Exercise: Writing Style Reflection

Question Description

Taking into consideration the “Writing Style” chapter 11 you just read, reflect on the reading and your own experience with professional writing. Please submit your response to the following:

  1. What is the most useful thing you learned in the “Writing Style” chapter and how will you use it in your own writing?
  2. What does the word “concision” mean to you and why is it so important in professional writing? Do you have a strategy (or are you developing one) for ensuring that your own writing is concise?
  3. Consider your own writing style in professional correspondence (i.e., emails for school or work, or other professional writing tasks you do on the job). How would you characterize your style. Considering what you have learned, do you think it is appropriate. How could your style be improved?

Effetive coaching

Question Description

What discoveries have you made in your research and how does this information inform your ability to evaluate effective coaching and its impact on organizations?

Consider these guiding questions:

  • What core concepts have you internalized about coaching? How will these concepts facilitate your approach in a developmental/coaching relationship?
  • What values have you identified in the profession of organizational and executive coaching that you can use as the basis for integration of your faith?
  • How can effective coaching impact the strategic outcomes of an organization’s leadership and therefore the organization itself?
  • What key concepts can you articulate in managing the coaching relationship(s) that appear necessary in an effective coaching encounter?

Your thread must be 600–750 words. Cite sources, including the course texts and scholarly sources, and include a reference list in current APA format.

TQM Journal: Teamwork

Question Description

Each week you will work on one aspect that will help you prepare for the course and reflect. Consider this Journal as study notes. This Journal will provide an opportunity to capture new ideas from knowledge gained and record your thoughts throughout the course. This will also give you an opportunity to record questions you may wish to research further in preparation for other assigned work. Please remember that copying and pasting your own notes without revising is a form of self-plagiarism.

Begin your journal entry with the label: Unit 7: Teamwork

Research the following topics related to Character:

1. Integrity

2. Honesty

3. Dependability

4. Initiative

5. Patience

Select three of the topics listed and compose three paragraphs describing the topics, one paragraph per selected topic, based on the course material, and additional research you conduct online.

6 business discussion questions. 1 paragraph each

Question Description

6 discussion post questions. 1 paragraph minimum each. this is for final business class. if you have questions ask.

1.Why is the SWOT considered the backbone of the business plan?

2. Of all of the reasons for creating a business model, which do you feel is most important? Why?

3.What is one major negative issue with farmsourcing? Justify your answer.

4. Which ethical school of thought is most appropriate for business? Is this the same as the one you feel is best in life? Why or why not?

5. Of all of the things you should know about a foreign market before entering it, which is most important? Why?

6. What would be the most negative consequence of firing or laying off a large portion of your workforce? Why?

BUS 100 – Strayer University – Week 1 Discussion Post

Question Description

Week 1 Explore Activity

Understanding Business Leaders

Choose one of these business leaders and click on the link to read about their role as a business leader and their leadership style:

Mark Cuban
Owner: Dallas Mavericks
Click here to read the article

Ursula Burns
Chairman and CEO of Xerox
Click here to read the article

Jay Z
Co-Founder of Carter Enterprises
Click here to read the article

Elon Musk
CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors
Click here to read the article

Tim Cook
CEO of Apple
Click here to read the article
  1. What are the key success strategies and characteristics of the leader you chose?
  2. How do you think these strategies and characteristics helped your chosen leader be successful?
  3. In what ways could you use this information to become a more effective leader yourself?

Weekly Communications, Week 7, Assighnment 7

Question Description

The Assignment will be:

 Brief (1-page, 12 Font, single spaced).
 Cover the key areas and objectives of the Lessons and assigned reading.
 Provide research, opportunities and to solutions for the topic given that week.
 Be in the assigned format for that week.

Assignment Rubric Points
1. Compliance with all directions, correct format following standard grammar. 50%
2. Content was logical, well written, and demonstrated adequate topic research. 25%
3. No evidence of plagiarism. All sources properly sited. 25%
Total 100%

Week 7:

Submit as a PDF a brief news article (1 or 2 paragraphs) the company’s involvement in a recent Imperial Beach clean up. Provide a photo of Imperial Beach and pertinent information, the who /what /where/how. This can be made up. See your text for formats. Have fun.

Company: Sarah’ Cookies local bakery

Location: Imperial Beach, CA

Failed innovation

Question Description

Organizations that fail to innovate find themselves in a situation where they have to restructure themselves to stay afloat.

Choose 1 of the companies listed below. Use the provided articles to support your understanding of the company’s situation.

Blockbuster Toys R Us Circuit City
View Article(s)
Circuit City
View Article(s)
Toys R Us
View Article(s)

Based on your chosen company, discuss how reorganization of its business structure would or would not have helped them meet new market challenges. In your response, address the following:

  • Specify at least 2 reasons why you think reorganizing was or was not necessary, and provide an explanation for each reason.
  • Suggest 2 strategies you think could have improved the company’s efforts to meet current market challenges and remain sustainable.

PowerPoint presentation on Alzheimer Disease and a hand out

Question Description

Prepare a 10 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that details your chosen health issue( mine is Alzheimer Diseases) and proposed health promotion idea ( to create a more personalized treatment plan). In your presentation:


  • Describe the demographics of our current aging population.
  • Include demographics specific to your proposed clientele.
  • Describe a brief overview of the leading diseases and high-risk behaviors among the older population.
  • Explain clearly to the viewer in the PP why you chose to address your particular chronic health issue.
  • Answer the following questions:
  • What role does it play within the health care continuum?
  • What does the program look like logistically?
  • Conclusion –
  • Reference Slide-

Include detailed speaker notes of 100 words per slide.

Use a minimum of 5 references to support your presentation.

Create a one-page Handout or brochure to accompany your presentation.

Ethical theories

Question Description

  • Read Boatright’s chapter 3, “Ethical Theories,” pp. 85-91 (textbook). Please note that I have excluded Nozick’s entitlement theory from the reading.

Read Case 3.3, “Clean Hands in a Dirty Business,” pp. 101-102 (textbook)

Assignment Directions: Answer these questions about Case 3.3, pp. 101-102

  • Do you recommend that Janet join Karen at Union Tobacco, Inc., as a marketing specialist? Why or why not? (Answer in 4-5 sentences.)

Explain which ethical theory supports your recommendation. (Answer in 250 words.)

Be sure to include in-text citations, as needed, and a Reference list that includes the case.

I realize that you may not be well versed in philosophical theories. That’s okay! Read the theory descriptions in the chapter, think about them, and answer the questions. You do not need to conduct additional research for this assignment.

Organizational behavior is really the combination of four areas of stud

Question Description

Part 1: Post a Response

Organizational behavior is really the combination of four areas of study – psychology, social psychology, sociology, and anthropology. While each of these areas involves an examination of people and their interactions, the focuses are quite different:

Psychology – studies the mind and how people make decisions.
Social Psychology – examines how people work in groups.
Sociology – explores how systems work within the organization.
Anthropology – examines how culture works within the organization.

Now, assume that you are an organizational consultant and have been asked by a new CEO to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the organization.

  • Of the four areas of study listed above, which would you focus on first?
  • Make sure to explain why you chose this area, and why it would take precedence over the other areas.