the contents that follow (one short paragraph).

-2— Ratio analysis. (65% of the project grade)

In this part of the project you will complete ratio analysis of THE COMPANY. Please remember that you are the financial analyst of THE COMPANY and should prepare the report to be read by the chairman (CEO) of THE COMPANY.

Collect the following ratios for your COMPANY for the last 3 years. Present the ratios as the table(s) in your project. Create graphs for some ratios on your choice to show trends. If you are using published ratios you must cite the source.

Liquidity ratios: current ratio, quick ratio

Operating efficiency ratios: Days of Sales in Inventory, Accounts Receivable Turnover, Inventory Turnover, Total Assets Turnover

Profitability ratios: Gross Profit Margin, Operating Profit Margin, Net Profit Margin

Debt-to-Equity, Time Interest Earned (TIE), Financial leverage (also called Equity Multiplier)


Liquidity ratios, Debt-to-Equity, and Financial leverage ratios are available on www.morningstar.com > type the stock symbol in the Search window to get into the company’s page. Click on Valuation and scroll down to Key Statistics > choose Financial Health tab.

Operating efficiency ratios, Profitability ratios, ROE, and ROA ratios are available on www.morningstar.com > type the stock symbol in the Search window to get into the company’s page. Click on Valuation and scroll down to Key Statistics > choose Operating and Efficiency tab.

c) Write 2-3 pages (or more) of analysis of the ratio results that you collected. In your analysis you should answer the following questions:

How liquid is the company?

Analyze operating efficiency ratios. What important information does this analysis provide?

Is management generating a substantial profit on the company’s assets?

  • How is the company financing its assets? Discuss how much risk is associated with the financial structure the company.

Have the company’s ROA and ROE changed over the last three years? What was the main factor that influenced this change? To answer this question, apply DuPont analysis and three factors of the DuPont formula: Net profit margin, asset turnover, financial leverage. What ratio(s) has (have) been changed mostly over these three years and why?

-3- Develop a specific recommendation, with supporting rationale, as to whether the assigned company’s recent results in ratio analysis is of sufficient financial strength, will THE COMPANY be financially sustainable over the next several years, and which steps should be done to improve its financial stability? If the management of the company would like to improve the company’s financial performance, what should the management of THE COMPANY do? Your recommendations should be based on the results of your analysis in the project. (About 1 page) (10% of the project grade).

  • -4- Reflection the student should write a paragraph in their own words reflecting on specifically what they learned from the assignment and how they think they could apply what they learned in the workplace. (5% of the project grade)
  • PRESENTATION OF PAPER AND WRITING (15%) of the project grade):
  • -Organization, Format and Presentation of Paper including the Title page, Introduction, Body, and Summary. Each section of the paper must begin with sub-headings. Please use the sub-headings included in the assignment. Please use double space, with one-inch margins, and use 12-point Times New Roman font. (4% of the project grade)
  • Use of Tables, Figures and Other Graphics to Summarize and Support Analysis Presented in the Paper. All tables and charts should have the numbering system, like “Table 1…”, the title, and foot/end note to reference the source of the information. (3% of the project grade)
  • Logical and Smooth Flowing Transitions and Relationships among Sections of the Written Report (3% of the project grade)

TESC Change Initiative Discussion


Use Exercise 8.1, Raising Awareness of Your Implicit Model of Organizational Functioning, in Chapter 8 of the Hayes text as a guide to complete this assignment. Note: The steps below guide you in completing Exercise 8.1. You will follow all of the instructions in the text exercise, with a couple of important additions:

  1. In Step 1, identify the change initiative you will be using in your      final project. This allows you to get feedback on the appropriateness of      this choice for the final project.
  2. Add a concluding step (as directed) in which you explore the      challenges of the diagnostic model you have built.

Introduction. Provide a brief Question of your organization and your role in it; in addition, include a problem statement for your paper. The problem statement should clearly indicate the purpose of your paper and might read something like the following: “This paper describes my implicit model of organizational functioning of [your organization] based on the Tichy and Hornstein (1980) procedure described in the Hayes text.”

