Mock Speech

Question Description

Mock Speech Write-up: You will be writing a 3-5 minute persuasive public

address speech focusing on a current issue in society. You will not

give the speech; you will just be writing what you would say. You will

write the speech as if you expect someone to deliver it (however, still

use 12-point Times New Roman font and double space). Your speech should

be about 3-5 pages in length. You will be graded on the rhetorical

strategies, the reasoning/argument of your persuasive claim, as well as

the writing, grammar and punctuation.

While it’s not necessary to quote Brummett, I should be able to spot his

influence in your speech. It’s the difference between my noting that

your speech reflects an awareness of, for example, culture-centered

criticism and your writing, “According to Brummett, culture-centered

criticism reflects…” Your audience will think, “WTF?”

Financial Analysis & Valuation

Question Description

As you go through the valuation of Whole Foods, here are questions to consider.

  1. What is going on at Whole Foods and how does that affect Karen Short?
  2. What is the case for buy? What assumptions are required to justify a higher valuation?
  3. What is the case for a sell recommendation? What is the narrative that results in a lower valuation?
  4. What are some best-practice principles for valuation?

This case is a valuation exercise for us. This case also brings up issues with forecasting and so we can discuss those as well.

When you are answering those questions, some calculations which may help you include

EBITDA Margin: EBITDA/Revenue for all of the firms. You may also wish to evaluate Enterprise value as a multiple of EBITDA. This will make it easy to see the different structures in high end/traditional grocer/supercenter stores.

need you to create resume and cover later

Question Description

hello I need you to create resume from my experience you’d follow my lead, you’d also create another file with cover letter as well.

( I work as casher when I was in high school. my communication skills and work ethic lead me to success year. my English communication with other people who don’t speak arabic to lead them in correct way. learn to much from this job and it was my first ever job)

( my other job was an adviser for construction workers, my skills help workers to commutate and develop the work we’re accepting. my English language at the time help to translate a lot of an clear situations )

I am from Saudi Arabia and those jobs were there. never worked in use. you might correct then also make resume and cover letter in separate files

Help with the asigment

Question Description

1. Read the chapter Understanding Nonverbal Communication pages 134-142. There is more in the chapter, but you are only responsible for reading pages 134-142.

Click here for the chapter. (Links to an external site.)

2. Write your responses to the following:

  • In your own words, explain how nonverbal communication relates to verbal communication. The reading discusses three (3). Be sure your answer reflects those three and your understanding of each.
  • List and briefly explain (1-2 complete sentences) the characteristics of nonverbal communication.
  • Select one (1) of the characteristics of nonverbal communication and give a personal example of how you have experienced this characteristic. This response should be a well developed paragraph (remember what that includes? Review if you don’t.)

Remember, the instructions say, “in your own words;” don’t just copy from the book. Read, understand, and write in your words

Please complete the following discussion post answering the questions below.

Question Description

The leaders of successful organizations are fully aware that change is necessary. Globalization and technological advancements require an adaptive approach, which raises the importance of process management, project management, change management, and agile management.

For this Discussion you will be evaluating the organization where you currently work (or previously worked) and address the following questions:

  1. Discuss the attention given to process management in your organization. Discuss a process that has improved the quality of service provided to internal or external stakeholders.
  2. How does your organization handle change requests? In other words, what’s the process used to evaluate changes required by the customer to a current project? What’s the role of the change control board (CCB)? Do you have a CCB?
  3. In Chapter 9, the “As-Is, Could-Be, and To-Be Process Diagram” is covered. Discuss your understanding of this diagram by using an example.

Winning the Lottery

Question Description

Let’s have a little fun this week, shall we? Pretend for a moment that you won $1,000,000 in the state lottery and had a choice between receiving $50,000 a year for 20 years, or receiving a one-time payment immediately for $560,000. After getting over your initial excitement, what payment option would you take and why? In your decision, apply the time-value of money by computing the present and future value of the payments. Show your calculations. Finally, what other factors are important to consider in making your decision?

Part 2

Assume that you borrowed $500 from a friend and promised to repay the loan in five equal annual installments, starting a year from today. Your friend wants to be reimbursed at an 8% annual interest rate. Explain how you would compute the required annual payment. Show your calculations.

Discussion this please

Question Description

Site: Pearson Collections
Section or Module: ENTR 5000 Entrepreneurship Process for Freeman at WU
Expiration Date: Feb 20, 2020
Click to Log in:

ID: Willied71pcola

PW: Student123

Refer to the case study in the textbook entitled “You Be the VC 1” for the company Beyond Meat in Chapter 11, Industry and Competitor Analysis on page 462. Answer either Question 36 or 37, shown below. Focus your answer on marketing and sales considerations. A paragraph is sufficient. Upload your completed document to this assignment.

36. Based on the material covered in this chapter, what questions would you ask the firm’s founders before making your funding decision? What answers would satisfy you?

37. If you had to make your decision on just the information provided in the pitch and on the company’s website, would you fund this company? Why or why not?

Mini Case Build the ultimate buyer persona for Mntrni? 2. Suggest 3 to 5 different revenue streams ideas that will work with this brand, you can use single or hybrid revenue sources and justify your reasons for each.

Question Description

  • All students are encouraged to use their own words.
  • Student must apply “Times New Roman Font” with 1.5 space within theirreports.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
  • Assignment -1 should be submitted on or before the end of Week-06
  • If the assignment shows more than 25% plagiarism, the students would begraded zero.
  • Instructions for the students:

    1. Assignment has to be in Word format only no PDF.
    2. First page of the assignment is the cover page, it should be filled withØ Course Code (ECOM 301) and Course Title (E-Marketing) and CRN- Student Name and ID. Number Date of Submission.
    3. Second page should be Assignment questions.
    4. After the question page then present your answer.
    5. Finally, your file should be saved as Word Doc like ID.NO- ECOM301 A-1STUDENT NAME.doc [only CAPITAL LETTERS]
      [Example.] 170058384-ECOM301 A-1 BANDAR ALGHAMDI.doc

Sales Management ( Task 7)

Question Description

Task 7

Welcome to Task 7!

The sales environment is highly competitive and dynamic to say the least. As a consequence good sales training is pivotal in maintaining a successful salesforce. Sales training although varied from one organization to another is an ongoing activity the objectives of which include teaching selling skills, increase productivity, Improve morale and customer relations as well as territory management.

Read chapter 10 in the textbook.

The newly assigned sales representative was perplexed about her inability to learn about consumers’ needs. She contends that her customers are not willing to tell her what problems they are experiencing. After making several joint calls with her, the district sales manager agreed she was not receiving informative responses to her questions. What are the characteristics of good questions? How can sales reps be trained to ask better questions?

discussion questions from book

Question Description

Book will be provided … minimum one paragraph per question (5 questions total)
Chapter 1, pp. 29, Discussion Questions (DQ) 1.4 & 1.8.

  • Ch. 4, pp. 146, DQ 4.1, 4.4 & 4. 7.