behavior skills assessments

Question Description

Then, complete a self-evaluation using information you gained or realized through this week’s Books and Resources.

Prepare a written appraisal of your own specific skills and behaviors, and then examine how these can be beneficial to guide organizational change as a leader/coach.

Determine how these findings would affect your personal relations and those of others within an organization.

Then, provide real world examples of the application to support your assessment.

Support your assessment with at least five scholarly resources and five pages only. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

business law assignment 4

Question Description

short Essay Format: (minimum 100 words per answer.)

You must provide the Source(s) of your answers (textbook – WITH SPECIFIC PAGE REFERENCES; websites etc.)

Sorry, but if you do not give your Sources WITH SPECIFICITY you will receive an automatic failing grade. WHY? Refer to the Unit 3 Assignment.

The Questions (Submit the below in one Word document please):

  1. How is a Crime different than a Tort?
  2. Compare Intentional Tort and Negligence.
  3. What is the relationship between Breach of Duty and Standard of Care?
  4. In Strict Liability cases, why does the Defendant try to convince the Court that it is a Negligence case and not a case of Strict Liability?

Aquafresh White Trays Case Write Up 1 page

Question Description

1. Read the short case (Aquafresh 1-2 page) and make write up (1 page) for answering the questions at the end.


What accounts for the market success of the Aquafresh product? Keep in mind: As large and knowledgeable as GSK is, both P&G and Colgate already had similar products on the market, and both could easily defend themselves against the competitive launch of Aquafresh. More generally, what can be learned from GSK’s perspective, and also from Oratech’s perspective, about making open innovation work?

2. The template for the case write up will include: situation, problems, alternative solution, the choice of solution, conclusion.

Feedback Can Be Tricky

Question Description

“Feedback Can Be Tricky” Please respond to the following:

Part 1: Share a time when you provided feedback to someone (e.g., informal colleague feedback after a meeting or presentation or formal feedback such as during a performance review). How was it received? What did you do well? Knowing what you know now, how would you have improved it for a better result and/or relationship?

2: Share a time when someone provided you with feedback. How did it make you feel and what was your response? Knowing what you know now, would you have listened and/or responded differently?

Reply Quote

Conflict and Negotiation on the Job

Question Description

Topic: Conflict and Negotiation on the Job

Scenario (fictional): The SMQ company CEO has received variousreports from some directors and other managers and employees that thepresident’s leadership style is a transactional one and just is notmotivating employees to perform at their best. Using the reading on leadership,the negotiation steps in the Reading area, and conflict resolutionreading, negotiate with the president to change to a better leadershipstyle.


  • Your 1st post will be as the CEO and your 2nd post will be as the president.
  • As the CEO (1st post) make sure to suggest an alternate leadership style.

add reference and citation

Select a company that the Learning Team wants to learn more about (it should not be one used in any Team member’s individual assignments), and use Porter’s Five Forces model to categorize (NAICS) the industry of this company. Assess which one of the Porte

Question Description


Select a company that the Learning Team wants to learn more about (it should not be one used in any Team member’s individual assignments), and use Porter’s Five Forces model to categorize (NAICS) the industry of this company. Assess which one of the Porter’s Five Forces is the strongest in this industry, and why.

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to help students understand how manufacturing and service companies can maximize their competitive advantage. The Porter Five Forces Model from chapter 2 is discussed as a method to categorize and assess businesses and industries.

answer the following questions

Question Description

Learning Objective: Practice and summarize your personal awareness, leadership traits and behaviors in group situations.

Directions: Download and use the Hersey & Blanchard LEAD Worksheet, and here in your Journal explain in 250 words your responses to the following questions:

1. What were the findings of the Leadership Style Assessment?

2. Why whether or not you are surprised by the findings of the assessment you just took.

3. What, if any, valuable things did you learn from it and how can that be useful to you moving forward as you manage your career?

HRM/326 employee development

Question Description

HRM/326: Employee Development

Wk 4 Individual: Apply: Job Aid [due Mon]

Wk 4 Individual: Apply: Job Aid [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Resource:Job Aid Grading Guide
    Create a job aid that can be used to improve team performance within your organization.
    Create a 700- to 1,050-word job aid that includes the following:

    • Assess how it will be deployed.
    • Determine what type of training methodology you will use.
    • Evaluate whether or not there is a change management component to its roll-out.
    • Analyze the type of training technology that will be utilized with your aid.
    • Summarize what employees will be able to do after they complete training.

    Submit your job aid.

unit 5 Discussion

Question Description

Topic 1: BeneMart, a large national retail chain, is nearing its fiscal year-end. It appears that the company is not going to hit its revenue and net income targets. The company’s marketing manager, Ed Mellon, suggests running a promotion selling $50 gift cards for $45. He believes that this would be very popular and would enable the company to meet its targets for revenue and net income. What do you think of this idea?

Please research and explain the reasons Ed believes that by selling the gift cards at $45 would meet the targets for revenue and net income. Provide examples.

Week 7 – Public Health Tools: Epidemiological Studies, Surveillance, and Monitoring (Single Space)

Question Description

Answer the following discussion board Questions in Depth and Details:

1. Evidence is a key component in identifying trends and changing practice especially in the public health field. Choose a public health topic that you are especially passionate about. (e.g. water and sanitation, vaccinations, infectious disease, etc.) Discuss how studies/research support your views (for or against).

2. Choose a recent international or humanitarian disaster.What public health issues were associated with this incident? How would you manage these issues?

* APA Style

* One single space page per each question + a Reference Page

*VERY IMPORTANT: Include your thoughts as well as use ONLY Reliable references