Initial Assessment. This is Step 1 of Exercise 8.1. Prepare a short note that describes your organization (either the total organization or an important unit that you are familiar with) and assess or diagnose its current state. Make reference to the issues you feel require attention, which could be problems or opportunities. If you feel there is a need for some kind of change to ensure that these issues will be managed more effectively, justify this view. Do not explain the kinds of interventions you think may be necessary to bring about any required changes. The aim of this exercise is to diagnose the current state of the organization (and assess whether it is and will continue to perform effectively), not to provide a prescription of actions required to improve matters.

In addition, identify the change initiative you will be pursuing in your final paper. It should be finite enough to realistically be the basis for a change proposal for your final paper yet large enough that it could make a difference in the company’s sustainable competitive advantage. Indicate the issues you feel are present and what change you will be focusing on.

Kinds of Information Used. This is Step 2 of Exercise 8.1. Identify and list the “bits of information” that you considered. Focus on the information that you actually considered. Try not to let the kind of information you think you “should” have considered influence your list. Identify at least 25 different bits of information. (You can just list the “bits of information”; you need not make a table like Table 8.2 if you don’t want to.) Table 8.1 provides some examples of the types of information that people might consider when assessing the state of their organization. These are only offered as examples to stimulate your thinking; your own list may contain none of these.

Categories of Information. This is Step 3 of Exercise 8.1. Here, you will need to create your own version of the element-grouping table in Step 3 to submit with this assignment.

Some of the types of information you used to make your assessment might be related and it might be possible to group them together into a number of more inclusive categories. These categories reflect the main elements or variables of your diagnostic model.

  • Group related information in the category boxes in table format (see table in Step 3). Typically, people identify 4 to 12 categories, but there are no restrictions on the number of categories you might identify.
  • When you have categorized your information, describe the rationale you used for including information in each category.

Relationships Between Categories. This is Step 4 of Exercise 8.1. The categories identified in Step 3 reflect the elements of your implicit diagnostic model. This step focuses on interdependencies and causal relationships between the elements. These can be identified by considering whether a change in any one element will have an effect on any other element.

  • Using the format of Table 8.3, list the elements (categories) identified in Step 3 down the left-hand column and across the top of the table.
  • Take each element down the left-hand column in turn and assess the impact a change in this element might have on every other element, using a three-point scale, where 0 = no or slight impact; 1 = moderate impact; and 2 = high impact.
  • Sum the scores for each row.
  • Rank the scores (1 = highest). The rank order of the elements indicates your assessment of the key drivers of performance.

Discussion. After completing Step 4, explain the challenges associated with the diagnostic model you have completed. What does this tell you about the system you work within and the need for alignment when addressing the change initiative that you are contemplating?

Address Complex Challenges 24DA01



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Generate recommendations for addressing a complex challenge


Training opportunities in the workplace (professional development) have become a sound investment for employers. In addition to reducing recruiting and retention costs, they have been demonstrated to boost productivity and job satisfaction. For employees, they also provide the benefit of enhancing skills and offer additional prospects for positioning employees for new opportunities within the organization outside of regular promotions. For the past seven years, your company has sponsored a professional enrichment program (PEP). Each year, a small group or cohort of six to eight employees is chosen to participate in special professional enrichment activities in both group and individual formats. They are paired with mentors from leaders across the company. Employees each submit a letter and career plan that serve as their “application” to the program.

A woman writing the word "Research" on a board, surrounded by the words project, methods, statistics, analysis, result, review, development, data, fact, survey, solution, report, and explore.

Update: Congratulations! You were one of the seven employees selected for the program this year. You’ve been paired with a supportive mentor. As a result, you feel much more confident about testing out and developing new ideas that have broader implications outside the workplace. You have decided to take advantage of the opportunity to develop recommendations around a challenge you feel very excited and passionate about addressing. Your mentor has offered to help you advance your recommendations and was very clear during the meeting that developing good recommendations for both academic and professional contexts requires the same thorough and objective examination of the research surrounding the challenge.

A younger businessman shaking the hand of a more experienced businessman while sitting at a desk.


