Write The Legal Issue

Question Description

I have to the write the legal issue about larceny for business law class. I have attached the pdf. Here are the professors instructions: The very first item in that folder is a Legal Research and Writing PDF, with detail instructions below it taking you through the 4 issues in the 3rd column at the bottom. The one at the top is labeled “good.” You are to rewrite the last part of the sentencing referencing the 4th element of larceny in a such a way persuading the reader that the defendant is guilty. I have attached the pdf

Unit 1 Discussion

Question Description

For maximum points, you must post at least 3 times to this board. The first post should be in response to the initial discussion question and must be at least (250 words) by Wednesday night. You will then post two additional posts to your peers (75 words) by Sunday night. Please use complete sentences and proper grammar in all postings. Cite your work according to proper APA style of writing and add at least two outside resources from the Bethel library in addition to any information you obtain from the textbook. See the syllabus for the discussion grading rubric.

I need help with one page written

Question Description

*I need help with one page written

* Do not summarize it

* please do not use any outside resources.


1)What insights do you have about the ability of Chinese companies, in this case Huawei, to become strong, globally-competitive companies?

2) Instead of adopting the conventional strategy of setting up an international joint venture to import
and learn from foreign companies, Huawei placed a strong emphasis on in-house R&D right from the
start. What are the advantages and disadvantages of developing technologies in-house? If you were in
the position of Ren Zhengfei, what would be your decision on R&D and why?

Business Video memo

Question Description

preparing a 1-2 page memo after watching the Ways and Means Committee hearing titled, “How the Tax Code Subsidizes Hate.” The link to the video is available here:

Your memo should include a paragraph summary of the main points of each of the witnesses testimony and specifically how it relates to the U.S. tax code. In addition, memos should include an executive summary describing the purpose of the hearing, the chair and ranking members’ position and any next steps recommended by the witnesses. Links to witness testimony are available here: https://waysandmeans.house.gov/legislation/hearings/how-tax-code-subsidizes-hate.

Identifying When Counseling Is Necessary

Question Description

Ms. Jones is a clerk in a small office that faces frequent deadlines. There isconstant pressure on the staff to increase production. Very often there arearguments among the staff; more often than not, Ms. Jones seems to be theinstigator of the arguments. Although Ms. Jones’s work is satisfactorilycompleted, the unit’s production is often late and incomplete, and moraleis very low.

Assignment Question:

Q1.Does Ms Jones need counseling or not?

Q2. If yes, why?

Q3. What is the importance of employee counseling in an organization?

Q4. Counseling should not be viewed as punitive, but as a problem-solving session. Discuss.

Segmentation Process

Question Description

Choose a hospitality company in your community: Explain some of the segments in their overall market (geographic, demographic, psychographic, and/or behavioral), choose one particular segment that they targeted, and describe how they differentiated themselves from their competitors for this segment to position themselves in the market.

Hint: Think of company slogans. Taco Bell uses the slogan “Live Más,” which indicates that the Taco Bell differentiates itself from the competitors on “lifestyle” (which the company claims!). The Cosmopolitan hotel uses “Just the Right Amount Of Wrong” while Chipotle’s slogan and mission are “Food with Integrity.”

200 words are required.

Write down all your assumptions on the Key Assumption table.

Question Description



                    • Write down all your assumptions on the Key Assumption table. (See Step 11 for detailed directions)


                    • Use Thought Experiments, 2D& 3D Simulation Experiments, and Live (D) In- Market Experiments to test your assumptions.
                    • Choose one method to test your and see which best fits your assumptions and concepts.


(See Step 12 for detailed directions)

                    • Create visual manifestations of the project.
                    • The graphics need to include people and tell an emotional story.
                    • Some companies even use Legos or clay to make models at this stage.


5 hours ago


Subheadings- Falls Prevention Content of the teaching: Who is at risk for fall? What is the cause of falls? What intervention that can be set in place to prevented falls? How can we work as a team to maintain and prevent fall? Paper must include two

Question Description

Subheadings- Falls Prevention

Content of the teaching:

Who is at risk for fall?

What is the cause of falls?

What intervention that can be set in place to prevented falls?

How can we work as a team to maintain and prevent fall?

Paper must include two references. One reference from an


titled, peer-reviewed nursing journal less than five years old


one from your course textbook. (ISBN 9780133801316)




or educational

websites (.org, .gov, and .edu) and the

course textbook (ISBN 9780133801316) Paper must be APA format!

Business. Law Assignment 6

Question Description

Instructions: Format each of your Answers as follows:

MANDATORY: Use the following outline for your EACH of your numbered answers:

These are “Definition” Questions.

Format each of your Answers as follows:

  1. Definition (quote from the Textbook, with page number)
  2. Explanation in your own words
  3. Example (either your own or one that is in the Text)
  4. Find a website that supports and further explains your answer (not one that I have included in our Course; include the website in your answer)

The Questions

Define EACH of the following:

  1. Offer
  2. Acceptance
  3. Consideration
  4. Forebearance to sue

End of Questions

Note: Assignment grades will be determined as follows: 50% content; 30% analysis; and 20% organization and mechanics.

MGMT 290 Discussion Board

Question Description

When it comes to project management it is never as easy as following the plans. There are behavioral dynamics very much at work also. What are the behavioral issues project teams and project managers encounter? What are the potential ethical issues involved and how Biblical principles apply to these issues? Please provide a real-life example of a company that encountered behavioral issues in project management. How did the company addressed these issues?

– 200-300 words

– at least two references

Operations ManagementMcGraw-Hill Education; 13thedition (February 15, 2017) by William J Stevensone-copyTextbook with Connect access code: ISBN13: 978-1259948206

Read: Stevenson, Chapter 17