Makeup 2007 Assignment

Question Description

The Makeup2007.xlsx file (provided) gives sales data for a small makeup company. Each row lists the salesperson, product sold, location of the sale, units sold, and revenue generated. Use this file to perform the following exercise.

  1. Summarize the total revenue and units sold by each person of each product. (2 points)
  2. Summarize the percentage of each person’s sales that came from each location. Create a PivotChart to summarize this information. (2 points)
  3. Summarize each girl’s sales (in both units and dollars) by location and use the Report Filter to change the calculations to include any subset of products. (2 points)

Submit one (1) Excel file that includes three worksheets (label them for each question above)

FYI, this assignment is to be done with Pivot Table and Pivot Chart. (Lecture Powerpoint and lecture excel file is included if you need.)

550 words Marketing In The Digital Age

Question Description

This is a memo that briefs the 3 different types of channels.

The memo should be minimum 550 words and should include applying the strategic digital marketing channels continuum, as follows:

  • Intermediation: The e-business’s information accessed through a brick-and-mortar medical health care or education provider
  • Disintermediation: The e-business’s health care information and services accessed directly, often substituting or bypassing traditional medical service providers
  • Reintermediation: The e-business’s health care information and services delivered by utilizing third-party online services for medical treatment advice, customer/user data analysis, registration and sponsorship payment processing, or information security protection
    • Reintermediation may also include the e-business’s marketing channel strategies that combine online click-and-order information access with on-ground brick-and-mortar service delivery

Support your assertions with links to online Web sites or services that have implemented the types of digital marketing strategy approaches referenced in your report. APA formatted and References

Complete Part 3 of Business Plan Financial Data SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT

Question Description

Use the Business Plan Guide provided in week 1 to write the financial section of the business plan.


Financial Data

1.The financial request

How much do you want? How will you use it?

How much debt and equity? Number of investors sought?

What are the terms of the deal you are offering investors?

What return are you offering?


Summary of 3 years actual, 3 years projected

Actual 20xxProjected 20xx


Net Income__________

Assets __________


Net Worth__________

Summary of Financing

Current AmountAmount Needed


Debt with Warrants__________

Convertible Debentures__________

Stock–Preferred and Common__________

Outside resources available at SBA.GOV

Discussion Forum 4 1 1 unread reply. 1 1 reply. How Do You Know If You’re Doing a Good Job?

Question Description

The Controlling function of Management helps us understand if we are meeting our objectives. It’s our job as Manager to be constantly evaluating “how things are going”, and to make adjustments if it’s necessary. We learn in Chapter 16 that there is a process associated with the Controlling function. Additionally, we learn about metrics, and the sources of information.


Think about where you work, and how you know if you or your team is performing well. Using what you know from Chapter 16, embed a video as your initial post. In your video, be sure to answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the Control Process for your organization.
  2. What metrics are being tracked? In other words, what is being measured?
  3. What area(s) of control is this?
  4. What level of control is utilized? In other words, who is doing the monitoring?

business assignment

Question Description

Imagine you’ve been promoted to a management position and you are tasked with developing your new team. In this assignment you will create a writeup that depicts the different elements that need to be addressed as you assemble your team.

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

  1. Explain how you could create a diverse team of employees with different strengths. Use scenarios to convey your idea.
  2. Discuss methods you would adopt to improve team dynamics and employee behaviors.
  3. Describe two (2) management techniques you would implement to ensure that your new team aligns to your company’s mission.
  4. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

3 questions … business and environment

Question Description

write a paragraph or two on each question. this is for a business and the environment class.

on question 1, think of a business situation and let me know.

on question 2 for work life, the student does not work but only goes to college.

For this week’s group assignment, you will be discussing the natural resource dependence theory (NRDT) and sustainability, two topics that you read about in previous weeks.

Working together within your group, please answer the following three questions. Answers should be compiled and posted to this discussion board for my review:

1. How can the NRDT be applied to business situations group members have personally encountered?

2. Which of the the components of sustainability have group members encountered in their work lives?

3. How can the concept of sustainability be applied to the NRDT?

The question that needs to be answered is: how long should the tasks in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) be?

Question Description

Please read the attached chapters…

The question that needs to be answered is: how long should the tasks in the WBS be?
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the minimum and maximum that are being presented. Think of examples where the 8/80 might not apply.
On a personal note: I do not believe that one of the numbers of the 8/80 rule is a good rule. Try to guess which number it is and what could go wrong when you use the 8/80 rule.
Double spacing makes your work easier to read.
Headings are very helpful – I should use at least 3.
Referencing to outside sources, makes your work more believable, even if a lot of it is your opinion.
Word count of 500 (plus/minus 10%) of text, without counting title page or reference page

TQM Journal 8

Question Description

Each week you will work on one aspect that will help you prepare for the course and reflect. Consider this Journal as study notes. This Journal will provide an opportunity to capture new ideas from knowledge gained and record your thoughts throughout the course. This will also give you an opportunity to record questions you may wish to research further in preparation for other assigned work. Please remember that copying and pasting your own notes without revising is a form of self-plagiarism.

Begin your journal entry with the label: Unit 8: Partnership

Research the following topics related to SCM Activities:

1. Security

2. Adaptability and Responsiveness

3. Globalization

4. Misalignment

5. Transitions or Crisis Management

Select three of the topics listed and compose three paragraphs describing the topics, one paragraph per selected topic, based on the course material, and additional research you conduct online.

accounting question

Question Description

Following up with your reading of the article and earlier comments and postings regarding unhealthy accounting practice of HealthSouth Corp. and the auditor, Ernst & Young, E&Y’s audit failure story, please let us continue our discussions a bit further with the following questions:

1. HealthSouth concealed the fraud by keeping the fraudulent transactions below $5,000. What recommendation would you have to Ernst & Young to improve its sampling practices?

2. What are several red flags that E&Y either was or should have been aware of in the audit of HealthSouth?

3. What procedures can auditors perform to detect fraudulent entries made by HealthSouth?

4. HealthSouth has sued Ernst & Young and Ernst & Young is also the target of a federal securities class action suit. What are Ernst & Young’s likely defenses against HealthSouth? Against the class action suit?

Pick one of the following terms for your research: Stakeholder, corporate citizenship, reputation, corporate governance, or executive compensation.

Question Description

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; thisdoes not count in the word requirement.SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 wordrange. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put anyweight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how thearticle relates to the selected chapter Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what wasalready stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing yourexperiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format.

Need Total 500 words Min