Leadership in information Tech

Question Description

Week 2 Assignment – Reflection – Leading as a Builder with Strengths (meets objectives: SLO3)


Author a 2-3 page paper (excluding title and references pages) in APA 6th ed. formatting. This includes a cover page, in-text citations, headings, and a reference page. Please use credible sources, which may include government websites, book chapter, or preferably peer-reviewed articles to strengthen your topic points. Expand on this week’s discussion posts by reflecting on the synergy of your Myer’s-Briggs, CliftonStrengths 34® and Builder Profile®. Consider looking deeper and offering more examples to illustrate how you may be uniquely created to lead a team to deliver on the New Product or Service idea.

course outcomes being assessed: SLO3

grading criteria: see rubrics – Reflective Learning, Academic Writing

Case Study – Power point presentation

Question Description


Uber is growing at an extremely fast pace, and we are on-boarding and managing thousands of Customer Support Representatives all over India, specifically in our Centers Of Excellence (COEs).

Consider that there is a Global Program which has to be deployed to 1000 people and the duration for training is 8 hours, the timeline for the deployment is 3 months. How would you create a deployment plan for execution keeping effectiveness in mind.


•Structure your thinking and prioritize your propositions

•Put in place an effective management structure geared towards action

•Present your project and your solutions high-level

•Produce high-quality and insightful deliverable’s

Presentation Slide criteria:


•Content Relevancy

•Learning Strategy



The Power point shouldn’t be more than 10 slides excluding the title and appendix page.

Complete Short Discussion Posts (ATC)

Question Description


The term “moral hazard” describes increases in risky behavior resulting from efforts to make that behavior safer. How does the concept of moral hazard apply to deposit insurance and other bank regulations?


What contributions did William Shakespeare make to theatre? Be specific and name some of his plays that are still performed today.


How do you filter a record, remove the filter, and filter on specific values? (DATABASE APPLICATIONS


For this week’s reading assignment, choose one of the works and give an overview. Also, include in your response why the work you chose is categorized as American Literature.

Your initial post must be 5-7 sentences

READING: A Good Man is Hard to Find


Question Description

Create a 1,050-word communication style self-assessment based on the results of your DiSC® assessment and your own reflections. Include the following in your assessment:

  • Identify the different communication styles.
  • Compare the different communication styles. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?
  • Discuss how understanding your personal communication style, and the communication style of your team members, helps you to be more effective as a project manager.
  • Determine your primary and secondary communication styles.
  • Discuss the communication style that presents the biggest challenges for you.
  • Discuss the information on your DiSC assessment that was most surprising to you.
  • Identify one way in which you will adapt your communication style to be more productive.
  • Describe a real-life scenario in which you might apply this adaptation and how you will incorporate it into the situation.

APA Format

Leadership in disaster management paper (600 focused words​)

Question Description

Read the following assignment carefully to avoid revisions and refund.

” Propose your ideal form of leadership in the Disaster and Emergency Management Preparedness phase. Very important: Defend your argument using the principles of Critical Thinking. (Attachment will help you regarding those principles: What, where, who, when, how, why, what if, so what, what next?)

This Master level analysis should once again develop the specific detail answers to the Analysis guideline questions and meet the expectation of the Universal Intellectual Standards and good academic written communication. Length: 600 focused words (not including title page, abstract and references).”

*** APA style citation

*** Reliable up to date resources

*** (Attachment will help you regarding those principles:What, where, who, when, how, why, what if, so what, what next?) IMPORTANT

bath & body works environment analysis

Question Description

The paper should be around 9 pages including one page of APA style work cited, 2-3 pages of introduction of the company such as the history, brief introduce the external & internal environment, briefly introduce the SWOT analysis. Next, 5-6 pages of external environment analysis including porter five, general affects the industry to the company, competitive pressures, economic growth and stability, political and legal issues, changes in technology, socio-cultural trends.

What is the purpose of the Company?What is its value proposition to current & potential customers?What is their overall business level strategy.Has the company been successful?Why or why not? What external factors assist or hinder the realization of the company’s strategy?

The paper should be written in APA style, Be as comprehensive as is possible.

Organizational Behavior(Critical Thinking: Transformational Leaders)

Question Description

  • These assignments are an individual assignments.
  • All students are encouraged to use their own words.
  • Be three to five pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract orrequired reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards andguidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from

APA style

the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the

assignment calls for more.

• It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the safe assignmentOriginality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading.

  • Write a three-part essay (i.e., an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’sbody, and a conclusion paragraph) that address the questions using a question and answerformat.

Business failure Toys r us

Question Description

Throughout history, organizations have failed. Many have failed due to their lack of innovative structure and culture. Your group has the opportunity to research an organization that has failed because it was unsuccessful in implementing innovation. You may choose an organization of your own or one of the following: Blockbuster, Polaroid, Blackberry, Sears, Toys ‘R’ Us, Xerox, Atari, Kodak, or Borders. In this assignment, you will build PowerPoint presentation with a title slide, presenter’s notes, and references slide. In your presentation, address the following questions:

  1. What failing organization did you choose? (2 slides)
  2. What external factors contributed to the organization’s failure? (2 slides)
  3. What internal factors contributed to the organization’s failure? (2 slides)

Use Toys R Us

APA, at least one scholarly reference. Use presenter’s notes, reference slide.

Total Quality Management

Question Description

Quality Tools

One quality tool, beneficial to process development, is the flowchart. Consider several aspects of flowcharts as they relate to processes. Also consider how this utilization of flowcharts would further help professionals within the environment of business.

Please answer the following:

  1. How do flowcharts promote understanding of a process? How would this be useful to a business professional during their daily work efforts?
  2. How does flowchart standard symbology promote documentation of a process? How would this be useful to a business professional during their daily work efforts?
  3. How do flowcharts promote streamlining of a process? How would this be useful to a business professional during their daily work efforts?

Make sure you are supporting your answers fully and that your source research is identified with citations and references.

leadership theories matrix

Question Description

As a leader, you often need to display or clarify a concept. A matrix is a grid that contains information and offers a visual model of ideas. For this assignment, you will create a matrix that explains leadership theories.

Research the following five leadership theories and include these in your matrix (use the matrix template provided):

  • Trait theories of leadership
  • Behavioral theories of leadership
  • Contingency models of leadership
  • Skills approaches to leadership
  • Situational methods of leadership

Develop the definition and characteristics of various leadership theories and approaches to leadership (trait leadership, behavioral leadership, contingency leadership, skills leadership and situational leadership).

Provide one or more examples to support the definition or characteristics of each form of leadership.

Write out your explanations in each section using about 350 words for each section