Capital Market Efficiency Paper

Question Description

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to allow the student an opportunity to explain what it means to have an efficient capital market. Students will gain an understanding of the different levels of market efficiency and how behavioral finance can inhibit reaching market transparency.

Assignment Steps

Explain in 525 words what it means to have efficient capital market, including:

  • Describe the behavioral challenges in achieving efficiency.
  • Discuss the three forms of market efficiency.
  • What are the implications to corporate finance?
  • Would you consider the real estate market an efficient capital market? Please explain why or why not.

Write a 1 page proposal for your research project

Question Description

The proposal should be less than a page and explain what it is you intend to do.

– One paragraph describes the project – the topic should be about the core concepts of the course.

Cost estimation techniques – evolution, uses, effectiveness

Earned value – concepts, value, orgnaizational implementation

Earned Schedule

Budgeting and overhead

Risk analysis and management

Use of risk management tools – @RISK, Risky Project, etc.

Quality management

Procurement management

Ethics and professional conduct in project management

– One paragraph explains how you will conduct your research (what qualitative and quantitative analyses you’ll be incorporating).

– One paragraph explains what you will do with the research outcomes and paper in general

Discussion question sport management

Question Description

You will find articles (at least one of each scholarly and non-scholarly) discussing weather youth sport inevitably creates positive development outcomes. After you read over the information you have collected, form your argument. Do you believe youth sport inevitably creates positive development outcomes? The evidence you found will support your argument. Below are some articles to assist you in getting started, but it is not required you use them.

Coakley, J. (2016). Positive youth development through sport. Positive Youth Development Through Sport, 21-33.

Quinn, J. (1999). Where need meets opportunity: Youth development programs for early teens. The Future of Children, 9, 96-116.


Question Description

Prepare a synopsis (1 -2 paragraphs)

The primary ethical breach (1-2 paragraphs)

The fallout (1-2 paragraphs)

Your comments (1-2 paragraphs)

Bigger than Enron – (Last Name beginning with A-G)

Fly Wheel – (Last Name beginning with H-L)

Monsanto – (Last Name beginning with M-N)

FIFA – (Last Name beginning with O-P)

Bernie Madoff – (Last Name beginning with Q-S)

Charles Ponzi – (Last Name beginning with T-Z)

Each paragraph 50 to 60 words minimum.

Cultural Dimensions

Question Description

Cultural Dimensions

As a precursor to the “Looking Ahead” Assignment which you willsubmit in Unit 10, you will address cultural dimensions as seen in yourLearning Activity and the Reading on pages 163–165 from Chapter 5(Hofstede’s Framework and the GLOBE Framework). Review these and do someresearch on the Internet. Then address the Discussion topic:

  • For a company that has manufacturing facilities in the United Statesand in China, select two of the five value dimensions from Hofstede’sFramework (from pages 163–165 in Chapter 5), and compare/contrast thesedimensions with how the United States facility would be run versus theone in China, based on these work-related values.

add reference

) publicly traded company in which you are interested

Question Description

For this week’s discussion, research one (1) publicly traded company in which you are interested using the Internet and/or Strayer databases. Review its most recent statement of cash flows and income statement on the company’s Website. Be prepared to discuss.

  • Outline a strategy for companies to spend excess cash and maximize the value of that spend. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Compare and contrast the selected company’s statement of cash flows to its income statement. Suggest at least two (2) items from each statement that investors should analyze when deciding whether or not to purchase the company’s stock. Justify your response.

Manager vs. Leader

Question Description

Discussion Topic:

Thinking back on your own professional and personal experiences, identify someone you consider to be a great manager. Now identify someone you consider to be a great leader. This might be the same person, but it might be possible that two different people come to mind.

  • What is the difference between being a manager and a leader?
  • Describe the traits of the individual you consider to be a great manager.
  • Describe the traits of the individual you consider to be a great leader.
  • Do you think it is possible to train someone to become a great manager or leader? Why or why not?

Appreciative Inquiry

Question Description

Imagine you are a strategic leader who has to develop a mission, vision, and values statement of a NEW (imaginary) company. You will have to decide on a product or service that this new company would like to offer and clearly state it in your essay.

  1. You have to decide on a product/service you would like to provide. State it at the beginning of your essay.
  2. Go through the Appreciative Inquiry process and write up mission, vision, and values statement for this new company.

The paper should be between 2-3 pages, organized and referenced in accordance with APA format.


Class Discussion 2

Question Description

For maximum points, you must post at least 3 times to this board. The first post should be in response to the initial discussion question and must be at least (250 words) by Wednesday night. You will then post two additional posts to your peers (75 words) by Sunday night. Please use complete sentences and proper grammar in all postings. Cite your work according to proper APA style of writing and add at least two outside resources from the Bethel library in addition to any information you obtain from the textbook. See the syllabus for the discussion grading rubric.

Leadership question

Question Description

Interview people in leadership positions and ask them the lessons they learned from experience. We will discuss this in class.

Here are a list of questions you could ask (not limited to)

What is leadership?

Who is a good leader to you?

What traits are needed as a good leader?

Are there one or two experiences you look back on as having been especially valuable in helping develop your own leadership? Please describe briefly.

What you do as a leader?

What does your daily routine look like? Where you spend your time at work?

Is there any advice you would give people early in their careers?