Recommendations Brief with Research (2,000–2,500 words)
You and your mentor previously prepared and refined a list of opportunities that interested you in the Selecting Your Complex Challenge document. For this challenge, select the research question that most interests you, ensuring you address all elements in the rubric.

  1. Challenge: Describe your complex challenge and factors that contribute to the complexity of this issue:
    • Demographics of the individuals/group affected by challenge
    • Magnitude of the issue in community affected by challenge
    • Commonly held assumptions or obstacles around this issue
    • Social conditions that exist specific to this challenge
    • Cultural or societal issues specific to this challenge
    • Discipline-specific subject or branch of knowledge
  2. Research: You and your mentor have discussed the importance of making your case with evidence-based research, as appropriate to the discipline, that informs your recommendations.
    1. Annotated Bibliography: Select seven resources to analyze that are relevant to your challenge. These primary or secondary sources (conferences, dissertations, patents, journal studies, journal articles, technical reports, articles in scholarly journals, government policies, laws, or legislation) should address the challenge you have selected and inform the recommendations you make:
      • Identify the source authors and discuss their place in society
      • Discuss the purpose of the piece and why it was written
      • Explain the value or ideas behind the content in the source
      • Address the credibility of the piece (why or why not)
  3. Your Methods: Include research that is appropriate to the methods that would be used by the professionals using the particular lenses you choose to address your research question. This may include qualitative data, quantitative data, or both.
    • Qualitative research that provides context and information on aspects of your challenge and informs your recommendations
      • Case studies that address issues relevant to your challenge
      • Comparisons on issues relevant to your challenge
      • Information on focus groups or interviews that were conducted and tackle questions relevant to your challenge
    • Quantitative research that is grounded in numerical evidence and informs your recommendations. For example, if your challenge is on quality of water, you would want to have quantitative data from impacted communities, such as scientific data that supports your recommendations.
      • Survey data
      • Chi square
      • Correlation
      • Time Series
      • T-Test
      • ANOVA
  4. Recommendations:
    1. Solution: Propose a specific course of action or actions that represent a reasonable solution for your complex challenge, supported by at least five of the most appropriate sources in your annotated bibliography
      • Applicable methods
      • Applicable tools or technologies
      • Necessary resources
    2. Interpretation: Discuss the research and how your interpretation supports your recommendations
      • What the research says in regard to the challenge you are addressing and recommendations you make
      • How you see this research as supporting the recommendations you are making
    3. Significance: Discuss the significance and limitations of the research in supporting your recommendations
      • Geographical global/national/local impacts
      • Cultural, technological, scientific, etc., aspects
  5. Conclusion: Defend the action or course of action you have recommended over the alternatives based on:
    1. Utility of the type of methods or methodologies in addressing previous challenges of this type
    2. Necessary resources, tools/technologies to implement proposed recommendations
    3. Implications of your proposed recommendations
      • Ethical effects or consequences
      • Any additional concerns around implementing the specific course of action or actions, if applicable

Group Interact



Firm X logo. X marks the shop.

Firm X has started an initiative to investigate group dynamics and what makes effective teams in the workplace. Workplace cultures are often complex, as employees come from various backgrounds with differing values and expectations about teamwork.

To determine how to best organize teams within the organization around shared goals and values, Firm X has assembled a cross-functional team of employees at a weeklong retreat. You have been selected as a member of this team.

Your supervisor, Maria Gonzalez, a division manager at Firm X, has charged the team with analyzing group interactions from the perspective of different social sciences. Your team will compile the results and give a presentation to all employees at Firm X’s yearly organization-wide meeting. To give credibility to the presentation, Ms. Gonzalez wants it to be well-grounded in theory and research and to include examples of real-world applications. She has suggested that the team look at research from the psychology, sociology, and anthropology fields.

At the retreat, your team decided that each member will work on a portion of the presentation to be delivered to the organization. You have been asked to work on a portion of the presentation that will discuss the ways in which psychology, sociology, and anthropology influence group dynamics by analyzing an issue from a group you belonged to. This portion of the presentation will be used to educate employees about the “science behind how groups work (or don’t work).”

A team-building activity involving a stick being supported by a group of employees using just one finger each.



