Cyber Security Assignment

Question Description

Individual Paper:

Complete a risk assessment and a threat vulnerability profile for an internet and intranet web site.

Complete a threat-vulnerability-asset worksheet. This is a small business firm that uses open source and Windows 7/8/10 and Windows Server 2012. Windows is used for the desktops and server. The firewall and network use PFsense as the vendor. Assume 1 windows server, 1 PFsense router and 1 PFsense firewall. And 3 desktops for the staff.

RE: Risk IT Framework for Management of IT Related Business Risk:

IT Asset Management:


Writing Requirements:

  • 3-4 page paper in APA format, for citations and refereneces

response to professor: management ethical and legal considerations

Question Description

International and Humanitarian Disaster Management

Week 5 – Ethical and Legal Considerations


Kapur & Smith – Chapter 3 Public Health Law, Chapter 5 Emerging Public Health Systems: Post Conflict and post-Disaster Settings

Coppola – Chapter 10 Participants- Multilateral Organizations and International Financial Institutions


Please discuss the importance and value of understanding cultural ethics as they relate to international/humanitarian disasters. Similarly, discuss why we as responders must conduct ourselves, and distribute resources ethically.

Discussion respond

1- Look at my post and respond to instructor comment clearly and completely.

2- APA Style

3- Use your thoughts and your critical thinking on answer

4- Please answer all comments clearly and completely.

Attached is professor’s response in which you need to respond to, all instructions should be on there.

Favorite top 10 movies

Question Description

1. I’d like to hear from you what YOU think the top 10 movies of all time should be. List them out 1-10.

2. Next to each movie explain why you think it should be in the top 10. It’s ok to look up what experts say are the top 10 films of all time. You may agree or you may not. I want to know what you think. I want to know WHY you think the movies you chose should be in the top 10. Next to each one you list give a brief explanation as to why you included it and it’s significance. Everyone’s lists may be very different and that’s ok!

3.Share with us YOUR 10 favorite movies.

Economic Dynamics and market growth

Question Description

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 12-15 slides (title and reference slides are not including in this count) discussing Economic Growth and Market Dynamics. Include the following:

  1. Explain what GDP is and how is it measured.
  2. Evaluate the validity of using GDP as a measure of economic output.
  3. Assess the validity of using GDP as a measure of social progress. Which elements (e.g., education levels, carbon dioxide emissions, gender/racial inequality) does GDP not consider?
  4. Identify and describe two alternative (multidimensional) metrics that take into consideration more than the exchange value of economic output. Do those metrics capture social progress/well-being? Explain.
  5. Explain if public officials focus exclusively—or even principally—on economic growth as a measure of economic policy success. Which other factors are also salient? Why?

Looking for a Technical Project Documentation topic “Tax Analytics and Reports” .

Question Description


I am currently working on a IT project. My Project Title is “Tax Analytics and Reports”. I am looking for a high level Documentation for my project. I attached two documents as a reference.

Attachment1 called “Job Responsibilities”.(Added my project responsibilities here).

Attachment2 called “Expected output Sample Project“. (This type of output documentation i am expecting from you).

Please take care of Plagiarism.


Things to be in Documentation:

1. Contents

2. Technologies Used.

3. High Level Flow Charts.

4. High Level Diagrams.

5. High Level Overview of the Project

6. Etc etc you can add more stuff from your knowledge around total of 15 to 20 pages.

​The Global Business Environment

Question Description

Essay QuestionTask:

Developments in the business environment have included the need to be more sustainable when delivering many products and services (for example, fashion, travel, technology or food). For a product or service sector of your choice, assess the importance of sustainability for the sector and the business organisations operating within it.


You should clearly identify the productservice sector that you are writing about. Your answer should consider the structure and operation of the sector – what changes will occur in who does what in the sector, and what these changes might mean for how businesses in the sector operate.

*** Words counts = 1400 words.

*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.

answer my question

Question Description

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Gantt Charts

Question Description

Tools such as Gantt charts can be used to manage the schedule. Challenges and issues may arise that must be overcome. External risks may cause a change in the scope of a project.

  1. What are some of the risks that must be considered in preparing a schedule? What external forces affect a project? Why do projects tend to go over the planned schedule?
  2. Continuing with the personal project you started in Week 2. What are some external events that could affect this project? What factors and risks may affect the schedule? What tools could you use to plan and/or change the schedule? Again, do not discuss costs in your response, as this will be covered in Week 4.

Criminial Justice: Unit 4

Question Description

1. Define probable cause. In detail, give your thoughts on whether probable cause and profiling are interconnect

2. In your best argument, what makes Terry v. Ohio so important to law enforcement officers.

3. Define stop and frisk. In detail, give your best argument for or against this police tactic.

4. Define the plain view doctrine. In detail, provide examples of places and items that can and cannot be seized.

-Word count must be at least 1,250 words for total assignment.
-Must be in APA style including in-text citation (author’s last name, year) and references.
-Must include at least 3 scholarly sources 1 being the textbook.
-Textbook: Hall, D. (2015). Criminal law and procedure (7th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning

Influence is to leadership as eggs are to an omelet

Question Description

Part #1: Discuss this analogy.

Part #2: Which influence tactic described in chapter 8 do you think would work the best for you? Why?

Grading Guideline for all Discussion Boards…

Total possible points = 25

  • 20 point deduction for no original post
  • 5 point deduction for not posting original post at least 24 hours before discussion board due date
  • 5 point deduction for no reply to a peer post
  • 5 point deduction for an “I agree” type reply that adds no value to the discussion
  • 1 point deduction for one or two spelling/ grammatical errors
  • 2 point deduction for multiple spelling/ grammatical errors
  • 1 or 2 extra points possible for outstanding posts and participation in the discussion board