Managerial Accounting: types of process manufacturing industries

Question Description

Managerial Accounting

Module 03:

The following categories represent types of process manufacturing industries:

Soft drink beverages



Forest and paper products



Soap and cosmetics

(The list intentionally omits petroleum refining to get you to think of other industries)

Select one (1) of the categories from the list above and:

Identify one company involved in the manufacturing of products in that category.

Identify typical products manufactured by that company.

Identify typical raw materials you believe are used by the selected company.

Identify the types of processes you believe are involved in producing the products.


1- APA style.

2- 4-6 paragraphs

3- (2-3) references and don’t forget to reference inside the text.

Discussion Question 5

Question Description

Green Marketing Effects on Consumer Purchasing Behavior

Duration: (8:15)
User: x9YmWECpOrcrDgVlS25zRg – Added: 12/4/13

YouTube URL:

Due Date: Monday, September 30th, 2019 at 10:50AM

Watch the video: Remember that in today’s highly competitive marketplace, more and more companies are getting in on the green marketing bandwagon. Discuss your views on green marketing and how consumers are responding to green marketing. Also, how can your company benefit from the green movement? Your response should be MORE than 250 words. Students that do not meet the word requirement will be given a zero for the submission. No exceptions.

MBA Strategic Marketing J-4 – 300 words

Question Description

You work for a major clothing retailer that is on track to miss its financial targets this year, and your CEO wants to cut costs by reducing the marketing budget next quarter. As the department manager, provide your reflection on how you would frame your response along with your thought processes in how you would argue against this. List two solutions that you feel would help with the marketing budget. Explain to the CEO how this is a viable solution.

Your journal entry must be at least 300 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Should a Computer Grade Your Essays? 2) American Water Keeps Data Flowing

Question Description

  • This is an individual assessment, which is a part from your course score. It requires effort and critical thinking
  • Answer all the questions listed below for each case.
  • The ‘answers’ to the questions are best formulated by reviewing the case and the reading materials up and including the current week in the course.
  • The questions are worded to help you apply the readings to the case, so don’t limit yourself to the case’s terminology and perspective. The best analysis will abstract the case content by applying the reading materials to draw broader lessons about the material

Analyzing the External Environment with PESTEL

Question Description

File is attached.

STEP 1 – Please perform a quick PESTEL Analysis and determine what the biggest risk is to each company. Your task is to determine the biggest PESTEL risk to each company and not necessarily a comprehensive analysis.

STEP 2 – You have $1 million to invest in these companies. You can invest in one, two or even all of them. Which ones would you invest in? How much of the $1,000,000 would you invest? You must hold the investment(s) for five years.

It is not a long essay, just complete all of steps.

Answer following question

Question Description

Prepare a synopsis (1 -2 paragraphs)

The primary ethical breach (1-2 paragraphs)

The fallout (1-2 paragraphs)

Your comments (1-2 paragraphs)

Bigger than Enron – (Last Name beginning with A-G)

Fly Wheel – (Last Name beginning with H-L)

Monsanto – (Last Name beginning with M-N)

FIFA – (Last Name beginning with O-P)

Bernie Madoff – (Last Name beginning with Q-S)

Charles Ponzi – (Last Name beginning with T-Z)

SWOT analysis

Question Description

1. select a company with which you are familiar

2. List 2 examples of Strengths and Opportunities (SO) within the organization

3. Provide an example of SO strategy and explain how an internal strength can be matched with an external opportunity to create a strategy

4. list 2 examples of Weaknesses and Threats (WT)

5. Provide an example of WT strategy and explain how an internal weakness can be matched with an external threat to create a strategy.

6. Ensure to show which strength and which opportunity were matched; for example, (S1, O1); (W1, T1)

Effective Management

Question Description

A key characteristic of an effective manager is good interpersonal skills. Among the interpersonal skills that must be built are: motivation, communication, effective confrontation, coaching and development. Describe the importance of each of these interpersonal skills for a manager.

  1. A commonly used acronym for goal setting is SMART. Goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. Describe a professional goal that you have set listing how it fits into the SMART categories.
  2. Describe how the decisions managers make differ based on the level of the position such as supervisor, mid-level manager and senior manager.

APA format paper social responsibility

Question Description

Read the article the fastest growing cause for shareholders is sustainability (see attached ***)

in your opinion does it pay to be socially responsible?

what are some of the advantages and disadvantages for a company that pursues a sustainability strategy ?

how could a managers attitude toward social responsibility affect the company’s strategy ?

what is your position on social responsibility are you for it or against it?

Submit a word doc

make reference to material covered

EACH response 1-2 paragraphs

include any sources you cite in a reference page and format paper according to APA format

Group Project Summary-Org Leadership

Question Description

I need the summary portion of this assignment completed with a good amount of sources that can only be found in the attached document. APA Format. NO OUTSIDE SOURCES are to be used, it has to be from the course material I will attach. The assignment syllabus I will attach, and I will give you my teammates intro and recommendations in order to outline your summary. It needs to flow with the rest of the paper. Please make it at least 3 paragraphs with 4 or 5 sources please.

Please review all the attached.