AQ Parts AB

Question Description

Site: Pearson Collections
Section or Module: ENTR 5000 Entrepreneurship Process for Freeman at WU
Expiration Date: Feb 20, 2020
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ID: Willied71pcola

PW: Student123

Refer to the BizBuilder Business Plan questions in Chapter 12, Exploring Your Market in your textbook. Answer parts A and B (shown below) of Question 4.3 Competitive Analysis on page 493. Type your answers in a separate document and upload them to this assignment.

4.3.A. How do you define/describe your competition, both direct and indirect?

4.3.B. Describe your competitive advantage(s) along the dimensions of quality, price, location, selection, service, and speed/turnaround as they apply.

manufacturing industries

Question Description

The following categories represent types of process manufacturing industries:

  • Soft drink beverages
  • Chemicals
  • Food
  • Forest and paper products
  • Metals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Soap and cosmetics

(The list intentionally omits petroleum refining to get you to think of other industries)

Select one (1) of the categories from the list above and:

  1. Identify one company involved in the manufacturing of products in that category.
  2. Identify typical products manufactured by that company.
  3. Identify typical raw materials you believe are used by the selected company.
  4. Identify the types of processes you believe are involved in producing the products.



2- 4-6 paragraphs

3- 2-3 references and don’t forget to refrence inside the text.


Question Description

This paper is missing an appendix. Also it is missing the required references that I have attached. We need to look at these references and add some in text citations and information and add the references to the end of the paper as well.

I have the skillsoft reference options and the inter based options attached. I will copy and paste the other options as well

so you need to:

1. add appendix

2. add skillsoft reference

3. add interne based reference

4. add other reference option i will copy and paste

5. you need to incorporate some in-text citations from these resources as well

I need help with my assignment.Kindly do help me out

Question Description

STIL: UNIT 3 IP1 – In 5-7 pages with separate reference list of at least 4 references (APA format 12pt font TIMES NEW ROMAN font). Every manager and executive must balance the conflicting needs of the employee, the human resources department, and operational policies relating to the development of the worker’s desire for more individual skills and the organizational objectives to support the strategic plan.

Write a comparative analysis of individual development planning, city, state, and federal labor law, and the different operational tools that are used to meet objectives (e.g., Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, benchmarking, etc.).

Answer the Review Questions by the end of each chapter

Question Description

Answer The review questions by the end of each chapter

the answer should be long enough to have an explination

the answer should be taken from the chapter

when you write the answer specify where the answer from which page and paragraph and line.

Chapter 7 ( questions 1-5 page 174)

chapter 8 ( questions 1-5 page 188)

chapter 9 ( questions 1-4 page 198)

chapter 10 ( questions 1-6 page 210)

chapter 11 ( questions 1-5 page 225)

chapter 12 ( questions 1-5 page 243 )

chapter 13 ( questions 1-10 page 270 )

A 2- page paper on NRDT and organizational discursive closures

Question Description

write a two page paper answering the 4 questions … using only the material provided. must be perfect grammar.

use the rubric as a guide in getting the paper correct.

1. Define the natural resource dependence theory and describe how it can be used to understand the relationships between the three components of sustainability.

2. What are examples of how the natural resource dependence theory be used to enhance wildfire management?

3. What are organizational discursive closures, and how did they hinder wildfire management?

4.What recommendation would you provide to Adam about how to overcome an organizational discursive closure from the case?

400 words discussion post on below topic in apa format

Question Description

Computerized Operating Systems (OS) are almost everywhere. We encounter them when we use out laptop or desktop computer. We use them when we use our phone or tablet. Find articles that describes the different types of operating systems (Linux, Unix, Android, ROS, z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE, etc). Do not select MS WINDOWS. Write a scholarly review of comparing any two or more OS; attach a copy of the article to your postings. Remember, this assignment is to be scholarly; it is not enough for you to simply post your article and add cursory reviews. Cited references are required.

Product, Price, Place, and Promotion Discussion

Question Description

This discussion is about a company I intern for.

The company is Glendale Management Company ( see website below)

I want to write about the price aspect of their company and how their rates are affordable compared to competitive management companies.

The discussion doesn’t have to be too long maybe about 200 words.

Think about how the elements of the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) work at the company where you are interning. Tell us something interesting about how your company manages one of these elements. Be sure to tell us why you think this is interesting!

Discussion Board Week 4 (Single Spaced)

Question Description

Read the following and answer in details in a SINGLE SPACED format:

“Recovery is an essential part of disaster management. However, it is not well supported. I am an elected official that sees far more value in response assets than recovery needs. Change my mind on the need for recovery.

What role does community and economic development play in recovery?”

*Use Updated and reliable references & APA for citation

***Very important professor note “I am interested in reading your thoughts on the various topics. I am not interested in reading what other authors have written.

* Single Spaced in depth response

Discussion Question On Motivation Theories in LDR/531

Question Description

This is a class question that needs to be reply to with at least 200 words. I would like for it to be in your own words. Please No Plagiarism This need a reply to another student in my organizational leadership class

Discuss one motivation theory that you think is applicable to the job you had from a previous job, and discuss how the theory was applied. Share a situation describing when that motivation theory was applied.

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2019). Organizational Behavior (18th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database