Risk Management Tools

Question Description

Group Portion

As a group, you are to describe a project that all of you will participate in, and include the following:

  • Define the goal of the project -To cook a fried chicken dinner(2 pages)

  • Individual Portion
  • Each group member is to come up with 2 risks to this project. Each risk must include the following elements:
    • What technique(s) was used to identify the risk?
    • What type of risk is it, and does it have specific IT elements and considerations?
    • How was the risk assessed, and how does it rank with all of the risks identified by the group?
    • Is the risk qualitative or quantitative, and does it work with an EMV or Pareto analysis with all of the risks identified by the group?
    • What is the response to this risk, assuming it occurs during the project’s lifecycle?
    • Provide at least 2 contingency plans for this risk (one primary and a second backup).

managerial accounting db5

Question Description

Is it important for a company to follow a strict budget even though they may be experiencing phenomenal profits? Do you think that there will be a bias towards greed when creating the budget for this company? Explain.

How does management greed influence budget decisions?

Please consider each of the questions separately in this post. It is important for you to understand the value of the budget as a blueprint for the business – even in times of exceptional “good news”.

It is also important to consider the role of greed within the budgeting process of the firm. Perhaps you might want to think about the budget as a communication to employees about what ownership and management believes is its focus.

You might even want to see if any other of the exceptional “bad boys” in the business world were reflecting their greed even within their budgeting documents.

(Mod3)- 4 Question Case Study, Attached Case and Rubric (Take your time with this its already late, mistake on my fault)

Question Description


After you have read through the case study, give thoughtful, well-developed responses to these case analysis questions, in a 1 – 2 page Word document. Upload your document by clicking the Submit Assignment button at the top of this page.

  • Write a critical analysis of how the global team was put together.
  • Which trap is the most critical to avoid? Why?
  • What critical success factors were present?
  • What would you have done differently?

Grading criteria and rubric for this assignment are located in your syllabus.


Writing Assignments are submitted through the TurnItIn plagiarism tool, which evaluates them and assigns a score for originality. If you receive a score greater than 20%, you will need to rework and resubmit your paper.


The assignment for this week is worth 100 points. It will be graded according to the Assignment Grading Rubric [PDF

When the capacity

Question Description

W5: When the capacity

W5: When the capacity of an organization to produce goods or services and the demands of its customers to purchase goods or services is not matched, then the result is inefficiency, either in under-utilized resources or dissatisfied customers.

Choose a local organization that produces either a good or service

Describe its capacity and demand concerns.

Develop an equation to calculate its capacity.

Define lead strategy, lag strategy, and match strategy, and recommend which your local organization should pursue and why.


Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories, which require supporting citations along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed reference in supporting your answer. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references. APA – 2 Pages . Forum Rubric attached .

Midte Exam Revie HEED 104

Question Description

Definitions (Choose 7 terms) (35 point)




Health Education


Health advocacy


Social Determinants of health


Risk factors








Health Literacy


Cultural Competence

Identifies (Choose 7) (35 points)


Identify the terms that describe the magnitude of a rate


Determinants of health (name 3)


Level of prevention


Healthy People Initiative


Identify predominant health education philosophies and define what

they are (3)


Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act


Public Health Advancements in the U.S (4)


Importance of theory (3)


Steps taken to develop a health education program

Project Outline – Develop a outline for your final presentation doing the

following: (30 points)


Select a professional health education organization or government



Summarize the goals and mission of the organization


Briefly describe organizational structure and how the general public

benefits from the organization


Summarize the funding structure of the organization


Discuss the importance of being involved in a professional

organization like this for your future career aspirations

Foundations of Global Ethics Discussion

Question Description

Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–300 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Use the Internet or the university library to identify a website or an article that discusses a framework for developing and implementing ethical policies and practices. Provide an evaluation of the framework, based on your knowledge from the course text and assigned chapter readings to date in the course. Compare and contrast your prospective of appropriate ethical practices and those stated in the example framework you selected.

Using Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) from Bloom’s Taxonomy, respond to the prompts. Be sure to demonstrate a mastery of the course content through the use of analysis, synthesis, and the application of ideas.

Cite reliable sources apa style

Question Description

1. Scenario: You have been asked by your boss to design a two-hour training program on harassment for a group of predominantly Millennial employees.* Which learning theory would you use to design it and why would you use that one? Describe two or three specific actions would you take to make help employees transfer their learning back to the job.

*For more information, including a definition of Millennial employees, visit this report from the U. S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (2012) and scan down to the Workplace section (about a third of way down); it begins with a Workplace Summary and includes Key Findings.


U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. (2012, November 12). The Millennial generation research review. Retrieved from https://www.uschamberfoundation.org/reports/millen…

2. Research a learning theory, write a summary of it; and tell us how you would apply it in developing training.

need a case study on 2 e-commerce websites

Question Description

Visit two e-commerce websites of your choice, and apply the social marketing process model to both. Critically compare and contrast the effectiveness of these sites in terms of the dimensions of the social marketing process. Address the questions below in your paper.

  1. How well do these sites acquire fans, generate engagement, amplify responses, create a community, and strengthen their brands?
  2. What recommendations can you make for these sites to improve their effectiveness at a global and local level?

Your paper must be at least two pages in length; the title and reference pages do not count toward meeting the minimum length requirement. Make sure your essay follows APA format. You must use a minimum of two external sources, which can include the two websites that you choose to review. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Operation management

Question Description

Business processes are important to communicate an organization’s best practices as they leverage themselves against competitors. Some benefits of business processes are that in the long-run, gains may be realized in cost reduction, meeting customers’ expectations, and streamlining business operations. Business process management then focuses on workflow which may hinder good performance. Identify a business process for which there is not yet a workflow diagram, explain the situation, and devise a workflow to address the problem. Defend your workflow and identify any areas of concern that may hinder successful implementation and a proposed remedy to that concern.

Embed course material concepts, principles and theories, which require supporting citations along with at least two scholarly, peer reviewed reference in supporting your answer.


1- APA style.

2- 4-6 paragraphs

3- (2-3) references and don’t forget to reference inside the text.

You need to cite and reference this book

Cost Identification within the Manufacturing Process

Question Description

Option #2: Cost Identification within the Manufacturing Process

Find the website for a beverage manufacturer/packager that describes the manufacturing process. Then use Microsoft Word to complete the following requirements:

  • Identify the company, its website and what it produces/packages.
  • BRIEFLY outline or flowchart the production process.
  • Define cost object and identify the cost object in the selected company’s process. (There may be more than one but stick to one for this assignment.)
  • From the process outlined in step 2, identify and list 15-20 costs incurred in the process (e.g., maintenance on machinery).
  • Using the cost object identified in step 3, group the identified costs into the following categories: direct variable, direct fixed, indirect variable, or indirect fixed cost.
  • Conclude your assignment by explaining what each category of costs is used for in calculating the costs of goods manufactured.

In your analysis, include the following:

  1. An introduction (#1),
  2. Requirements # 2 – 5, and
  3. Conclusion (#6).