As part of a cross-functional team of employees at Firm X’s weeklong retreat, you have been asked to contribute 7–10 slides to the presentation that will be given at the organization-wide meeting. In your portion of the presentation, you will analyze an issue from a group you belonged to.

  1. Ms. Gonzalez has asked you to relate your presentation to a time when you had to collaborate with a group outside of your current role at work. Possible groups include clubs, sports teams, your close friends, a church group, your team at work, or classmates at school. Choose a group whose characteristics would be relevant to other employees at Firm X and various work situations. In other words, it will be helpful if you choose a group where you have had to work toward a common goal.
A man and woman dressed in choir robes, singing at their church.

The feet of three hikers shown walking on a narrow path.
  1. Once you have selected your group, consider some issues that occur within that group and how they impact its dynamics. Think about what you have learned about different perspectives in group dynamics and how these perspectives could help address the issue. Then, start working on your portion of the presentation. The team has asked you to provide comprehensive speaker notes (600–800 words) that reflect what you would say in an audio or in-person presentation. In your 7–10 slides, you may include a combination of graphics and text to support your message.
  2. Throughout your presentation, keep in mind your manager’s request to use research from the social sciences to justify your main points. Make sure you cite all of your sources of information. In your presentation, address the following: 
    • Start by describing the group in detail. Apply social science terms and concepts in your QUESTION. How could this group be described from a psychological, sociological, and anthropological perspective? You may use the questions in the My Group Guide located in the Supporting Materials section to guide your QUESTION.
    • Next in your presentation, analyze the issue that is impacting the group’s dynamics. Specifically, discuss how the social sciences approach similar issues related to group behavior, defining key concepts and theories. Consider the following in your response: 
      • What is the issue impacting the group?
      • How have psychology, sociology and/or anthropology approached similar issues? You don’t need to consider each discipline equally, but you should discuss the issue using an applicable social science approach.
      • How do these disciplines define the issue?
      • How could theories and concepts from these fields be applied to this issue?
      • What key studies in these fields help you understand the issue?
      • What research methods do the disciplines use when studying group behavior?
    • Recommend how the issue could be addressed from a social science perspective. What specific actions would you take to address the issue? Use information from the social sciences to support your recommendations.
    • Close your presentation by explaining how the social-science perspectives addressed in your presentation could be used to improve a team’s effectiveness in the workplace; provide specific examples.

Reply to Industry evolution and change Discussion 1


Reply to Industry evolution and change Discussion 1

Q – Please read the discussion below and prepare a Reply to this discussion post with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.


In the early 20th century, Kodak was consider a titan in the photography industry, it turned a professional only craft to a common craft with their slogan “you push the button, we will do the rest” (Grant, 2016). However, by the end of the 20th century, the photography industry has evolved with new competition and innovation breakthroughs, some of these evolutions in the phtography industry were film advancement and digital revolution. in terms of film advancement, Kodak failed to adapt to the new cameras that involved smaller cameras, faster processing time, which led to better ways to capture images. A few years later, the digital revolution began with the invention of digital sensors and memory cards which offered significant advantages (Lucan et al. 2009). Digital cameras allowed for instant image preview, eliminated film costs, and enabled easier sharing and editing. This fundamentally changed how pictures were taken, viewed, and stored. Kodak failed to adapt to the new evolving market, they have made bets by focusing on films and missed the opportunity to become a leader in the digital photography, by the time Kodak entered the market, the competition was way a head of them.

Kodak’s struggle to transition to digital photography aligns with a period of maturity or stagnation in the traditional film photography industry life cycle. Kodak recognized the digital revolution but remained heavily invested in film, their core business. They didn’t fully commit to digital development early enough, fearing it would cannibalize their film profits (Yuzawa, 2018). This hesitation allowed competitors to dominate the digital market during a crucial stage the growth phase of digital photography. In essence, Kodak was stuck in a mature film market while the future of photography was blossoming in the growth stage of digital technology. Their inability to adapt to this external disruption ultimately led to their decline. 

