Discussion 8

Question Description

Topic: Conflict and Negotiation on the Job

Scenario (fictional): The SMQ company CEO has received various reports from some directors and other managers and employees that the president’s leadership style is a transactional one and just is not motivating employees to perform at their best. Using the reading on leadership, the negotiation steps in the Reading area, and conflict resolution reading, negotiate with the president to change to a better leadership style.


  • Your 1st post will be as the CEO and your 2nd post will be as the president.
  • As the CEO (1st post) make sure to suggest an alternate leadership style.

Need to develop a risk response plan I will attach the file with the actual question a risk responce table and an explanation from three sources is required.

Question Description

description below is the exact home work, have to describe the risk response plan by table, can be a APA word or by ms excel strict APA checking,

No need to write many papers just one or two is fine but should use at least three sources and reference page is must.

“Write your second paper. Also, for the APA assignment, do the following:

Week four (homework) Developing a risk response plan – using a table created from the information gathered in three sources – you can either use the APA table format or create one in MS Excel and bring it in as a figure”

MOD 4-Reflective Discussion

Question Description

Module 4 Reflective Discussion

Course Integration and Reflection

In this final Discussion thread, please address the following:

  1. What concepts were most interesting to you?
  2. What concepts and ideas will be most useful to you?
  3. How do you believe you will use the concepts you have learned in MGT599 in the future?
  4. What actions will you take in the future to improve yourself and your abilities in these two areas?

After responding to the Reflective Discussion questions above, please complete an anonymous Course Evaluation Survey. Instructors are not able to view course evaluation reports until after the grade submission period is over. Thank you for your feedback.

BUS 521 Week 2 Discussion

Question Description

“Basic Business Research and Planning” Please respond to the following:

  • Describe three (3) critical areas of research an entrepreneur should examine prior to investing in their new venture. Next, explain how this research will assist the entrepreneur in developing their business plan. Be sure to include information from your textbook to justify your position.
  • Discuss three (3) sources of business funding an entrepreneur could utilize to finance the startup costs of a new business. For each source of funding present two (2) or three (3) benefits and two (2) or three (3) risks. Next, elaborate on which option you would prefer for your business model and why.

business processes

Question Description

business processes are important to communicate an organization’s best practices as they leverage themselves against competitors. Some benefits of business processes are that in the long-run, gains may be realized in cost reduction, meeting customers’ expectations, and streamlining business operations. Business process management then focuses on workflow which may hinder good performance. Identify a business process for which there is not yet a workflow diagram, explain the situation, and devise a workflow to address the problem. Defend your workflow and identify any areas of concern that may hinder successful implementation and a proposed remedy to that concern.


APA style

2-3 refrences

4-6 paragraphs

Discuss Technical, Human, and Conceptual Skills in relation to your job. Identify your current or ideal role/job in your company. Which skill set do you think benefits (or will benefit) you more? Explain.

Question Description

In order to achieve the highest possible score for discussion participation, post an original response to the topic. Postings will be graded on three critical elements: participation (shows high degree of engagement and interaction with others); timeliness (responses are on a consistent basis and throughout the semester); and critical thinking (addresses the question completely and in-depth; points are clearly made and evidence supports arguments/rationale; shows a clear grasp of content and elaborates with explanation and relevant, examples).Once the discussion boards have been closed, they will not be re-opened. Academic Integrity and respect for all students is expected; please see the syllabus for more details.

Target market, part of a essay

Question Description

part of essay , Target market for HP

  • Target Market
    • Who is their primary target market? Support with examples
    • Why do you think they choose this target market?
    • Do you think this is the best target market for showing revenue growth year over year? Why?

    Keep your writing concise, and to the point. Take out sentences that don’t change the story, take out words that don’t change the sentence. There is a example of what should u write in attachment.
    Rubic : Thoroughly discussed who the target market is, in depth, using a variety of segmentation tools to define the market. Defines the target market by introducing a persona(s).

Observed Behavior

Question Description

In you own words using 2 paragraphs briefly define Observed Behavior and the following:

Observed Behavior – The way in which these questions are answered will determine if an internal or external Attribution is made. consensus: did others act the same way under similar situations? In other words, did others arrive late on the same day?

Distinctiveness: does this person tend to act differently in other circumstances? In other words, is Joe responsible when it comes to personal appointments, not just work appointments?

Consistency: does this person always do this when performing this task? In other words, has Joe arrived late for work before?

1050 word Adolescent Essay (UOP)

Question Description

Consider the following:

Is the experience of being an adolescent the same for males and females? Is it the same across different historical times or eras? What about across different cultures or subpopulations within a culture? This assignment involves exploring similarities and differences in one of these areas. Using the University Library, search for articles that address gender, historical, cultural, or sub-cultural differences in adolescence.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper summarizing your findings. Your paper should include a brief introduction to the topic, a review of research findings, and a conclusion.

Include at least four references from professional peer-reviewed journals.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

MIS Assignment: Prepare an in-depth analysis of four case studies. Answer all the questions listed below for each case

Question Description

For all the details please check the attached file.

  • Answer all the questions listed below for each case.
  • The ‘answers’ to the questions are best formulated by reviewing the case and the reading materials up and including the current week in the course.
  • The questions are worded to help you apply the readings to the case, so don’t limit yourself to the case’s terminology and perspective. The best analysis will abstract the case content by applying the reading materials to draw broader lessons about the material
  • As for the Presentation you should summarize your analysis of only one case study in a set of PowerPoint slides