​Exploring Culture

Question Description

Exploring Culture

Our discussion this week focuses on culture; specifically the culture of the organization. Our authors define culture as a set of shared assumptions that determines how we act in the workplace (paraphrased from p. 283).

Let’s get comfortable describing our workplace in terms of culture.

In your initial post:

  1. Describe your current company’s culture. You are encouraged to do this using the three levels of organizational culture from our chapter reading. (If you’re not currently working, use your most recent position)
  2. Describe which type of culture exists using the competing values framework.
  3. Reflect on your responses – do you think you experience person-organization fit?

Reference: 9E Management, A Practice Introduction, Kinicki, Williams, McGraw Hill

Audits, Strategies, Culture, and CROs

Question Description

Please make sure to answer in APA format and use scholarly sources. Please cite sources and must be 3 or more. Total word count is 300 words or more. Make sure work is original there will be a plagiarism scan.

Audits, Strategies, Culture, and CROs

Please discuss with everyone your understanding of the purposes of internal and external audits in ERM. Develop your discussion with an explanation of three types of implementation strategies on page 62. Next, pick two roles of the CRO that you find valuable, and describe them along with your reasons for choosing them. Finally, discuss the pros and cons of having a risk-aware culture.

Module 02 Discussion – Importance of Time Value

Question Description

The concept of time value of money has numerous “real-world” applications. Some of the applications range from calculating the payment for a car or mortgage to estimating what interest rate is needed on an investment to send your child to college in 20 years.

In your discussion, respond to the following two questions:

  • Do you believe the concept of time value money is important in ordinary business relationships? Explain.
  • How would you use a concept of time value to determine the value of the business?

For your initial post, please respond with a minimum of 150 words. This will allow your instructor to ascertain whether you completely understand the concepts covered.

Understanding finance begins by reading reputable articles in newspapers/magazines such as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Forbes, Fortune, US News and World Report, Seeking Alpha, and other web based resources.

Question Description

Find an article that interests you and discusses and write 3 paragraphs. Your format should be:

  1. INTRODUCTION: Briefly introduce the article (author, date) and the major financial topic it attempts to address (bankruptcy, merger, financial crisis, financial literacy, a specific company). You may wish to find articles on securities (or ETFs or Mutual Funds or Bonds that reputable managers are recommending for purchase or a company that is intending to go public).
  2. MAJOR TAKEAWAYS: Discuss the 3-5 points the article made about the financial topic.
  3. CONCLUSION: What did you learn about finance and did the article address the question it posed. Include APA CITATION at the end of your post.

The purpose of this assignment is to help students gain a better understanding of calculations of cash flow and strategies to increase it.

Question Description

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to help students gain a better understanding of calculations of cash flow and strategies to increase it.

Assignment Steps

Select a multinational company from the following industries:

  • Retail
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Computer Hardware
  • Manufacturing
  • Automotive

Review the selected company’s most recent financial statements.

Calculate the following cash conversion cycle ratios based on the financial statements using Microsoft®Excel®:

  • Average inventory
  • Inventory turnover rate
  • Average account receivable
  • Account receivable turnover
  • Average collection cycle

Explain in 700 words the importance of the cash conversion cycle, including:

  • Discuss the purpose of the cash conversion cycle and its components.
  • Analyze the results obtained in the cash conversion cycle equations.
  • Propose strategies to increase the cash flows of the company under study.

writing assignment;

Question Description

read pdf…

Answer the following questions based upon your assigned readings and class materials. IF YOU USE ANOTHER SOURCE FOR YOUR ANSWER, YOU MUST CITE THAT SOURCE, but please be advised that other sources may give information that is not as discussed or presented in class and will not provide additional credit.

Your answers must be in complete sentences and free of typographical errors.

Your writing assignment must be saved as either as WORD documents or in PDF, with double-spaced, 1” margins. The assignment must be well written and professional in appearance. Your completed assignment must be uploaded onto Blackboard for submission. NO OTHER FORMATS WILL BE ACCEPTED. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS.

unit 1 individual project for ITAS365

Question Description

Assignment Details

You work for a consulting company that performs audits of a company’s IT infrastructure. Your company has been contracted to audit the IT Infrastructure for LSS (LMJ-Star Services). You and your team were sent in to complete the audit.

You determine that this will be the first review that LSS has conducted or been subjected to. An audit procedure needs to be established.

  • Explain to LSS management your teams responsibilities and functions.
  • Describe the steps that need to be followed to establish auditing functions for LSS.
  • Describe the audit areas that would be applicable to your contracted audit.
  • Describe which information systems would be considered part of the scope for the audit.

“ADDIE” model

Question Description

Question 1: What step in the ADDIE process do you think is the most important and why?

Resource is below….Use additional reliable sources if needed. cite apa style


Question 2:

The training process model ADDIE is so ancient the details of its origin are obscured in the mists of time. It has become the basis for many other training process models. Name and describe another model based on ADDIE. If you have experience with a model derived from ADDIE, share your impression of its value or limitations.

cite reliable references apa style. make good points. grammar is important. read and answer carefully.

Week 3 Assignment

Question Description

In Chapter 5 of the textbook, e-learning as a method of training isdiscussed. In Chapter 6, potential barriers of e-learning readiness toimplementing e-learning as a training method are examined. In a two- tothree- page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), examinee-learning and the barriers. Include the following in your paper:

  1. Describe e-learning as a training method.
  2. Describe the potential barriers of e-learning readiness.
  3. Analyze how e-learning readiness has affected your success at Ashford University.
  4. Explain what a trainer can do to prepare learners for e-learning.

Your paper must include in-text citations and references from atleast two scholarly sources, excluding the textbook, and be formattedaccording to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing.

Discussion in HSTM research method

Question Description

Chapter 8 focuses on making inferences about a population from results on a sample.

  1. How can the results of a study be statistically significant but not meaningful? Give an example of when this might occur.

Chapter 9 focuses on describing and correlating data.

  1. Take a look at the attached research article on Thanksgiving. You do not need to read the entire thing, but skim it and look for something interesting and discuss it here:
  • It could be something you just find interesting
  • It could be something relating to your own Thanksgiving experience
  • It could be something surprising to you
  • It could be a critique or comment on the research methods used or the statistics