The strategies employed by Kodak to the changing environment are based on incremental approach, which is a step-by-step approach to transition the company from analogue to digtal technologies, along with focusing on rapid prototyping, flexible manufacturing processes, and puting value based on solutions. In the beginning of the 21st century Kodak focused on emphasizing simplicity and ease of use to consumers, calling back to their founding slogan “you push the button, we do the rest”, Kodak produced the EasyShare gallary which is a one stop shop for all consumer photography needs which proved successful (Vinokurova, 2022). However, by the end of the 2000s, the competition has innovated new products which made the EasyShare obsolete. The strategy worked for the early 2000s, but failed to evolve with the chaning needs of consumers in the late 2000s.

In my opinion, Kodak should have evolved their incremental approach strategy to meet the needs of their customers, with a focus on new and emerging technologies, such as cloud computing and services, calling back their slogan “you push the button, we will do the rest”, which would have been perfect for this industry. However, I recognize that this big of a shift in core business would cause major changes, but with the incremental approach strategy, which proved successful before, the shift is possible in my opinion.

Kodak’s lack of organizational ambidexterity significantly hampered its ability to manage strategic change and respond to disruptive technologies. Organizational ambidexterity refers to a company’s ability to excel at both exploration, developing new products, technologies, exploitation, and optimizing existing products and processes (Gershon, 2013). This allows them to balance short-term profitability with long-term innovation. Kodak’s lack of ambidexterity meant they were stuck in a cycle of exploiting a mature technology. They failed to explore and develop digital technology effectively, ultimately leading to their decline in the face of disruption. 


Grant, S. (2016). Case 8 Eastman Kodak’s Quest for a Digital Future. In book. Contemporary Strategy Analysis. Wiley.

Lucas Jr, H. C., & Goh, J. M. (2009). Disruptive technology: How Kodak missed the digital photography revolution. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 18(1), 46-55.

Yuzawa, T. (2018). The digital revolution and business behaviour: the case of Kodak versus Fujifilm. Entreprises et histoire, (1), 37-50.

Vinokurova, N., & Kapoor, R. (2022). Kodak’s Surprisingly Long Journey Towards Strategic Renewal: A Half Century of Exploring Digital Transformation in the Face of Uncertainty and Inertia.

Gershon, R. A. (2013). Innovation Failure: A Case Study Analysis of Eastman Kodak and Blockbuster Inc. In Media management and economics research in a transmedia environment (pp. 62-84). Routledge.

Business Writing -Negative Messages and Indirect Approach


As defined over the last few weeks, negative messages are those where the audience is unlikely to welcome your news. The focus here is on the recipient; it doesn’t matter if the writer agrees that the news is bad, only that the reader may think so. In that light, and especially if the writer wants the reader to absorb and act upon the information, the writer needs to consider the recipient’s state of mind and write an introduction that will capture their attention in an appropriately honest and thoughtful way.

Hence the indirect approach. Here, the writer offers a first line that hints at the news to come, or sets the stage, and then, at the end of their introduction, they deliver it. A letter with an indirect approach does NOT LEAVE OUT bad news, it just doesn’t say it first. I like to think of the indirect opening sentence as a bumper on a car; it’s a shock absorber for the hit, it doesn’t ignore the hit.

There are several strategies our textbook suggests (pp. 197-198) as buffers:

1. Best News: If a customer is getting a benefit, you can lead with this. I always think of Verizon here (or any phone company).   We are happy to tell you we are increasing our service reach and internet speed… Oh goodie. But you have to pay for this, so your bill is going up. The buffer works because you feel like this might be a fair trade off. The word   might is key here, not everyone will agree, and some of us can smell a rat, so use this judiciously.

2. Compliment: This needs to be genuine, you can’t say it as a distraction  . The North Shore Animal League is a wonderful organization, but sorry I can’t buy a corporate table for the benefit can work if the compliment is genuine, and not an excuse.   You are a valued employee, but we’re firing you smacks of doublespeak.

3. Appreciation: You can be thankful for people and situations, and yet have to deliver bad news.   It was lovely meeting you on Friday, but we’ve chosen a different florist for the wedding. This works when you genuinely want to maintain relationships.

