Management unit 7 Discussion

Question Description

The steps for the process of making an ethical decision are described in Chapter 4 of your text. Using the steps, describe an ethical dilemma you have faced in the last year, and apply the steps to the process.

Using your own experience as well as the material from Chapter 4 of the text, address the following in your response:

  • Describe the ethical dilemma you were facing.
  • Apply the process for making an ethical decision to the dilemma, ensuring you include each step in the process.
  • Does the solution you arrived at when applying the process match what actually happened? Why or why not?
  • Explain how you might use the ethical decision-making process in your own personal or professional life.

incident handling discussion board

Question Description

Week 3 Discussion Board

11 unread reply.11 reply.

After watching the video, How to Build an Effective Business Continuity Program

How to Build an Effective Business Continuity Program (Links to an external site.)How to Build an Effective Business Continuity Program

  • Discuss the how Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is different from Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP).
  • Research and find various DRP templates for organizations. Please list a least three examples (e.g. NIST, MIT and others). Also, analyze and articulate the differences and similarities at least two of the templates.
  • Which template would you recommend for Wilmington University?

Strategic business planning

Question Description

The company is Subway. To feel confident that all of the employees in your strategic planning team understand all that you have taught them, you require each to prepare a streamlined version of the key elements of a strategic plan. You require each employee to prepare the following sections of a strategic plan for the corporation’s next 3-5 years: deliverable length 900-1200 words

  • Mission and Vision Statements (Simply copying from an existing real company is unacceptable.)
  • Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound (SMART) Goals and Objectives
  • Industry Analysis
  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, and Trends (SWOTT) Analysis
  • A Perceptual Map
    • Choose any criteria that you think are important to plot.
    • Explain why you picked the criteria.

Excel Best Practices

Question Description

Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length.

Excel Best Practices

Perform research on the Internet to find best practices or tips when creating and/or working with Excel spreadsheets. In your discussion post, describe TWO of the best practices or tips you found and why you think the tips are important.

Include links to sources used.

An example of one tip might be form and function should be completed in a spreadsheet before aesthetics (how something looks). It is important because we have to make sure everything works (data correct, functions and formulas correct) before formatting as sometimes if something looks really nice we can miss things that are not working. Please provide original work. No plagiarizing.

use City Baltimore’s 2018 CAFR to answer 9 questions for government and not for profit

Question Description

the work-paper reference should come form “Baltimore’s 2018 CAFR”


Summarize three key points from Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Policies.

In terms of general revenues on the Statement of Activities, please list the largest three types of revenues and the dollar amounts of the associated revenues.Are the revenues are exchange revenues or non-exchange revenues?

What are the three largest asset line items and three largest liability line items reported on the Statement of Net Assets and what are the amounts associated with each?

What are the primary elements of the Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet to the Statement of Net Assets – Governmental Activities Net Assets?


Make PowerPoint presentation with Case Analysis

Question Description

Please check the attached files.

Instructions are in the Task Page 1 and 2.

The book is attached too.

Please go to Case 16 (Page 77) of book. (Objectives, Strategies, Tactics, and the Bogie II)

Read the tasks and make a PowerPoint Presentation after solving the case with a good solution.

The overview of how to do it is written in the task 1 & 2.

Read the case from the attached book, “Objectives, Strategies, Tactics, and the Bogie II”. Make powerpoint presentation with small points of the case, problems and solutions with “pros” and “cons”, then recommended solutions. Please make a separate word file with notes for each slide to present.

Please let me know if you have any question.

Thank You


Question Description

This week I would like you to read an online edition of a newspaper and hard copy of a newspaper.

1. After reading through each section tell us what aspects you liked of each and what you didn’t like as much.

2. Which format are you more likely to use? Why?

3. Do you currently read a newspaper (hard copy or online) on a regular basis? Why or why not?

4. Did you grow up in a household where your parents read the paper on a regular basis?

5. Do you prefer reading an in depth report (like you might find in a newspaper) or watching a shorter version of the story (like you might find on a local newscast)?

TQM 8 Discussion

Question Description


One of the key partnerships in business is the partnership with suppliers. Consider how the following partnership considerations influence the supplier partnership. Also consider how this would impact Supply Chain Management (SCM) efforts for a business in the global marketplace.

Please answer the following:

  1. How does the concept of “The User” influence the supplier partnership? From a larger perspective, how would this impact SCM in the global marketplace?
  2. How does the concept of Just-In-Time (JIT) influence the supplier partnership? From a larger perspective, how would this impact SCM in the global marketplace?
  3. How does the concept of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) influence the supplier partnership? From a larger perspective, how would this impact SCM in the global marketplace?

Organizational Behavior

Question Description

Topic 1: Organization Structure

Organization structure:

  • Do some research on the Internet and explain what a flat organization structure refers to and then provide an example and explain why it is considered flat.
  • Which type of organization will be around in the long term in your opinion? Which organization type (based on structural attributes) would you want to work for?

Topic 2: Cultural Dimensions

  • For a company that has manufacturing facilities in the United States and in China, select two of the five value dimensions from Hofstede’s Framework (from pages 163–165 in Chapter 5), and compare/contrast these dimensions with how the United States facility would be run versus the one in China, based on these work-related values.

Understand what data needs to be collected to support HR practices

Question Description

1.1 At least two reasons why the organisation needs to collect HR data

1.2 At least two types of data that is collected within the organisation and how each supports HR practices

1.3 A description of at least two methods of storing records and the benefits of each

1.4 A statement of at least two essential items of UK legislation relating to the recording, storage and accessibility of HR data

1.5 An explanation of how you analysed and interpreted the data.

1.6 Your findings, presented so that they enable decision making.

Your findings, presented so that they enable decision making.