Please answer the following questions in 2-3 pages double-spaced. Answer both sets of questions.

Question Description

Case Questions: Fiji Water and Patagonia

Please answer the following questions in 2-3 pages double-spaced. Answer both sets of questions.

Questions on Fiji

1) What does it mean for Fiji Water to go carbon negative?

2) How can you identify greenwashing? Do you think FIJI is engaged in greenwashing?

3) Do you think Fiji contributed to the local economy?

Questions on Patagonia

1) What was so innovative about the Common Threads and Worn Wear Initiatives?

2) How could a “Don’t Buy this Jacket Campaign” marketing campaign make sense for a for profit company?

3) Why did Patagonia switch to organic cotton despite the cost?

Discuss the following in 475 to 600 words:

Question Description

Imagine you are the owner of a small business in your hometown. Briefly describe your company in 2 to 3 sentences.

Discuss the following in 475 to 600 words:

  • Define two roles you play as a small business owner and describe the main responsibilities of each role you’ve identified.
  • Explain whether you feel one role is more or less important than the other in regard to the overall success of the business and growth of the American economy. Include the reasoning behind your opinion.
  • Summarize at least two (2) factors that will impact the short-term and long-term growth of your business.

low context vs high context

Question Description

You will be asked to watch factually based short videos about a specific company or an issue that is a concern to many companies today. For these videos, you are required to submit a 250 word detailed answer to the question presented in this activity. The assignment is graded using a 50 point scale (50 (A), 25 (C), or 0 (F)). This assignment is to be submitted through Canvas. This week’s topic will be Low Context vs High Context. Please view the two videos below:

How to avoid project failure?

Question Description

Resource: “Rescuing Troubled Projects” video

Select an organization that has introduced a product or service project that has failed.

Research publicly available information, including Securities and Exchanges Commission filings, about the failed product or service project.

Discuss how the selected organization’s product or service project failure could have been avoided.

Identify some of the warning signs that appeared to be evident prior to project completion.

Describe strategies that the organization could have used throughout the project’s phases that could have prevented the product or service failure.

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper detailing your Learning Team’s findings and discussion.

Mobile security: 5 misunderstandings that persist

Question Description

based on the article above, how has impacted a business decision or served prominently as a solution utilized by an enterprise?

The idea here is to locate timely, newsworthy data relating to an MIS that one might utilize as a manager in today’s On-Demand Economy

Continuous developments in the realm of information systems technology are promulgated in the news media on an almost daily basis. Somewhere out during the ‘wee hours’ of the night, the latest Bill Gates clone is ‘burning the midnight oil’ working to develop another remotely possible concept into an actual productive technology.

Final Exam Review – 5 Discussion Questions

Question Description

Once the assignment has been selected by you, I will upload the 5 discussion questions for review (my timer starts when I access the questions.) You will have 2 hours to complete the assignment.

1. Textbook Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10, and 13 are uploaded to use and reference for the answers.

2. The questions will come from the lists of Learning Application Concepts – and those are/will be attached for review and reference. Be sure that you specifically apply these concepts to the integrative case.

3. Answers are to be no more than 40 lines of text.

2-page paper on nrdt and organizational discursive closures

Question Description

write a two page paper answering the 4 questions … using only the material provided

use the rubric as a guide in getting the paper correct.

1. Define the natural resource dependence theory and describe how it can be used to understand the relationships between the three components of sustainability.

2. What are examples of how the natural resource dependence theory be used to enhance wildfire management?

3. What are organizational discursive closures, and how did they hinder wildfire management?

4.What recommendation would you provide to Adam about how to overcome an organizational discursive closure from the case?

Follow the instructions

Question Description

About 1000 words

Case study.

4 questions as follows:

1. What isthe opportunity cost associated with having a worker wander across thefactory floor from task to task or in search of tools and parts?

2. Explain how lean manufacturing improves the economy’s efficiency in allocation.

3.Before lean manufacturing innovations, Japan mostly sold consumerelectronics to the United States. How did lean manufacturing innovationsalter Japan’s comparative advantage vis-à-vis the United States?

4.Predict how the shift in the location of Toyota’s production from Japanto the United States is likely to alter the pattern of comparativeadvantage in auto making between the two countries.

Inss homework

Question Description

Use word-processing software to document what your needs are as a computer user and your justification for selecting either a desktop or some form of a portable computer. Find a Web site that allows you to order and customize a computer and select those options that will best meet your needs in a cost-effective manner. Assume that you have a budget of $850. Enter the computer specifications you selected along with the associated costs from the Web site into an Excel spreadsheet. Insert that spreadsheet into the document defining your needs. Submit the assignment to Dropbox

business law assignment 5

Question Description

Instructions: Format each of your Answers as follows:

MANDATORY: Use the following outline for your EACH of your numbered answers:

  1. Quote the Definition from the Textbook (with quotation marks and page reference);
  2. Put the same thing in your own words;
  3. Give an example (your own or from the textbook or another source you cite);
  4. Provide a website that supports your answer and explain how the website helps you understand the Term you are defining (provide the website address).

Persons who do not use this format risk earning a failing grade:

Assignment Questions:

Define EACH of the following Terms:

  1. Legally enforceable
  2. Bilateral Contract
  3. Express Contract
  4. UCC
  5. Promissory Estoppel

End of Questions.