4. Agreement: If you and the reader share a common understanding, this line is a good lead-in.   As you know, our restaurant has had to llmit indoor dining due to Covid restrictions is a common fact a waiter knows, and it lays the groundwork for bad employment news to follow.   As you know, our corporate funds are limited is NOT a common fact when the employee makes minimum wage and the owner is wealthy.

5. Facts: This is my favorite option when done right. College admissions, job layoffs, grant offers: all of these subjective decisions are fueled by many objective considerations that can be explained to anyone who must receive bad news. The key is to be exact in the facts and spell out the link without either going overboard, or being too vague. You can’t blame everything on Covid, for example, but Covid is the root cause of a cascade of events that might impact the call the writer has made. You could explain to the waiter above, for example, how traffic in the restaurant is down by 80%. Just don’t cite a figure that isn’t relevant; don’t say the restaurant industry has suffered a 75% drop in revenues if your store has broken even with take out contracts.

6. Understanding: This is about listening and respecting the reader. Sometimes it is all we can do. You may have used this in the last homework,   Thank you for sharing your experience with us….and then pivot to the news. Just don’t get treacly here, or be fake.

Once you have chosen a buffer, you can strategically place the bad news at the end of the introduction, and you may even choose to use passive voice. The point is, there are stylistic ways to convey bad news as we write, but we do not avoid saying it. In the body, as always, explain the relevant details. What is happening when, to whom, how will it work? Think about the questions the reader will have and answer them simply. In the close, consider action to be taken.What does the reader need to do, what can they do? Have you provided necessary information for this to happen? How do you want them to remember you, how can you ensure they will stay in contact if this is important?

Organization Behavior & Communication – Motivation


Although studying theory might seem to be an effort separate from practice (e.g., professional activities), good theories emerge from assessing practice. Accordingly, theories can possess some usefulness in prescribing positive actions for leaders and organizations.

Assume you are the manager of a department in an organization. Select two of the theories you learned about this week that you believe will be most useful in managing your staff. (Be sure to review the supplemental readings as well). Select different theories or different combinations of theories than your classmates select. Address the following:

– Assess why you find the two theories you selected most practical or helpful.

– Evaluate how the two theories might interact with each other.

– Analyze whether you anticipate needing different motivational methods applying your selected theories according to the ages, races, national origins, cultures, genders, and educational backgrounds of your subordinates. Provide appropriate citations to support your conclusions.

– Justify three best practices that emerge from your selected theories (three best practices total. You do not need three best practices for each theory).

The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response. For each Theory. 

Your posting should be the equivalent of 500–1000 words in length. For each of the bullet points. Include reference page in APA style to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Submission Details:

Submit your response in the Discussion Area, using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading:

Kinicki, A. (2020). Organizational behavior: A precritical, problem-solving approach (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781260075076.


Foundations of Employee Motivation

Performance Management

Power, Influence and Politics

Content Theories

Motivational theories can be organized as two types: Content Theories and Process theories. Let’s first look at content theories of motivation. Content theories seek to understand what it is about the employee that leads to motivation or “what” motivates.  The theories seek to identify the factors within a person that energizes, sustains, and stops behavioral responses.

One of the most well-known content theories is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. This theory suggests that individuals have very ordered needs. The lowest order needs are physiological, safety, and belongingness needs. These must be met to sustain well-being.

Physiological includes the need for food, drink, shelter and relief from pain.

Safety and security includes the need for freedom from threats (events and surroundings).

Belongingness, social and love includes the need for friendship, affiliation, and interaction.

The higher order needs are esteem and self actualization. They tend towards development and internal needs.

Esteem includes the need for self-esteem and esteem from others.

Self-actualization includes the need to fulfill oneself by making maximum use of potential, abilities, and skill.

According to the theory, a person can only be working on fulfilling one level at a time, and a person cannot advance to the higher needs until the lower needs are satisfied. Once satisfied, a need no longer exists and, thus, no longer motivates a behavioral response. Once the lower need is met, the person will move to the next need for motivation. Accordingly, the theory is sometimes called a satisfaction-progression theory. Maslow further indicated that no one ever fully self-actualizes; thus, that level would always be motivational.

