Wk 3 Discussion – Competitive Analysis [due Thurs]

Question Description

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students.

Due Thursday

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Review this week’s video on conducting a competitive analysis. Discuss how this example relates to assessing an organization’s internal environment relative to a competitive analysis. Include a consideration of how metrics may play a role in this assessment.

Due Monday

Reply to at least 2 of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses.

ECON 2GG3 assignment

Question Description

Requirement for all assignments:
A. The assignments can be written either alone or in a group (maximum fourstudents). If writing the assignments in a group, every group member’s full nameand student ID number must be clearly printed on the first page of the assignments.You are free to choose your group member and are free to change group duringthe semester. If writing the assignments in a group, each group can only submit onecopy of assignment.

  1. No late assignments are accepted.
  2. Pleaseclearlylabeltheaxes,curves,andequilibriumpointifthequestionasksyouto illustrate the answer in a graph. Marks will be deducted for unclear graph.

Create an amazing professional pitch. Read instructions thoroughly. A man with an american accent is required.

Question Description


  1. Watch career center videos on Elevator Pitch and Your Infomercial.
  2. Upload an audio recording of yourself doing your 60 second professional pitch – be creative and amazing with it
  3. Post in Discussion Forum responding your opinions to the discussion question in at least a few sentences. Also respond your opinions to a minimum of two students’ responses in at least a few sentences.

Resources available: Professional Pitch Worksheet

The Professional Pitch

Your Infomercial

Additional resources for assignment

5 worksheets in one excel

Question Description

there are five (5) exercise questions in the Pricing lecture slide, work on those 5 exercise questions, put them in one Excel file and submit (of course you need to show your work in Excel)

  • Find the exercise questions in the Pricing lecture slide.
  • Download, if necessary, the Excel files from the course website. For exercise question 4, only work on the question A. You do NOT need to work on question B.
  • So, you will have five (5) outputs (worksheets). Put them in one Excel file and submit the Excel file.

It is an idea that means that you can beat the odds.

Question Description

Sisu is a concept that comes from Finland. It is an idea that means that you can beat the odds. Challenges may come your way, but you’re not going to give up.

In this interview (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/functioning-flourishing/201801/are-you-tougher-you-think), Emilia Lahti offers five specific actions you can take to build up Sisu so that you can endure and even thrive in moments of extreme stress.

For this discussion, pick one of the five actions and describe how you will work to build your capacity to do this. How will cultivating this specific action help you?

Proposal -Topic assignment Submit Assignment

Question Description

1. What are you proposing to address a need or opportunity? (Be specific)

2. What need, problem or opportunity does the proposal address?

3. To whom are you proposing this? (Be specific)

4. What source helps you identify the need opportunity? Use APA -style citation.

5. What are other companies/organizations/schools doing in relation to your proposed topic? (Offer specific examples.)

(You must use at least one source and cite this source using APA citation style. )

Formatting requirements:

No more than one page

Use 1-inch margins and 11 or 12-point font

Use brevity tools such as bulleted lists and bolding.

Jeffrey Skilling at Enron

Question Description



Type of service:

Double spacing

Paper format:
Other (add to details)

Number of pages:
4 pages

Number of sources:
5 sources

Paper detalis:

I’ve included aword document that has the prompt for the paper, instructor-providedexamples for the paper. In addition to it, at the end of the document,there is a detailed summary of the book “The Smartest Guys in the Room”that should be the primary source for the paper.
As for format, that’s also detailed in the file i’ve attached.


​Your textbook identifies key areas in executing purchases, a

Question Description

Your textbook identifies key areas in executing purchases, and your PMBOK Guide reading for the week discusses strategies for overall project risk. Address the following in this discussion:

  1. Identify a project of interest to you. Discuss the key areas involved in executing purchases and explain why some of these areas pose a negative risk to the project.
  2. Which risk treatment strategies would you recommend to the project sponsor or the project team for implementation?
  3. Provide examples, citing different examples than those provided in your textbooks, in your lecture material, and by your classmates.

fire stone case

Question Description


Watch the following video here:

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/firestone-and-the-warlord (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Complete and submit the following assignment:

MGT370 FA19 Firestone Case Study Assignment.docx


Must be typed, in Word Doc, Times New Roman 12ft, normal margins, single spaced. Please read the instructions in red carefully. Failure to comply with the assignment rules will result in lost points.

Business Continuity

Question Description

Reviews the text on pages 14-19. Examine each of the roles described. What might be the management challenges of getting all these folks on the same sheet? If you were the BC(manager or officer), what kinds of activities would you put into practice on a yearly basis in order to promote a true team spirit based on BC needs? After all, the manager of any enterprise should be its top cheerleader! Use two credible online citations in your response. Use APA format when citing them, of course.

the text http://fliphtml5.com/lnym/yxna/basic/