Business Policy Nike Discussion (MORGAN)

Question Description

Nike is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the “Just Do It” slogan. Kaepernick will be one of several faces for a campaign marking that 30th anniversary. Below you will find an article speaking to the issue that this has caused. There is some concern this may backfire on Nike. Please read and comment.

The focus that I would like you to have is on Nike’s use of not just Kaepernick but others in the new campaign as well. Should Nike step back to protect the brand or are they sharing a view, thought that needs to be done? Is it a good strategy for a well know brand to make statements like this? Are they thinking beyond the brand and thinking of their contribution to a discourse that has/should happen?

Other articles that are out there now. Do you see a pattern?

Complete the following discussion post

Question Description

Topic: Measuring Processes

Process design and implementation is outcome driven. To achieve desired outcomes, successful process design results from an understanding of the task(s), which will complete or support the task(s), as well as any restrictions (legal, physical, or other) to the process design. However, successful design implementation depends on the use of metrics to manage and measure the process(es). With this in mind address the following questions:

  1. Select one task that you are currently or were previously responsible for performing. Isolate the type of metric measurement used to evaluate the task process to determine if the process was being followed correctly.
  2. Address how frequently the process was evaluated and whether the feedback provided contributed toward or detracted from a successful outcome(s) for that process. If no performance measurement was used, identify a set of measurements to evaluate the task and discuss how and why that measurement would ensure successful task completion.

Evaluate the Role of Politics in Organizational Functioning

Question Description

The effects of politics are prominent throughout all organizations. To address substantive improvement, an effective leader must develop a solid understanding regarding the effects of politics operating within the organization. Make use of the assigned readings for the course, as well as additional applicable scholarly sources, describe, in sufficient detail, supportive references that cite the perceptual role of politics within organizational functioning that involve the following:

  1. How decisions are made in the context of political forces from various employees, stakeholders, and interest groups, particularly when allocating scarce resources.
  2. How bargaining, negotiating, and collaboration are involved within the decision-making process.
  3. How the concepts of organizational power and conflict can be controlled among organizational employees, stakeholders, and interest groups.
  4. How organizational politics have affected an educational setting of interest (e.g., school or school district) and how you could minimize existing negative outcomes.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Minimum of five scholarly resources

3 Page Case Study Paper

Question Description

This case study will challenge you to apply what you have learned about understanding userneeds, product concept development, user-centered design, and the use of product platformsand architecture to reach new customers and new markets. In this case, you will explore 3M’sGreptile Grip Technology.

Case Questions1. What other applications do you envision for the Greptile technology within the sports andleisure market? (5 points)2. What new market applications (outside of sports and leisure) do you envision for theGreptile grip technology? Justify why you think these new market applications arewarranted. (5 points)

Compose your answers to the case question as a MS Word document (Arial, 11 pt, 1.5spacing). Your submission must be 2 to 3 pages in length.

The paper and responses to the question should lean heavily towards innovation, specifically understanding user needs, product concept development, user-centered design, and the use of product platforms and architecture to reach new customers and new markets

create a PowerPoint presentation based on your paper

Question Description

Part 2:

For the next aspect of this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation based on your paper. Assume that you are giving the presentation to students, like yourself, who have yet to take this course.

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

Length: 5-7 slides (with a separate reference slide, if needed)
Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide

Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information. Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

2 page Leadership Essay (DEX)

Question Description


In this unit, you were introduced to various leadership styles and some of the benefits and challenges of each. For the Unit I Essay, you will research this further and consider your own leadership style.

Your essay will address the following:

  • Explain which leadership style you find to be the most effective: transactional, transformational, autocratic, democratic, liberal, or servant. As part of your explanation, include a detailed description of the leadership style and why you find it to be the most effective.
  • Include examples of leaders who have successfully utilized this leadership style to increase the performance of their followers.

Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length in APA style. The title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum page length. Outside sources are not a requirement for this essay, but if you choose to use them, they must be cited and referenced according APA guidelines.

critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030

Question Description

  • compose a critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030, which you locate in the Saudi Digital Library. Your essay must include the following:
    • Title page;
    • Introductory paragraph (a brief paragraph that simply and succinctly introduces the topic);
    • Body (a series of cohesive paragraphs that include in-text citations and further discuss the topic (this is where your critical analysis comes in with support by the in-text citations);
    • Concluding paragraph (a brief paragraph that summarizes the information, refers back to the introductory paragraph, or offers a future outcome of the information presented in the essay body); and
    • Reference page(s) formatted according to Saudi Electronic University and APA standards.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Locate appropriate, credible source information.
  2. Evaluate source information from a variety of credible sources.
  3. Identify basic APA style documentation and formatting rules.
  4. Use information responsibly by giving credit where it is due and citing sources accurately and in the proper format.
  5. Compose a critical analysis essay.

Investments assignment 4 questions

Question Description

Please review the questions below before placing a bid

You proposed a portfolio for your client with 60% in stock A and 40% in stock B. Stock A has an average weekly return of 0.88% and stock B has an average weekly return of 1.32%. Beta for stock A and B are 0.8 and 1.3 respectively. Now you want to deliver a performance report to the client regarding portfolio performance on a weekly basis.

(a). What’s the portfolio average weekly return? [2 points]

(b). What’s the portfolio beta? [2 points]

(c). You have calculated the portfolio weekly standard deviation: 3.9%. What’s the Sharpe ratio of the portfolio? Assuming weekly market return is 0.9% and weekly risk- free rate is 0.04%. [3 points]

(d). Still assume the portfolio weekly standard deviation is 3.9%, weekly market return is 0.9% and weekly risk-free rate is 0.04%, what’s Jensen’s Alpha of the portfolio? [3 points

assignment – complete excel

Question Description

Upload only one MS Excel file with your work using the attached answer form. No other file formats accepted.

Organize your work in a neat presentation.

I am providing you with two files (below). One has the assignment material. The other file, an Excel file, is the form for you to write your answers. You must use the Excel file for your answers. No other files will be read or considered.

On the Excel worksheet form:

  1. Write your name at the top.
  2. For each industry sector, write your company choice by entering only a company letter.
  3. For each industry sector, write your evidence supporting your answer.

You must complete the assignment. Partial work is not accepted and no partial credit will be given for partial work. Put simply, you must show five company choices and write about your evidence for each of your five choices. Anything less than this will receive a zero grade.

Cultural Bag

Question Description

Write a 3-page paper, typed, and double-spaced in which you discuss your personal journey using the guidelines below. Use anecdotes, provide examples, and most importantly, MAKE IT PERSONAL!

  1. Consider your racial/ethnic heritage; reflect upon your known and unknown ancestry (roots). Also indicate the accompanying attitudes and feelings of significant others in your life toward culturally different groups.
  2. Review your personal and family values. Give examples of how your values are expressed in your everyday life (e.g., family, work, relationships, etc.).
  3. Identify your own cultural group (as distinguished by language, music, food, religion, region, dress, education, socio-economic class, sexuality, gender, etc.). How has your racial/ethnic/cultural identity affected the way you interact with others, and the way others interact with you?
  4. Discuss any cultural conflicts you have experienced directly or vicariously, e.g., cultural adjustment, values conflict, general confusion, delights …!

By the way I am from Saudi Arabia so right about my cultural.