For further information on Maslow’s theory

  • Process Theories
  • The process theories of motivation were the first to look at the progression of employee effort from job performance to job satisfaction. The content theories assumed that if employee effort led to performance, it also led to job satisfaction. The process theories did not make that assumption. If content theories answer “what” motivates, process theories answer “how” motivation occurs. That is, how behavior is energized, sustained, or stopped.
  • One of the well-known process theories is the Vroom expectancy theory. This theory suggests that employees are motivated to put forth effort because they value the reward they will receive for achieving the required level of performance. Central to the theory is the employee’s thought process in determining how to behave. Essentially, the behavior is based on the employee’s estimated probability that a result will occur. The employee conducts this thought process prior to deciding whether or not to act. Three terms are crucial to the expectancy approach. 

Expectancy: Putting forth effort will lead to the desired level of performance.

Instrumentality: This performance will lead to a reward.

  • Valence: The reward is a desired outcome for the employee.
  • Employees develop two expectations. First, a perceived probability of successful performance given a certain level of effort. Second, a perceived probability of receiving an outcome given the performance.

MIS 303 Visualization and Written


Question 1       Technology Trends       

Suppose you (the CIO of your company) have been asked to speak at the monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce in the Washington D.C. area.  Your audience will be business managers and executives from a range of industries.  You have been asked to talk about the emerging technology landscape the 5 technologies you believe will have the most impact on business in the next five years and why.  There is so much change right now companies do not know where they should focus their resources and time. This is broad but at the same time you have to prioritize.  Do not use a list straight from some of the articles you read.  I want you to think and synthesize.  Think about all the technology topics the teams presented and synthesize for yourself what you think will be most important for companies to pay attention to in the next 5 years.      

You do not need to write the speech. You can decide the title for your talk.  I want you to give me your five main points of the talk and a brief reason why it is one of your points.  I want to know what your thoughts are.  Make sure that the points integrate.  After you write this answer come back to it later and think about it again from the audience perspective.  Will they walk away with some value that will make a difference?   

OR (let me know which option you are doing)

You could do the same speech as above but assume you (CIO) are attending a conference in your industry and you are presenting this talk to an audience in your industry.   

Question 2  C-Suite and the CIO                                               

For an organization of your choice describe the C-level organization for that company and who the players are.  Who does the CIO report to and how would you describe his role and position in the C-suite?  You may find this information in the databases in the library such as Mergent Online. You might choose a company you would like to work for or the company you work for now or have worked for in the past. You may use a chart if you want.    

Question 3             Chief Data Officer                                        

Suppose you have decided to interview for a newly created position in your company (gov., non-profit, law firm, university, etc. or you can choose a company).  The position is Chief Data Officer.  You feel that you have the vision and expertise to lead this effort in the industry that you know well.  

In preparing for this interview comment on your response to the following questions (but be brief):

First set the stage what company, size, some background on the company, etc.)

Why do you believe you would be the best candidate for this position?

Describe your “big vision” picture for this role and /or the high-level strategy.

Why do you think it is important for the company to move in this direction (hire a Chief Data Officer)?

Where do you see the strengths and weaknesses now in terms of data and information management?  Do you see information/data as the company’s most important asset?    

How will you integrate your efforts with the CIO and Chief Digital Officer (if there is one)?

Security is a big concern for data management.  How will you address the security issues?  

What are the major obstacles in terms of buy-in for the organization, employees, and C-level executives?  How will you address “change management”?

Describe the first areas you will focus on where do you see the low hanging fruit and early wins?  What are the critical areas to address early on?

Based on where the company stands today (in your opinion) where will we (the company) be in five years from a data / information management perspective under your leadership?  

What question do you wish you had been asked in this interview?

  • Question 4  Chief AI Officer                                                                 
  • According to the article you read on the CAIO role, 11 % of large companies have already hired a CAIO and another 22% are expected to do the same this year.  This trend will continue.  Find an example of a company who has hired a CAIO and describe their responsibilities and who they report to.  Give the name of the company, the name of the CAIO, responsibilities and who they report to.   Do not use the ones in the articles.