Decentralized Activities

Question Description

This week we covered Chapter 9, Evaluating Decentralized Operations and Chapter 10, Differential Analysis and Product Pricing. Decentralized Operations is when decision making and authority is transferred to subunits of the company. This is the difference in revenue and expenses between different products. Please choose a company which produces more than one product. Take at least two of these products and discuss the different costs between these two products which may make one more profitable than the other. It is not allowed to use the same company as a student from a previous post in Week 5.

Please make an initial post and two replies to either your classmates or professor. The initial post must be at least 75-150 words with one external reference in APA format, while your replies must be at least 100 words.

Identify key external stakeholders for Uber and their ERM requirements

Question Description

This is whole requirements. This is a team case assignments.

1. Identify current-state ERM framework, or components of different frameworks,as applicable

– Assume UBER is trying to build an ERM framework using COSO ERM (SeeTraditional Risk Course). What are the key parts of the framework that need to beconsidered and implemented? Think about how they would consistently implementthe framework across the enterprise or different frameworks in different businesssegments or in different ERM process cycles?

2. Identify key external stakeholders for your program and their ERMrequirements

3. Provide high-level assessment of case’s public risk disclosures (e.g., 10-K)and suitability for investors

– Provide general themes and also give some specific examples of good/badpractices


I’m doing Investors in question No.2.

So you need to identify investors as a key external stakeholder in Uber and their ERM requirements. It’s need about 150 words.

Transition to College assignment

Question Description

What does receiving a liberal arts education at Moravian College mean to you and why?

What do you expect to derive from your college education/experience?

• How do you think college will be academically different from high school?

What kinds of support do you anticipate needing for the transition?

What do you anticipate that you will have to do in order to achieve academic success in college?

• Based on what you have learned about writing thus far in your education, what are the characteristics of good writing? How do you know when writing is good?

Describe a piece of “good writing” that you have composed in the past and the process that you underwent to produce that writing (including, but not limited to, critical reading, research, drafting,

words – 600 words

Leadership Style

Question Description

Leadership Style

Understanding your leadership style can assist you in becoming a better leader. In this assignment you will:

Describe a leadership position you have assumed either amongst yourfriends, family, at work or in a civic/volunteer organization. It can bea temporary role you assumed, even as simple as deciding amongst yourfriends which movie to see on Saturday. If you assumed a leadership roleguiding or directing the decision-making, you were a leader.

  • Describe a leadership position you held in the past.
  • Explain the leadership style you used.
  • Explain how this style helped or hindered the success or decision-making of the group or team and why.

After checking your spelling and grammar, upload your minimum 250-word response in a Worddocument to the Unit 7 Journal Dropbox. Be sure to use APA format(i.e., 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1 inchmargins).

Complete Business Discussion 3 (BRAY)

Question Description

1.Share YOUR thoughts in at least 250 words in response to the following statement/question.

Do you feel strategic management should be more a top-down or bottom-up process in a firm? Why? Provide a thorough argument to support your stance that considers the processes of strategic management.

*Please note that any copied answers not in your own words will result in a zero on this assignment.

I also encourage you to engage in meaningful conversation about this topic with your classmates, so feel free to follow up to to their responses.

2.identify types of businesses/organizations that should probably evaluate strategy more frequently than others. Provide justification for your choices and be specific.

3.As owner of a local, independent supermarket, explain how you would evaluate the firm’s strategy. Please be specific and be sure your response is unique to you.

Complete Work Health and Safety Quiz

Question Description

Work Health and Safety

  • Compulsory Quiz

    This quiz is compulsory and must be completed with a minimum score of 90% (19.8/22). You are able to re-attempt as many times as necessary, and it is suggested that you have the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) on hand for reference while undertaking the quiz. The WHS Act can be found in the WHS Legislation Topic in this unit.It is recommended that you complete this quiz before attempting your Major Assessment for the unit.Failure to complete the compulsory quiz satisfactorily will mean that you are not eligible for a Pass Achieved in this unit, regardless of the status of your Major Assessment.Click on the link below to commence the quiz.


1200 words case study

Question Description

the required instructions page from the book is attached below

i need 1200 words minimum for this management case study. no plagiarism!!

Read through the Case Study entitled “Highline Financial Services, Ltd.” in of your textbook. Examine the historical trends this company has experienced for the three products (A, B, C) discussed over the 2 years shown. In a 4-5 page paper, not including the cover and reference pages, prepare demand forecasts for the next four quarters for all three products, describe the forecasting method you chose and explain why that forecasting method is best suited to the scenario. Explain why you did, or did not, choose the same forecasting method for each product. What are the benefits of using a formalized approach to forecasting these products?





week 10 assignment 3

Question Description

Assignment 3: Presentation of Assignment 2

Due Week 10 and worth 100 points

In this assignment, you will condense information from Assignment 2 to create a PowerPoint presentation.

Faculty Note: If there is a hardship for any student in being able to secure a microphone to complete this assignment, allow the student to use the Notes section of PowerPoint to write a narrative of what he or she would say if actually presenting.

Create a seven to nine (7–9) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

  1. Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below), followed by a slide with an executive summary containing a brief statement of your proposal, as covered within Assignment 2.
  2. Summarize your response to each of the criteria in Assignment 2—one (1) slide per criterion, for a total of six (6) slides.

From the real national/international market, select any publicly listed company (listed in the Stock market). Critically analyze the chosen company based on the following questions. 1. Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your re

Question Description


From the real national/international market, select any publicly listed company (listed in the Stock market). Critically analyze the chosen company based on the following questions.

1. Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your research.

2. Examine the 4 P’s of your chosen company based on the information given.

3. Use the porter’s five forces model to critically analyze the competitive structure of the organization.


  • You are supposed to choose a publicly listed company from the Stock Market.
  • You should use references (company website, financial databases, etc…)
  • While referencing, use APA reference style.
  • All students are encouraged to use their own words.
  • If Plagiarism is more than 25%, student will get zero marks.
  • Submit your assignment at the BB grade center on or before the END OF WEEK-7TH
  • Decision Making Business (SEYMORE)

    Question Description

    This DB has three parts.

    1. When making a decision it is human nature to make assumptions. Understanding the assumptions along with the consequences should those assumptions be incorrect is important. A best practice when making a decision is to make a list of any assumptions that exist. Discuss a decision you have made in the past in your professional life that was based on assumptions that proved to be incorrect. What were the consequences and how did you handle the resulting situation?
    2. There are many different decision making models available such as: the rational model; the seven step model; and the Carnegie model to name a few. What are the pros and cons of managers using decision making models?
    3. What factors should be taken into consideration when collecting data for a strategic decision?