method of forecasting

Question Description

Demand forecasting results in an estimate of future demand and gives an organization a basis for planning and making sound business decisions. Since the future is unknown, it is expected that some errors between a forecast and actual demand will exist, so the goal of a good forecasting technique would be to minimize the difference between the forecast and the actual demand. Articulate the difference in short and long-term forecasts, forecasting techniques, and the benefits and challenges of each technique. Finally, create a forecast for a situation with which you are familiar (personal or professional) explaining the situation and why you chose the method of forecasting that you did.





Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you

Question Description

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you:

  • Identify five recent commercials that you have seen or watched that you believe are effective at advertising.
  • Identify the part of the Hierarchy of Effects Model that the advertisement targets, noting the specific step in the model related to the part. Do any of the advertisements touch on the means-end concepts?
  • Answer the following questions in your assessment:
  • What market segment are the commercials targeted at (describe these target markets)?
  • Are the messages aligned with the IMC objectives?
  • Do the messages resonate with the target market?
  • Is the correct media being used to send out the messages?
  • What kind of message strategy is being used – cognitive, affective, or conative?
  • What recommendations, if any, would you make to change the message content?

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Suggest logistics performance priorities for DOMINOS (A fast food chain) explaining why you have come to your conclusion

Question Description

The Answer must follow the outline points below:

1. Executive summary (no more than one page)

– Summarize what is logistics performance priorities, what Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools have been applied to achieve the company’s objective.

2. Background information

– Briefly introduce the company background (e.g., name, products, business size, location, internal/external interesting facts, etc).

3. Problem Description

– Describe the objectives clearly and specifically.

– The objective may involve either logistics decision-making or process improvement.

4. Application of logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools that can be applied

– Describe what specific logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools can be applied to achieve the objective. This section should make it clear that you understand the concepts/tools you are about to use.

5. Analysis of expected results

– Analyze the expected results of the proposed solution.

6. References

Case Report

Question Description

8 to 10 page case report double spaced

All references have to be cited:


  • Books:
    • Douglas, S.P. and Craig, C.S. (2008) International Marketing Research, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
    • World Bank (2012) World Development Indicators, Washington, DC: The World Bank.
  • Articles:
    • Smith, S. (2012) “The New Economy: What It Really Means,” Business Week, November 17, pp. 27-31.
    • Knight, G. (1995) “International Marketing Blunders by American Firms in Japan – Some Lessons for Management,” Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 107-129.
  • Reports:
    • UNCTAD (2013) World Investment Report 2012, New York: United Nations: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
  • Internet Sites:
    • Central Intelligence Agency (2001) The World Factbook 2012(, Washington, DC: Central Intelligence Agency.
    • Hoover’s, Inc. (2012) Hoover’s Online (, Austin, TX: Hoover’s, Inc.
    • Jupiter Communications Inc. (, New York, NY.

All instructions are attached

Errors to Avoid in a Business Letter

Question Description

In the course of your day-to-day work, you need to write dozens of business letters, to your colleagues, clients, consultants, or vendors. Think what would happen if you were to make a critical error in your communication that will eventually affect your firm financially.

Using the South University Online Library research and read articles that describe the business costs resulting from unclear instructions. Based on your research and readings, respond to the following questions:

  • What are the kinds of errors that are commonly committed in a business letter?
  • What could be the results of such errors? Provide at least three examples.
  • How would you avoid such errors in the future? Explain in detail.
  • What would you include in a best practices document for writing a business letter? Explain the dos and don’ts.

please follow the instructions

Question Description

Please make your reflections substantial, that is at least 250 words. Be specific, with details, not vague.

Think back on Competitive Advantage and Diversification, two topics we covered recently. How are these relevant to the strategy you will be creating for our case study organization in Kenya?

Now think about competitive advantage and diversification in your own professional life. You’ll have to think outside the box here. What are you doing to put yourself professionally at a competitive advantage? Can you maintain that? What might you do in the future to diversify, and what can you do now to make sure that those paths are available to you in the future?

i uploaded the powerpoint of Competitive Advantage and Diversification in case you want to read it before you start.

CVP Analysis

Question Description

Cost-volume-profit analysis, or CVP, is something companies use to figure out how changes in costs and volume affect their operating expenses and net income. In other words, CVP is a methodical analysis of the dynamic inter-relationship between selling prices, sales and production volume, cost expenses, and profits.

Respond to one or more of the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Explain each of the three elements of CVP analysis. Discuss how managers use CVP analysis.
  • “Break-even analysis is of limited use to management because a company cannot survive by just breaking even.” Do you agree? Explain.
  • How does a company’s operating leverage effect its profitability?
  • Discuss the concepts of relevant costs and incremental costs. How do they relate? Provide examples.
  • In what type of business decisions can incremental analysis be used?

Complete the following journal following the instructions below

Question Description

In this Journal you will reflect upon the challenges faced when implementing a business process change in an organization. You should consult your text regarding possible responses to the checklist questions below.

Respond in a Journal posting. You will not have to respond to other students, but your response must be original. Only your first posting will be graded.


  • What obstacles might be encountered?
  • What strategies can the leadership team use to overcome them?


Your Journal should consist of a minimum of 300 words, and no more than 350 words. The Journal must be concise, well-written, and consistent with the requirements. It is important to consider the intangible variables affecting the implementation of change within the organization.

Unit 2 Journal Rubric



Content addresses checklist questions and meets requirements


Delivery (Well-written and within word count)




Complete Short Leadership Disc (TRIDENT)

Question Description

Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model has been a big hit in the business world, and these two academics have a huge business training and consulting with corporate executives. Search YouTube or Google for a video by either Hersey or Blanchard to try to get an idea of why they have been so successful selling their ideas in the corporate world. They have many videos, so try to find one that relates directly to situational leadership. Watch the video, and share the link with your classmates.

  1. Based on the video, were you impressed by Hersey or Blanchard’s presentation style?
  2. Was the video useful in understanding the concepts of Situational Leadership?
  3. After watching the video, are you surprised by how popular Hersey and Blanchard are in the corporate world?

Organization Skills and Abilities Essay

Question Description

The Assignment

Submit a written analysis of the selected topic below. The paper should be double spaced and the content of the paper will be 3 pages in length.

The Topic:

“Organizations often find that they need to develop new skills and abilities in order to expand their operations internationally. Consider the differences between operating in one country and operating in many countries. Write an essay describing the skills and abilities that an organization would need to develop in order to compete in the global marketplace. Explain why those skills and abilities are especially important in an international setting. Provide examples to support your point of view.”

You are required to follow proper APA or MLA formatting and use no less than 3 credible sources.

**Plagiarism will NOT be accepted.