cost behavior case

Question Description

cost behavior case is attached. Please complete the case in Word. Copy and paste your Excel Regression results into Word. Be sure to answer all the case requirements completely and separate your answers according to each requirement. Think about your critical thinking rubric as you complete the case requirements and put yourself in the position of working for a company and analyzing this problem. Structure your presentation as you would if you were preparing it for your boss (clear, logical, complete, accurate).

I have also included an Excel spreadsheet with the data entered by the administrative assistant. You should review this data prior to the start of your analysis.

Discussion in HSTM research method

Question Description

Chapter 8 focuses on making inferences about a population from results on a sample.

  1. How can the results of a study be statistically significant but not meaningful? Give an example of when this might occur.

Chapter 9 focuses on describing and correlating data.

  1. Take a look at the attached research article on Thanksgiving. You do not need to read the entire thing, but skim it and look for something interesting and discuss it here:
  • It could be something you just find interesting
  • It could be something relating to your own Thanksgiving experience
  • It could be something surprising to you
  • It could be a critique or comment on the research methods used or the statistics

Nike Case Study Analysis

Question Description

Answer the following in up to 350 words each.

  • Describe the factors that drive Nike’s decision to stick with some form of network organizational structure rather than own its manufacturing operations.
  • Assess why Nike’s choice of a decentralized and networked organization structure worked well for them.
  • Summarize the current state of competition in this industry. Assess if Nike continuing to pull away from rivals, or if they are catching up.
  • Assess whether Nike’s organizational structure is still a major strength that contributes to its success, or if it is creating problems that will call for organizational design changes in the future.
  • Determine whether a matrix structure could improve performance for Nike.

Consider the four key perspectives of a balanced scorecard applied to your Capsim competition:

Question Description

Consider the four key perspectives of a balanced scorecard applied to your Capsim competition: (1) the learning and growth perspective, (2) the business process perspective, (3) the customer perspective, and (4) the financial perspective. Then respond to the following:

  • Provide an overview of an organization you are familiar with or one that you researched. Include in your overview statistics that describe the organization, such as its product/service, size, and number of employees.
  • Discuss whether the four key perspectives are relevant to that organization.
  • How can you utilize the four key perspectives to analyze and improve your Capsim simulation rounds?

Your discussion posting must be at least 250 words in length.

Two part question

Question Description

Part 2

Apply what you learned from completing the worksheet by doing the following:

  • Identify 10 rhetorical strategies or rhetorical fallacies that are heard often within the workplace (does not have to be your workplace).
  • Identify the type of rhetorical strategy or rhetorical fallacy that is being used, and then write an example of the stated rhetorical strategy or rhetorical fallacy.

For example (not to be included as part of your assignment):

Ad hominem: I know that you got that position over John because you were our manager’s favorite, even though you are not qualified, and John has the experience and education.

Loaded question: Are our hours being reduced to prevent a layoff?

Read the articles and identify the problem purpose framework and alignment

Question Description

  1. Read the article From Listening to Leading: Towards an Understanding of Supervisor Listening Within a Framework of Leader-Member Exchange Theory by Lloyd, Boer and Voelpel and the article Exploring Competitiveness of Thailand’s Cosmetic Industry Using Porter’s Diamond Model by Jinachai, Anantachoti, and Winit-Watjana.
  2. Draft a three-page paper wherein you identify the following with respect to each article:
    • the problem under investigation in each study as articulated by the researchers,
    • the purpose of each study as articulated by the researchers,
    • the framework (theoretical or conceptual) used by the researchers,
    • how the researchers explain the alignment of the framework to problem, and
    • how the researchers explain the alignment of the problem to the research purpose.

DB Week Eight

Question Description

As we get ready for the final exam, please post the following:

a. one concept that you are confident about

b. Explain the concept to the class, as if you are teaching us for the first time

c. you must pick a concept that has not been posted about in this thread above your reply

An example if this could be the matching principle:

1. one of the GAAP

2. We must match revenues earned with the expenses that helped to earn said revenues. Recognizing both in the same accounting period.

3. We use adjusting entries to match revenues with expenses in the example of prepaid liabilities

just 50words is fine.

Assignment 1 week 1

Question Description

Vroom’s Model of Expectancy Theory

In a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), examine how Vroom’s Model of Expectancy Theory can help with staffing issues in an organization. Include the following in your paper:

  1. Describe Vroom’s Model of Expectancy Theory.
  2. Describe how the model measures motivation.
  3. Explain how the measure of valence can aid staffing issues in an organization.

Your paper must include in-text citations and references from at least two scholarly sources, excluding the textbook, and be formatted according to APA guidelines outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

MOD 3-Class Discussion Question – Strategic Choices

Question Description

Discussion: Strategic Choices

Using the framework discussed in the background readings, critically analyze General Mills’ strategic choices at the Corporate level (remember that “corporate” level is the very highest level of the organization, with lower levels being the “functional” and the “business” levels).


What are General Mills’ corporate-level strategies? What generic Porter strategy does the company follow? Are General Mills’ strategic choices aligned with the Porter generic strategy you believe the company follows?


Using the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix, or GSSM (the GSSM can easily be found via a Google search), decide which one of the four quadrants General Mills fits best within? Defend your decision!

Evaluate the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Question Description

Option #2: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Evaluate the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Be sure to address the following:

  • Provide a brief summary of the current status of the agreement.
  • Describe the ways TPP is a free trade agreement.
  • Describe the ways TPP is not a free trade agreement.
  • Select one member country and analyze the expected effects on that country.
  • Select another country that is not a member of TPP and analyze the expected effects of being left out of TPP.

Your final paper must be 8-10 pages long, not including the title and references pages. It must cite a minimum of eight peer-reviewed or professional sources, and be formatted to APA