Complete 250-500 word Task for Fundamentals of Written Communication

Question Description

Fundamentals of Written Communication – Week 6 Assignment

Proposal for Change

At the end of Bryan Stevenson’s Ted Talk for your discussion prompt, the question of “what can we do” was asked. Use the following link to look up your own state senator:

Each senator has their own webpage that generally presents their stance on current events, and ongoing policy. Choose a topic that interests you and write a proposal for change to your senator.

Utilize your text, Pocket Keys for Writers Pages 203-208 to help you compose your proposal. Make sure to evaluate within your writing the proper pronoun agreement with the antecedent.

Your proposal should be at least 250 words, but no more than 500 words.

Money and the Financial System and Banking and the Money Supply

Question Description

Answer the following questions:

– What are the three important functions of money? Define each one of them.

– Why is universal acceptability such an important characteristic of money? What other characteristics can you think of that might be important to market participants.

– In acting as financial intermidiaries, what needs and desires of savers and borrowers must banks consider?

each of the questions must have at least a half of page of writing (150 words)

In addition your answers must prescribe to APA format.. You must submit a cover page, each question in a page by itself, and your references page must be also in a page by itself. And, please do not forget to reference your in-text.

Responding to Regional Trade Governance Seminar Eight Dispute Settlement in trade agreements

Question Description

Answer all the questions

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Investor State Dispute Settlement provisions in trade agreements?

Do dispute settlement mechanisms aid or hinder trade?

How important do you think politics are within the context of Dispute Settlement design? (read the Smith article before answering this question).

Word limit 300-350 Words (detailed reference list not required but your response should briefly identify which readings you are relying upon in preparing your response.

You may work together as a group in preparing answers to the above questions, but each student should submit separately.

I need my work on time and please let their be know matching ratio as plagiarism detection will lead to zero mark. thank you

Influence is to leadership as eggs are to an omelet

Question Description

Part #1: Discuss this analogy.

Part #2: Which influence tactic described in chapter 8 do you think would work the best for you? Why?

Grading Guideline for all Discussion Boards…

Total possible points = 25

  • 20 point deduction for no original post
  • 5 point deduction for not posting original post at least 24 hours before discussion board due date
  • 5 point deduction for no reply to a peer post
  • 5 point deduction for an “I agree” type reply that adds no value to the discussion
  • 1 point deduction for one or two spelling/ grammatical errors
  • 2 point deduction for multiple spelling/ grammatical errors
  • 1 or 2 extra points possible for outstanding posts and participation in the discussion board

Mid Term Review – 6 Discussion Questions

Question Description

Once the assignment has been selected by you, I will upload the 6 discussion questions for review (my timer starts when I access the questions.) You will have 2 hours to complete the assignment.

1. Textbook and reference materials will be provided to use. Chapters 1- 6 are attached from the text. 3 Word Documents are attached as well that show the concepts used/referenced in previous chapters of study from 1-6.

2. The questions will come from the lists of Learning Application Concepts – and those are/will be attached for review and reference. Be sure that you specifically apply these concepts to the integrative case.

3. Answers are to be no more than 40 lines of text.

MG 302 questions

Question Description

use at lest one paragraph to answer these questions.

Q1- Management is divided into four management functions, name them and give a brief explanation of each?

Q2- Explain Bureaucracy and give an example?

Q3- Explain Theory X and Theory Y?

Q4- Explain corporate culture and give at least one example.

Q5- Define management ethics. What is ethical Dilemma give me at least one example.

Q6- Name and explain the three levels of personal moral development, where are managers positioned most of the time?

Q7- What is CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), explain in detail?

Q8- Name five of the ten keys to effective listening?

Q9- What is self-managed team? Explain

Q10- In paragraph form, explain cross-functional teams and give at least one example.

500 word Written Communication (WARREN)

Question Description

Fundamentals of Written Communication – Week 6 Assignment

Proposal for Change

At the end of Bryan Stevenson’s Ted Talk for your discussion prompt, the question of “what can we do” was asked. Use the following link to look up your own state senator:

Each senator has their own webpage that generally presents their stance on current events, and ongoing policy. Choose a topic that interests you and write a proposal for change to your senator.

Utilize your text, Pocket Keys for Writers Pages 203-208 to help you compose your proposal. Make sure to evaluate within your writing the proper pronoun agreement with the antecedent.

Your proposal should be at least 250 words, but no more than 500 words.

Managerial accounting

Question Description

1. What are the differences between financial and managerial accounting?

2. How does product costing used in financial accounting differ from product costing used in managerial accounting?

3. What does the statement “costs can be assets or expenses” mean?

4. Why are the salaries of production w o r k e r s accumulated in an inventory account instead of being directly expensed on the income statement?

each question 100 words

Question Description

  • What specific records do you need to keep relating to the financial aspects of a project? Identify three examples.
  • How can you help to ease the transition of staff involved in a project to new roles or reassignment to previous roles?
  • Present your answer in 100 words, and identify at least two different methods.
  • Complete a piece of documentation for a project.
  • What should your outcomes evaluation state? Identify three answers.
  • How can you involve team members in the project review? Present your answer in no more than 50 words, and identify two different methods.
  • How can you document lessons learned and what particular areas might you focus on? Within your answer, think about questions you can ask yourself.

Management unit 7 Discussion

Question Description

The steps for the process of making an ethical decision are described in Chapter 4 of your text. Using the steps, describe an ethical dilemma you have faced in the last year, and apply the steps to the process.

Using your own experience as well as the material from Chapter 4 of the text, address the following in your response:

  • Describe the ethical dilemma you were facing.
  • Apply the process for making an ethical decision to the dilemma, ensuring you include each step in the process.
  • Does the solution you arrived at when applying the process match what actually happened? Why or why not?
  • Explain how you might use the ethical decision-making process in your own personal or professional life.