Respond to ONE OF THE DISCUSSION OPTIONS BELOW in a minimum of 175 words.

Question Description

Respond to ONE OF THE DISCUSSION OPTIONS BELOW in a minimum of 175 words. Please state which option you are replying to at the beginning of your initial post.

OPTION 1: External Industry Environment & Five Forces – Your Industry

Discuss which of the “Five Forces” is the most important driver of your industry (NB – be sure to first state how you define your industry).

Then consider and discuss which one “Force” might become the *next* driving “force” of your industry in the foreseeable future and why.

OPTION 2: Internal Environment: Capability & Sustainable Competitive Advantage – Your Org

Identify and discuss at least one capability in your organization that can lead to a sustainable competitive advantage? As a part of this, assess and discuss how this capability meets the VRIO Model of Sustainability.

Need an answer for the below.

Question Description

Information risk planning involves a number of progressive steps: identifying potential risks to information, weighing those risks, creating strategic plans to mitigate the risks, and developing those plans into specific policies. Then it moves to developing metrics to measure compliance levels and identifying those who are accountable for executing the new risk mitigating processes. These processes must be audited and tested periodically not only to ensure compliance, but also to fine tune and improve the processes.

Q1. The metrics you have developed to measure risk mitigation effectiveness must also be used for audit purposes. What are the process you will put in place to audit your compliance effort to see if your efforts are working? Is there a need to audit or examine the audit process and how often?

Minimum of 250 – 300 words.

Help in 750 words paper

Question Description

In a paper of 750-1,000 words, address the following:

  • Discuss cultural diversity in group therapy.
  • Explain the impact of cultural diversity on the group process.
  • Describe cultural barriers that may be encountered when working with diverse populations.
  • Identify culturally diverse groups that you would like to work with in your future career. Describe why these groups are of interest to you.

Include a minimum of three scholarly references in addition to the textbook in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

TQM Disccussion: Teamwork

Question Description


Teamwork is important to both organizations and quality. However, it is difficult to implement teamwork, if at first you lack a team. So, to begin with, leaders need skills in team building prior to improving skills in teamwork. Consider several factors of teambuilding, and then consider how this will influence leadership and teamwork once the team is established.

Please answer the following:

  1. What role does team makeup, or consistency, have in team building? How would this factor later influence leadership and teamwork?
  2. What role does team size have in team building? How would this factor later influence leadership and teamwork?
  3. What role does team member selection have in team building? How would this factor later influence leadership and teamwork?

Make sure you are supporting your answers fully and that your source research is identified with citations and references.

Polish my speech

Question Description

For this assignment I need my speech to be re-edited and polished before I record the speech. The introduction has all the major requirements (hook, link, reasons to listen, and thesis). The main points were excellent, but they need to be better supported. I need to have at least 2 sources in the speech for this week, Conclusion is fine.

The speech must be at least three minutes long. Submit the transcript of your speech as well. This must be 500 words minimum. The transcript of your speech should look very similar to the Week 2 assignment. The transcript should contain the same information but be a more polished version of the paper you submitted in Week 2. Just like your speech has evolved and progressed, the paper you submit will reflect those changes.

System Analysis & Design – Powerpoint

Question Description


Scenario: You have been directed by your project manager to describe thesoftware development life cycle for system development to a potentialstakeholder. You decide that you will create a presentation for thestakeholder.

For your presentation, you will do the following.

  • Create a six-slide original PowerPoint presentation.
  • Include a title slide and a reference slide. These slides do notcount toward the six-slide minimum requirement.
  • Describe the software development life cycle as a whole.
  • Identify and explain each of the different phases of the softwaredevelopment life cycle.
  • Include at least one graphic or image that correlates to thecontent. Remember to cite your graphic(s) or image(s).
  • Include at least one reference in your presentation other thanyour graphic or image references.
  • Follow APA style formatting and guidelines.

Remember to compare your presentation with the rubric before submittingit.

A discussion post A

Question Description

  1. Read M. Lee (2006) p477-482 “Environmental Harm as a Market Failure”
  2. Read B. Andrew (2008)
  3. Watch a short video explain externality
  4. Watch video “Tragedy of Commons”…

For this week’s group assignment, you will be discussing the profounding environmental issues in economics, namely “Market failure, externality, and the tragedy of the commons”.

. Answers should be posted to this discussion board for my review:

1. How’s the group member encountered externality issue in daily lives? Please give examples from both positive and negative aspects.

2. What do you think are the important factors that make it easier or more difficult to manage a commons?

3. With the last question in mind, why is it so difficult to deal with climate change in the human social-economic realm (a classic tragedy of the commons issue)?

Quality Management Discussion

Question Description

Performance Measures

One quality pioneer, Taiichi Ohno, had a significant positive impact on the field of quality within the realm of performance measures. Consider how this pioneer in quality helped change the world, and still influences organizations today.

Please answer the following:

  1. What role did Ohno play as a pioneer in quality? How are organizations today still influenced by Ohno’s work?
  2. What are the 7 Wastes? Select one and describe how it negatively impacted you at work or at home, with a real world example.
  3. Compare the role of Henry Ford with the role of Taiichi Ohno towards the business effort of mass production. What did you learn from this comparison that is still useful towards businesses today?

Make sure you are supporting your answers fully and that your source research is identified with citations and references.

Financial accounting

Question Description

Click here to view a list of the top ten accounting scandals of the past decade. This will help you to focus on the importance of internal controls and section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). There are several areas of financial fraud and fraudulent financial reporting. Each is different, but a violation is unethical and will create mistrust of the accountants and the accounting profession.

Discuss the misrepresentation of financial information to the public, and answer the following questions:

  • What statements are key targets for this manipulation, and what accounts found in the statements are the main focus?
  • How can this fraudulent information be detected? What are the steps to prevent these actions?
  • What is the importance of SOX section 404 to help with preventing fraud and fraudulent financial reporting

TQM Journal: Teamwork

Question Description

Each week you will work on one aspect that will help you prepare for the course and reflect. Consider this Journal as study notes. This Journal will provide an opportunity to capture new ideas from knowledge gained and record your thoughts throughout the course. This will also give you an opportunity to record questions you may wish to research further in preparation for other assigned work. Please remember that copying and pasting your own notes without revising is a form of self-plagiarism.

Begin your journal entry with the label: Unit 7: Teamwork

Research the following topics related to Character:

1. Integrity

2. Honesty

3. Dependability

4. Initiative

5. Patience

Select three of the topics listed and compose three paragraphs describing the topics, one paragraph per selected topic, based on the course material, and additional research you conduct online.